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... . — -.i... 11 ■■-——■■ 1 .nil ■■-.— p— II I # fct , A Safe Remedy FOB ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. If you suffer from any dieease duo to an impure state of the Blood, from whatever cause arising, you' should test the value ■of 1 Clarke's Blood Mixture, the l world- ' famed Blood Purifier and' Restorer. 4 Thi» medicine has 40 years* reputation, arid l is v to-day more popular ,th».n ever', the reaEod of this being undoubtedly because this wonderful remedy does what it professoi '. ' to do 1 — it- cures skin and blood diseawoa permanently. Mixture /; IS TJSE -FINEST ;BLOOD PURIFIES EVER, DISCOVERED. -. It ifl warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities, from whatever cause arising.* ' jFor , ' ■ 1 •' i ,• ;••«„ . Bcrofula, • "..<., Bail Legv •»• j Squpy, _ ; „ t ; Blo.tch.6S>- . Eczema, . ' v Spots, , Blood Poison, - *' • Blackliead*. • ■/ ,' ploerr, - : 'J Piajplegr . ' &kin »ni Blood -- ~ .',-■ And ' Diseases. • „<■ • '„ Sorea.ofallldßdf, ■ 'it is a- safe and Permanent Remedy. •' * It -i» £hp only real'epeoifio forGtfut !»ttd. > .Rheumatic Pains, removes the>caus» from the Blood and Bones. ! < .- , , NOTE.— This mixture^ pleasant tV-the , taste and fi-ao* fxajji, anything ' .ini^o^iQ. pe most delicate Vonstitutioa .ef eithfeF sex, 'from inftnoy to', olpV s-goJ and xpe Proprietors, isbhe'rteuff^erg 'to giva '- 'it a trial' to fefet its Value." ' -'. u\ ' . ' •' Thousands'' of 'vvouderful- c'urei hive been •- effected-- by.< it, <• ■ < ' *'-" .l. l i 3..i 3 .. REMARJCABLE CURE OF ECZEMA. V "tars. F. .BeedjV, of 89^> .Adamson-rOad, 1 Customhouse, yictorii Dock A writes/ under ' sthe5 the date of " lSfjh,' Deceinpei, a9Q4,:.,'"1t ii ' ■Tiow just; eikHietfh- ye&slßmo&.my.iufibaaa i ifiist/h^'"afbad"iiitack 's§EowMffy!K • feel. • ' Brides' going to tliree. hosfaitahi '"and . the 'idfarma*y,.'h6 .^riett'' neatly every'thibg ' for it, but ' could- only get"r»Uef';fr6ii'tiis. - dreadful imitation for a few <dayß.v -The I 'hospital, dpctore said they hafl never s^eu- -j such. a bad case ,Qf,.ec?fema. MyVhusliamt ';' jb only a dock labourer, and. 1 could- :jiot.-1 afford tOjbuy Clarke's Blaod' Mixture, but"< when our spn came back'lrom'&Jbe Gape ha/ bought his" ..father six^ Tattles, sm<J~ DWP« he bad tacke'ri ture'a bottles' his feet' i?er» nearly Well,' and no\y they' are, "quite Veil. / I do not" think he? kill *Ver"have it agaio^' as it Is now twelve in'oiithß since ha.w«t. cured.- ilf p'eoplo suffering from would only try ClarkVs Blood 1,. ■feel .sure it- would. f cure them «b it haa'» cured, my husband. Y9ll. are .at liberty to . • make yvUat ever, -use ypu^visli of this letter."---' ABSCESSES AND BOILS CURED. ,'7"\" Mr. David Evans, of 7, Orchard-pita*: -I Sovem-ioa'd, 1 Canton, Cardiff, writes;: "I> , have ,j been , suffering for. two years with^i abßcpsses, and , boils, .there being at" ,on» \"' ■time; as 'many, as ±wonty,-Eix abscesses op*", my fhigu. .1 wifia under the treatfnent )of {} . hyoi'dodtbra at diffpreht ' timeß, bu£'they;l " seemed JLo clo me no good,, an'd -t'bega'ui to ' * l think 1^ should' n'evxir be tfared. ' At • l*Bt *> '^np'jftP'-'my, frionda persuaded toe- to- 4ty T - Clarka'snßldod^lylixtßfe, «fcd.Xaattyglad«to ; say. .that' "after taking^thjfea' botthjaJl. was - 0 abiß-:.toj"gefc< tcwTwork. &gaui. ■' I believe.'.!.--took-, eight bottles in ; all, and evdr- since ' Juave* had good, keal'th, and not had even" -' a pimplp. about nio. This is over ' twelve mouths agp, and. I .wish, J had tried ipur"""'Blood Mixture- before, for it would tiav«' i&VedSme 1 pounds int<do:otor(iV<billsi*b.esidßi * ih^ pamrand agony --I-ewffeiied.-'i *„.-., -. 'QUICK AND LASTING CURE'CXF A~ \ i - BAD I/EG; .^ - '■ , Mrs.: E, Todhunterj of 7, BrpokhilLroad, » ' Bootle, Liverpool, .writes under the data 1 < of 10th September, 1904 : '"In 1834 I Buffered from a very bad legj'.iideed, it had • been bad for three years, aha I had tried almost every remedy without ' toy, relief. I have been laid up for as many an three 'i weeks. ~at" a time, and- quite' -uuSßli^to *■' attend to my household duties, when one ' day my husband advised me it'o-try Clarke's Blood Mixture, -as at ono time he had suf- , fered from sore eyes and the Mixture hatl ' effected a complete cure of them,, ao Z , determined to .try it, and got a larg» V bottle, -and 'before a fortnight had passed , I perceived my leg 'improving, and at tho : end,of a month, I .am proud to Bay, Imm " peTfeUtly cured. ' Tlia-t is" now Ten' years', ago, and n&y r reasQs'ior no> sending you < this testimonial sooner is, "'l,' thought it Would some day 'Bureljr break" out again; but I can boast ; that there, is' no sign ■of it doing co, and I have the belt of health. ' • You ar,o quite -at liberty to : m*ke use -of I this, for the;- eake. of othexg.'.'-. < ; ; j>f, . '' -: IMPJJ^TJES,-IN~T^E.BLQODI*^We v , I have seen hosts of letters from all sorts ,' and conditions ' of > people^' .in whioh tho ; writers, acknowledge the benefit they have . received from .Clarke's, Blood . Mixture/ which as a curative ..agent cannot be too 1 highly -estimated,' sinee 'it cleanses- and clears the blood from all impurities, and «J restores it to its normal condition." This , is a 'good 1 testimonial from tlio Family • Doctor, the popular medical weekly, which \ goes on .tfurthec-. te^ cay: "It is certainly- •« .fhp ■finistfc bloodXporiJHrf.thfrt science and ' skill havo brought to light, and we can \yith^' the utmost confidence recommend it ' ,tQ our -,sub6oribers and tho public generally." M?■ VuFv- \y '-' '. -^ TlSdkTby'alT Chemists and Patent MedicUiß 'Veudorß throughout the World. ■ 1 ASK FOR - £ ' CLARKE'S BLOOD, MIXTURE. ; And- beware of worthless imitation*' and > substitute!. ■ •' -■ G&fiSSUMPTIQN. .ijV JSj P ATE R WO STERy - W'BBIi PBS.LS-SBB ' THE RELIABLE REISEOY FOR GOUT. RHEdMTISM. SCIATICA. AIM AU " PAINS OF lIEAO, FACE. AND LIMBS. Oaa be obtained through *11 ChemUti, Pric*, \U a/«, 4/6, and 1 1/. p«r Box, and ttca • the Proprietors, 1 t&. O&P K3Bgg 3&OAD. I.QgSOg B.^ HOW RHEUMO / COINED ~" " ME. WILLIAM. JAMES. MR. WILLTAM~JAMEa, tho popular ' prepvietor of tho Tci minus Hotel, I Chrislchurch, writes: — "I .suffered 'vory , A very greatly from pheumatjp Gout for <■> quite fourteen j"oars, and tried almost every remedy suggested by my fripi^ds and .Medical Practitionors, but with' vety littlo \ relief. About ' throe years, ago 1 ' -was strongly advised to try RHEUMO. I did so, and am glad to cay with' the ■ greatest satisfaction. J have a little twinge -now | and then, but a dose or two of RHEUMO * - puts mo right almoet t at once, To any on» suffering the. ngonisiug, pains of gout op rheumatics I can recommend RHEUMO with the greatest confidence." RHEUMO is 80ld 4 by all' Stores and Chnraiste, 2s od and 4« 6d.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 122, 23 May 1908, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 122, 23 May 1908, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 122, 23 May 1908, Page 10