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/' »ip @M "few persons realise what deafness really means until B iv ,ra «*w*W gg their hearine is completely lost. Then they w»ke Kg \H I \M. '>» V&ZSi. Ml "P to ** true awfulness of the affliction. Fewer Wfl vL^*ssna "ou<e!» o iRf P^op*^ stiTl consider that minor ear troubles, such as JM //V&SA S SIS S9 Head-Noises, Rinuinij in the Ears, Neryou6 Head- Wl v— c*3 WiAiß ""t^"!*! MS ach«s. Discharging Ears, etc., arc all symptoms of ap" Ha U Tfe? <&**■ fiuil •*& preaching deafness. El 11 Xf£r JB"ii3sNfl''JSßr Are you a vv ' ct ' m °f anY °* tnese symptoms ? If so [v II /s^lS»P*©a^a/l§r despair no longer, no matter of how lone standine or how EH ll^l^^S J«sW complicated your case may be. Do not be disheartened .Ri Up""^ JjsSxwSlsr because other treatments may have failed to do «ou any td vh j^""?W " " ne ounce °f optimism, E5 ffii __w#^— —-» wCT Excels tons of pessimism." H fSK •*V x ***n aSf H will only cost you the postage stamp on your letter to R9 Is^l *^ /» send us your name and address, and we will forward to you H "g'p J ESS FREE OF CHARGE full particulars (with abundant testl- H ra 8 J5? tnonials) how you can cure yourself -right at yout* own home, Eg « 1 zffi? without any drugs, medicine or electricity, but with the simple DM fa « /§? application of Pure Natural Aural Kinetics. Mo daneerous N \» . I MS probing, syringine orsprayiue in the ear, and no doctor reduired. Rfl g\\ M A |aIrOSCOPE, 90 Pitt-St., Sydney, N.S.W. I

ANOTHER CGIWINCTO NARRATIVE.. The Case of going to bed every night, because I feW MRS. BE. TOO2CEB. sure the same dreadful things would happen again." (ay a special reporteb.) . " No dou^ y0 f u e r re something v '. _ T for your ailments, Mrs. Toomer? The large majority of Women m New "Goodness only knows what I did not Zealand are too busy with their household take , Had j thrown the medicine into tha affairs to meet publicly to discuss disa- b it wou ) d have been j ust the same so far bilities of women" ; but when a reporter s a s my condition was concerned, for I wai services are brought to bear we can get ne ither better nor worse when it was finishtheir opinions without any difficulty. c( j' w ith. I could see specks floating before This was done in respect to Mrs. Mar- mye y es , which felt douWe their size; my, garet Toomer, of No. 10, Ebor-street, ton waß . rough, with a nasty, sickly Wellington, who answered the press^ re- tasting coating, and I was always liable to presentative by saying :— being overcom e with giddiness. There was' "Yes, lam the Mrs. Toomer who made nofcapar tof my body unaffected in some the remarkable recovery fiom an illness way or other) even my shoulder-blades two years ago. Perhaps you would like pa ining me.while the aclies about my lower to . « r ea i' -fr xt W S » ° ne - 1 * v * limbs were very severe.- With all that suf - Indeed I would said the reporter. f erin g to endiiro I was not surprised when "I would be pleased if you wouldtefl me j found myse if looking careworfi and everything m connection with it. emaciated. Indeed, the only surprise I got A chair was Ahen handed to the scribe, durin£ , that very dismal period of my lifo and soon the pencil was at work. was when I had'taken two or three bottles "I am only too happy to oblige you, f clementß Tonic and that was tho most replied Mrs. loonier. 'You know this city j oy f iu surprise I had ever known." is considered one oi the most healthy parts J !. md LvL v f felt bette r?'' of the whole of the colonies; and lam "There was no fancy about it. Ifc was proud to say that lam a native of it. I actua j reaHty that ra i se d my spirits to a have only had one illnpss m my life, and hei ht ihat . had not been reached since I that is the one you have heard mentioned. wa ° fir?t taken ill. I could feel^he vigor Somehow or other, I gradually sank into aof e ? arlier d running through the enyery low condition. I could not account for tire J sysfcem as each bottle of Clements ' the difficulty I had in getting through my Tonic J was dispensed with. The additibnal work, as although I was doing something strength i gained was qu i te a pparent,for I all the time, v/fcon I came to look round soon vent | bout the house with an activity there seemed to be nothing done. The fact that I had not known fof a long time. Beof the matter was that I could not throw f OTe that advancement was made.though.l the same amount of energy into my work musfc men tion that I had been improving as formerly, and so it took me ever so much in varioua ways through the influence of longer to get it finished. Some days I felt C i emen ts Tonic. It had ouickly given me * too languid to make *a start, and U lunch be t te rand more consistent appetite than I time I had made no headway at all. Then had had for years. I was ready for every after the mid-day meal, I felt drowsy , as J meal as soon J ag the time came round> and always did after eating ; and so things mv indiges tjon troubles were gradually went on, till my household duties became a -^ ess severe T cmlld see ifc was only perfect worry to me. Indigestion then be- £ et!essa \. y to cout i n ue with Clement^ Tonic gan to play up with me, and when I come t t long .i ost health back again,and I to think of the terrible strides it made,and no( . one moment in doing so. the disaster it brought tb my system, it p ains that had affected my head were nob makes mo think that I ought to do aU I can th at aU after a f e w weeks' use of to alleviate other people, s sufferings. elements Tonic, neither wore those .iboub It would be a very hard world if our shoulders and stomach.and when I had own experiences did not make us sympa- oa *£ enqn i taa hcavv dinner mv chest was thetic towards our neighbours. perfectly free from its old feeling of 6p"You are right; indeedit would. Well, ession JJ v Ym mi^ht scarcely believe it, I started to have pains like spasms in the b t . fc . truth jam telling you. ' And Momach. They obmo on mostly when I had lor nervonßne sß. too ; why.all those little taken some ref resnments. but it was not on f riphts that tme c dn , vere mado account of the quantity, that I ate, because ,* t history, |f or mv system become so my appetite i was shockingly poor,and those * x invieorrtted that nothing could dispains, together with a pressing-down feel- £ m . bine and iei c0 «Id go out in the dead of ing mmy chest, made me bitterly regret h .w - f necessary and have no fear that I had taken any food at all. My head . whnte = er . Upon mv word o f honour I have caused me more agony than enough. It was w Clement-. Tonic to thank for making either aching or else there were pains in it, - life a h]ess \ m instead of a curse, and like those of neuralgia, sharp shooting j - wbe oin ' a wronß to society aY pains that almost drove me out of my mind , H r did not divu] ye the full parlicuOut of sheei desperation I could have done j» o{ nlness anc f recovei . Y ." * anything when these torments wero at « Tnen *l can make use of this story:" their worst, but a merciful Providence , <y w}sh ifc }n way you allowed them to ease after, a while and j. f ' } uh has been d ever then the dull aches took their place. Dur- . Clements Tonic cured me two years ing that temble sickness I was always dt h fte thought of writing fidgety and restless m bed. and it happened g^ . kb tit myself .» more than once that I went through the lv l L > J whole of the 7iight without getting oven an STATUTORY - DECLAB ATION. hour's sleep. I was exceedingly nervous, , Margaret Toomer. of No. 10, Ebor-slreet. and was afraid to go outside the door. The Wellington-, in the Colony of Kew Zealand, do least noise seemed to go straight to my solemnly and sincerely declare that I hare ; carenerves and set them all of a quiver.and my \^^^^SSJ^^loSS^^ mind was so distressed with unhappy lm- onp t 0 three, and that it contains and is a trus aginations that I actually grew quite mol- nnd faithful account. of my illness and cure by -^n^linlv T-fPTVPf? that -JrirnHlinio- tprinn* CHVmMits Tonic, and aten contains mv full percnclioJy. lteaieclthatsomctliing serious kri tn punish in any way my Matcmento was wrong with my heart,because it palpi- w i,j C ), i give volnnt/irily. without receiving nny I txted so. When lying down at night it was payment, and I mcke this solemn declaration jocularly troublesome, for thenitused -y^ , to throb violently for a while, gradually Gpncral AswmMy of New Zealand, intituled I getting almost to a bubbling pitch, and "The Justice of Teace Act, 1882." * 'Hen the pulsations would become quite /? . y* ieeble till the heart seemed lo miss a beat ftZ/Arjijfai/'jt C~iZ**ri~s*^?% I .•{together, when I would make an invol- / f[6oyx&er ! uiitary ierk as though it were the necessary . , „. .... , '• . I offort^hich .nature, required to set flj v^ x £*s^A*&&S t & ' lieart into action again. I tell you I was {or p ' me very anxious about it, and used to dfead W. HILDRBTH. J.P. .

You cannot b© CheerfuMf your Kidneys are 111. - >^vs^ •• Rw »| ! When you think of the great work the kidneys have to do— how for twenty. four .Mtfffl^W m * a I \ hours every day they are filtering the impurities and waste from the blood— can you Star " 1 I wonder that they so readily break down. If you have any form oL kidney trouble— jd^Sm^ ' i i backache, rheumatism, gravel, dizzy spells, urinary disorders— if you are easily * " I 1 upset and worried— if you never feel rested, don't enjoy your food, and can't sleep— ■ ' 1 lif your skin is yellow and your eyes puffy— don't hesitate any longer, but begin at § I once with the genuine Doan's Backache Kidney Pills, for every day that kidney 1 I complaint is neglected it becomes more dangerous. 1 | WELLINGTON PEOPLE CURED. IpP^pT'\. 9 1 Mrs Heonan, 4, Arthur Street, "Wellington, Mr. fravtd Thornton, Taranaki Street, "Wei- fflg{i\ 'if "I M pays-— "J?or years my husband has had trouble llngion, says :— '•'For years I was subject to attacks '£Q|gs|» \M M I willi'lua kidneys. He had a severe pain in ihe of backache. When the pain came on it was one ;fppM I If I h small of his back, which was so bad that it was continual torture, as if a knife were sticking into x mM||%| IsW I i acrony for him to work. Then he used to be always the small of my hack, and at such times I could //lf|ffk| . \\ |J>r«'~.A I * drWsv and was so tired that he Bttid he felt in- scarcely bend or walk about. I tried various '(If™ 1 ® g & clined'to be renting all the time. lie used many remedies, but none of them gave me relief, aad I Minn Rlo^X nnr\& I I medicines to overcome this undesirable plate of was in a very bad way. Then I got Doan's Back- OTll LJjaunaWrllC | affairs lmfc was not satisfied with any of them. In ache Kiduey Pills at PJetcher's Pharmacy, and they |J|j| U Kilr} yj gy W i fact, n'olliiu^seemod able to give him, relief. 1 saw cured me completely. It is sometime now since I \\\\ r\ir\ i I Doau's Uackaehc Kidney Pills advertised and .seeing used this medicine, and I have not had a return Q,\v iTH I*^ H 1 cases similar to bis cured by this remedy, 1 got of my ailment. 1 can confidently state that the %\\ / l * i 9_? M | some at Fletcher's Pharmacy. Ater taking one box pills have cured me. People often take purgatives H\\ I i Ihe felt over so much better, and went on with the for pains in the back, but in doing this they make ' «Iv I | I treatment. How he is quite well, every distressing a great mistake^ It is a kidney medicine alone that ill/ i I symptom Ins disappeared. [ got this remedy at can cure them, and Doau's Backache Kidney Pills S| 1| / | Fletcher's Pharmacy." is tho medicine they should take." | J ' |

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Evening Post, Volume LXXVII, Issue 133, 12 June 1909, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXVII, Issue 133, 12 June 1909, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXVII, Issue 133, 12 June 1909, Page 13