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j Up-to-date Gent.'s Wearing Apparel j "The ECONOMIC' 9 I NEW GOODS OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE, INCLUDING 1 I PREVAILING HOME STYLES AND THE BEST COLONIAL MAKES. | I GENT.'S HEADGEAR GENT.'S FLANNEL SUITS I I LATEST FLANNEL SUITS NEW FLANNEL TROUSERS 1 I NOVELTY TIES BOYS' TUNIC SUITS 1 1 AND BATHING SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS. I | Newest Hat Shapes. Novelty Ties and Shirts. Useful Flannel Suits. § 8 JU CTMI^r D GAPS,t iP Sid& f Wide End GENT.'S POPLXN AND GENT/S FLANNEL SUITS-In 1 B variety of latest shapes and pat- _ CREPE DE CHENE TIES— Self H^> S Ie Y an <* green, stripe or H B terns ; plain tweed, fancy tweeds, " colours, in fancy stripe designs plain, newest cut, very useful for n m cloth, and serge Special Value, 1/6 and 1/11 knockabout wear. Special Value, H g Popular Prices, 2/6, 3/6, and 4/6 .q/fi pc /fi in 7Q/fi <„ ,; + H I GENT.'S BLACK FLEXIBLE '' ■ /6) to 39/6 Smi | I HATS-Christy's special make, -GENT.'S FASHIONABLE KNIT- nvq , nm , • ® i in fashionable narrow brim and TED TIES— In all new plain col- b l UNIC SUITS— in plain and f3 1 T^JSSU'ftSjr" I ours and stripe effects, at 2/6 each JJf^^*; I g ' Thetis'?' ST 6 RA^ 6 'Boi 6 fEl^ GENT , S SOFT FASHION SHIRTS fnaa 3/H * W ' 6 I I ES, in %/™:X™L™l°nZ * n ™«* PW» «d stripe designs, , GENT.'S FLANNEL TROUSERS- | |j At 3/6, 4/6, and 5/6; also special double cufia In cream, grey, and stripes; all | M line at 1/11 and 2/6 Very Special Value at 4/11 sizes. Special Value at 10/6 to 18/6 » m Improved Shaped PANAMA— With B gj neatly curled brim and fashioned GENT 'S FANCY STRIPE rat HINCt SLIPS — 4d, 6d, and 9d B | r^f^v^f^nafw^ST ZEPHYR SHIRTS-Soft fronts BATHING SUITS-1/6, 1/11 to 3/11 | I %}., SftVTS W, 6 ' 15/6: E Ja, WINGS . f ° rßegiDn0 7 At | I Special value in Gent.'s Summer Underwear, Pyjama Suits, Collars, &c. I | New Stocks always arriving in this popular department. } I CiFOIICF ICFWSf FY 1 1*3 Wellingtons popular I I Cl IiJC#K3JbJo I , i^ld., drapery store. | MILLINEB.T SCHOOL, ft^' SALeI SALE^ By Spenial «»«a His Kxcellenqy BOULOOTT CHAMBERS, Appointmeufc |?-|gl|§§j& tie boulcott-street. DISSOLVING WRANKTTI Airy" 10 '" TITHE CORRECT SYSTEM AND THE P A P TTVJT7 T> QTTTT» ■" X , I SMARTESTJSTYLES. PAETNEESHIP. WILLIS-STREET. EVENING CLASSES HELD. * ,^,^ M. HAMILTON. Milliner. WANTED? £4QQ() MORE! gHOP JIOR pRESENT 3. THE LANGER DRESS-CUTTING WATCHES A SPECIALTY. SCHOOL. In ordor to raiee the money I have de- New Goods per Paparoa • ECONOMY in DRESSMAKING. Latest cided to offer all New Goods now arrived KPATTTTFTTT- qTTVirp -vrwu-T irirra up-to-date system taught. NO CAL- at EBENCH Pinm „ii Two* CULATIONS. Also, Class for Ladies' TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE! GLASSES OPERA Tailoring. Clauses daily Tuesday and JTri- . SIIA'-hK and EBONY BRUSHES Etc Afternoon^A.entTreouTr*^ \ *' Zc » h * re > Ginghams, Prints, Muslins. Pon- ENGAGEMENT and SIGNET mSgS MWKATP TitoTt Prinnir^l « co3 ' Delaines, Nainsooks. Tucks, NEW BAGS and BAG-PURSES cry, Gloves, Corsets, Underclothing, Five per cent. Discount for Cash non^^a LaCeß> Embroiderie8 ' etc -.. etc -. Sight-Testing Room. JNJiW trUUDb ! , AT HALF-PRICE AND LESB Manufacturing, Engraving, Eto. NEW GOODS ! — ' T HE SHOPS HOP FORF 0R P BESiiNT^ EX S.S. TAINUI. ONLY A FEW DAYS LONGER. Oountrjr Order* reorive .prompt attention. • Tele. 1138. Established' 1880 l DAINTY Embroidered Frocks, Lace CALL EARLY AND SEE THE FUN - Coats, White Underskirts, Blouses, ' otc. etc. AT LINDBEUG'S Also, fins assortment of Untrimmed mm. cttjttt?t. PRISMATIC BINOCULAR GLASSES. Strawa, all new chapes, from 3s 6d. CUBA-STREET. PRISMATIC BINOCULAR GLASSES. MRS. MATHEWSON", Paroel » Frt * of Charge. WE STOCK ROSS'S PATENT HANNAH'S BUILDINGS, BINOCULAR FIELD GLASSES, i 266, LAMBTON-QUAY. KING BABY'S * TSTHIOH combine perfect mechanical rir\-*r-\r k^tt\ci ,-T construction, extreme "portability, T^Oyoufeol-outofsoYts"? The need COMMANDS kgh power, and splendid definition. X> of a good tomo is always indicated *RE al imperative, and just now wl! , amn nrr tjttc^T if you feel a continued sense of weak- _£_ lh J o rec £ vlng jocular atten. WE STOCK BUSCH'S nBS uh cC ji y accompanied by a ti at PATRICK'S, where Special Valuea PRISM BINOCULARS di-»d i-» 0 - dleBS c .°, m P le f xlon - D T r - P ane sin everything that "Mothers' pride and «*UUULAKB. cold* bath a fi? man! **" ™* need ™ avail * ble - UOME! ESS"*""*" wifch th ° P^lio for all. so does "Vitiaiis". vibrate the whold BABY WEEK CONTINUES rOund exo9UßDCe - nerve system. Price 2s 6d per bottle. . . T, Am -D Tr >,xr»a i • i-i TPi'Tior „„„„„* t, v 1 t> Lt Manufactured by Claude H Perrett. At PATRICK S and pnees like these * J»er , G^ ss R e » c . a n n r no *^^o had. Both M.P.S., Chemist (by exam.), Corner or aro the ™ le: - g°£ B and Bußch have world-wide reputaWillie and Manners atreets. CHILDREN'S PELISSES, white muslin, . ' nPATTTVn Q-pp.TjTjirn • ' ' trimmed embroidery; very nice goods. BEAUTY S^SECRET. mMj Mo > 6d * G. &T. YOUNG I/ittvta mrrAD « O r,i», .. . L In Cashmere, trimmed silk frill and * » CILMA FLUOR CREAM, the greatest silk embroi d^ry. n s 6 d, 13s 6d, 16b JEWELLERS discovery ever made for the skin, is 6d 19i 6d . «^<»»£<j^.Xi«o ) Nature's way to Beauty. The Icilma _ ' ' VtTTTTTvn-nvn« t.t»ti LATvraTnv niTiv wirrTrvrtrnn* Natural Water contained in it entirely Love J,y "J n ?, 6 OTILDBKN'S PINA- i^AMBIUA-QUAY, WELLINGTON, does away with the use of oily or starchy ■BOKli-S, Is, Is 3d, Is Od, to 4b 6d. _ . akin foods. This famous groaseless cream CHILDREN'S CHIP MUSHROOMS, 1b HPPTxrn mvj vtati 1 gives wonderful results in less time than 6d, Is lid, 2a lid, 3s lid. _,„ "^ KiINU CLEANING! any other cre&m and keeps the akin soft, FOILED or faded Curtains of all dosmooth,,, and white at all times. Daintily -^ ~ mnmr^Tr „ ip B°npbons, g gu tg f Droßßes, Table scented. D. S. PATB/IOK & CO., Covers, Feathers, and Carpets, etc., should ICILMA FLUOR CREAM. CUBA-ST. and COURTEN AY-PLACE. "^ £ BARBER AND CO , GEO. MEE, Lambton-quay. Telephone 226. 2a6dperFot - C AE ' TEB ' AND 00 -» WILSON'S MALT PRESERVE AND. BEAUTIFY 137 and 139, OUBA-ST., New P.O. Corner. EXTRACT Your Skin oy Usinjr VIOLET SNOW CREAM AND SURGICAL OPERATIONS. mHE Cream of Crea». for the Com- EXTRAORDINARY PURCHASE IMX plexion, and the only Face Lotion in PORTBI> ir HATS . newest styles, just the world that will prevent hair growing. mflrked off - mo prepare for a surgical operation ftf It is absolutely greaseless and delightfully 50 Neweet Imported Trimmed Hats, hon. " I** !J" rS 00 ? 6 '^^"" 7 *' ? / Und of cooling* and southing. Unequalled for estly worth 21s. Carter's price, for a !?"" fl^ **£#* xx l ch ™ W bo created to overFreckes, Wrinkes, Sunburn, etc. Procure week only, 10b 6d. IT 1,1 r' -I," 7 " 1 ™ and a bottle to-day, and your face will never SEE MILLINERY WINDOW, all at «^ «l^ '~«P«»^ P~«b k. be marred by superfluous hair. Price 4b 6d. in. Dt j 811 *"? doctor. He will tell you that FromG.Mee.CH. Perrett, W.Salek, and _ _. "J "' . , WILSON'S MALT EXTRACT is ideal leading Chemists: or po B t free from Hems- 50 L _ ove .!y, Vc 1111 ??^ 1 ! %*?' P t^ P "^ tor fchls P ur P° B6 - ley Burnet, Hair SpecialUt, Royal Ex- S,« <W*l *nH f\? S extraordmary Sold by all leading Chemists and Grochang, Buildings, Christchurch. jusT^N^E^New Blouses, from 2s ?£» ™ , FOR URGENT MEDICINES, SSj%S«JS£&%SS « J ' C^^^ Lustre, Tweed, and other tailor-r^ade FITZGERALD'S Costumes, 39s 6d, worth £3 3s. THE PHARMACIES, JUST LANDED— New Gloves, from Is AornmiTA nTT-o-r. mnn^*T, na r™wm P«f.' Neiv Hose, in black, ton, and f^B/EAT ASTHMA CURE 9, WOODWARD-STREET. colours, Is pair up; New Neckwear, . . _ „ . 'Phone 3091 New LL * 00 ' New Embroidery, all at A 8A 8 Prepared by H- Bnttajn, Ohemigt, it i-hone OUHi. }owest pr .^ Oarter aad Cq havlD g a bjg sale . Itß effeots arQ 6, LAMBTON-QUAY (opposite Lambton- CARTER AND CO. for New Dresses, New TRULY MARVELLOUS, Station) 'Phone 2736. Blousings, New Prints, New C*lioo' "^ th o united tegtimony of grateful and Sheetings, Lace Curtains, and all patients pronounces it to be Regular Drapery A MIRACULOUS CURE. We will send for your prescription and Price. 2b 6d Der bottle • cost f rPn forward medicino without delay. IN THE £ DISCOUNT. ' *pe DotUe ' po " freo ' ss> G. H. P. FITZGERALD. OARTER AND CO. Chemiet^sSneS'reet. Late of Auckland Hospital. — — - N.B. — If no benefit derived money ■vrillingly returned. T SE T I P P I N , .^^^^?\ DOST FREE.-Anenioal Pills, It 6d; vf 1 tt i. tu» feg£liS« ■*• Certioura Soap, la; Spring Blonom Mo»t Up-tO'Patt g oap 6( j. ««Hawltin»'» militant HOT MID.DAY LUNCHEON* T O. BUTLBR. Astfima Powder." 181 8 and 2a tut Sprimr And Urn Blossom Ointment. 6d and l»j Sprin X T Anifs' 4TTTPPNrnf>v tua nnDM^ o° ""fj^w 1 '9 * n< * "i Blooinine Corn LADIES AFTERNOON TEA BOOMa, g w of NBW PICTURE* Cu 'c. 6d: Mandarin Laundry Q1 U9 6d Opp. Royal Oak Hotel (next G«o. j^ and lg. Sold eTtrywh»r«. From Whole Wi » d * r '»>- ENGLISH and COLONIAL ARTISTS, S^SK^dEJ£ "^ XT \ ~V\V ATJ T\ ow on Vi(l ' w '- " ~~ — ' - 11 A I VV A>XS>V t LAMBTON-QUAY. WELLINGTON. 13 . M. ORE EN« liADIBS' TAILOR. . , "'•• CERTIFICATED OBBMIST LAMBTON-QUAY OPPOSITE GREY- BOCIET y FOR PROTECTION OF <B* Ex.minatioa), brKJlißl - WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Corner Taranaki and Vima streets. CD , VIT . T in , TVia fTIHE Secretary will be in attendance at — - bi'.fcAjiALd.J.ii^a— X t h e Rooms, Bridge's Buildings, 108, Physicians* Preioriptioni Carefully, QuickW RILVDY-TO-WEAF COSTUMES Willis-street, on TUESDAY and PW- Cheaply, and Aoourately DiineMed And DAY MORNINGS, from 10 to 18.20, ill Z*. 7 wlI * caiM - CORSETS FOR TAILORMAJDES. ovmmunioatiQDß itrmotUr confidential, \ OVER, 25 THARJI' SXPERIENOS.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 94, 18 October 1909, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 94, 18 October 1909, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 94, 18 October 1909, Page 9