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HARCOTJRT & CO., itXOUSE AND LAND AGENTS, -— AUCTIONEERS AND SHAREBROKERS, LAMBTON-QUAY. ABEL SMITH-STREET.— ViIIa Residence, 6 rooms, ono floor, 2 bay windows; electric light, workshop, etc. Prico £850; specially reduced for prompt sale. 8452 THORNDON (Central).— Well-built Villa, 5 rooms, 2 bay windows, and other requirements. Price £725. 8315 HATAITAI. ' WAIPAPA-ROAD.— Charming now Residence, modern appointments; gardon nicely laid out. Prico £1125. Ideal Homo. 9085 HINUI-RO AD.— Now •.Villa, 6 rooms,, bay window, h. and c. water, lovoly viow. Price £800; terms. Also, new 5-roomed Dwelling, all conveniences. Price £700. WAIPAPA-ROAD.— Splendid Building Sito, 50 x 170 ft. Price £210. 8064 HATAITAI-ROAD.— ldeal Section, 50 x 145 ft. Price £270. 839& MATAI-RO AD.— Excellent residential. Site, 50 x 165 ft., perfectly level, charming viow. Prico £400. 8275 Also, Section, 40 x 100 ft. Price £300. 8822 1 WAIPAPA-ROAD.— Charming Villa Residence, 6 largo rooms, large hall, modern throughout ; land 40 x 187 ft., glorious outloo-k. Prico £1000. 7815 ORIENTAL BAY. Superior one-floor Residence, 6 good rooms, 2 bay windows, electric light, gas, hot water service, sunny and sheltered position; close to tram. Price £950. ' 8863 KHANDALLAH. CENTRAL POSITION.— 6-roomed Residence, verandah two sides, h. and c. water, otc. ; also, stable, trap shed, and othor outbuildings. Land 1 acre, laid out garden, orchard, and lawn. Price £750, or near offer; must soil this month. 9169 POULTRY FARM. 10 MILES FROM CITY.— I 4 Acres, .with Cottage, cowbails, and outbuildings; land all ploughablo, woll watered, splendid soil ; substantially fonced. Owner leaving the district; will sacrifice for £850. 9178 50 ACRES, Wairarapa, Dairy Farm ; 44 acres grass, 6 acres oats ; all ploughablo; fenced into 6 paddocks, and permanently watered ; carries 24 cows all year round; buildings, 2roomod cottage, 10 cowbails, concretod ; cartshed, piggeries, yards. Title, L.I.P. Rent, £31 lls per annum ; railway, town 7 miles, school, and P.O. 1 rniks, factory 3 miles. Prico £675, including 18 dairy cows, horse, pigs, poultry, cart, trap, harness, cans, buckets, and factory shares. 7535 1600 ACRES, Taranaki, Dairy, Fattening, and Sheep Farm ; 840 acres in grass, balance bush ; ring fenced ; 7 paddocks; well watered; about 700 acres rich, flat land, balance undulating to hilly, no high country, hills are low, and oasy; loam soil on papa country; easily winters 2 brooding owes per aero; good road, metalled to within 2 miles of house. Buildings, good 5-roomcd house, cowbails, small woolshod, dip, yards, wharc. Stock, 1500 breeding owes, 125 head cattle, Title, part L.1.P., part O.R.P. Total rent £52 per annum. Railway, seaport, and freezing works 17 miles, school 1 mile, town 7 miles. Prico £4 15s per aero. Torms, £500 cash. 7534 680 ACRES, 70 acres in crops, balance best grasses; 270 acres havo been ploughed ; good fencing ; 12 paddocks ; permanont water ; rich black loam soil ; carries 3 shcop per acre. Buildings, 8-roomcd house, bathroom, dairy, man's room, storo-roora t stables, loose-box, trapshed, woolshed, jards; 1 acre orchard; bop.utifully sholtered. Stock, 1500 sheep, 75 head cattlo, 18 horses; railway, town, and school 1 mile, seaport and frcozci-s 9 miles. Prico, £18 per acre. Easy torms can be arranged. 7485 C. PEARCE & CO., HOTEL BROKERS, 31, HUNTER-STREET, Wellington. BARGAINS IN HOTEL PROPERTY. HOTEL, good house ; takings £80 ; rent low ; well furnished. Prico £1800, includes funiituie; a bargain. 132 | HOTEL, South Island ; lcaac over 3 years ; rent £5 ; takings £60 ; well furnished. ; Price for goodwill £600. 143 HOTEL, Wairarapa ; leaso 3 years j, rent £5 10s ; takings £50 ; free house. Price £1600. Owner selling on account of ill -health. 140 HOTEL, lease 6 years ; rent £3 ; takings £40 ; billiard table. Price £1250. 137 HOTEL, lease 14 years ; rent £4 10s ; takings £40 ; billiardroom ; well furnished. Price £2400 for goodwill and Furniture. 119 We are prepared to assist purchasers to finance. A. WAKBTTHTON & CO., ESTATE AGENTS AND SHAREBROKERS, 164. FEATHERSTON-STREET. £2400— WOODWARD-STREET (close to) — Valuable Business Site, suitable for up-to-date building; large section. Cheap property, bringing in good return. W6270 £1200— MOUNT VICTORIA— A well-ap-pointed Residenco of 6 good rooms, faithfully built ; level section ; witliin 5 minutes of tram. M.V. 3820 £950— ORIENTAL BAY— Superior Residonce of 6 rooms, electric light, gas,, hot water service, etc. ; level section ; sunny position ; close to car. 0.8. 2751 £875 (or near offer)— CAROLINE-ST.— A convenient Dwelling of 5 rooms, on© bay window, good section ; sunny po£67S— ROLLESTON-STREET— 6 roomsand conveniences, almost new ; good section £650 — SALISBURY-TER. — Charming one-story Villa, 6 rooms ; land about 40ft x 90ft ; nice concrete yard ; property in pood repair ; owner leaving city, and is prepared to sacrifice ; bargain. £100 cash ; balance arranged. A. 5209 £750— HAY-STREET— Superior one-floor Residenco of six good rooms, gas throughout ; hot water service, etc. ; sunny position ; splendid view ; a cheap property. BARGAINS! ORIENTAL BAY (off), 9 rooms, £1400. ORIENTAL BAY (off), 5 rooms. £750. ORIENTAL BAY (oft), 5 rooms, £1100. KELBURNE, 5 rooms,- corner section, £775. KELBURNE, ~§- .rooms, all conveniences, £700. BROOKLYN. 5 rooms, all conveniences, £620. • BROOKLYN, 6 rooms, all conveniences, £700. Apply SHORTTS, LTD., Willis-street, Wellington. O^fhfh ACRES, well improved, 8-rd. (*lvV house and good outbuildings, now carrying 5000 sheep and 500 cattle; price £9 7s 6d , cash £6000 ; \ve\\ worth* inspection. (71.) 450 Acres, good country, all grass, 5-rd. house, 12 miles from railway ; price £10 10s, cash £2000 (27.) 145<acres, 1 mile from factory and railway station, 2-rd. house, good for dairying; price, £22, c_h £500 (72.) 100 Acres, well improved, good house and outbuildings, close* to rail and factory; prico £28, cash £1000. (Y3.J-J. 3, i^ia_lAitf, Dtvnae., side* ' " -

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Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 7, 8 July 1909, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 7, 8 July 1909, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 7, 8 July 1909, Page 10