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A perusal of the Price List will at once convince the most sceptical that the reductions are genuine In fact the opportunity now afforded to purchase is entirely unprecedented. If the article you require is ,not mentioned, call at the Warehouse, where you will find every line marked at Sale Prices. Keep the list and compare value offered. You will be astonished at the Bargains which can be secured. Jr %J JrC<r^J HR IU JHLJiLf> "'W© oi^ot© 25> £ ©w I©sb«ds2ig tiroes only. DUCHESSE CHESTS- B^ DROOM ' DRAWINGROOM. 2ft 6in, with bevel mirror 42/6 During- Sale 35/- SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ENGLISH FURNITURE. 2ft 6m, with bevel mirror 55'- During Sale 45/- CHIPPENDALE DRAWING-ROOM SUITES— 3ft , with bevel mirror 75/- During Sale 65,- Two only, m Mahogany £57/10/- Sale Price £45/-/-3 ft 6m, with bevel mirror £5/15/- /During Sale (17/0 One only, in Mahog-any £37/10/- Sale Price £30/-/-WARDROBES— One OCCASIONAL SUITE, in Tapestry and Plush, seven pieces 3ft 6in, with mirror £5/5/- During Sale £4/5/- £14/10/- Sale Price £11/15/3 ft, with mirror £4/15/- During Sale £4/-/- CHIPPENDALE OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, in Rosewood and,,. 4ft. with mirror £6/iS/6 During Sale £5/18/6 Mahogany All at Sale Prices Two only 6ft, two mirrors £28/1 o r During Sale £25/10/- CHESTERFIELDS— WASHSTANDS — • In Moquctte Velvet, Hair-stuffed £13/10'2ft 6in,"Rimu 10/6 During Sale 9/6 _ _ , , , Sale Price £11/10/3 ft, Rimu, linoleum top and back 25/- During Sale 16/6 J n JJ 3 -] 3 ?, 5^ £7/ 10,- Sale Price £6/5/3 ft, Rimu, linoleum top io'6 During Sale 14/6 r . cv and Velvet £8/10/- Sale Price £7/5/3 ft, Rimu, with cupboard £2/15/- During Sale £2/-/- ' LAbY CHAIRS— _..._._,. n, , 3ft, Rimu, marble top, tile back- £2/5/- During Sale £1/18/S l n Ia?I a ?^ stry £3/12/6 Sale Price £3/-/-3 ft, Rimu, marble top, tile bajck, with drawers £3/7/6 I mji 1 ? £. a .? dlebags and Velvet £4/17/6 Sale Price £4/5/During Sale £2/15/- ! 5° WILLOW CHAIRS, upholstered in Tapestry From 18/6 to 37/6 3 ft, Rimu, marble top, tile back, drawers, and cupboard I MnqTr A J^TuV^r frnv^? 11 * 1 " vALEu ALE P^ ICE , S l , £3/15 - During Sale £3/-/- MUSIC AND CHINA CABINETS, in Rosewood and Mahogany >' 3ft 6m, Rimu, marble top, tile back £3/3/- A , „, , . r , r , All at Sale Prices During Sale £5/10/- A splendid selection of OVERMANTELS, in Mahogany; Rosewood, 3ft 6in, Rimu, marble top, tile back, with drawers £3/17/6 rOT ni"r rApn^f/ 1 ! c£rk-™c £ r k-™ T During Sale £3/-/- FOLDI^ G A rrrpvSAv L Tr\ I 'A N o9£e O( ? CASI ,P NAL TABLES, I 3ft 6in, Rimu, marble top, tile back, drawer, and cupboard m-itKi\UUN ILA l ABLLS, in endless variety ' £4/10/- During Sale £3/7/6 All at Genuine Sale Prices for cash TOILET TABLES, 2ft 6in From 7/6 upwards DININGROOM TOILET CHESTS— - SIDEBOARDS— 2fl 6in, three drawers £1/10/- During Sale £1/5/- 3ft 6in, Cheffoniere, with bevel mirror back £4/15/3 ft, three drawers £1/15/- During Sale £1/3/6 During Sale £3/15/3 ft 6m, five drawers £4/10,'- During Sale £3/10/- 4" 6in, Kauri, mirror back £10/10/- During Sale £9/-/-3 ft 6in, five drawers £5/5/- During Sale £4/5/- 4" °in, Kami, mirror back £13/-/- During Sale £10/10/BEDROOM SUITES— sft, Fumed Oak and Copper Panels £10/10/- . Two only, three pieces £19/10/- During Sale £15/-/- , ft ri , m - OaV , - , During- Sale £16/10/Two only, three pieces £22/10/- During Sale £19/15/- sft) 1-umed Oak > copper panels £22/10'One only Oak ; inlaid with pewter £47/10/- Aff ft - v , -. ,n , During Sale £ 19/10/- ; During Sale £38/10/- 6ft 6ln > very handsome Figured Oak £45/-/-One only Oak £22/10/- During Sale £17/10/- nTNT\rr tart ttc During Sale £40/-/-One only Rosewood, inlaid £48/10,- During Sale £43/10/- r^ o off rv,i f • *■ , ' Une ott, Oak, extension, 6m square legs £9/-/-11 aii rr During Sale £7/18/6 SETTLES- DnniSM? CAr"vS | g uTT C E& S """^ Sa ' e ** IKh . Oak Usual Prices £10/15/-, £4/5/-, £6/10/- In Oak ' covered m ffieen Buffalo, eight pieces £42/10/Sale Pnccs £9/10/-, £3/15/-, £5/15/- Tri n, , , . ' , . During Sale £37/-/- • IIALLSTANDS— ln Oak ( cou ch, two carvers, and six small chairs) £69/15/Rimu Usual Price £8/15/- Sale Price £7/15/- During .Sale £s7/JP/- ' Kauri Usual Prices £3/17/6, £5/17/6 x ' OFFICE FURNITUREi ' ----"•• : rt , T - .B . „, 0 ,, . . , ,Sacl c Prices £3/5/-, £5/-/- ENGLISH ROLL-TOP DESKS— Oak Lsual Prices £6,18/6, 3ft 6in, Oak £9/10/- Sale Price £7/18/6 watt ruATDC Sale Prices £6/-,-, £5/-/- 4 ft, Oak £14/10/- Sale Price £11/10/HALL CHAIRS- „._,..,.... A , sft, Oak £20/-,? Sale Price £16/15/Oak Usual I rices £2/5/-, £t, iS 6 A large assortment of the Celebrated " CUTLER v DFSKS in Oak Sale Prices £1/18/6, £1/12/6 and Walnut These are offered at Sale Prices ' KITCHEN, BEDROOM, DINING-ROOM, AND AUSTRIAN OFHCE CHAIRS,. Revolving 35/-, /o/-, 45/-, 55/-, 32/6, 37/6 CHAIRS, !N ENDLESS VARIETY, AND AT SALE PRICES. OFFICE CHAIRS 2 ,/6 ? S^fT^ SdffticS iV/^V/S'W*' 8 LINOLEUMS. BODY CARPET— Holding very large stocks in all qualities we have discounted Some sllort lengths, Extra Quality Usual Price 11/every tine heavily. Prices are from 10 per cent, tp 50 per cent. aymtmctitd ctaid Sale Price 7 / 6 P er yard below usual. The goods are from the leading manufacturers and AAMINSTER STAIR CARPETS— cpmprise the latest and best patterns. 224 m Usual Price 8'- Price during Sale 7/- per yard NOTE THE PRICES— 2? J n tt, £"cc" cc B ''? ?> rr i ce durin S Sale 7/6 per yard' LINOLEUMS— 55m5 5m Usual Price 13/6 Price during- Sale 12/- per yard 6ft, new Matting Patterns Usual Price 2,3 per square yard „„ rARPFT SAMpfpl 3( T F iT 0/< L per « yard , Now 1/10 per square yard' J °° SS5£? 1/? Ji ? y lengths, Brussels and Ax6ft, Floral and Tile Usual Price 2/3 per square yard , minster 3/6, 7/6, 8/- each it f v- r\ r* t' It> • Xo ,) v VlO per square yard We are now offering our CARPET SQUARES at CLEARING Extra Heavy Quality Usual Price 2/6 per square yard PRince N «t o thlen v ' Now S/2 per square yard PRICES. Note these:- , „. Extra Heavy Quality Usual Price 3^ per square yard TAPESTRY SQUARES— PTiivrnTjrraDDrT • * , 1 Now 2/2 per square yard gft x 9ft 47/6 Price during Sale «/- PLAIN CORK CARPET, 111 art shades Usual Price 3/- gft x ioft 6m 56/- Sale Price 50/tmt Am t tvat rT-. fC /i a !Salei! Sale i Pr . icC 2/3 per , Sf l uare >' ard loft 6in x "ft 78/6 Sale Price 70/INLAID LINOLEUMS (latest floral- and tile patterns) — ioft 6in x 13ft Gin 90/- Sale Price 80/- - , First Quality Inlaid Usual Price 6/6 Now 5/9 per square yd. There are also some odd sizes. Those are offered at fesa First Quality Inlaid Usual Price 6/- Now 5/6 per square yd. than cost to clear \ ""erca ai\ ices Second Quality Inlaid Usual Price 5/6 BRUSSELS SOUARES— _„ . , „ T , . , , Now */g/ g Per square yard One each of the following sizes:— Third Quality Inlaid Usual Price 4/3 Now 3/8 per square yd. 12ft x 9ft £5/-/- Sale Price £3/10/\\e have some good patterns m First Quality Inlaid, which are gft 3m x Sft 3 in £5/5/- Sale Price £3/15/going at 4/9 per square yard ioft x 9ft gin £5/5/- Sale Price £3/10/As the quantity is limited, we advise intending purchasers to 10ft x 9ft gin £5/15/- Sale Price £4/-/- ' call early and secure these. i O ft bin x gft_ £4/15/- Sale Price £3/10/A lot of REMNANTS to be absolutely cleared out at half cost. lift 6in x ioft 6in £8/5/- Sale Price £6/6/11 ft x Sft 3m £6/-/- Sale Price £5/-/- ' - CARPETS. SLIP MATS- ,- , , . , , Special line Prices from 1/- to 3/- each .. > . Customers are strongly advised to inspect our stocks. Selected Extra Quality Prices 4/6 and 5/- each ' with the utmost care, these arc all of latest artistic colourings and AXMINSTER CARPET SQUARES— - An _ opportunity such as is now offering of obtaining The stock of these is particularly well selected. They are CHOICE CARPET . S from the leading manufacturers at Sale Prices marked down to? clear at special sale reductions, as follows*" Sterifcl r IP--* /* <* Size Sft 6in x 7 ft 6in £5/10/- Sale Price £3/10/- ■ BRUSSELS CARPETS— LsuaI Prices 5/6, 6;6 Size gft x gft gin £7/10/- Sale P- ice £5/16/- " c •,1 n r* t- p "ce during Sale 4/6, 5/- per yard Size lift 6in x 13ft £12/10/- Sale Price £8/-/- "" ' BRU cfrT^? A fR-VAR S PFT?i nCe7/6 " ""^ Sale 6/9 } ' ard Size I2ft 4 inx ioft 6in £i2/ir/6i 2 /ir/6 Sale Price £8/10/- ; tfKUSMLLb bIAiK UAK^Hb— Size ioft gin x gft gin £8/ jo/- Sale Price £6/-/-18 m wide Sale Price from 3/6 per yard Size nft 3 in x i-,ft 6in £12/-/- Sale Price £8/10/- '.- . 22im \yide Sale Price from 4/- per yard Size 12ft x 13ft 6in £12/^/- Sale Price £9/-/-27 m wide Sale Pncc from 5/- per yard BARGAINS in HEARTHRUGS— loin wide Sale' Price from 7/G per yard Note Prices 9/- 11/fi Ifl/- Ifi/- 1«/R 99/AvJlTvf TFR s°o^p C f P , ET p S/6 V^ ' d T? 8 ?aIG? aIG ?/6 PP r yard BEDROOM RUGS-V number^ bright "Seerfui colours " AXMINSIER BORDER 7/3 Price durmg Sale 6/6 per yard , Sizes sft x 2ft 6in 8/6 6ft x 3 ft 11/Several good patterns (no border) 8/6 JAPANESE RUGS— ■ Price during Sale 5/6 per yard Sizes 6ft x 3ft 5/- sft x sft 6in 3/3 CURTAINS. 1 "PORTIERE" CURTAINS, in all shades SWISS CURTAINS— ' At 9/9, 15/6, 17,'-, 17/6, and 22/6 each 4 yards long 55/- Sale price 42/- Sale Bargains in TAPESTRY, CHENILLE, and SERGE TABLE 3i yards long 35/- Sale price 26/6 CC) VERS Prices 10/-, 13/6, 15/-, 25/-, etc., etc. 3* yards long 26/6 Sale price 21/- CRETONNES, ART LINENS, and TAFETTAS At Prices Which 3* yards long 13'- Sale price 10/8 , absolutely defy competition "MARIE ANTOINETTE" CURTAINS— 2000 yards CRETONNE— Two pairs only, 4 yards long go/- Sale Price 65/- Lot J - — At 9 d . Jod, 1/-, and 1/2 per yard Now 6d IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN HERE ARE SOME IN Lot 2 -~ At x / 3, 1/6 per yard Now 7d REAL GUIPURE LACE CURTAINS— Lot 3-— At 1/3, 1/6, i/g per yard Now 8(1 Usual Price 52/6, now 33/-; 57/6, now 37/6; 95/-, now 87/6: Lot 4-— At 1/6, i/g, 2/- per yard Now lOd , - 48/6, now 32/6; 78/-, now 50/- Lot s.— At 1/3, 1/6, i'o, 2/-, 2/3 per yard Now lid \» FRILLED MUSLIN CURTAINS Lot 6 - — At I '^> 2 l'< 2 /3. 2/9 per yard Now 1/2. ' 'i " ,',», ; White and Ecru in coin spiSrappliqur., and floral designs § ?I JiSNE NS-, 33 i n . ■ Reduced to 2/3, 2/6, W, 31; jkt Jatd 3 * %F, tf, Sv"SI ,"S-,"n ow l 6&"° W "' 6 ! TAF "c^7 s rve S?^iS SSL^. pa,.. MB , and a, ,he s vaids lone- - 1 '- nor nair nnw Ifi/fi- ,-lf, nnw **,-• pnccs marked will have speedy sale. now 28/5 ' MARK THIS LINE! vnTTiwrHUM t a riT rrDT\T\ic t ,vu'. t -^ 2 5° CUSHIONS, filled with Best Kapoc, covered in Plafe ~L~inensf* M NOITINGHAM LACE CLRIAINS— In \\hite, Ivory, and -Ecru Printed Linens, Printed Chintz and Cretonne - --- c . , _, . _ , Irom 3<3 < to 3 °/" Per Pan- Every one a bargain at 1/11 eacli^ So,me single pan-g .at fleanng Prices To make room for new shipments, we arc offering the balance' ' •r i *v ii Ou , i V?. 8 ' ,« of our EIDERDOWN QUILTS at prices which must effect a io clear the whole of the stock, reductions of from 16 per cent. clearance. v to 75 per cent, have been made. These goods must go to make Size 6ft x sft Usual Price 52/6 Sale Price 45/room for fresh shipments,. Size 6ft x 4ft Usual Pncc 4s/ . Sale Price 27/3 A few examples of the sweeping reductions:— sft x 4ft , Usua j Price 4^ 6 Sa]e p rice 32/6 In HEAVY ART CURTAINS prices range from 10,6 per pair to 4*t x 3Xt Usual Price 16/6 Sale Price 14/£6/10/- per pair " 4ft x 3ft Usujl Price 1 1/6 Sale Price 9/6 ■ , ■ 67,6. now 37/6; 60/-, now 35,-; 45/-, now 30/-; 3S'6, now 3ft x 2ft Usual Price S/- Sale Price 6/9 ' 25/-; 32/6, now 21/- per pair tft x 2ft Usual Price q/- Sale Price 7/6 30/-; 3S/6, now 25/-; 32/6, now 21/- per pair - One only, All-Silk, 3ft x 2ft 23/- Sale Price 19/8 BEDSTEADS— , MATTRESSES— 3ft, Tubular Usual Price 25/6 Sale Price 21/- 3ft 6in, Flax From 15/- „',;-- 3ft 6in, Tubular Usual Price 27/6 Sale Price 22/6 4ft, Flax From 16/6 . -> < 4ft, Tubular Usual Price 30'- Sale Price 23/6 4ft 6m, Flax From 17/6 4ft 6in, Tubular Usual Price 32/6 Sale Price 24/6 3ft, Kapoc From 15/sft, Brass-rail Usual Price 40/- Salt: Price 32/6 " 3ft 6in, Kapoc From 17/6 lit 6in, Brass-rail Usual Price 62/6 Sale Price 55/- 4ft, Kapoc 1-rom 20,'4ft 6in, Brass-rail Usual Price 42/6 Sale Price 35/- 4ft 6in, Kapoc From 22/6 4ft 6in, Brass-rail, 2in Pillars Usual Price .65/15/- 4ft 6m, Hair, bordered From 65/Sale Price £4/18/6 PILLOWS— 4ft 6m, Italian Black and Brass, 2111 Pillars X T sual Price Kapoc From 2/3 .£lO/15/- Sale Price £9/10/- Feather From 7/6 ' ' \T 4ft 6111, All-Brass Italian, 2in Pillars Usual Price /IS/10/- «■■ » jj- -• - Sale" Price £16/5/- A!l Beddm S made in our factory, and guaranteed to ba of 4ft 6m, AU-Biass ticnch, 2111 Pillars Usual Price £12/10--' Purest Material. jft, All-Brass Usual Pncc £9, «0/- Sale Pnce^S/O - £18/10/ " ' THESE PRICES * RE FOR CASH ONL Y DURING CONBOLSTERS- ' • " TIN / UANCE ™ SALE. 4ft 6in, Kapoc From 7/6 Coodc- bought during sale will be stored free and delivered to 4ft 6in, Flax From 5 - suit cenvenience of customers. . .

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 49, 27 February 1908, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 49, 27 February 1908, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 49, 27 February 1908, Page 3