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tho twelve months ended 30th June last 252.038 imigranls entered Canada, the latier contrasting with the total of 15,571 which entered the Dominion ten years ago. Tli-" 1 roafl to liealth paverl with Rood digestion— Bivgg's Vegetable Chaicoal, invaluable for Indigestion, Diarrhoea, Fc\er3, etc Powder, 2s, 4b, 6s; Biscuits, Is, 2s, 4s Bragg, Wigmore-f-treet, London, England. — Advt.

Only a little time ago Lord Strathcona -\oiced tho prediction the Dominion would by tho end of this ccnturv hive as largo a population as tho United States. This, swing that the United States now claim 84,000,000 and Canada only 6,000,000 of population, seined on the fact of it a sanguine anticipation, but considered in the light of certain figures recentlypublished there cannot be any impossibility about it at all. These figures show that against the present Canadian population of 6,000,000 the whole population of the organised States was only 5,303,483 in the year 1800. During

Can only be reared by giving suitable nourishment. If unable to feed your child, the proper substitute is a food that corresponds in all respects with human milk. The " Allcnburys " Milk Foods are so prepared as to remove the difference between cow's milk and human milk, and arc most easy of digestion. They are alike suitable for the delicate and robust, and when used as directed, form the beat means of rearing a child by hand. The No. 1 Milk Food may be given alternately with the natural food without fear of causing digestive disturbance. MILK FOOD No. I. MILK FOOD No. 2. MALTED FOOD No. 3. Ftom biilh to 3 months. • From 3 to 6 months. From 6 months and upwards, A PAMPHLET ON INFANT FEEDING AND MANAGEMENT FREE. ALLEN. & HANBURYS Ltd., LONDON, aijd Bridge Street, SYDNEY. LIST OF LUCKY WINNERS. Name and Address. Coupons. Prize' Name and Address. Coupons. Prize. Mrs. J. A.'LEDBROOK, Fitzherbert Mrs. J. CRAIG, Upper Hutt ... 88 £i . Street, 161 £$ Mrs. J. COLLINS, 40, Riddiford St., Mrs. F. N. GREENOUGH, 17 Petone . Newtown ' ... 84 £1 Avenue, Petone 150 £5 Mrs. J. HEADIFEN, 32, Crawford Mrs. COOK, Newtown 146 £5 Street, Newtown 82 £1 Mrs. JOHN JELLY, 6, Homer Street, Mrs. E. W. BLACKWELL, SilverNewtown 122 £$ stream 80 £1 Mrs. M. HARROP, care Brickworks, Mrs. R. McFARLANE, 6, CottlcSilver^tream 120 £4 villc Terrace 78 £1 Mrs. A. NEWTON, care Mrs. Adams, Mrs. E. BOWATER, Sand Hills, Petone 114 £4 Pctonc 75 £\ Mrs. E. ANDREW, Hutt Road, Petone 103 £4 Mrs. E. JONES, care Mrs. McEwan, Mrs. J. NANKIVELL, 46, Queen Petone 75 £1 „ St £ cTs!vr,?-5J255c T s!vr,?-5J255 tAV, •- •• 10 3 £3 Mrs. H. MOULDER, care BrickMrs. HIGHWOOD, Ebdcn Town, works, Silverstream 74 £1 Upper Hutt 103 £3 Miss MYRTLE CARTER, 6, Oriental Mrs. E. J. HUGHES, Station Road, Bay 74 £1 Upper Hutt 101 £2 Mrs. K. BARBER, 24, Tory Street, Mrs. S. SIMPSON, 7 Queen Street, Petone 73 £1 „ Petone 100 £1 Miss E. HODGSON, Mudie Street, Mrs. A. SOUTHEE (senr.), Main Alicetown 72 £1 Road, Upper Hutt 93 £1 Mrs. STOCK, College St., Wellington 72 £1 Mrs. S. FLOYD, S, Ryanc Street, Mrs. W. BYERE, James Street, Petone .86 £1 Kilbirnic 72 £1 Miss 1 N. WILKINS, Trentham P. 0., Mrs. G. GOOCH, 5, Onepui Road, Upper Ilutt S5 £1 Kilbiinie South 70 £\ Mrs. W. H. KELLY, Patrick Street, Mrs. C. H. W. LEPPER, 88, RichPctone 84 £1 mond 'Street 67 £1 Name and Address. Coupons. Prize' I Name and Address. Coupons. PrizeMrs. J. MORRIS, Piunket Avenue, Miss N. THOMAS, Boston Terrace 30 Butter D. Petone 55 Dinner Set Mrs. C. WHITE, Adams St., Brooklyn \o Do. Mrs. E. STOKES, Petone 63 Do. Mrs. H. ANDREWS, 3, Oriental Bay 30 Do. Mrs. CHRISTIE, Woolcombe St. 63 Do. Miss RICHARDS. 5, Banhs Terrace -,o Do. Mrs. E. WILLIAMS, Newtown ... 60 Do. Mrs. A. C. BRAMLEY, Berhampore 30 Do. Mrs. A. W. THOMAS, Khandallah 57 Do. Mrs. C. J. ALEXANDER, EdinMaster F. KELLY, Upper Hutt ... 56 Watch boro' Terrace 50 Do Mrs. F. CROSS, 18, Stafford St. ... 56 Dinner Set Mrs. HAVES, 49, Cambiidge Terrace 29 Do. Mrs E. E. T. BANKS, Newtown S. 55 Do. Mrs. R. KIDD/'Mungaroa 29 Do. Mrs. HOPE, 5, Aurora St., Newtown 55 Do. Mrs. J. McKEE. Pctonc 20 Do. Mrs. R. T. STOCKBRIDGE, Br'klyn 55 Do. Mrs. F. CHARTER, 8, Queen St., Mrs F. PEARCE, Pctonc 54 Do. Petone .... . ->q Do Miss MAISIE O'BRIEN, Up. Hutt 54 Hair Brush Mrs. A. MARTIN", Upper Hult ... Js Do. Miss GRACE MITCHELL, L. Hutt 53 Do. Mrs. C. STEVENS, 4, Adelaide Road 27 Do. Mrs. A. BAINTON, Petone ... 52 Dinner Set Mrs. T. MARSHMENT. Adelaide R. 27 Do. Mrs. C. SMITH, Main Rd., Trentham 52 Do. Mrs. CRITCHLEY, Tullv St., Kilb. 26 Do. Mrs. POWNCEBY, Petone 52 Tea Set Mrs. 11. CLARK, Newtown ... 26 Do. Mrs. T. SQUIRE, Petone 52 Do. Mrs. J. HASTINGS, Roscneath St. 26 Do. Miss M. DALZIEL, Upper Hutt ... 50 Silver Hr.B. Master A. DOUGLAS, Crawford St. 26 Do. Mrs. V. JESSOP, care P.O. Trentham '50 Tea Set Miss IVY CURTIS, Petone .. 26 Purse Mrs. M. McCROSSIN, Upper Hutt 40 Do. Mrs. J. OLSEN, 20, Nelson Street, Mrs. C. \\\L IH, Petone 48 Do. Potone -5 Butter D. Mrs. C. BURTON, Pctonc \b Do. Mrs. S. NEWLAND, High S., Pctcne 25 Do. Mrs. J. LITTLE, Nelson St., Pctonc 45 Do. Mrs. BOOCOCK, Island Bay ... 25 Do. Mrs. G. MOODY, Elizabeth St., Petone 45 Do. 1 Mrs. A. BULLEN, 64. Edmboro' Tcr. -5 Do. Mis. G. BYFORD, Richmond St., I Mrs. W. MILLS, 6, Victoiia Street, Petone 45 ,Do. ' Pctonc Do Mrs. BOESLEY, 27, Donald McLean Mrs. E. McLENNAN, Smith St., Kilb. 25 Do. Ar '°\ rc^ T _„• :• ••• 45 Do. Miss I. BRABVN, Feilding 25 Butter D. ¥, rs - I' }i?kYn 0D ' llblrnie •■• 45 Tea Set Mrs. W. ROGERS, James Street ... .-5 Do. }\ rs - T K J;W^ I rHV£ etone o „ •■• 44 Do - Mrs - E - J- MADDOCK, Island B. 24 Do. Mrs. J. CHAPMAN, Owen St., New- Mrs. W. J. PARKES, Mt. Cook Res. 24 Do. -. «„•■.- T ,- ■ ■■■ •■■ 4i Do. Mis. F. OSBORN, 97, Riddiford St. 24 Do. Mr. G. McGHIL, Upper Hutt ... 41 Do. Mrs. C. CAIRNEV, 31, Aro St. ... 24 Do. Mrs. H. B. BLACKWELL, Up. Hutt 40 Do. Miss M. ANDREWS, Roseneath ... 24 Do. Mrs. M. T. KING, Royal St., Bei- Mrs. C. CORLEY, Berhampore . . 23 Do. hamporc 40 Tea Set Mrs. C. WEST, Wallacevillo ... 23 Do. Mrs. S. HEWSOX, Richmond St., Mrs. F. OSBORN, 97, Riddiford St. 24 Do. „ PP $ to ?* „»„- , 4o Tea Set Mrs. G. A. CLUTTERBUCK. P.O. Mrs. F. JONLS, 2, Xerand Street ... 40 Do. Box r, "-3 Do Mrs. F. C. RANDV.LL, Vogcliown 40 Do. Mrs. MEAKLE, Kilbirnie ... . 23 Do. Miss L. MUIR, 25}' Queen St. ... 40 Tea Set Mrs. R. M. RUSSELL, 2, Francis Mrs. J. MACDONALD, Petone ... 40 Do. Plow - . •? Do Miss ELSIE MARSH, 1, Drummond j Mrs. W. ANDREWS, Island B.iy ... 2*3 Do. Street 40 Hair Brush Mrs. L. 1. WOOD, Xcu-town ... .^ Do. Mrs. SHAW, Oh 110 Re!., Brooklyn... 40 Tea Set i HEANXIE DILLOX, Kilbirnic ... z\ Do. }\ lS ' ,J", J " J\9&9£ T I S ' Silverstream 39 Do. Miss JESSIE TOURELLE, Petone /-, Do. Mrs. J. MARTIN. Petone 30 Do. Mrs. H. BARKER. 16, Ilnnkcy Si. 22 Do. Mrs. S. \Y. CROSS, Esplanade, Pctonc 38 Do. Mrs. J. HL'TCHIXGS. Pclonc .. 22 Jeilv Dish Mr. I-. BRACEGIRDLE, Inglcuood 38 Do. I Mrs. L RADFORD, 72, Aro St. . -= Do •}J rs - C- P- KI SS, Newtown ... 3 S Do. Mrs. E. EDWARDS, Newtown ... 22 Do. Mr. BERi lOOMLR, Newtown ... 37 Do. Miss M. COOPER, New town .. .12 Purse ,f, f Ne^, o,^"0 ,^" „ TT „ ••• 37 Do. -Mrs. H. R. HICkEY. Siratford 22 Jcllv Dish Mrs. r\VOME\, Ilorncr Street, 'Mrs. W. 11. HAMPTON, Island B. 22 Do. *c «, • 37 Tea Set .Master W. HOWELL, Pctono ... 22 Magic Lu. Mrs. A. COt, Ohiro Rd.. Brooklyn 36 Salad , Mrs. J. BRUCE, Island Bay . . 22 Tcllv Dish Mrs CONCHIE, Monte Vista, Petone 36 Do. } Mrs. P. J. WILSON, Bcrhampoic 22 Do. ISurse STUART, 64, Daniel St., 1 Mrs. DUINEEN, Biooklyn ... 22 Do. Newtown 36 Do. Mis. J. HEARFIELD, New town ... 22 Do. Mrs. J. M. O'CONNOR. Newtown 36 Do. Miss L. GROGAN (No address) .. 22 Do. Mrs. PAUL, 17, Beach St., Pclonc 34 Do. Mrs. E. CONTESSA, 23, Wordsv orth Mr. CLUTTERBUCK, Pctonc ... Do. Stre.fl ... ... -1 Do Mis. 1-1. YOUNG, Upper Hutt ... 34 Butter D. Mrs. BROCKT.F.BAXK, Pctonc ... 21 Do. Mis. McLEOD, New town 34 Ho. Mr,. CAPT. REID. 6. Belfast St. 21 Do. Mrs. A. EDLIN, Sandhills, Pctonc Do. Mrs. R. PETF.RSKX, Mastorton ... 21 Do. Mis. L. LIARDET, Homer Stieet, , Mrs. W. S. HJGOINSON, Kilbnnir m Do. Newtown ■;, Salt Cruet Mr:;. C. R. MATTHEWS, Wallncr'-illc 21 Do. Mrs. If. A. MASON, Lower Ilutt ... i\ Do. Mrs. W. 11. HKALK, 47, Vivian St.. 2\ Do. Mrs. J. YORK, 9, Cuba St., Pctonc 32 Do. Mr?. 1. J. ENNIS, Ingle.uood ... 21 Do. Mis. 11. ROSE. Rata St., L. Hutt 32 Do. Mr*, "if. TAYLOR, Pctonc ... 21 Jeilv Dish Mrs. J. JARVIS, 12, Gicpu .Street 32 Do. Mis. T. J. JIOLLIS, Nelson Sticct, Mrs. TOOMATM, Karaki Bay ... -2 Do. Petone ... ... -1 Do Miss ivy HALL, Hutt Valley ... 32 Salad Miss M. RUDNEY, Nowtown . . .:< Do. Mr. A. P. I'IIILLIPS, Upper Hutt 31 Do. Mrs. C. A. CHAPMAN, Kilb. X. _> 1 Tin. Miss M. BELL, 38, Majoribanks St. <$j Do. Mrs. W. RUTLEDGE, Newtown .. ?« Do. Mrs. F.. J. HAMMILL, Berhampore -51 Do. Mh-, M. JELLY, Newtown 20 Do. Mrs. COTTKR, Island Bay ... 3 r Do. L. E. BF.AZER, Rhodes St., Xcwtown 20 Do. Mis. J. \\. PF.TTKTT, Pctonc ... 30 Do. KITtEXK XKLSON. Potone . . 20 Do. Master F. PERRIN, Kilbirnic ... 30 Watch Mrs. A. COLU.UIIOUN, Pctonc .. .-o Jolly Plate KNORUB, DARKIE, and ABBEY POLISH COUPONS NOW COUNT IN GOLD LEAF DISTRIBUTION. NO STARTER (Red Coupons) ALLOWED. Next Distribution May 25th, 1908, When another J5200 in CaMi nnd Prizes will be available. No Storekeepers allowed to compete. All returning 50 Coupons will recoive a present conMstir:^ of Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, &.c. EACH lib. TIN GOLD LEAF TEA, 1 Coupon. EACH LARGE T!N CHEF, 1 Coupon. EACH TIN ABBEY, KNORUB, and DARKIE POLISH, 1 Coupon.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 48, 26 February 1908, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 48, 26 February 1908, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 48, 26 February 1908, Page 11