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HALF-YEARLY 1 JAPANESE BRASS WARE. Two cases sent "on appro." Don't i want to stock it. i "set Hanging Bells (6), 2776 for J3/6 1 set W each, IQ/6 for 8/8, 12/6 for 6/-, 13/6 for 6/9, 5/9 for 2/6, 18/6 for @ 9/6, 12/6 for 5/6 ii TABLE CONCS WITH f ICURE STAND, 4/6 for 2/3, s/- for 2/8, 1 21/- for 10/-, 0/- for fl/6, 6/g for 3/6 ' ■ BRASS HOT WATER KETTLES, 6/6 for 3/6, 7/6 for 3/9, 6/6 for « 3/3. 12/6 for 6/-, 10/- for 4/6, 18/6 for 9/-, 11/- for 5/6, 6/6>tfor 373 H PALM POTS AND BOWLS, 25,'- for 10/6, 17/6 for 7/6, 10/- for 5/-, ft 8/6 for 4/3, 5/6 for 2/9 1 TOBACCO JARS, TEA JARS, BRAGS VASES, BRASS TRAYS. t§ NAPKIM RINGS, almost given away. P§ COUNTRY CUSTOMERS"! Send along your P. 0.0. — »— — JAPANESE VASES. """■■"" « ONE SAMPLE CASE. DON'T WANT TO STOCK. i ONE EACH VERY FtNE PALM POT ON PEDESTAL, *V for 1 17/6, 30/- for 15/6 o: " « BEATEN COPPER PALM POTS, 2 each, 12/6 for 6/6, 15/6 for 7/9 i ONLY TWO EACH VASES, etc., 6/6 for 3/6, r=/6 for ' 6/8, 7/6 f or, 4?-s i 5/6 for 3/-, 4/- for 2/-, 3/- for 1:9, 6,- for 2/9, 10/6 for 5/6, 3/6 for i 2/-, 1/6 ior 1/" H BENARES BRASS GONGS, VERY FINE TONE, 1 each 16/- for M I 8/C, 14/6 for 7/9, 11/- for 5/6, 9/- for fl/6,,7/6 for 3/9, 12/0 for 6,6 g STOREKEJPEEST You cannot buy wholesale at these prictes7-l BEATEN BRASS GONGS, 1 eacb, 9/6 for 4/9, 10/- for 0/6, 12/0- foT"i BENARES LOTUS PALM POTS, 2 each, 10/6 for 5/6, 8/6 , for «/9. "I 12/6 ior 6/6 . , jB POONAH BRASS PALM P073. These are exceptionally ha-n*- P some, 6 only, 26/- for 13/-, 2 each 25/- for 12/6, 21/- for 18/e. 22/, H for 11,.-, 15/0 for 7/9 -»».«/ || 9 HALL" SETS BRUSHES, in Walnut, Oak, Ebonlsed, etc. c set 1 S«#' S ' 6 . f ,° r 5/6 ' 25/ - fo ? 6/9 ' J 3>' 6 for 7 6 > 331- for 21/-, 17/ di for I IC/6, ir 6 for 4/6, 20/- for 12/6, 12/6 for 6/6, 15/- for 6/6, 15? tot "J 8/6, 17/6 for 6/9, 16/6 for 6/6, 47/6 for 25/-, 4/3 for 2/9, 5 6 for 3/6.- I 17/0 tor 8/S, 7/- for fl/- ' ' ,8 I CARVED V/OOD SPILL VASES, 1/6 for 1/-, 1/3 for 9d, 1'- fou fid "" : 1 "TO »,^& 1 " -'- fM 1W - '"■ f - «■■"■'- ' POST CARD ALBUMS. The biggest value ever offered. Thhold I 300, 3/6 for 2/3; to hold 200, 3 6 for 2/-'; to hold 250, 1/6 ior i/- I to ho d 300 1/0 ior 1/3; to hold 300, 2/3 for 1/8; to hold ? jo o, 3/I | for 2/-; to hold 300, 5/6 for 3/6 " 3 3 . , | A few better qualities at same reductions. Postage of any above Sri I BAZAAE^WORKERS ! These are all sure nonoy makers * PRESERVED MAIDEN HAiR F E RiTTfTpo'frs'TferTToT now ' 3" tor 1/- • - - I PRESERVED MAI3EN HAIR FERN, Autumn tinted, 1/6 for 1/postage 2d ' ' * ' » | COPPER FERN POTC, 5 dozen at 1/- for 6d oaob OSTRICH WOOL, i= boxes, assorted colours. .Regular price 10/6 i ior t/" opx ' i| ONE CASE SAMPLES—" NAUTILUS" POTTERY. Tusttwoeach I S'-SiVG.n/o for' Hi f ° r 2/8 " 6/6 f ° r 3/3> 7/6 f ° r '^ 67 ' **!s?'■ I SAMPLE LACE BROOCHES, 150 all different, i' 3 and r/6'for^d, j 0 50 all different, 2/- for 1/- ' '\\ | BEAUTY PINS. BLOUSE SETS-All Pretty New Season's Styles I 1 3 dozen sots of 6, od for 6ti ; 4 dozen sets of 6, gd for 5d ri 6 dozetf I I .ufß#«BSX|Sfc iA^GfaT^l^SJ^^on, 6 dozen only, 1/6 for 1/- - l uvm3 > i HATPINS, 24 dozcji, were 2d each, for ICd dozen / I I B f/o S fo? -•- G05V383 ~3~ 3 dbZ ° n jewelled> Sd for M 5 2 d °zen 2 I PEARL N e E'ckLETS~-Thcse are v specially nice quality. 10 dozen I J'dozeS^Mor'l/3 '' 5 d?Zeil CrUSh6d PCarl^' 1/6 f ° r V*V '* 1 A f T/« 4j^' r d "JL roW Pearl Necklets - for' 2 /S 3 4/6 for 3/-, S /6 for- I u/Oj 0/- ior o/9 a ROYAL.aOULTON, ROYAL DOULTON.-OJd Er^liih Medieval I Designs. Royal Doulton Pottery is always worth hartdng-, but at I KS these prices especially. 16 vases, 6/6 for 2/6; 5 only I 4 only, 7/6 for 3/6} 4 only, 0 /- for 4/G; q ouly, 8/6 for 3/6; 2 only' I 4/- tor 1/6 ' - ' v SAMPLES WHFTE WARE TABLE DECORAT!ONS.-,-These are I quite new with pretty articficial flowers. 3 pairs only T 5/. for 2/6,- 1 3/- for 1/6, 2/6 for 1/6, 4/6 for 2/3; without flowers, 1/6 for 1/-, I NO OLfTsfpCSl ALL F&ESfi! EVERYTHING NEffi" B PHOTO FRAMES— 10 dozen Cabinet sizes, 1/6 for 1/-. AU New S°a-~ I son s Designs ~ i "TRIANON" WARE— High-class Porcelain with "Empire- Deco- I rations. All at Half-pnos # - | PICNIC BOXES-D'Oyleys, Napkins, etc., Floral Paper Designs, 18 1 boxes 1,9 for 1/-. Fancy Crimped Paper Cases lor Chocolates i bandies, boufllets, etc., 72 m each box, were i/q box, now 3 boxes I for 1/- n " HONEYCOMB " FLOWER POT COVERS— Were 4d each, now 6 I for 1/-, were 6d each, now 4 for 1/- fi FANCY PAPER D'OVLEYS, 12 boxes for 9d | ROTARY "ROTOSCCPES," MINIATURE POCKET STEREO- I SCOPES, each with 12 real Photographic Stereoscope Views H 3 dozen only, t/6 for SU, postage 2d n) ROTARY " ROTOSCOPES"— Pocket Stereoscopes, Post Card size I } doz . en on'y. 3/- for 1/6, postage 3d. These are beautifully made a in Metal la XYL ,?.Jir r f PUFF BOXE S> SOUP BOXES, PIN TRAYS, " ODDS 3 AND ENDS" BOXES, "STUDS," " TRINKETS," " HAIR- I PINS, ' etc. — These are in all the most popular arad newest « colourings, black, white, agate, tortoiseshell, pearl, eec etc W 4 dozen assorted with H.M. SilVer Mounts. Pin Boxes, 3'/- for B 1/9, 1/6 for 1/-, 2/3 for 1/6, 1/6 for 3d, 5/- for 3/- Without Silver I Mounts, 46 dozen at Half-price 9 GENUINE AUTOTYPES (London Autotype Company)— ln Fumed i Oak Frames, average size iS x 12. Famous reproductions of (3 subjects by Watts, Calderson, Rossetti', Burne Jones, etc., al- H for 5/6, 10/6 for 6/6, 7/- for fl/«. These are most artistic and in- M elude such subjects as^Calderson's^" Renunciation," Watts' H TENNIS PICTURES 1 — Coloured Vetoes, 20 J"! S , mounted.* 10 '* Let ' 1 'Em All Come," "Deuce," "Game," "Vantage In," "Vantage i caib^v.^^C u^ ual price 2 /-- for 1 /"» or sei of 6 f ° r s/- m FAIRY FACES— Pretty Children's Faces in Circular Wood Frames H 2 4 dozen, were 1/-, for 1/3 pair. Postage 3d pair ' §3 BRETBY WARE — Quaintly artistic, perfectly new and novel but IS taking up too much room. 20 pieces, 1/6 for 1/-; S pieces, 1/3 for m etl; 14 pieces, i/g for 1/-J 4 pieces, 2/- for 1/4; 6 pieces, 3/6 for 1 2/3 ; 7 pieces, 5/- for 3/6 ; 5 pieces, 6/9 for 4/- ; & pieces, 8/g for 1 3/6; 8 pieces, 6,6 for 3/3; 4 Pieces, n/6 for 6/G H CRICKETING FIGURES-" Out First "Ball," "The Hope of His i Side," "The Catch of the Season," "How's That?" etc etc M 7 dozen only, 1/6 for 1/- * m SILK .TABLE CENTRES— ReaIIy Pretty Goods. Some a little, i soiled but damage trifling 9/6 for 5/-, 4/6 for 3/3, 4/- for 2/3, 4/6 <Q for 2/6, 1 1/6 for 4/0, 11/6 for If" Hl fl COSIES— 2 only 10/6 for 3/6 ffl COPPER PALM POTS, on wrought iron stands. Perfectly new H £?,» ' y} 1 '- to ° bulky. Only three of each, 17/6 for 13/6, iCJ/6 for 'ffl 12/6, 1 5/6 for 11/6, 10/9 for 8/- J8 TOWN CUSTOMERS 1 Our Sale is a perfect savings'bMtEjl ART CANVAS, 70m. wide, for Curtains, Portieres, etc., etc.. car- H e-^IS?. 1 . and tan ouly ' 2 6 y &ld for V 8 yard ' . M STENCILLED CURTAINS, 2 pairs only, on Cream Casement Cloth | 27/6 for 19/- pair; 1 nair only on Ecru Art Canvas, 30/- for 2%- i •- Ji a !r ; 3 only *. Full Slze Bedspreads, ir/6 for 7/6 i for 1/8 LED SUPPER CLOTK S. 36in. square, 27 only, were ,2/6, | FANCY CHECK CANVAS, for Cushions, Table Centres, etc etc 1 66m. wide, s/6 for 2/8 yard ' ' M PRINTED VELVET CUSHION TOPS, 6 only, 22 x 22, 4,6 for 1/6 I OAN'T TELL ALL M ONE SMALL AD VERTISSgjfriT j NIGH Tfo?i/^ S BA CS, 10 only, Stencilled Daffodils on ivory"CauvasirH TRaVeeT NEEDLEWORK. TRACED NEEDLEWORK.-Cushion I Slips, Cosies Duchess Runners, Supper Cloths, Sideffid i Cloths and N.D. Bags, etc., etc., etc., on Linen, Canvas Feft '! etc. 33 per cent, to 75 per cent, off ' re "» M GLOWWORM LUSTRE. LUSTRE SKEINS.-Far and away the i CRn S <U Q n a wft cV< r r - y P° ssll ? le shade, at least 100 colours 2! I CROSS ONLY. Lisual price, 1/3 dozen, for NHd a dozen. & Country orders add id a dozen postage. Stamps not accepted & COME OFTEN! Something new every day. "% VEST WOOL, special pink and white Vest Mixture, "Extra Suner-il hue Quality." 4 Spindles, only 3 ply, usual price 4/6 for §/a 1 postal c Id' 5 SpindleSj Only 4 Vto*. usual price 5/6 for 4/3,' I A quantity of odd pounds of Wool in 2, 3, and 4 ply. Our " Special " I Quality. To be thrown out hi*. opeciai » POMPOMS, all good colours, greens, cardinal, white, cream yellow S ODD LENGTHS MATERIALS. Almost given away M MUST KEEP OUR STOCK FREsff AMD* CLEAN. 1

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 27, 1 February 1908, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 27, 1 February 1908, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 27, 1 February 1908, Page 11