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(OT. PAUL'd PRO - CATHEDRAL, X? Sl iiljn-.ive-stroofc, Thnrndon. sth SUJNDAY AFT Kit EfIPHANY. Oth February, 1908. Order of fcorvices.— Uoly Communion, 8 a.m. ; Matins mid Sertnon, 11 a.m. ; J'Jvouboiir 1 and Sermon, 7 p 111. ST. PAUL'S CHUIiCHROOM, 'liimkori. road— Children's Service, 11 a.m. ; Jiveuaong mid ■Adrlreßd, 7 p.m. T. L' li T H It ' S CIIUIt QU. otji SUNDAY AFI'KR EPIPHANY. Onior of Servioos :— 8 a.m , Holy Communion ; 1 1 n.ul., Matins and Scvinon ; -I p vi , liaptism aud Churchings; 7, Eveuaong and b'ormon. Brooklyn Churchroom— 8. 11 n.m., 7 p.m. Kolburno Chuichrooui— ll a.m Tiiranaki-st. jAlinHJoii Hoom— 7 p.m. CiT. JOHN'S CHURCH, WILLIS-ST. (Prosbytoriau). TO-MOIIKOW. Morning, 11. Evening, 7. Key. Dr. Gibb. Twenty-Sfth Anniversary of Ministry, and Words ot' Farowell for a Season. S'K ANDKKW'S I'KESJBYTJiIIMAN OUUUCjU, VYellinqtox 'I'erback. SEUVICES, SUNDAY, 9lh PEBKUABY. Morning at 11. l'lvcuiug at 7. PreaoLer-'ltev. J. Gibsou Smjth. KENT-TERRACE PRESBYTEELtVN CHURCH. SUNDAY, Oth FEBRUARY. Preacher— lier. J. K. Elliott, 8.A., Morning, 11. Evening, 7. All welcome. ST. JAM MS 'S PltliSliYTEltlAN 011UKCH, AdeiiAidb-uoab, W ELLINGTON . SOU I'H. Sorviotis at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Preacher — Ilev. William. Sliirer. WEDNESDAY, 12th Februai-y, 8.15 p.m., Monthly Meeting of OHioe-bearera. lbi MKMOltr^M CHUKCH, Tho Ptirade, Island iJay. Sorvico 3 p.m.— Preacher, l.'cv. W. Sliirer. OI4OOKLYN PEESBYTEItIAN JL> . CHUIICH. Preafther — Kov. P. C. Honnio. Sorsioos — Morning, 11 ; Afternoon, , 2.30, Sabbath School ; Eveniuc, 7. piIBSJBYTB ItIAN CHUHCH. NEW SUBURBAN CHAUGE. Preacher— Key. W. Douglas, M.A. 11 a.m.— KOSENEATH, Sbate School 3 p.m.— MIRA'MAII, Avenue Ten, Jttooms 7,— KlUilKNli!!, O'DounoU's Uall. Coinmuftion Morning and Evening. f^ONUItKGATIO.NAL (JHUKOHbJsi. \J • SUNDAY, Oth FEBRUARY. THE TEUKACE— IO.3O a.m., Prayor Meeting in thd VeiUy; 11 am., Key. A. E. Hunt; 7 p.m., Key. W. Day. COUKTKNAY.PLAOK-ll a.m.; Rev. E. Mitchell ; 7 p.m., Key. W. S. Fomie. CONSTABLJO-ST. (iNewtown)— lla.m., Rev. It. M'Knughton ; 7 p.m., Rev. J. Sarginson. i- , ALICETOWJS-11 a.m., Rev. C. M. Davideon; 7 p.m., Roy. B. L. Thomas! MAbrJblftTON— ll a.m. aud 7 p.m., J. H. JMaukciuio. ETHODIST CUUHCH OF AUSTRALASIA. ' Sevvices TO-MORHOW. WESLEY CIJUKCH, lamnaki-streeL— It a.m., }Iqv. U. Porter (Sui)ject, " 'I'he Greatest Buttle on Kecord"); G. 30 p.m.. Key. P. W. JTairolough (Subjeot, ''Tho Imago Chamber"). JUOLJ'JS\YOKTH-STREET,Thorndon-ll a.m., Key. ILIJ. Redstone ; 7 p.m., Key. C. Porter (Subject, "The biguifioauoe of the Looks of Jesus'"). KAltoKl— l1 11. vi., Roy. P. W. Fairclough; 7 p.m.. >U>. T. Caughley, M.A. 'IQIDI-H'L'. AIIStJION— II a.m, Mr. Keall-.- €.3o 'p.m., Sislar Isabel oinclmr. ARO-S'J'. MISSION — 0.30 p 111., Sister Evelyn Laws. WJJLLIJNG L'ON SUCJriI. NEWTOWN (Trinity)— Ker. \V. J. Williams — 11 a.m., "Faint, yet Pursuing;" 7 p.m., '"Tho Oit'6 ot tho MornhjiC fctar." i WKLI.INUTON SUBURBAN.— ISLA ND BAY— II a.m., Key. E. P. Bluinires; 7 p.m., Mi'- Lomas. JUiiBIK-NU'l (Chiiruli AnuiVBreary)— lla,.m.,Mr, H. N. Hohtiea; 7p.m., Key. I'j. P. Blamires. Spouial music JOHMSOJNVILLK— II a.m., Mr. Maoiutosh : 7 p.m., Kov. C. Kuton. KAIW AKKA —11 a.m., llav, O. Eatpn ; (5.30 p.m., Mr. H. HaH.JUJiOFTON- 7 p.m., Mr. J^ \V. Maok. WELLINGTON^BAPTIsiM^HURCH, Yivian-tireet. t , Preacher— Kov. J. J. North. Morniug, 11—" His Ways-." Evening. 7 — Spociul Address to Young Men anU'Women ou " Tho Byetuudur. 4^ Ilent'aeutii'esotveiifoVfiurauirers. You come. PJiTONI'J-Mormug, 11, Key. R. Wilson ; Kveiitngr, 7, Mr. W. li. Nicliolsou. "OAPTIST CHL'ItUU, BROOKLYN, ■^■^ Pru.'icLer — Key. Arthur Dewdney. 11 a.m. — " Into tlio ilifih Mountains." 7 p.m. — '* Mau'a Need of Divine Power deolared by, the depths ty> which he falls and the beighto to which lie" A»l!iUUAfilPOltl!l BAfTIST OIiUKOU. > Preacher— Mrs. T. K'oifcli It! won. Morniug, 11— Subjoet, ll JNcoonuah." Evening, 7 — (Joajiel Song fcervice (bhort Adiirosb). To-nijiht, Open-air Servici at Ureen st., off Riddiford-hfi., at 7.45. TpRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH. ' SUNDAY, Oth FEBRUARY. WEBIS-STKIOMT.— II am , KeV. Maodouald Asplaud; 7 p.m., Key. ri. Urimtlia ROSI'JNi'iATH— 7 p.m , Supply TAWA. FLAT^-ll a.m.. Mr. VYm. Uall PUKIKUA— a p.m.. Mr. Win. Hall . 7 p.m., Kov. J. F. Doherty ' NIu\VTO\VN (Douuld M-Lean-sl.)-ll a.m., Hon. C. M. l.uko, M.L.O'. ; 7 p.m., l.'ov. ■ J. Cocker (Memorial Sen ice, lato Mrs. lligguibottvtvi. junior) , ISHM> JJAY— Ii a.m, Mev. J, Cooker ; 7 p.m.. frlra. J. L. Wiiglit , OKIMrI'IVE MI'.THODIST CH UItCUES .17 !>ydno.v-fet.— ll. Kuv, Alcteoii ; 7, Ifev. \V. J. tiuiith. Pctotio, 11, Kov. Wafil; 7, Momvi'ial Jsei'vft'o (lain Mi-, lnt-rami, Key. Motson. Morlhlainl— lJ, Mr. Uiouutt ; 7, }iav Ward. fi JI UR C H OF 'JURIS '1, «*-«' Vivian-streot- • TO-MOKUOW, bUiNDAY, Oth FKB. Woivhip, li a.m. Sunday School, 2.45 p.m. ■Gospel bervice, 7 p.m. • Preacher— Mr. K. A. Wright. i A cordial welcome to all TTNITARL4N FREE CHUROK. \J Masonic Hall, Boulcott-sl. Services at Jl a.m. and 7 p.m. At Jl — Professor H. JM'Kunzio i>n ** The , DovijlQpinouL of tho OlirialKvn Priesthood." At, 7-r-Mr. Jolin Gammoll, 11.A., Lond. Subject, '"Hebrew Prophets in tho Light of Modern Criticism." CHURCH OF CHRIST, Riddiford-slreet, WELLINGTON SOUTH. 11 a.m. — Breaking of Bread. 2.-1-5 p.m. — Biblu t'oliool. 7' p.uii— Gospel Service. Preachor— Mr. A. £'. 'Turnei-. Snbjoct— " An Auostlo's Exlicsrtattoii to tlio Undecided." LYl'iLli. BAY KOAP, Kilhirnie. 11 a.m. und 2,45 p.m. — lleetings us usual. ; 7 p.m. — Pteiichet, Mr. H. Owen. A hearty invitation to all. (Orfß [STADELPIIIAN LECTURES are H^ given every SUNDAY E\ EMiNG at 7 o'clock in the Victoria Hall, Adelaideroad,. to which all aro cordially imitccl. -Subject — " Jitortml 1.if0." Scats free. No collection. fBTHEOSOPHICA L ' SOCIETY. JL , . A Pulilio AildrosH will be delivori'd at tlio Society's Knom. York Chambers, Mannortistreol.. on SUNDAY, nt 7 p.m. .Subject — " 'I'lieoaojiby anil tbo Now P^vr.liologj.' 1 liiblo aj.r 1 . Study Class, ThurfOoy, 7,30p.U1. % Altiiifunhei:a aio reauesifced to beiretont.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 33, 8 February 1908, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 33, 8 February 1908, Page 2