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NEW ZEALAND REPRESENTATIVES. TO VISIT AUSTRALIA. Some weeks ago the N«w South Wales Rugby Union, with the concurrence of the Queensland Union, invited the New Zealand Union to send a team o\er to Australia to play a series of matches in Sydney and Biisbane. A special meeting of the Management Committee of the New Zealand Union was held yesterday afternoon, when it was definitely decided to accept the invitation from New South WaJes. The date of departure for Sydney was fixed for Friday, 3rd June. The team will leave from Wellington. It is the desire of the committee to send away the strongest combination pos&ible, in view- of the rncieahing strength of the Australian unions. RUGBY. TEAMS FOR SATURDAY. Following are the teams selected to represent their rebpectivo clubs in the football matches to-morrow :—: — SOUTHERN CLUB. Southern v. St. James's, Athletic Park, No. 2 ground : J. P. Harris, J. Flanagan, J. Burns, J. R. Johnson, H. Mitchell, L. Campbell, W. Cunningham, E. J. Houlihan, J. Lundon, A. Burns, J. H. Campbell, G. Johnson, C. M'Cuire, and M. Guthrie. Southern Juniors v. Old Boys, No. 4 Polo Giound : R. Potter, F. Hylton, G. E. Warburton, M'Shane, J. Reynolds, Gray, J. W. Duncan, Duggan, D. Campbell, T. Davis, H. Mortenson, Fraser, Chirnside, Kavanagli, and R. Hastings. Southern Third v. Porirua, at Pprirua. Train leaves Thorndon Station 1.20 p.m. : J. Peek, Alexander, B. Wetherall, P. J. M'Enirney, J. Parker, C. Ruasell, A. BusFeii, W. F. Pope, A. Parker, O. M. Johnson, F. Miles, H. Whiterod, F. Stevens, Byer, and L. •Barltrop. Southern Fourth v. Old Boys, Miramar East, No. 6 : F. Patience, W. J. Smith, J. W. Telford. S. Wallis, G. Gray, T. Taylor, V. P. Barton, G. Morrison, Ruiledge, Edwards, F. Powell, Z. M'Leod, A. Hague, N. Mitchell, and Williams. Southern Fifth Class v. Wellington College, at College Ground : L. H. Curtice, H. Hansen, W. H. Mncey, L. Standen, F. Murphy, W. Scott, C. Tilyard, T. Smith, L. Whitelaw, G. D. Christie, L. Jones, S. Robinson, Bray, R. Harris, and F. W. Tavendale. HUTT CLUB. Senior v. Old Boys ■ J. Anderson, J. Neilson, T. Hekita, E. Cudby, A. Routley, A. Logarr» J. M'Gurk (captain), L. Allen, T. Turner, G. Fraser, J. Sullivan, E. Judd, C. Staunard, J. Tannahill. and J. Stevens. Third Class v. Wellington : T. Langford, R. Steven?, T. Pilcher, T. Prunsiftg, A. Williams, E. Hayes, S. Schuster, W. Hayei>, J. W. Nicholson, A. Sweenson, W. Higginbotham, D. Greig, S. Trevethick, E. Bates, and C. Hayes. Emergency, G. Keys. Fourth Class v. Johnsonville : J. Young, C. Tiller, J. Jonea, M. Hayec, A. Kilmin»ter. D. Nielhon, J. Dowmney, C. France, R. Chapman, N. O'Brien, J. O'Keefe, D. Peck, 0. Speedy, W. Stratton, W. Patterson. Firth Class v. St. Patrick's Colleße B : L. Judd, C. Pole, 0. Oudby, H. Wendle, H. Alexander, N. Routlev, E. Macintosh N. Dennehy, G. Matthews, J. Osborne, M. Maraskill, G. Trevethick. W. Watson, J. Wilson, and E. Aldersley. EXCHANGE CLUB. • The following will reprewM the Exrhange Club in their match against Poneke on Miramar Park No. 1 : Meech. Morgan, Hally, M^urra-y, Brooker, Baker, Walker, Sutherland, Thew, Hyanv, MowaM. Martin, Taylor, Nowson, Turner. Marshall, Ryan. ST. JOHN'S CLUB. The following will represent St. John's Club : Junior v. Petone, Hivtt No. 1 (showground-)— Hull, Elliffe, M'Leay, Martin, Crawford, Clancy, Lovell, Fawcett, N. Ajidrew, Murray, Dallas, Bertinshaw, Bray, Neill, and Coad. Third v. Athletic (East's No. 6)— Orr, Mcnard, Semmens, ftyan, Reid, Lamb, M'Morran, Rowc, F. Andrew, A. M'Kay, D. M'Kay,, Middlemas,' Sutcliffe, and Barnw. Fourth v. Oriental B (Newtown Park) — M'lvor, C. Andrew, Smith, Hodgson, Barr, Douglas, Burr, Newham, Konru, Brown. Parker, Camp, Thompson, Weir, and Bennett. PETONE CLUB. The following will represent Petone : Senior v. Wellington— W. Miller, Coi?on, M. Ryaii (captain), Joe Ryan, J. M'Kenzie (vice-captain), J. Daley, D. Price, Shardlow, Drummond, Lindtay, Nankivill*, Parrant, Dent, M'Farlane. ' Emergencies — Strickland, Arrowsmith. ! Junior v. St. John'? — Parker, StrickI land. E. Ryan, B. Cudby, Whitley, Boyd, Nuiin, G. Parrantj F. Ryan, \V. H. Ryan, ABhton, White, Arrowsmith, Collier, T. Price. Third-Class v. Star Boating— Hill, Daley, Renai, Guthrie, Mooney, Walsh, j J. Mooney, Hagan, Coreon, P*arr, Taplin, Instone, Moore, Ryan, Chandler. I Emergencies — Miller and New] and. Fourth-Class v. St. Jamee's — F. Blake, Parker. Burns (2). Chancy, Wil«>n, Riddler (2). Newland, Davis, Henry, CotI ton. Hill. Cunliffe, Miller. Emergencies — Wright, Battersby. Fifth-Class v. ' St. James's — Mick Smith, Bale, Colquhoun, M'llvride, Fitzmaiiritp, Murphy, Nunn, Whitley, j Hickey, KLng, Swain, Webb, Hardy, . Daniels, Nankiville. ATHLETIC CLUB. The following will represent the Athletic Club :— Senior v. Oriental, Park, No. I ; referee Mr. J. Francis : M 'Donald, S. WilBou, Evenson, Clark, Denham, Organ, Murray, Kivell, Murphy, Reedy, Irvine, Uapson, Uell, A. Wilson, and Osborne. Juniors v. Victoria College, Polo No. 3; referee, Mr. W. Spencer: Atkins, J. Gosling, Gibson, Madden, Luxford, Johnson, J. Cunningham, Douglas, W. Wilson, Bott, Gledhill, Moiris, Stringleman, Duff, C. Murray. Emergency, J. H. Muriay. Thirds v. St. John's, East's No. 6j referee, Mr. L. F. Keys : S. Jonea, Hutchinson, Allen, Churchward, Kuch, L. Wilson, Shakes, Stratford, Bert Smith, Bernie Smith, Deihl, Fitzgerald, Price, Coulton, J. 11. Murray, Brown. Fifths v. Selwyn A, Athletic Park, No. 2; 1.45 p.m. : P. Donaldson, R. J. Adams, A. Hugh, M. Pool, IT. Adams, S. Luxton, H. Hunt, G. Bilderbeck, K. Aekins, Knight, W. Osborne, R. Stevens, Newport, If. Reese, F. O'Sullivan. Emergency, S. Binning, B. Thomson. MELROSE CLUB. The following will represent the Meltone Club in their matches to-morrow :—: — Junior v. Wellington, Polo No. 2 : Lindsay, Gooch, Patterson, Meat's, Royle, Powe>-,* Muhoney, Melhuish, Johnston, Hannan, Spearman, Jones, Gilchrisl, Laughton, Armstrong. Emergency, E\*ans. Thirds v. Oriental : Doarne. Hardiment, Bott, Murray, M'lnness, Ellis, Russell, Cotter, Ferris, Cartmer. Hoare, Bramley, M'Carthy, Sinclair, J. Twomey. Emergencies, Carter, Dicks, and Thonu. Fourths v. Victori* College : J. Davis, J. Lo Conptej Brooker, Compton,

M'Coll, Church, Spearman, Milton, Latham, King, Lenon, Mackay, Helliwell, Anderson, M'lnnery. Emergencies, Gray, Hicks, and Johns. Fifths v. St. Patrick's A : Hickey, Simon, Miles, Helliwell. J. Gray, P. Gray, Morrin, Hobbn, Barber, Linon, Edwards, Dee, Jenness, Ballinger. Emergency, Martin. PONEKE JUNIORS. The following will represent Poneke Juniors in their match against St. James's at Eaet's No. 5, on Saturday : Coiding, Morris, Dwyer, Wilson, Sinclair, Easton, Pilcher. Price, F. Calcinai, Donaldson, Todd, Fawsett, B. Calcinai, Chesterman, Barlow. ST JAMES'S. St. James's v. Southern, No. 2, Ath--letic Park : A. Thomas, G. Bradley, W. Baumgart, F. Crewes, S. Phillip's, E. Roberts. H. Roberts, F. Wright, A. Tyler. C. Hills, R. Wi»hton, J. Moffitt, A. Bruce, C. King, A. Donaldson. St. James's Juniors v. Poneke, Miramar : Ryder, W. Crewes, Finlayson, Young, Ferguson, Dobson, Helliwell, W. Healy, E. Brown, /aine, Hoare (2), Hope Sullivan. ASSOCIATION. COMMENCEMENT OF CHAMPIONHIIIP MATCHES. The Wellington Football Association's championship matches commence tomorrow. Following are the t-ent-in teanife :—: — Fiis-t Division. Swifts v. Petone, at Petone — Swifts : M'Lean, Pye-Smith, Wilson, Khf-ch-berg, Graven, Guise, .Vessey, Scott, Sparow, Swift, Hey. Rovers v. Wanderers, at Duppa-rtreet — Rovera : Penlington, Fraser, Roulslon, Martin, Brabury, Bethell, Gilletpie, Barry, W. Gibson, Duncan, Astin. Diamonds v. Ramblers, at Newtown Park — Diamonds : Marshall, W. Roberts, Fitzgerald, Barnett, Taylor, Thorley, Black, Tonge, Lowe, D. Roberts, Reddy. Ramblers : E. Edwards, Algar, Cross, R. Page*, H. A. Coward, A. Smallbone, Johnston, Anker, Fergusson, Trevethick, H. Waters, C. Webster, U. Webb. V.M.C.A. v Thistles, at KelburnePark — V.M.C.A. : E. Hollis, D. Moore, C. Coates, W. Elford, R. Millar, A. Gowans, E. Phillips, J. Elford, J. Schofield, E. E. Timperley, R. Gibson. Second Division. Diamonds v. Wanderers, at No. 6 Miramar — Diamonds : Ella, Roberts, Riley, Johnson, FitzgeraJd, Collins, Magee, Lowe, W. Robinson, Hall, L. Robinson. Reserve— Cometti. Toa. Porirua. United v. Webb-street P.M.— Porirua : W. Wineera, V. Mexted, B. Wineera, E. Mexted, B. Paraia, F. Goldsmith, W. Kerehoma, Joe Wineera, D. Greer, W. Arthur, K. Wineera. V.M.C.A. v. Maritl Old Boys, at No. 9 Miramar— Y.M.C.A. : H. M'Giir, J. Wilson, W. L. Wilson, G. Wilkins, A. Macklin, J. Self, W. Hobson, A. Corni*ootfc, Hughes, C. Murphy. Brooklyn v. Mental Hospital, afc Porirua — Brooklyn : Hester, Hastings., Quilter, Whyatt, Dalzid, Keeble, Herzog, Greeks, Holland, Quilter, Greeks, and Beavis. Train leaves Thorndon station at 1.20 p.m. Third Division. Diamonds v. Wadestown — Diamonds : Makin, M' Master, Algar, Adams, Stone, Murphy, Black, Desmond, Wheldoo, Wilton, and Harrison. Reserve — Sanders. St. David's v. V.M.C.A.— St. David's : R. Lowry, C. Bold, A. Thomeon, Powell. Robinson, M'Connell, A. Bold, Proebsel, Gosney, Miller, Morris. Y.M.C.A. : Hamerton, Coad, Maiden, Lennox, Urquhart, Weekley, Hodge, Hibbard, Ward, M'Kay, Faldcr. Brooklyn v. St. \johnV, at Miramar No. I—Brooklyn1 — Brooklyn Eleven : Davidson, Hoole, llobinpon, Furnees, Atkinson, Davis, Hayes, Naylor, Laing, Moore, and M'Ginty. Fourth Division. Swifts Ay. Swifts B — A (marone) : Adams, Wiflin, Schock, Watson, Pierce, E. Guise, C. Guise, H. Guise, Balbis, Thirkell, Abel. B (whit#) : Hewitt. Hamilton, Irvine, Ward, Edge, Worger, Kutner, Feeney, Temperton, Hyde, Tr el ford. St. David's v. V.M.C.A.— St. David's ; M'Connell, I). Wilson, E. Thompson, R. Thompson, Caverhill, Miller, R. Lowry, M'Connell, Roy, Lowry, Wileon, aiid two to be selected on t*h« ground. Brooklyn v. Ranger* — Brooklyn : Flockton, Shaw, Hill, Baldwin, Head, Barton, Wakeham, Hudson, Kellaway, Brown, Smith. Fifth Division. Swifts v. Seatoun — Swifts : Borrows, Curry, Oakley, Humphries, Brown, Spermin, Jones, M'lntyre, Temperton, Helper. Emergencies — Ward, Higgie, and Kirby. Island Bay v. V.M.C.A.— V.M.C.A. : Hindmawn (2), Greville (2), Parminler, Maddocks, Collins, Matthews, Fraser, Keene, Graham. Emergencies — Reid, Mildenhall. Sixth Division. Island Bay v. Maiist Bros. — Island Bay : Shaw, Hint-ett, Myers, J. Pound, Reid, King, D. Halky, Mildemhall, A. Greville, L. Condcr, M. Greville. Emergencies— Ranson, Conder. The following is the fifth-class team to represent Wadestown v. Ramblers, at Miramar, on Saturday : Haihvood, Lambert, Fitzgerald, Cook, Hanratty, Gason, Larkin. Campbell, Jenner, Nash, M'Phail.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 88, 15 April 1910, Page 3

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FOOTBALL. Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 88, 15 April 1910, Page 3

FOOTBALL. Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 88, 15 April 1910, Page 3