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S'J 1 . PETJC X' S OHDBCB sth SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Order of Services :— " 8, Holy Communion „ 11, Matins, Litany, and Sermon . • 4, Haptisniß und Churohiugs 7. Kveneong and Sermon • Brooklyn Oharehroom — ll and 7 '' IColburne Schoolroom— 8 a.m., Holy Cool* muiiiou ; 7 p.m., Evensong. ' T ,'/ " U'ftrdnaki-st.' Mff^ion Kpotn — y p.m. " „_" '" '•' ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, WILLIS^ST. " (Presbytbrian).'" SERVICES SUNDAY,' 24tU MAT. Morning, 11 Evening, 7 ,v, v . •'* Preacher— Rev. G. M. O'Connor, M.A. c ■ '. of bale, Victoria. ' • '' Services in Anglican Schoohooj), Ealbnrae ' ! ' TO-MOItKOW, at' ll a.m, conducted' "by"' Kov. W. J. Goinrio. - . ' 8 T - ANDREW'S PRESBYTEftLUJ CHURCH, WBLLrNGTON TEBBACiB.' '* SKRVICES, SUNDAY, 24tU MArl^ "'.' Morning, I]L KveHingjV ''n'' ' v l Preaoher— Bev. J. 'M'Caw'fMa/tinborongh).-,-A Dai AIDE- WO A© AND 3iEV^!inf,BTß»feT.- - /'" • - Services It a.m. and.7p'ita. * I'-si*.- ."' Jfaj&ilqhßtß : '. /< -,•<•< Roy: Wj Marshall aDd Eev. WHKam Skotr • '" J'Jvemngßubjeot— '.' Th&.Throe Crosses V " ' IN MIOMOEIAM- .The PawtaffS » Island Bay Secvice at 3p. m ; . Treaoher" Roy. W. Shirer; . -. „- *j J^ENT-TE>RACE , PRESBYTERIAN v ' SUNDAY, 24th' MAY.\. ;,*'-■■ .-•. Preacher— Rev.'JVtff: Elliott, B,A; f ' Mornijpg.ll "Efening.^SO '', li ' V- ;. AUTyelqom'ej' -'' r-r«r^ ; " PR E S;B-Y TT E IJ : 1 "»> ". CHU KCH.V » NEW SUhURDAW OHAUGE. ;ll a.m.— ROSENEATii,, -State' School, . ■ . Mr. J. G. W. Aitken,"M.E. „ .'.- lh , t > Itev. W. Uonglaa, M.A. > „ . \ ""n ? p.m.— MIRAAIAH, .Avenue Tea Boomm V •Rev. W. Douglas, M.A. <-„,.■ , /..-,,, 11 a.m.— KILBIKNIK. ,o'Donnell's Hall , Itev. W.-JJouglaa, M,A=: ->v • r.« ' 7 , a KILBIitNIB, . iCTDonaeU'd'SXHaU, ' Mr. Lewis .>.-/..,"-)■ /"CHUReS.-.Harriß'on^treet,' ? "* j Pre*cber~liev. P.O. JJennie.' v ' Servieea-^Morning, 11 ; Af tembdn ' ST.SO,* J .Sabbath Soboqf]- Evening. 7.;-, •■ - 1 ■ CllUfiOHßslr '* SUNDAY, ,24th MAY.' 'I ■ '-Vi • 1 ' THE TBIi^ACIS-^lO.Sa a.m.; Prayer TMWSti. I ing iir the Veatry ; 11 a\w. and 7 p.m V' : S^yS^u^i *f® e^" Gl»asou.- ifreninftWbftfcft :■ . — Gather-up the Fragments.'"' ''", COURTifiNAY,.PLA.CJi-lL,arfn., Hon.- Q. ■ n \ e A 1 p '^> ?S^, Edward V7alker (B. and F.B.S.. Deputation) . CONSTABLE-ST^ UN">wtwvn)-ll,tt.m. ttn d 7 p.m.. Rev. ,W." A. Ev»ns. ALICE'i,'OWN^II a.m. aud 6.30 p.m., Eev, • W. A. Kefty. : - ■■ ■- - ■<■ ■ . . .">»'. . MIfiTHOBIBT CHUE.CH dj"" . • AUSTRALASIA.. /,■',; Seryides.TQ-M^ORRO.W: • WESLEY O.HUECfi;, Tarftnaid-atroet "-. > II a.m. and 6.30 p.m., Rev. S. J. Serpell. - ',' , ICAKORJ— II, a ,m. Au.a,6.30 p jn,, JUeVC J; '" X, Clark, i ••* • ».:,»«•'»' V"r'^ Sis^E^S^ SIO A~ **.*+ , , OHIKO HOME— IO.3O s Mr. E Tonka MOLESWOBTH-SIVREET (TnoindOn)-^ ' Preacher^ Roy. <C. iPorter— ll a.m.j'-Vl'fio' - Place, of the Mind iU' Eelijrion* ;t* '7 pujj"' " The- Pftlmistrj- of , the* ' Bible." Vißitors 1 cordially, invited.- -. ,--''-.- jx- v - WJBI.LINGTPN SOUTH/ 'TSTEWTOWN^ (Trinity)-ll a.m., Bey. E. Walker: ("The Ulaitoa of the Bible Sodie'ty '') ? « 7 pYnr., fiflv.W. J. WiUiama (".Tl» Trie *GteJi*whLnipire ). vWELLINGTON SUBURBAN.— ISLAND BAY — 11 a.m., Mr.-. Mann; 7 p.m., Hey E - P. Blamires (Comuiunion). KlLBIBNllfl— » ' 11 a.m.; Kov. E. P: Jilatnires} 7 ti.'jn'.v'MTr. 1. E. Corkill. „ ' JOHNSUJS VJLLE— II a.rd.'; Rev! 'C. Ea'ton; 7 p.m., Mr. F. J. Whitloek. KAISVAJtiitA— m " Kev ' J-Crewes; ,0,30 n<m,, v V.M.C A. Song Service. OEOFTO^-?^ p.m., Kov. C. Eatoq. T BAPTIST CHURfJH, * ™ « Vivian-ttreet. Minister— ltev. J. J. North. Morning, 11--' 1 The Unrecognised Christ '• Evening, 7—' ' A Prophet iv Babylon. ' * Thelast challenge to the Church. Opening Meeting of Literary Society; conducted by Key. Northi Tuesday Evening, at 8 o'clock. PJfiTONE— Morning at 11. Evening at 7. "" EEHAMPOBE. BAPTIST CHURCH.' iSoath-road, Preacher— Hey. T. Keith. Ewen. Morniug, at 11—" The Praying Patriot." - livening, at ,7—'s Prayeivthe Precursor -of • , 'Blessing.'-' ' ' • v. -' <■".-- •: ,- Week of Prayer 90mm enoes To-morrow. Open-air Meeting To-night af Green-sfci-eefe. at 7.45. „ ■pRIMITIVE METHODIST CHUltdpd 1 , WEBI3-STBEET-li~~ a . m; - " aid 7 " pi.. '. Eev. J . Dawson * TAWA FLAT 11 a.m., POED2UA S and 7- - p.m.. Mr. J. E. Ffrosf , ' / ' V. DONALD M'LEAN-ST.— ll a.m.,\ Eev.iO. " A. Kirn s; 7 p.m., Key. C. K. Ward ' ' ISLAND BAY— II T Rev. H. Daniel: , .7 p.m., Eev. 0..A. Sims,-<;. „ .. '>' BROOKLYN .BAPTIST . CHUEOH; ' Preaeherp-Rov. Arthur Dewdney. 11 a.m.— u 'F6rgetting the Cleansing. 1 ' . I * r Sfo?sWf Ta j.^ on^Puz^ling-^blflnj's*-; * (IV,) Jesnj^d.the. Workera.T f^IiIMITIVE" METHODIST' CHgKCH. •* - Sydney-3fc.— ll, Eev. JohnjDnmbeHv- " 7, Hey. ijorbei-jt; Danie}... P,eton]6r-lliJlev * C. E. Ward; 7,Rev.'B. Meteon. North. land— ll, Rev. B. Mefoon ,' 7 t) Mr. Reynolds. pHRISTADELPHIAN. LECTURES are \J given. every SU^DAXEVENING ?ifc 7' o clock in the ViotOrja Hall,' Adelaide, road, to which all are "cordially 'invited. ' Subject-" BBhold He.jComath? witti the Clouds."— Eev. 1./ • Seats free. No collection.' CHURCH' OF- • C H RI S 11 '1 Vivian-street: ' • - • > MEETINGS ON LORD'S DAY. " 11 a.m., Worship .'-.■' -• ■ '.■•" ' ' ' 2.45 p.tri., Blblo School ' '- 1 *.'.-• ' '. < Men's Jiereau Class, 3 to 4, . 7 p:ln.f, Gospel Service ' - '- "i *> '$'- ** Pi-Baoher— Mr.- Joa. J. Fnmldyn, Evatfg^R^ iSubject— " Did Jesus Eise from the Dead?" Unbelievers specially invited. CHURCH O F 0H R I ST, ' • WELLINGTON SOUTH. 111I 11 a.m. — Breaking of Bread., , 2.45 — Bible k-'chool. •7 p.m.— Gospel Service. Preacher — Mr. A'.-'lVTiirtfer. , Subject, "Tho Purpose of tho Gospel.- 1 * ■ - • ■ - I.rELL'BAY ROAD, Kilbirnio. ,^V, II and .2.45 p.m.— Meetings as uaWbl* ' 7 p.m.— Gospel Service. Preacher, .-Mr. ,C. H. Ekwortb.1 A hearty invitation toall.-INGESi'ftlO-STREKT HALI,. tnpRK Gospel will ho "preached (D.V.) on \ 'JL Lord's Day, at 7 P s m. A|l iuvitod. Seats all free. No collection. A cordial invitation to all. miiEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. A Public Address deliyerod at the Society's ltootn, York Uhamburs, JUaiujera* street, on bUI^DAY. at 7 p.m. , Subject—" Mim's Business in Life." . . Questions at close. , ; HR MISSIONS' TO " SEAMEN" CHUIICH AND INSTITUTE, » (\VJ)itmore-street|. -, , SUNDAX,- 2Hh-MAYragoa ~-/ < Services at. 11, ? f and 8.15. -y«i«hW Mr. J. Mooh, . MissirJner, .- Subjects— .(l) "Tho Strenuous liifc." - 8. •?J l hßHace, th« ' Prize. ' ' 3. "Business." ' , Prayer Meeting at 6.30. * Sailors' Pai> lour opened at 10 and<'2. Institute open- •' cd Daily. _ /*- ■ „ • ' ' The I 'New p,p c ' Qrgan wi4 be^ope'nerl • uafixt Sundajj* • , \' >

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 122, 23 May 1908, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 122, 23 May 1908, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 122, 23 May 1908, Page 2