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Ppessed'fop Moom o Stock must G<® o r Read a few of these Prices, Test the. Reß3al>llity, of the Goods. | ■ y * 2S o DOUBLE DAMASK LINEN CLOTHS To go at half uaiial i rn f for the uholc Sale period. Ladies' and j . price These 'have some slight blemish, but it 'is hard to dis- : Children, s made up clothing at almost trivial price?. We have the I ' cover same. They aie marked exactly half the usual rate. goods; in space Aye arc short. < . | The patterns are exceptionally fine. This maker's goods are ; ' \t unrivalled for washing. They have borders all round. Prices 246 LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS. These are in navy and black \ range from > cloths, and grey tweeds v 3 2 yards square 4/11, 5/11, 7/6, 7/11 Half usual price 3/11, 4/6, 6/9, 7/0, etc. Worth 6/- to 12/6 each J 2 yaids xih yards 5/11, 6/9, 6/11, 7/11, 8/9 Half usual BEAUTIFUL SKIRTS 3/0, 9/11, 12/9 Usually 15/6 to 18/0 each ! Piice 53 LADIES' SMART COSTUMES, In pretty styles, Elons, Nor- £ > 2 yards x 3 yards 6/11, 7/11, 3/8, 9/0, 10/G Half usual price ! folke, oto, 10/g, 25/6, 29/6 Usually soici at 45/- to 55/. \ ' 2 yards x 3.V yards 9/0, 10/9, 11/0, IJ/6 Half usual price 17 only KIMONO COSTUMES, black, navy, myrtle, etc I UNBLEACHED TABLE DAMASKS, s6in. to 6Sin. AvSd» : / At 12/9 Worth 21/- r - 1 , Usually 1/6, i/oi, 2/6, 2/1 1, 3/6 to 5/6 ' FEW SMART WASIIfNG DRESSES "S ■ 'Now 1/1-J-, 1/4f, 1/11, 2/3, 2/0 to 3/11 r At distinctly half-price Worth iq/6 For' 8/11, etc 3 " BORDERED DAMASK CLOTHS Only 7 CRASH LINEN COSTUMES, smait styles 1 1 yard square, 11 id ; ii yards, 1/9; 1} yards, 2/11; ' Worth 15/6 to 25/- At 6/11 and 7/J1 csch I 2 yards 4 , 4/6 9 LIGHT LUSTRE COSTUMES, Fn pretty styics, stylo the rjowest, 5 ..-..- MMMm^»^. mJI . W iiiii».i. mi ,«j m MAi l nM IM . MJ , Mm - m | n. eklrts !in<x<; some greys, creams, with, utrtoes, etc. S .At 19/3, 25/6 Usually 40/- to 55/- ' ? . Sl'B(Q/Qij-Il«lrf > « JSTn(TI (Tfe&lilPflffte 37 only SMART CRAVENETTE COATS, fu-11 length 11(U(OW1II|»S» sr6ilVi At 19 l / 6, 25/6, 29/6 ' > ! 10 pieces PURE MEDIUM CALICO NEW SEASON'S SPECIMEN SAMPLES Worth 4/11 For 2/11 dozen yards ■ / ' At fully ©ne-tJura below uaual pr'oeo I ' Other Reliable Makes 3/11, «/11,'5/11 3 only in GIBSON SHAPE. French fircy and champagne fown, . 20 pieces HORROCKSES 1 FAMOUS 3 6in. CALICO T S ?° /6 < W °V. h 60/ " Usually 6/6 Now 5/iT dozen . ri AVMFL fi/1 JACKEIS 7/1 1 for 4/11 ASK TO S E E t OUR BIXPENMY e NAIHBOOK. IT CAN'T BE DRESSING GOWNS Only partial prices | 10 pieces our FAMOUS CAMBRIC LAWN, silk finished LADIES' MOIRETT^ UNDERSKIRTS «■ ■ |': While it lasts 7/6 dozen yards; or 8d yard . Z ' 3 ' 2/11 ' *l u * b / G ' 6 / 9 ' 7 /° each 1 , Better Qualities 7/11 andlo/3 dozen C. and W.s Unbeaten Bj 8 - reductions, here; we are overdone Big range SAMPLE , | . Speciality UNDERSKIRTS FVSucJi bolovif usual. ,i PURE HEAVY TWILL CALICO 6/0 dozen . LADIES' LUSTRE COATS. At severe , concessions. Beautiful » HORROCKSES' PILLOW COTTON ?d yard Goals At 10/6' to 15/6 each • '• \ 20 pieces UNBLEACHED HERRINGBONE SHEETING, easy to CORSETS that' people appreciate Thow-in prices ' • jl • Fo^SinVX 1 BoTol^ For Double Bed ,i M . ■ R *™™ CORSETS with suspenders 1/9 Pair - . 10 pieces FINLAY'S DOUBLE BED TWILL SHEETING RD - ancl other makes AH at priceo ; ■ Usually t i/<3 ' No?C this 1/H yard A ?\HGU IM THE SHOWROOM; BUT EXTRAORDINARY SUPERIOR TWILL SHEETINGS, bleached - . , f 1 ipjce im i Anif-"«s' wear I For Smq-le Beds G-£rt, 1/-, 1/3* : & IH I " AJItb WEAR. For Double Beds 1/2*. 1/BJ, 1/0} , { NIGHTDRESSES, CHEMISES, KNICKERS, and CAMISOLES ' SUPERIOR HERRINGBONE SHEETINGS, bleached V 'in perfect* pure loWcloths, and nicely triftimed KNICKERS I For Double Beds t/Gi and 1/9^ , | ; i/--up. CHEMISES 1/8 up. NIGHTDRESSES 1/11 up X [rT7TMFT^'«""*r .■^^.. r . ff a^ v^r iTx^v^mmvrrrxT^^K^m »* «***,■*«.■*.^mniMfflp., i Note the piice; no half measures, a deterrnnicd quittance. ■ jo o - ' I LADIES' WHITE WOVEN SPEN T CERS"6W Woith 1/3 ■.. <' Gurtams and Muslins, long-sleeved spencers 10^ worth 1/6 , ] GREATLY SACRIFICED. ' • COTTON VESTS At and Gd^Wonh 9 d to i/-,Fancy tops and j200 pairs LACE CURTAINS, dctei mined clearance WOVEN COMBINATIONS, summer weight 2/11 pair 1 -> K™^)' 4 *^' 5 JiVi -(ii I °^* t /°« ll/ " TRIMMED LONGCLOTII COMBINATIONS 3/6 ' ' v Z SINGLE PAIRS," SAMPLE '' l4\mil SINGLE CVRTAI^ At j WOVEN and SUMMER BLOOMERS 2/8, 2/11, S/6 v T about haw uswl prlow , > t ' '* BLOUSES JN ANY VARIETY, MUSLIN, DELAINES, SILKB, 1 io pieces FRILLED MLSLINS. sOm wide, spots or spngrs • AND VARIOUS WASHING STYLES. , i Usually i/q Now 1/» yard | , , . ra s 5 pieces LACE EDGE ORGANDI CURTAIN MUSLIN, 56m. wide, WASHING BLOUSES 1/11, 2/11 • '- r"-"Wr "-"W very effective Worth 1/9 For 1/- yard ' Others reduced to 3/6, «J/9, 5/G, 7/9 All at clearing prices % OTHER NEW DESIGNS At 1/7 i ancl 2 2 yard • \ sppfij/iis IM BLAPSC " qatawa " RLOiiQE«i ' a NEW ART APPLIQUED MUSLIiM, CURTAINS 10/3 pair %n^Malß\\Z^Kl6tom^ct ' f -1 ECRU MAPRAS CURTAINS Worth 8/1 1 For 5/3 pair rpr . M "'! f ' r \% %* ,I^°', *£" ?-Ti J?i B / a ,«i« r- • !■ TASSELLED MADRAS 'CURTAINS, while and ecru CRLAM and BLACK SILK BLOUSES p/11, 7/3, S/9, 10/9 Capti- g (J/3 pair / ' ' vating values. Ihe space demands a clearance here, md thejj m NEW LOOP CURTAIN NF.T Ski, 7jtl. nnd S-}d must &° I ' FAST COLOUR SATEENS, CRETONNES' 1/- for (Hd BOXES and BOXES of NICE SPRAYS Gd each , - - * „ I CASEMENT CLOTH iGjd " | FINE CHIP FLOP'HATS. A LM3 demand Just now AM/- and ' j ■ m^r» mTO «... M , M ,»»i.-...«... MM ......«..i MM .» JM ., __, 1/11 WcrilT 2/11 to 4/9 , I ~ * . - „-- - - _ BOYS' COAST GUARD HATS, Jack TarWyle, with leather bind- |. HRllilSTia "aiSTlrfH a CJl&'&a^ H \{rb\T<£ii~VtGZ ii Q ff 1 / !1 each Worth 3/ii N . , ?. BEST MAKERS' GOODS. .OVER 2SO ToW ' K^^U^ROO^M . I THERE ARE ABOUT 50. SAMPLES, sligrhtly soiled. . LADIES', SMART NEW MOTOR CAPS, summer styles j ' These are worth fro-n 3/11 to 32/- . , / Usually 3V6 and 3/11 AU 1/- . „, ,- 1 To cleat « 2/0 to( 48/9/ . , - SMART NEW CHECK MOTORS 2/11 Were 3/1 V and 4/6 - .'*•'. '|i nrir5 Ur Cntir ° Stocb shows a re , QUCtlon f>f 25 cent. Off regular A ren] th in , v>ith ' CHILDREN'S GARMENTS," WASHING -% '- HEAVY FRINGED HONEYCOMB QUILTS TrT . :>1 V 6V 6 Worth 2/9 ; , 5, Usually 3 /6 fqr 2/6, 3/n for 2/11, up to 6/11 CHILDREN'S SAILOR * ROCKS 2/9 Usually s/9 - • X MARCELLA QUILTS Usually 7/11 to 37/6 Now 5/11 lo 23/6 f CLEARANCE: OF CHILDREN'S TUNICS and COATB " a During tho last week we have s<^ld piles of Good Towels at landed v ' 1/11, 2/8, 2/1,1, 3/11 Usually ft/9 lo 6/9 t ' • , ■ >tt cost. Fresh stacks will r-o out to-morrow and onwards at thU , ,TP, TPI ,<., , v miMn n^ n « nP tiAiar aimq im tubqc • ' . f\ same ratio. OUR TOWEL STOCK .is 00 heavy [ LI 1 ERALLY HUNDRu.Do OF LARGAINS IN THESE. . fa Cd to 0/11 prr pair . j 117 CHILDREN'S CASHMERE FROCKS, in cream and' colours M SOME FINE BARGAINS can be secured in TABLE COVERS ' . „ • Usually 5/6 to 7/6 At 2/' M and 3/11 each A real surprise J At 4/11, 5/11 to 8/11 3 A.\OTHFRI/ OT 2/6 cream and colours ' 'ir COLOURED WASIHNG I ABLE ,LOVERLnG, 2 ivards wide run nni'vc wuiTr atttcttm irnnrifc ii n „»i, ' H Tiqmllv 1 /A fr,r i/■i /■> ' virri '" ' v CJULDRfcN S \VHIIh AIUSLIN r ROCIvS^ lovely embroideries , . a Lsuatlj i/O toi 1/. 2 jard , v Usually 13/6 to 16/^' For S/11, 7/11, 8/9 " / * -/I ■fc.^«M«aa>!Mnnßaißiß>«^^ | CREAM SILK FROCKS 4/0, 5/9 up ' . • ;, \ ,' W w <1^ -vr^ /Ti ' \ 1 ' CHILDREN'S FRESH WASHING HATS 2/8, 2/11 Worth 5/6 to 6/6?'' J \ Cotton Dress Goods, J x '■ --J, AT SENSATIONAL PRICES. ' Ibmtobobd^^w- , Hfc - ml «, j 800 yards DELAINETTES, neat new patterns; half-price / t; •«»« . , -■-?*■ ■Wk. j fVs ittAtn™ 1 •/ iw ' « a\i • Fancyland JLace Depts. ' I 3oo,yards VRINIED SILK LAWNS, very pretty 7Jd for S^d yard [ "" ■« 400 yard's TWIG CHECK MERCERISED LAWNS ojd for 4^d I \y c £ ccl t u c cnuceze hcie arid something must edee up $ NOTE.— AN ODD LOT of 3 6in. LINENS, MUSLINS, etc. X C sqjeeze iicie, ana sometninsr must eug-e up. Worth from 6d to 1/9 yard To go at 2Jd yaid I . GREAT VARIETY LOVELY LACES, in fine cicarn and Paris 36m. DRESS CRASH Bid yard ' ' H nets Usually 1/- to 1/3 All «£d yard t[ 36111. COLOURED LINENS 81d yard - I 8 SPECIAL LINES WIDE LACES ,At half-prices V 20 pieces LINKN FINISHED PRINTS, superior 'qualityj navy and | . ■ Clearing- ai Gid and, 7^d yard . $ butcher blue Worth 6|d .To go at JM yard I NICE INSERTIONS 24tl to 8B yard • % 70 y^r^S^^U^^ naVJ '' bUtChCr ' .' tt'DM. APBONi. 0] f rln|prU .MUSLIN APRONS | 20 pieces REVERSI33LL ZEPHYRS Usually 6sd For C'-id yard ' i WWili !/3 to 1/8 A^: 10iiJ , k LIGHT CAMBRICS Usually fid, Sid Now 6jd and Bid* yard I SPECIAL LOTS 1/-, 1/d, /1/fi, 1/9 each , s .j WHITE DRILL Gid ' WHITE FANCY MUSLfN 's*d [ LARGE HOLLAND APRONS lijdi 1/3, 1/6 . •' -, r <%\. - BUNDLE TAPES 4*cl BACK COMBS Gd COLLAR SUPPORTS S ■vr^ -™*r « -n IJ 2^" J t0 1 /3» PQLL ' COMBi?> IC^d, TOILET DRESSING 6$ * AT ABSURD PRICES. ' j pLBoy/ WHITE CLOVES, with elastic tops Hid pair Worth 1/9 j* * 20 PIECES TO CLEAR At M yard. Including NEW CHECK I WHITE ELBOW KID GLOVES At S/11 • Usually 5/9 f| TAFFETAS (washing-), , BLACK COTTON CASHMERES, ?, ' CONCESSION PRICES IN ALL GLOVES AND HOSIERY. '$j ' ctC 'i a ]J-vl» u --%M U -;l dth , ■ . . , - OUR WHITE WASHING GLOVE, in chamois kid 1/11 pair fy 200 yards WORbi EDS, firreys, browns, blacks, -etc. " DT Arv , , rir tmcr nw «^v ■ ftWoith 2/6 for lOid * BLACK LACE HOSL 9d pair , .a 500 yards NEWEST MATERIALS, including- ALPACAS, light CASHMERE ,HOSE U^, 1/3, 1/0, 1/11 - ■ g pastile tints; CHECK TAFFETAS, black and white checks; , ALL, ODDMENTS LADIES' FANCY EMBROIDERED "COL- 5 • G /W*?i W v?sv i^A^c^A'ri: AU ° nc * rice 1/4 * LARS Usually 1/-, to 1/3 All 6d V 4Jin. CRLAM, NAVY, and BLACK SERGES T aTF T>T A«;TRO\ T q anrl VOT-TF^ At 1 1- 1/1 Mr . t! Worth 2/1 For 1/3* yard - ! LALL 1 LAbl ROi\b and OKLo At 1/ , 1/3, 1/8 „ 240 yards ? 6in. MOREEN UNDERSKIRTING ' PURITAN COLLARS C for 6d ; others 6d each \ Usually i/g To go at 10id . ■ PRETTY STYLES 'in LACE NECKWEAR, all considerably ro- | 8 pieces SILK MOIRETTES, grey, sky, cream duced Many lines half-p/iog and less < >') Worth 2/^ For tOM yard ' . 4^c y^ L .^T^° US &^ S ior^ fa^^^ i RIBBONS AT DRABT.C CONCESSiONS. ' , V REMNANTS SILKS^gRESSGOODS |■ A FEW ODD LINES in STRIPE and FLORAL RIBBONS ' | « s » 3aM »Brt ! .>i'h > .w ) i W i rr.-mrvmi<Mimmmm*nmHmmm, lt ,n ■ ■■— „ | PLAIN and FANCY MILLINERY RIBBONS G^d, 7*d, ,19id 8 J^bmr ■ . WIDE ALL-OVER LACES 1/-, 1/3, 1/6 ■ , '■ f ' ©3|J^HB'S9''(3a^^| best HOVEN CLIP SUSPENDERS 1/- pair Usually sold 1/11 GREAT PURCHASE -,800 YARDS FIRST CHOICE JAPANESE | ' TAN BELTS B^c3, 10^d, 1/3 ' X SILKS, os different" shadows, extia brig-ht ■ I, WHITE WASHING BELTS Usually 1/- Now 6d ' I 2iin. wide, 40 shades, includes white and cream ij HUNDREDS OF OTHER BELTS 0d each . -I 24 in. wSe"^s'&adc^iuciSdcs white and cream, tuscan, etc., I . ™J™i SS ™ D Z? a/ A { CHILpREN'S 6d up ■ | , extra heavy Worth i/m[ For 1/54 ' UM BRELLAS 1/11, 2/11 to 12/9 Much reduced ' 'h , 27m. wide, 22 shades, includes navy, nil, and lovely evening- \ ALL OUR SILK LACE SCARVES At reduced prices « tints Worth 2/6 For 1/7iil , H " VALETTA " MALTESE SCARVES 4/G for 2/11 worth 5/6 j! MEM'S aad BOYS' CLOTHING. • ' * '■ t', MEN'S SUITS W- for 17/0, 4=/- for 59/6 , 3 BRACES 2/6 For 1/6 SOX 2 pairs for 1/8 TIES 3 f<* 1/- , I IJEST BOX SU\TS 55/. foi 42/- \ BATHING SUITS 1/6 • • | MEN'S TROUSERS b/11 foi 4/11, 8/1 1 for 7/6, 12/9 foi 10/11 BOYS' NORFOLK -SUITS To go at S/11 | CLEARANCE MEN'S MACINTOSHES 10/11 to 17/8 BOYS' ALL-WOOL COLONIAL SUITS 0/11 . 5> CLEARANCE MEN'S SOFT FELT HATS I ' BOYS' OPEN-FRONT SUITS I^/0 for 1«/6 I Black 7/0 for 2/6 • Browns ancl Greys 10/ C for 3/6 ' BOYS' CAPS' 6d BRACES 4*d . .- & MEN'S SHIRTS 3/6, -,/«! Fdr 2/G J SAMPLES BOYS' JERSEYS, all wool At oloaring prices "-, 'RWHITE TENNIS SHIRTS 2/6 ' X only BOYS' OVERCOATS, storm collais, etc. 7/8 to 11/6 P \\HITF. DRILL HATS, slig-htly soiled 2/6 foi 1/3 \ SPECIAL PURCHASE, MEN'S UNDERWEAR, in shrunk cash- $ XEW WASHING' PANAMA HATS To clcu C/a a nieie, medium weight, pants or shirts !i* MEN'S PYJA'MA SUITS 0/1 1 toi a/11,'S/6 ior e/0, 10/6 for 8/6 '5 Woith 5/11 to 7/6 All one price 3/11 S fSlottsieps and Drapers, MANNERS STREET. I,;

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 30, 5 February 1908, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 30, 5 February 1908, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 30, 5 February 1908, Page 4