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LOST, white Underskirt, between DJ.C. and Cuba-street. Finder well rewarded on returning same to Evening Post. L~OST~7 brown and white Setter Bitoh; detainer prosecuted. Reward at 46, Owen-street. LOST, last Thursday night, between Opera House and Onelow-terrace, Gold Chain and Pendant. Reward at 1, Onslow-terrace. LOST, from Railway Hotel. Saturday last, black and white Fox Terrier Pup, four months old. £1 reward. Railway Hotel. Any one detaining same after this data will bo prosecuted. LOST, last Wednesday, a. Purse; gold ring and money enclosed. Reward. Apply Magnus Sanderson, 49, Cuba-street. OST, Fox Terrier Pup. Reward ArT | ■i ply Chib Hotel, Lambton-quay. LOST, plain Gold Brooch, between Brougham and Man/iers streets, this morning. Reward, apply 89, Broughams>ticet. LOST. Blue Enamel Brooch set with pearls. Please return to W. H. Turnbull and Co., Panama-street. Reward. LOST, a lot of Dandruff by using half % bottle of Parker's Hair Tonic, 2« 6d a bottle, by post 3s. Wm. Parker, Chemist, Manners-street. FOUND, tho celebrated 303 Cigaretto Tobacco at tho Military Hairdresser, and Tobacconist, 191, Cuba-street. J. L. Turner. FOUND, the right place to get your Accordeon or any other musical instrument Tuned and Repaired. Reliable work at moderate prices. Gardiner's Music Waiehouse, 76, Vivian-street, opposite Baptist Church. "KIQUND. Absolute Bargains in House ; A Furnishings. Apply . Richardson ! Bros., Cheapest House Providers in the j City, 206, Jpuba-etreet. 1 i "JL'OUND, you're getting good value in A? Crumpton's Grey Hair Restorer, the most genuine and surest remedy to be got ; not a dye ; 3s, post 3s 6d. B. Wa-ring, 52, Courtenay-plaee. IV you want a drink whose savour's rich in e%ory finest flavour that can ever be, it is plain, succinctly 6peaking, that the very drink you're seeking's Suratura Tea ! "OALMER'S foT Fish" and~~Oysters ; AT oyster suppers a speciality ; luncheon and toa rooms. 168, Lambton-quay. LADY offers Sitting Room und one . Bedroom, to gentlemen; board if desired. Apply Brougham, Evening Post. fjpHE jolly lads as goes to sea aboard A the Amokura all ilove tho bloomin' King's Navee now they get Suratura, ; 'cos Suratura is, you see, tho very finest sort o' tea. "T INOARNISH" is a delight to use. A-^ No rubbing required. Slakes floors hard and bright. All grocers, Is 6d. 3J?AY Stove Polish— the ehinc that won't explode. ADAME lIILDER, Lady Palmist, Clairvoyante, Psychometrist (touring from London) may be consulted daily, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Testimonials, genuine and signed, seen on application. Last *few months in Wellington. 35, Boul-cott-etreet (nearly facing Spiller's Hall). YOUNG lady wants Position, Ladyhelp ; thoroughly capable to manage household. Apply Capable, Evening Post. YOUNG lady requires Board, in refined R.C. family, vicinity Upper Willisstreet ; terms moderate. Reply C.R., Evening Post. FRESH Cheviot fruit and puro cano sugar mako puro delicious Jam — that's St. George. Campbell's keop it S" ~UPISRIOR] large Furnished Front Room to Let ; private entrance ;/ all j conveniences; also smaller room; board if required. Apply 20, Hawker-street. BOARD and Lodgings wanted by young man, noar Wellington-terrace, single room, private family. Apply H., Evening Post. ORGAN (American) wanted, cheap. State price, maker, stops to American Organ, Evening Post. JPKfI UPRIGHT Grand Piano, gennino oWdJV bargain £15. Anderson's, 330, Tinakori-road. ADAME~DE PEDlEßTCeiebTated Medical Trance Medium and Clairvoyante, holding numerous testimonials France, England, India, Cairo (Egypt) and N. and S. America, consulted at 45, Abel Smith-street, corner Cuba-street. WORKING man wants House, in or near Kaiwarra; new preferred. Address Reasonable, Evening Post. FOR comfort, when travelling, carry a packet of Suratura Tea. It is the best-flavoured, the purest, the most invigorating tea in tho world. "D" quality, 2s. TJ3HOENLX Jam is pure and wholesome. A Made from fresh fruit. All grocers sell it. "TUST Arrived— Royal Seal New Eug*J lish Scented Tobacco, positively the only tobacco fit for home smoking ; delightful aroma. Sold only by W. Gilbert, Tobacconist, Manners-street. WILLIE WIGGLES whispered : "Wilhelmina, come and soe, all the jewels rich and rare I have bought for thee .'" But she mocked him, pouted, bridled, scornful as could be, till he tried the great enticement — Suratura Tea. MADAME KING, Gifted Clairvoyante, counsel on marriage, lovo, business, prospects, etc. "Your advice helped me wonderfully," 3rd June, 1909. — Extract from numerous testimonials. 212. Upper Cuba-street. EVERY husband feels a comfort to know his wife has no more beeswaxing to endanger his life with. "Linoarnish" is not slippery; won't wash off. All grooers, Is 6d. ifTHHERE was a young lady of Joppa, A who came a society cropper. She said, "No more spree ; Suratura for me !" And now she's a social tip-topper. "DHOENIX Jam is just the thing for A growing boys and girls. Mado from tho best fruit in the Toviot orobards. All grocers. -RAY Stove Polish^-the brightest thing in stove polish ever made. Gives quick, brilliant lustre and does not burn off. RS. BROWN she went to town to sell a pair of flitches ; but corning honlfc poor Mrs. B- let fall her Suratura Tea, j and still she's searching all the lanes, the J paddocks, and tho ditches. j T>HOENIX Jam is just tho thing for i A growing boys and girls. Mado from the best fruit in the Teviot orchards. All grocers, PALMISTRY — Marvellous readings, marriage prospects, destiny, business, events, etc. Send 9 stamps, handwriting. Arion, Berkeley-street, Carlton, Victoria. ADST BLANCHE, though forty-two, ■was lovely as could be. Her hair was goTd, her eye was blue, her carriage lithe and free. _ She only drank ('tuixl you and mo) delioious Suratura Tea. LIQUID sunshine is "Linoarnißh," the modern method no-rub Floor Polish. It gives a fine crystal surface. like polished mirror. All grocers, Is 6d. THE modern man drinks Puriri Natural Mineral Water in place of soda. It adds a snap and sparkle to liquors. All stoves and hotels. HOSPITAL nurses, deaconesses, manicurists, suffragettes, and other responsible workers under pressure, need a gentlo and sustaining 6timulant. That h Avhy they drink Suratura Tea. Try "D" 2s. f>HOENIX Jam is pure and wholesome. A Made from fi:e§h iruit. All grocors aeli &

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Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 7, 8 July 1909, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 7, 8 July 1909, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 7, 8 July 1909, Page 1