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A Safe Remedy FOR ALL SKiN AND BLOOD DISEASES If you suffer from any disease due to an impure state of the Blood, from whatever cause arising, you should test the» cf Clarke's Blood Mixture, the worldfamed Blood Purifier and Restorer. This medicine has 40 years' reputation, &nd i« to-day more populnr than ever, the reason of this being undoubtedly because this wonderful remedy does what it professes to do — it cures skin and blood disease* permanently. IS THE FINEST BLOOD PURIFIES EVER DISCOVERED. It is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities, from whatever cauße arising. Foi Scrofula, „ Bad Legs, Scurvy, Blotches, Eczema, Spots, Blood Poison, Blackheads, Ulcers, Pimples Skin and Blood And Diseases. Soros of all kind* it is a safe and Permanent Remedy. It is the only reai specific for Gout and Rheumatic Paius, for it removes the causa from the Blood and Banee. NOTE. — This mixture is pleasant to tha taste and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age, and tho Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to teEfc its value. Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it. REMARKABLE CURE OF ECZEMA. Mrs. F. Beedle, of 89, Adamsou-road, Customhouse, Victoria Dock, writes, under the date of 15th December, 1904: "It is now just eignteen years since my husband fiist had a bad attack of Eczema in the feet. Besides going to three hospitals and the infirmary, he tried nearly everything for it, but could only get relief from the dreadful irritation for a few days. Tha hospital doctors said they had never soen such a bad ease of eczema. My husband is only a dock laboiner, and could not afford to buy Claike's Blood Mixture, but when our son catne back from the Cape ho bought his fathtr six bottles, and betors he had taken three bottles his feet were nearly well, and now they are quite wolL I do not tliink he will ever have it again, as it is now twelve months since be wa» cured. If people suffering from Eczema would only try Ularke'B Blood Mixture, I feel sure it would euro them ac: it haa cured my husband. You are at liberty to make whatever use you wish of this letter." ABSCESSES AND BOILS CURED. Mr. David Evans, of 7, Orchard-pJ»o», Severn-road, Canton, Cardiff, writes; "i have been suffering for two years with. abscesses aud boils, there being at one time as many as twenty-six abscesses on my thigh. I was under the treatment of two doctors at different, times, but they seemed lo do me no good, aad I began to think 1 should never be cured. At last one of my iriendb persuaded me to try Clarke's Blood Mixture, and I am glad to say that after taking three boltles I was able to get to work again. I believe I took eight bottles iv all, and ever since have had good health, and not had even a pimple about me. This is over twelve months ago, and I wish 1 had tried your Blood Mixture b«.-ioie, for it would have sa\ed me pounds in doctors' bills, besides the pam and asoj... 1 suffered." QUICK AND LASUINU CURB OF A BAD LEU. Mrs. E. Todhunter, of 7, Brookhili-road, Bootie, Liverpool, writes under the date of 10th September, 1904: "In 189 i I suffered from a very bad leg; indeed, it had been bad for three years, and I had tried almost every remedy without any relief. I have been laid up for as many as three weeks at a lime, and quite unable to attend to my household duties, when one day my husband advised me to try Clarke's Blood Mixture, as at one time he had suffered from sore eyes and tho Mixture had effected a complete cure of them, bo I determined to try it, and got a largo bottle, and before a fortnight had passed I perceived my leg improving, and at tha end of a month, I am proud to say, I was perfectly cured. That is now ten years ago, and my reason for not sending; yoa this testimonial sooner is, I thought it would some day surely break out again; but I can boast that thero is no sign of it doiug so, and I have the best of health. You aro quite at liberty to make use of this, for the sako of others." IMPURITIES IN THE BLOOD.— "W» have seen hosts of letters from all sort* and conditions of people, in -which th» writers acknowledge the benefit they hava received from Clarko'B Blood Mixture, which as a curative agent cannot be too highly estimated, since it clean sns and clears the blood from all impurities, and restores it to its normal condition." This is a good testimonial from the Famiily Doctor, tho popular medical weekly, whicL goes on further to pay: "It is certainly the finest blood purifier that science and skill have brought lo light, and we can with the utmost confidence recommend it to our subscribers and tho public generally." I Sold by all Chemists and Fateat Medioiat Vendors throughout the World. ASK FOR CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. And bewara of -worthless imitations and iubstitvis-s. WEAK HEAUTS EESTOILED. npHE valuo of a strong healthy heart JL cannot be o-\er-estiinated; yet hovt many people you meet every day have weak hearts, and unfortunately believe that such a slate of affairs is incurable. Many of these sufferers who are troubled with such symptoms as pains in thfi region of tho heart, irregular puisc, dizziness, smothering or choliing sensation in the throat, fainting spells, inability to lie on side, especially the left, ahortr.ess of breath after slight exertion, m\ oiling- of the- feet and ankles, etc., attribute them to heart disease, but this is not necessarily so. In nine cases out of ten, tlisy aro simply the complainings of a hcait which has become -weakened by | overwork, \yorry. unnatural living, etc., and what is needed lo restore it completely to its normal state is something i to help it to perform its dulics, something i to strengthen it, and lliii ia what "L)r j Day's Heart Help" will do foi your i heail. This wonderful medicine has proved over and over again Iho cor- 1 reetuoss of the contention that Heart |. Weakness is not Heart Disease, which - loalli is incurable. "Dr. Day's Heart Ilelp"has made (housc-uids *of weak hearts strong, and there are many people to-day w ho owe their robust, vigorous lives to this great medicine. 11 yo\x havo suffered from 1 cart weakness and havo lived, perhapa for years, in the appalling belief that your heart was di-, seased. and that you might drop dead at any moment through eudden heart failure, do not neglect the symptomSj any longer, for sooner or later this weakness will surely lead <o the dread di- 1 soasc, but help your heart now ; give it, the assistance- it requires, by taking 1 "Dr. Day's Heart Help." Get a bottle 1 to-day. It is procurable from all chemists at 4s 6d.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXVII, Issue 108, 8 May 1909, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXVII, Issue 108, 8 May 1909, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXVII, Issue 108, 8 May 1909, Page 10