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> -fig ANOTHER STRIKING INSTALMENT OF LONDON DISCOUNT GOftDS. J*J < [ 25 Advantageous Purchases l London Buyers 25 I r 79 Absolutely New and Seasonable Goods secured at Disconnts ««? ) > v *Zf; nt ranging from 15 to 75 per cent. Pe wc? nt 5 > Our London buyors— who are ever watchful of the Interests of "Patrons" of "The Economic"— h«we bee« \ ( successful In securing a number of special lines in high-grade seasonable goods at discounts ranging fpom 15 to 75 percent. In conformity with our usual fixed undevlating rule, we pass this great "Saving Onto < our customers. The goods will be offered from day to day in the various departments. The secona Instalment, of which we give particulars TO-DAY, will be on sale in their respective departments on TUESDAY and Following Days. < > Gilds Biught at 15 per cent. Discount. Goods Bought at 25 per cent. Discount. Goods Bought at 50 to 75 per cent. Discount ) English Samples, purchased at 25 per S TINSEL BELTINGS— In silver, 50 doz ALL-WOOL HOSE— 4-1 rib, cent, below cost, we are offering at < ( gold, oxydised, and silver embroid- seamjess throughout, unparalleled the lowest prices — AH at London Dis- ) y ered, sky, helio., green, pink, navy, value London Discount Price 1/4J count Prices — \ {_ vieu.x rose, amethyst, and saxe blue ; FRILLED PILLOWCASES— lA, 1/6, ) ( li, U, I?, and 2in wide. Special , 1/11, 2/3, 3/6, 4/6 each \ Discount Prices 9d, J/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9 DUCHESS SETS— I /g, l/ 11, 2/3, 2/6, < C 15 doz FRENCH KID GLOVES— 2/11, 3/6, 4/3 set ) > Self stitching and imperial points, in TRAY CLOTHS— AII sizes, embroid- S > 3in and 4in wide S A.TIN-BACK RIB- lan » beavei, browns, and pastelles, ered and hemstitched— l/*, 1/6, 1/9, J ( BON VELVET— In black, brown, fit and quality guaranteed eT™™^™ 2 /^ 2 /^?.'! 1 * 3/C eacU J > moss, amethyst, etc., 50 pieces London Discount Price 2/3 pair SIDEBOARD RUNNERS— I/I I, 2/6, < V Lvadon Discount Prices 1/9 & 2/3 yd m ni Tnm«^ nn 2/9 ' 3/6 ' A > % each ) ( ' NIGHTDRESS BAGS— I/6, 2/6, 3/6, \ > 4/6 each J C „ .. ... __„,„,„ T SPOTTED LISLE HOSE— Assorted The above lines are all hemstitched ) y 3in, 4in, and sin COTTON-BACK tans, spliced heel, geamlens toe, well and beautifully embroidered. < RIBBON VELVET— In all new col- fashioned ; don't mi&s this bargain ! 30 only MUSLIN COSEY TOPS— In ) ? ours, rich velvet pile, new moire London Discount Price 1/3 pair ecru and white, richly embroidered, S > des igi> 8 .„.-,.,.„,,. ' neat designs, fine quality muslin J t London Discount Prices, 1/., 1/3, 1/6 London Discount Price 1/- each ) C ' PEGGY AND WRIST BAGS-With hVrkh ) ( BLACK GLACE SILK RIBBON— strap and chain handles, black, brown designs, "&ize 22in x 22in, very effect- % > Stiff, for hair ties, sin and 6in w ide ; i and tans i ve London Discount Price I/, each < ( a very special line at London Discount Prices 9d, 1/. 20 only MADRAS BRIS BRAE ) > London Discount Prices l»id, l/« yd C DETAIN S^-24in deep, plaia and \ v flounced, floral and trellis designs J C r>T^/-<r<\r n<nc! Xt- i c j .1 London Discount Price 3d each S V, PEGGY BAGS — Nicely fitted with J CSHOE TIE RIBBON — In tan and purse, scent bottle, and mirror, all TRIMMED MIIIINFi? v 1 /■ black, 1 Jin wide, line cord quality, at colouis; wonderful bargains, which \qq EXCEPTIONALLY SMA.RT \ ( London Discount Price 9d yard should not bo overlooked | MODELS-^ln velvet silk and fur J ( London Discount Prices 1/6, 1/9, 1/11 in tho latest shapes' including the ) S "Dollar Princess,"' "Tricorn." '"Cay- \ C GOLD TINSEL RlßßONS— Embroid- ' alier/' "Gendarme," etc. These are ) ( ered in colours, \ery handsome coat HANDBAGS— New American- shape, absolutely the finest value we have \ V trimming, all newest colours with outside pocket, strap handles, ever offered ; having been bought by S I Loadon Discount Price 6d yard on i y exceptional value | Dul " l ' on ° on buyers at enormous dis- ) > London Discount Prices 1/9, 1/11 j counts, ye aie m the position of <. /»«/"{ being able to ofrer these exceedingly ) ] smart Models q.t less than a third of \ Best English Electro-plated Nickel their ordinary value «^ ( Silver BELT CLASPS— Handsomely PURSES — With and without handles, Special London Discount Price, only } > engraved in newest designs inside poc\;et, lined leather and suede l 15/6 < ( , London Discount Price 2/11 each London Discount Prices 6d, 9d, !/• Come in at once and see them while ) f _j the selection is complete. \ /* la view of th» bolid»y on Haada'.v, tbis Store will be «pen all day Wednesday. S S \3Si\fa&%Mß!i & iiEiflAialiEi I , JjLCI., Wellington's Popular Drapery Store. <[ i

MILLINERY SCHOOL, BOULCOTT CHAMBERS, BOULCOTT-STREET. fTHHE CORRECT SYSTEM AND THE I. SAIAIVIEST STYLES. EVENING CLASSES HELD. M. HAMILTON. Milliner. fTVHE L ANGER SCHOOL OF DRESSX CUTTING — ihe mar\ellously simple Blouse und Skirt Cutter, the Latest Invention, puts it within tho po^er of any ordinarily intelligent woman to make her own Blouses and Skirts. Classes duilv 10 to 12 and 2to 4. Tuesday and Friday Evenings 7 to 9.— MISS KATE STEWART, Principal, 94, \Villis-»treet, opp. Shortt's. EASTER MILLINERY ! JUST OPENED, FOR THE EASTER TRADE. A SHIPMENT of NEW MILLINERY! A very smart lot of Ready-to-Wears in Tweed and Felt, all good colours, at lieubonable Prices. MRS. MATHEWSON, HANNAH'S BUILDINGS, 266, LAMB-TON-QUAY. FACE CREAM WITHOUT GREASE. ICILMA FLUOR CREAM is the one really safe face cream. Bciug free from grease it cannot clog the pores or grow hair, and it needs no powder. It removes tan, roughneas, chaps, redness, and blemishes, and is the only cream that cleans tho pores and brings true Natural Beauty. Fragrant, refreshing, and most economical. ICILMA FLUOR CREAM. On Sale at BARRAUD AND SON, Molesworth-st. LEN. M'KENZIE, Manners-street. W. B. P. PERROTT, Newtown. GEO. MEE, Lambton-quay. Es per Pot. WHY LOOK OLD? YOU can absolutely refuse to grow old if you will but u&e THE HEMSLEY BURNET HAIR RESTORER. It positively restores grey or faded hair to its natural colour, stops it falling, removes dandruff, and aids generally in developing the beauty and luxuriance of the hair. Pleasant and clean to use. Price 4b 9d. G. Mcc, W. Salek, C. H. Perrett, and All Chemists. BOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OP WOMEN AND CHILDREN. fIIHE Secretary will be in attendance at X the Rooms, Bridge's Buildings, 102, Willii-street, on TUESDAY and FRiDAY MORNINGS, from 10 to 12.30. All communications strictly confidential. SOCIETY TOR THZ PREVENTION OP CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. THE public are earnestly requested to kindly communicate any aot of cruelty to animals that may come under their notiea to O. W. Carroll, Secretary, National Mutual Boildias*. 1 v. BUTLER. Special Exhibition of NEW PICTURES Br ENGLISH and COLONIAL ARTISTS, Now on View. LAMBTON-QUAY. WELLINGTON. IJ O S E P H, • LADIES' TAILOR (Lato of Nodine and Co). Fine show of New Autumi> Goods on View. Costumes from £4 4s. Skirts from £1 ss. Ladies' Oun Material made up. BOULCOTT CHAMBERS, Boulcott-street. 'Phone 3083 "VIAVI HYGIENE." A BOOK by Hartlard Law, M.D., and H. E. Law, F.C.S., explaining the natural principles of the Vis»\i System of Home Treatment for men, women, and children. Is by post Is 4d. Lecture? to VV union Every Thursday, 3 p.m. Free. VIAVI CO , Bank N.S.W. Chambers. Lainhton-quay "YOUR~\YIXTKiTCOS'FUMIif WIJiL be a i eproduct ion of tho styles now t-o fmouved in the West End of London and the Continent, if made by HAYWAKD. The lnie» of grace which this clever artist imparU to the Coat be••prak tho master loiich Ladies aie adMsed to niaku an eaily selection from the chqie* naw Winter MatsviaU now available AX HAYWARD-fc, Tho Lndi««" Tailor. 284, LAMBION-QUAY, WELLINGTON.

SALE COMFORT SALE of COMFORT in T3LANKETS ! BLANKETS ! RUGS! RUGS! RUGS! ! BEDQUILTS ! BEDQUILTS ! SHEETINGS I SHEETINGS ! j FLANNELETTES ! FLANNELETTES ! BLOL JINGS ! BLOUSINGS ! CRETONNES ! CRETONNES ! TOWELS ! TOWELS ! FORFARS! FORFARS! FORFARS! LACE CURTAINS! LACE CURTAINS! MARVELLOUS VALUE At LINDBERG'S, CUBA-STREET. 'WHEN WINTRY WINDS ! BLOW BLEAK & DREAR.' WARM UNDERWEAR is then your "Closest" friend. _ And now that the air is getting real nippy, it's time to change from light to heavy Garments. PATRICK'S Supply the comfortable, non-irritating, health-protecting garments in all weights and sizes, and at modest little prices like these: — Ladies' Woven Bloomers, Is lid, 2s lid, 1 3a 6d Ladies' Vests, Is, Is 3d, Is 6d, Is lid, 2s 6d, and 3s 6d Ladies' Woven Combinations, 2s lid, 3s 6d, 4s 6d, 6s 6d Ladies' Woven Vests, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 4s 6di D. S. PATRICK & CO., CUBA-STREET AND COURTENAYPLACE. JAPINA HAIR LIF±J. A NEW, TRUE, AND SUCCESSFUL HAIR GROWER. JAPINA Hair Life is here! For centuries the ladies of Japan hava been noted for the length, quality, and quantity of their hair. "Japina Hair Life" has been their secret. To-day tho secret is ours. A real hair food — a wonderful growth stimulant — a true scalp cleamser. Apply this long-held and secretly-oheriehed "Japina Hair Life" daily to your ecalp and hair roots, and watoh your hair grow by inches in weeks. Hair pads will soon be unknown. "Japina Hajr Life" will steadily coax new hair, real hair, strong hair, and long hair out of the scalps of all who need- Price 4s 6d bottle.- -A few applications quickly and completely stops falling hair. These are facts easily proved. JAPINA HAIR LIFE, THE QUEEN OF HAIR FOODS. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY AT OLAODE H. PERRETT, M.P.S., P.H.C., CHEMIST, Corner of WjHh and Manners streets, Wellington. NOTE.— Mir. T. Lennard-King (Hair and Scalp Specialist) may ba consulted daily between <he hours of 11.30 to_ 1 p.m., 3 to 5 p.m , and 7 to 8 p.m., No. 5, Ground Floor, Boulcott Chambers. ! START WITH "JAPINA"' HAIR LIFE NOW— TO-DAY. YOU can s»ewd long hours rubbing on greasy beeswa* pn >ouf linoleums, bu;t Lincnvmsh, the great modern method. Linoleum Polish, needs no rubbing ; it's put on with a bijush. AJU grocers, Is 6<*

CARTER AND CO., FOR EASTER BARGAINS'. 137 AND 139, CUBA-STREET (new P.Q, Corner) . EASTER BARGAINS— New Motor and Twepdj Hats, New Keady-to-Wear H^ts, Aew Millinery Hatb. "Moderate price 3 for the newest styles. CARTEII. AND CO. ' , . EASTER BARGAINS— IOO Ladies' Lonfc Coats, from 17a 6d to 50b; New Bubber Coats, 29a 6d ; and Macs., 19a lid. Girls' Coats, a fine choice, 7s lid to £ls. CARTER AND CO. EASTER BARGAINS— Ladies' Costume*. Just landed and selling freely. Newest style, 30s to 90a. Ladies' Blouses', a splendid variety, from 2s lid to 21«»Try CARTER ANJ> CO. EASTER BARGAINS— Ladies traveling may want a New Umbrella, Pcgg£ Bag, Hose, Neckwear, Gloves, Belts,' etc. CARTER AND CO.- have jusfi opened a grand lot. Best value obtainable. , MEN in want of New Underclothing, Hats, Caps, Collars, Ties, Shirts, Braces, Gents' New Socks, with card mending to match, free. TRY CARTER & CO. CARROLL'S FOR CAKES, T^THEN you go to law, you get ihs t » best lawyer; when you a$Q ill, yioii get the best doctor. When you want the BEST CAKES, y«| naturally go to CARROLL'S. Christinas delicacies in Pastry and Cakei cannot be surpassed by our new baker* and giro the greatest satisfaction. Assorted Boxes of Cakes made up for Social and Picnic Parties, Afternoon Tea?, etc., on the shortest notice. Telephone to CARROLL'S, CORNER WILLIS-STREET And LAMBTON-QUA-R, BUTCHERS' CLOTHING (BLACKET'S). X OWEST PRICES IN THE CITR Post Free to Any Address, Write or Call for Price Lists ; W. T. QUINTON, TAILOR AND MERCER, LAMBTON-QUAY WELLINGTON. JERSEYS. OUR New Season's FOOTBALL and HOCKEY JERSEYS in Cotton and Wool are now to hand. Ask for quotations before buying elsewhere. WALLACE AND GIBSON, "THE KASH," WILLIS-STREET. BUTTERICK'S PAPER PATTERN AGENCY, 191, Collins-street, Melbourne. — Tho Butterick Agency hold th 6 largest stock of Patterns in the Southern Hemisphere. 3sail orders a spec.alty. Send for catalogue, post free on ' application, which will enable you to select designs at your leisure in your own home. New Zealand orders promptly executed per return mail. As the Home seasons precede those ruling in Australasia, ample time is afforded to supply designs well in advanco of season's reauiraments. OST FREE.—' A^niciil Pills, Is 6d ; Cprticurj* Spap, Is; Spripg BJottom Soap, 6d: "Howkins's Instant Reljaf Asthma Powder." In antj &, tiu ; SprJUg Blossom Ointment, 64 ain\ Is ; Spqng Blossom Pills, (jd and Is; Bloonjine fiorn Cure,'6d: Mandarin I,aun4iy (*!*<?.' 6^ and Is. Sold everywhere. JtfQm Wholesale Druggists, "" or Mrs. Lpjjiga rjs^ *}#»■ Georye-gtrgpt, PuflfKiß- _ IF your piano j^eeds tuning, let njij ef- ' part, rfej< with m if vrnx j*m*h MiiSfaction. Hie Wellington Tjui-.v Co., Lambton-c|iuy- *

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Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 71, 26 March 1910, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 71, 26 March 1910, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 71, 26 March 1910, Page 7