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Girls' Gossip.

(Contributions , to this column addressed "Priscilla 11 will be welcomed. They should be iconciaa, and must be signed ■wi^tb the -writer 1 * full uame and address, not for publication, but as a guarantee of authenticity .5 lit Dbah Kbz^a— • ' • t I ha\o again only a brief chronicle ofBmall gaieties \for you, but there are brighter days in stored There is a garrison .officeiis'^ball— always 1 '?- ; charming affair, and one.; in which the^. m,en niay for pride "outshine -their partners, even' in thfs day of glitter and shimmer, i'hen these comesuwha't was last 'year the most notable' dance '"« the, season— thei racie balU-f or' this is! Being , kepfrr-the^dainti; esi/and >f reshest}' of frocks- 'l£ is^said this functipp is ux out£o its predecessor, through that ,^||; not; be., easy. ;Miss' Denny, Xvho'left', \vifch,-> Colonel \.Re4apy last week for 'Australia 'arfd thfen'.Home,. was the charming 'oentre pi a ,numbdp-oi^ entJrtaiwenV'laW we&fc. Y on day. Mrs: ,W;,'A, ieniiedy^hti? 4s flfr-" ligh'tful' hostess", Jaye a,- g'j#!" tea ' for Mise Benny., JFin3',chr^an,|herh'unis decorated the .roopis A.on<i' t&9 affair ,w^nl with much spirit; \ Miss. Denny woije. a very smaytly-cutu,co»t -and 1 skirt- oi cream, cloth, and a charming blouso of filet lace. - l ,■ %* 'r ..»<■ Now that "the J Atl¥wric is in, -there are-, majny §$ran|euS"3b^ ottrjStee'Sts. -onß m^y kn<J\y* ftom "byHheir't^alk'ing'-anil in arm— a, j>o^itlou' tie ydung colonial 'is 1 ' apt to be^yei.saVQiHJ of .decrejpitudfc in the "comnrqn. light or dajpr-thoiigjL why, he. or sJUe. should have 'that' idea '-ji is' difficult to understand." r I {have, a vivid recollection, of- thp funnily walking church, two and two, brother -and sister^ arm in'arm,.^nth".no inovC dbjection^ft ' the part of the boy jfchan'-his evH propensity. ■'to- pm'dK' or-' poke.' '__ Another chara'ctefistic'of t^iß'h'ew arriTOl is' the^wraps''tHdy'*Caf'ry. 'f hey have'., either, as, yet no^. faith in- ourl r climate* qr .elstt none, in their^'f ellpw-JodgeVs. ' Thqy Wik* alsp, -jin unduo "Ejiteresifc lin "our - jpublic, buildings, and actually.find' gaze at, thes, Ballanc© statue,' .niUv-.whafi ■,'foel-' ings ib is ilot'easy to-'grjess/ ':W«lljng-'' torrhas, for on<te,behave<r splendidly td., tho is»w-comers in 'the* pbinfc 'of *wea-' ther. footballers are.ipakjnjr frlfends already", a'rfd have been oWto tHe^goiff links "'at 'ftenthara.' whicttl are , looking', th:fir>exy b'ebt, ** .% 7/" .f 7, Mr. .Wylie gay# a sth^lUaof) enjoyable, aftprnqon tea j last Tuesday V.iL at ■ .Miss* Partridge's.: ■ The, hostess , wore - a bladk" > taffeta skirt and a delicate^ pale blue chiffon blouse, trimmed- yi'tik- lace' 'and embroidery. A v guest- m-aft elective black? and - white silk wifcß Waduirtjqcl Pierrot ■spots 'of "bMc'lc velvet' agqo'ratlng the wore'witli.'it a .'wigta-tTrimmed hat,, .with masses of grey,., and^ white feathers. " A. handsome r.e'^f^qck completed- by.*, a piciurescftie- Vith roses an4i aiv^y long- jsink , feather,. Another 'Hotable.nolaTet;xloth;r!i rock ." wasJ worn 'with one- of the neW- Etiipire coats' in the- samßitoit'e of Velvet^the traided fronts sfiowing :ri tiny waistc'qa'fr-tikps of silve?' tissue,' ' bordered w'itli embroidery.;' The youngpr foltt have been-jVeiy gay .these- last fewl days'.' t-Besidep" -nondescript j^veml& i> eniQ'rtainnißn/;s,-. >xlihei;ex lihei;e hav,e been niora important' functioris in the^.shape of-da'hces.i Mrs.,J?ocke;g^ve a delightfid danco to "the youhg'fViends of' her daughter Helene, and 'Mvsv^ Chippie' another for her four girls. The firsf of this ■ seaspn's aSs,etnhlies under "the'auspices of Miss Borfese took place. last week, a^d Ayas much' enjoyed. Od TMi'sd&y,-. e v^ningr^tpA . iate \ for -this lettet — there- is a-danc6 Jbeing given by ' the Terjace-«girls, f or the Anglo-Welsh footballers. A number of them had -letters of -introduction to Sir Robert and Lady Stout, who very kindly lent tMeir house for 'the aflair. The same evening* . a w ?} ay^ S 2\?V % -^JSslPoUock and Miss Meek", followed by a-danoe, is, being given at; the,- Gtals'-ColJege-. ' This' is tho 6ig"hth annual ,"at home":of the Colleger.Old, Girls' -Association^ and is beinglooked forward to with interest. ' -■ iLady -Mills, • who arrived from Australia last week;. aud^WenV'sodtn', the Bame-evening,- 'if expected back' "shortly.' aie.;int B ndea"tq;saif; 3^'- lonic, bti, has do* arranged ' W JtaVeriwkh-^rs^ Madercks" arfa ltr\l%ky\^t\eT ■ via^ Vancouver.- -On tEe. long's. .passenger^ ifttare the , Hon. Mr. apd r Mrs. Wigifam, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 411eii~And family, and, s Uiss Izard. ,IMr.' a^d, Mrs. Jadk Btrang, and their, three boys,- iMiss Mary, Richmond, who a delightful trfp' , Home, and on • the - -.Continent/'-'ra back again-. Miss Cobb,' who travel led ont with her, -is her guest 4 " at- present. Miss Gertie Glar,k, ftom Neison, Who' 'Tia- staying -with Mrs.' Martin ijennddy^and Lady War*cl^ haf' returned htonie.' • Miss • Somer\>ill6 ,is ' 'taking, a holiday ih Palmerstbn,- N|orth. \ Mrs. Arthur Buchanan, wnq' \vis stayitig,with Mrs. ; T^ ; eed last week,/Jef \ for- Hweraon|Vjday. „ Missßrassey^of.A'ucldand!,' Hi* P x } esfc .9^ ?^ rs ?- Holm wood ; and ' Miss ■ Qartla'nd^, also fjom the;, northern) rcity, i» with Mrs. Jameson., "-Miss : Cicely Gardner, from- Christchurchj' has-- been -a g.qost of i Mrs.. Robert ) and is. now with Airs. David Mrs l.'and Miss' Rolleston hay& been- staying with Mrs. Grace. They 'purpose' travelling ■to • the Malay ■ Pc'riinsnla, where Mrs. Rollesto'Ji'ff- daughter/ Mirs^B^en, \k living-/-'' 1 Colonel 1 J^avfj/jlias "taken a hpuse at' Lbwry Bay. 1 MissY j,dlo.|nan,from Auckland,' is", staying! 1 Vith Atiss Sqmerville. iady Ward! retur>ie4 on Saturday', after a* trip .fraught with interest" and for the rivers were up'and the rain was. down, and the country, ,was what t-he , immortal Mahtal-' mi s would j-haye— called- 1" dem'd moist and unpleasant.". vMi's: -and thoMi&seS' Chase-Mbtoris, and Mrs:' Gerald iltissell (nee Miss lOhajieris; of I " London),' xt^ rived by the Attenfc- The ldtte'r has' gone to'ChristchuTch. '-L"ady DoiiglaS has amalgamated her business with'tijat of Mad.>me Emeleine, 'of^ B^irld; 'street,' , ' Many women wjll rejoice to hejir that "wing" or "angel" slqeves again in vdg.ue, and aremade.of some diaphanous material borderer, with, a hea'yiqr-7 such "as, velvet' or silk. .A . black -crepc_ de qhine had ; these 0 butterfly,- wings emb^voideredilightlyr,iu- Rold, 'to match the band that marked- 1 the- Empire waisty and. the' deep. hem. at the.''foot'-i of 'the skirt. All the smart afternoon frocks and blouses are -made-^vith "long sleeves, high lace collars and yokes of net or lace 'of what depth and style, the wearer fancies. "By Ihe way, there" 'are some most tempting scarves' iv one of 'th& Urge shops, fa'fry-lrke lengths of spangled 'gauze and • jewelled crope that would be "absolutely ideal birthday offerings tb maid or matron. ' J The latest French evening , gowns all show the same features — long simple lines, rounded bust and waist, 'very short sleeves, and, very bfteri, long flat patiierg of Jace falling from shoulders to the feet. ' Victims tb the .influenza so rife now in London are. taking a new drink, v/hose boastful name is c'ure-in-a-moment copktail. Here is the r^ccipe. Beat up an egg with a',te.T.spoonf.ul. of syrup of cloves,' the same, of cinnamon, of lemon syrup, and d teaspoon'f ul .'of rum punch. Divide into t\Vo — it makes a double dose — and fill 'up the .tumblers" with boiling water, stirring ' briskly. Then quaff "to your speedy recovery. — I am, yours, - ' PRISCILLA.

Mr. H. T. Hawker, of. Greytowh, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss May Eveline Etorn, eldest daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. G. Horn, 'of Seddon. The Rev. E. Howell was the officiating minister. The -bride was charmiji^ly attired in ivoty Louisine - Bilk, trimnied with embroidered 'chiffon. SHe wore a wreath ai;d veil, and carried a shower, bouquet.'" The attendant" b;rides~ maids, who;, formed a' plea.guig group/ tvqre Miss Dove^Horn (th§ sjster ot/the,' bride), dressed in blua.uinon," white 'felt, hat trimnied with brown and long lea-, thor; Miss N. Hawker, in pink ninon, bcoWn hat, trimmed with brown* -ribbon i and _ plume ; Miss H. N^ealV^ in \pink ninoh, white felt, hat * trimrilfe'd with '•■ rosettes and long "jfea'ther'j "and ' Mis/s'es* 1 Eva Nicol and Ella Neal in blue lirfibrij green hats with , roses. AIJ, carried boil-" quets o£ pink chrysanthemumsV^hy , aur tumn leaves tied wjth,-rl3EOAvn. ribbon streamers. Tlj^ bridegroom was, attended by MrrJ H; Hawker as best, man, and .Me&sFs. Ron. Sowman, H.- Nicol v and W. Horn as groomsmen. As the happy couple left the church" dadr f6r- their car«i4age v they walked : OVerr flawei's strewn in their path by young ,girls. Afternoon was served in the Seddon Hall, when the usual speeches of "felicitation were mpde. About two 'hundred 'guests from . various parts of both islands y, r ere_present. ' The newly-wed d^d'Tpair left 'for" Wellington'- for their, -hdneymoon. >-> The bride'iS-travelling-dress was. <?f tJred cloth,, strapped .with red, velvet, "and. red hat tnniwith red silk ribbon and plume.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 122, 23 May 1908, Page 15

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LADIES' COLUMN. Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 122, 23 May 1908, Page 15

LADIES' COLUMN. Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 122, 23 May 1908, Page 15