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WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. THE WELLINGTON CITY BYLAW No. ], 19C3 (CONSOLIDATED BYLAWS). NOTICE is hereby given that at a , Special Meeting of tho Wollington City Council, held on THURSDAY, tho 30th day of January, 1903, the following Resolution was pabsed, viz.: — The Council of tho City of Wellington, acting for and on behalf of the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of t'.e f.a^d City, hereby makes and ordains (fay Special Order) tho l'ollowjn~ hj.urx, under and by virtue of and in exercise or pursuance of tho pov/cis arid provisions contained in " !\uo Municipal Corporations Act, IDOO,' "i'i'ic I'ubjic Health Act; 1900." "The' \Ycliinstolt City Draiuago Em- - powering Act, 13CV' "Tho Cemeteries Act, i 032," and tho several Acto amondin,-; tho same respectively, and of nil _ powers and authorities contained i'l eacl)« and ovory other•Aqt or jiul!ioTi f .y in any wiso "enabling tho Council in that behal;". AND notice is hereby further -privon that tho said resolution will bo submitted for confirmation at tho Ordinary Meeting, <5f the Wellington Cily Council, to bo Tield on THURSDAY, the 27th day of February, 1908, at the Council Chambers in the Town Hell, Cuba-strent, at 8, when tho dalo on which tho said 'Bylaw will como into forco will be fixed A copy of the naid Bylaw is deposited for public inspection at the office of tho Town Cbrk to tho said Council, Town ■ Hall, Cuba street, and may bo inspected there by all parsons during_ ordinary office hour's. TUo object and purppft 6£ tho said Bylaw is sot out froreunder. JNO. R. PALMER, Town Clerk, sth February, IGO3. Tho cbieel and purport of Iho above* i mentioned B.ylaw is to consolidate, I amend, and include all Uio existing Bylawb 01 tlte City, "itli various alterations end additions, asul for that-purpofeft to ropeal /all such By lavs in force' in the said City. The sdid Bylaw makes provisions and rcgulaticr.3 for tho. following purposes: — ■ In relation to Streets, sundry oflonces iii connection therewith, general provisions concerning sft-earc-, tho traffic thereou, tha use thereof, rujuries to and nuisances thereon,' r.rnl tne construction of thinga over or under the same; in relation to Lsuildm>;s, general provisions respecting thoir site?, foundations, constructioa,' iirningoineni, and repair,' the mode in which, and the materials with which they are to be ereetiid and repaired, for securing Liability, prevention of tiro, publio safety and for purposes of health, and for regulating buildings of a publio ' character, building' districts, frontages, and epen-airtpaues, and Iho prevention of overcrow dins ; in relation to Publio Buildings, Enclosures end Grounds, provisions r.o to buildings or enclosures and plains ot c»se-übla-jo lor public meetings, performances, exhibi lion^, entertainments, , ot Vjir.UjOtnouls, and to publio grounds for athlolic sporrj or games, also to the licensing, inspection pud control thereof respectively; in relation to Drainago, Sanitation :>.nj j'-Tuisa/icss, general provisions roMiscting tho drainage iir.d plumbing of buildings and tad appliances and convonioncas connected therewith, the prevention of re r uic accumulation, and proscribing rcpsptjvlep, rsvyulating or pr6vcnting >tha keeping- ol r.mmnl&, a regulating tho U c o of stabler, the prevention and aDatetnent of uujsiuflcs, ike conservation of publio lvaltb, ' safety and couyenieiioe, the ins,portion of lands, buildings, or premises, aud freiierally regelating the promises } in rolation to Privato Drain Connoctions. Covori.ig-in of • Wnter-coursos, , ana Drainage and Sanitation, under "The * Woihafjton Cily JJr.ainuge Empoworin? Act, ibO'!'' ; in lolation to Waterworks and Wato'r Supply, aud" prescribing refiliations- in rcLiiion to Vehicles (lr.clubivo' of motor' carfc), general provisions as to tho i -'censing of vehicles, also ,aa to driverd unJ t-thois' having, charge of Oc'di. ■!<■>, iho licensing thereof,, and ra-gul:-.tii-.^ the.'r conduct, alto fixing fares an-! charge; and etreat ciandings in conuettiriK with I'cMscd vehicles ; iv relation to the prevention of danger from fir>s, the storage of dangerous goods, fire escapes, cecirio Jighl I'-^d power fitters, and generally eoEuervinj; pubUo. safety ; in rotation to exceptional traffic on rtrosts, the licensing of Iraolion engine*, motor waggons f 11 J deli\e"y vans, and regulating iks weight and rcuta thereof and other wisa ; in iShb'di to reserve, parks and publio iteration 'ground, and -regulating the u;e and maja&eaiciit thereof) tho preservation of order therein, and.'£or -jwoteetintr the property of -the Corporation 1 in. .relaiion to Biiliardro3aic,*«T.d the licensing regulation aiut ccjitrol thereof; in relation to the Public Library/ and the Branch Libraries, and regulating tho' use and coKi-rcl thereof; in ' relation - to v Dairies and j the licensing., thereof, pnd prescribing and rggulating the inspection, ventilation, etc., thereof, and goacially retaliating milk supply; in relai tion to the Public IJaths aud Bathing, and the control, and regulation thereof respectively; in rolation to the Cemetery establidicdVby: the Ceujjcil, situite at 'Karori, and regulating the use ami mar.agsmont thereof; also for regulating- tho' use -iand hiana'Jtcment of ony other cemetery untler the control of the Council ; ■ in relation to Hawkers aud Pedlara aj.d keepers of coffee, or 6thcr, Elree't -Etalls, . «nd t the lipping and regulating the conduct thereof ; in relation to porters, criers and bcll-riugere, ' and the licencing and regulating the corduct thereof"; in' relation to publio health, safely and convenience), th'o prolec tion. fit tho property of the Corporation, supplementary provisions alfecting previous, rarts of tho Bylaws and subsidiary provision, „ Relating to the good rule- ar.d government of tile Cily ; and providing generally for th.-i good rule ar.d government of ' the Cily in. re c pect slfo of matter; iceidpntal to the matters above specially uieKtiouea or, rticrred to, or any of them. WELLINGTON UTY CQUtfCtL Tho Wellinsttoi- City Bylaw Xo. 3, 1903 (Tramways). NOTICE is heioV given that, at' t, Special Meotiug ( cf tho Wellington City Council, hold en Tin-rsdny, (he 30lh clay of January, 19C8, the following resolution vi as passed, viz.-— The Council of the City of "Welling, ton, acting on bthalf of thp Mayor, CouiU'illorj, . and Citizen-; of rhe bjiia City, hcroby make* and ordains >(by tpecial order)"- tho following * bylaw, under or by viituc, o" in puivucuce of .Jho prov-«o:is of "Tho Tramwaya Act, 1&C4," aud under or in puißU« ' area of all and every ether powers G!> authorities (il flnj/ oiyxbh'tlg thtf Council iv thpt behalf au^-fcr the piirposo of regulftti^ig 'tht. cairying on of the unicrtakicg 1 c-f flo Wtllinglon City T -aiawpys, and ordering the traXc theioof and of"all e\lijiikions of such iintlcnakinij irac'e or to be nnt'o «f which um'crlaiis.g tba . Council are ''Tiiy Trcmotcrs" v;tliin tho racanirg yof ilic taid Acl. ' Tho abei'a vcytoliJtion will Oe fiibmilted Cor confirii->;itio)i Pt tha ordinary meetlrsy of t.'ic *J:d (Jcfar.ii 1 , Tv bs hold ca Tl U.KjjiJAY, tho T'Tth ray of Fcl.:inir, 3903, rt 8 p.m., when th;j cV.ta on which tho raid bylaw will come into force will be. fixed. ; Thi' oHi-ct and pnrpcri. cf the %aid Bylav/ sre as ft'l'ov. : — To repeal tho Tiainways Bylaw, 39C4, i'nd to crcßto ,a now Bylaw in" substitution ih-jr. ior for t!;o purpose of rcgi'latii)<? tho carrying on rf tho ■inperir.kiitK of tho V/fJlingUm C.ty Tj-onnrayp, and ordering- |he 'trsdic tlicr-rf ar.d of all exiorision- of «ue!< imdcctiiking trauQ' or to be.r.iat'p of wh'ch i.!ic!ertalri'ig •" tho *asd Cviunril are """ha ViomoleVs" within tho mcri'iug of tlie Fait 1 Act. A fillip cony cf ilh-'s 'i'vlaw is (Vpo»"ted ot tho pnico of the Tn\Vn -CM- 1 ; t<; fho caiti Council ,f,or pu^lc ir/' eh.i ?ud imj- be iiTpebtcd ( l:nro by a;! . '\ c'uriug- ordihaiy office hnur*. ' JXO. R. I?AT>T7'H. Town Clerk. sth February, 19C0.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 36, 12 February 1908, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 36, 12 February 1908, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 36, 12 February 1908, Page 12