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Girls' Gossip. • [C'.-utribations to this column addressed "Prisinlla" will be welcomed. They should be concise, and must ba oi^ned with the writer's full name and addiess, not for publication, but aa a guarantee of authenticity. j Mr Db.vb Kszia— It takes a little while to gather together the loose ends of one's daily doings after a holiday trip, and to learn what has happened while town ha? been deprived of one's illuminating piosence. Last week was filled with senate entertainments, by no mean* st-lemn or stodgy affairs, but judiciously frivolous and decorously gay. One of the charms of these gatherings was the meeting of old comrades tn literature or science, the reunion of friends of many years' standing, and conversation consjquently never needed n flilip. Lady Stout gave a most enjoyable At Honie last week to the members of the University Senate and their friends. The blond of Church, State-, university, and navy proved most successful. The handsome rooms were charming with flowers, the supper-table decorated with graceful sweet-peas, and the library ■with cactus dahlias. A strong band played tunefully, and prbvision was ifiade for devotees of bridge. The hostess looked picturesque iv a black brocade, with delicate cream and lace sleeves and underblouse. Mrs. Hislon wore a handsome black silk velvet, with a berthe of Honiton lace. Among the guests were Admiral Fawkes and Some of the officers of the flagship. Mrs. yon Haast had a small dinner-party the fame evening, the guests and host and hosters going on later to the reception at the Chief Justice's. Mrs. Levin's beautiful ball took place 6ft the same night. Among the various hostesses of last week were Mrs, Walter Shaud, who gave a delightful tea on Thursday in honour of Mrs. Shand, from Dtmedin— thr> flowers wero exquisite about ths pretty rooms— and Mrs. T. W. Hislop, who had a luncheon party on 'Wednesday. Admira 1 Fawkes entertained some fnends to luncheon on the lisigship last week, Lady i'awkes, who is not yet recovered from her sprained ankle, arriving from the South the same moming On Saturday afternoon Mr. John Duthie invited a large number oLgue&ts to sea some pictures he has brought from Rtixao to add to the attractions of his hanSsbme house at the Nainai. They were hung in the billiardroom, and much admired. A bounteous tea, amid vivid coreopsis and gaiHardias. was set out in the diningroom, and the guests much enjoyed the romantic walks about the artistically-laid-out grounds. Mrs. Duthio ,wore black silk and lace, and Mrs. Jack Duthie a becoming turquoise-blue face cloth, the bodice of filet lace, with gold embroideries and tiny tassels. Her pic-lure-hat was of black satin. The prettiest of entertainments was given last Saturday by some children, headed by lan and Jean Gilrulh, at Mrs. Gilruth's. nouso at the Hutt. jThe programme was purely juvenile, and most enjoyable, the items being short and to the point, so short indeed that their repetition was clamorously called for. It was charming to, watch tha solf-posses'sion and earnestness of the performers, and of the ushers, who guarded the door like so many pretty Cerberuses and demanded the modest entrance fee L with'firm couutcsy that--al-lowed ho '"dead-heati£r."" One of ths features of the function was a lanternshow ,by iittle lan. Gilrnth. T,he "pit--thers" appealed immensely to both youngsters and grown-ups. Tea for the children, and later on for the mothers, was set out in the -dining-room. The company of tinies got- 28s by their efforts, ,to be given to Mother Mary Joseph's Home. Apropos of this institution, arrange-ments-for the Garden Fete, to be held next month in aid of its funds, are going on apace, and Wellington people are proving most generous m the matter of - giving and helping. A large number of the prizes for the competitions have been offered, even without the committee's asking, and promises of contributions of all kinds — tea, cigarettes, sweets, flowers, and country produce — are pouring in. Various croquet tournaments ■ are being played o,ff just now to augment the funds, and the whole affair is being takeh up with on enthusiasm that should ensure its success. Another scheme that bids fair to crystallise into a very pleasant and 1 useful reality is the Home and Club, for Private Nurses. AJ, a very pleasant afternoon tea, given by Mrs. Kendall on Wednesday, the idea was fully ■ discussed, and the plans for the build- ': ing approved. Tho newly-started Nurses' Journal, of which Miss M'Lean is editor, will be issued shortly, and its artistic cover was admired. Mrs. Kendall's drawing-room was sweet with flowers, and -the tea-tables artistically decorated with coreopsis. Miss Cara Graham, of Dunedin. who met with a painful accident at Lyttelton, is in Miss Palmer's private hospital. Mr. and Mts. Eichelbaum arrived fi-om the North on Friday evening. . Mrs. Lane, who left with her husbanil last week for Australia, was presented 'fay ths Mayoress on behalf of the members oi the Ladies' Kelburnc Bowling Club, to which Mrs. Lane has belonged for some time, with a beautiful jewelled pendent. Mr. arid. Mrs. Louis Blundell and their son, and Miss Cortes arrived Irist Vf^k aftci then' long trip, and are receiving hearty welcomes from their hosts of fnends. Mb. .T., W. Hislop has gone to stay with Mls i Cooper, her daughter-, in ChristchuLcii, for three weeks. Her nitce. iMi'ss Macdonald, has returned to Dunedin. Miss Whitson, of Dunediji, who, has been staying with Mrs. Malcolm Ross^for the lost week, left to-day for England -n the Waimate. Mrs. Ostler,, who lias been in Levin, is back in Wellington. Miss Munro, from >Jew Plymouth, is .t guest of Miss Turner's. Miss Paitridgo is back again after lur pleasant visit to Mis. Lindsay, of Tnnaru. T)r and Mrs Adam& purpose- leaving by tho Rimutaka in April, nitcl ren.a-iuing some years at Homo. Mis. A. R. Bunny, of Masterton, has leturncd home aftur staying some time in Wellington. Miss A. *M. Atkinson, of Nelson, has bsun a guest of Miss Richrhond, of Hobsonstveet. Miss Violet Waiburion is with Mrs H Bunny, at Gladstone. Mis Gordon Hutchison has her sister, Miss Booth, of Carterton, with her. Miss Lloyd Hasvll has returned horn Tim sun Mr. and Mrs. Lycntt Greuvi and Miss Green arrived by f he Coi-inllne They are planning an extended tour of NewZealand, to include s>nme^ii*iiiri<s nnd camping. Mr. D.ivid 'Fitullty has taken slr Russell's house in Tinakonroad Mr and Mrs. Russell and their family arc at Day's Bay. Mr. and Mrs Herdman intend to live at Murilai, and Jet their town house. Miss Geurgc, tvhu has been staying with Mis. Rlddiford, has returned to Auckland. The engagement is announced of Miss Flora iMacgregor. daughter of Mr. D. Matgn'gor, Mastcrtun. In Mr W. Chamberlain, also of Masteilon; Mi. and Mis. Chamberlain and Miss Chjmbt-rlain. leave for Homo in April by the Mongolia. Yours, PHISCTLLA. On Ifhurtdav afternoon and evening;

30th January, Mrs. Gyles entertained a large number of friends, including the Mayor and Mayoress, at her residence, Upper Abol Smith-street, to meet her daughter, -Miss Ethel Florence- Gyles, who had just returned from a long visit to Wanganui. In Uiat town she was one of the most successful 6tudents at tho Technical School, where she won A scholarship in ail vn need ari>, and examples of her artistic work were much admired by tne guests .

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 33, 8 February 1908, Page 15

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LADIES COLUMN. Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 33, 8 February 1908, Page 15

LADIES COLUMN. Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 33, 8 February 1908, Page 15