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.;.,; 'I Ct'Cirpots*, Desperate Barai^s in our MsssiiFsßfW D@Df a I Some interesting Facts \ ■ g dßßV^3r^^^^ & Wb a B B %j? n J^ 4 *^ prices hammered down almost beyond recognition. »'.. ,l *. : |J . , Superior Value €it LOW Prices, ' ie reason why we can offer such low prices is that \ 45/- STYLISH HATS for 10/0 [g^ l? $£&'s&'*& EBP?&r&s sba :--—"J J, r r ! thi^y years of buying and selling m^mmensc quantities h^c A special asortment of SMART HATS on sale this week, | The doubling of our Furnishing Department this season ; given us buying connections with the world s leading manu- handsome Pans modes, in bright and dark shades want to give you something to talk about — want to lis proof positive of the superiority of our values. We are ; facturers. - '■■ trimmed chiffon, ribbon, 'flowers, etc., every desirable furnish you with the best pobsible value. v J unable to show our furnishing bargains in the windows , owing ■ • i colour and latest styles j rnTTnv tacu „ : .. S^raE step mside and see the goods we are ! Costumes. \ S^-^ ' | A g -iS S S»£ "JSffi* COTTON CASH - Gur+MiM* 008 ™^ A rare chance to get UNTRIMMED STRAWS cheap, all our ? t ' - I UUrtairtS* Usual prices 15/- to 26/- Sale price 3/11 j huge stoc k to be cleared out regardless of cost I w -£ LU^ IRLS ' 3n all the winter shades, "I DAINTY LACE CURTAINS. Special value in Nottingham LADIES' WHITE LINEN and HOLLAND COSTUMES ', Usual prices from 2/ 11 to 8/n j "" Usual price 2/1 1 yard Sale price 1/- yard \ " I Lace and patent untearable lockstitch, in white, cream, j Usual prices 25/- and 30/- i Sale prices 3d, 6d, and 1/- | P / ) 1 sale puce 1/ 3 aid : . I and ivory shades, with lacey patterns and floral effects, • iale P uce °/i ■to cieai TIrtXTXTI , n . A big assortment of SUMMER DRESS TWEEDS, in seas6n- ., I 2\ yards, x yards, 3 J yards, full widths 200 LADIES' PRINT and MUSLIN DRESSES, all this sea- ! 100 CHILDREN'S SUN BONNETS • I , able strioes or mixtures 4/6 robe leneth or 9d v-frrf I -1/6, 2/6, 4/6, 7/6, 11/6 to 20/- pair | ' son's stock, must clear them out 8/11,9/11,12/6 ■ ' To be cleared at 1/-, 1/6, 1/11 j P mixtures •/© xooe length 01 BO >aid I 2000 SAMPLE LACE CURTAINS, in white, cream, ecru. Our $ LADIES 1 WHITE and CREAM LINEN ROBES, a useful picnic 1 TT _ T T ..._,„....,„_ TT ._ c „ . X Desperate bargains in CHECK DRESS GOODS, 50 robe : / !._' -limited space prevents us giving a full description of dress _ ' i -ioo HOLLAND SUMMER HATS, all shapes . lengths a these bargains Come and see them | Usual prices 50/-, 63/- All one price 25/- j , All at 1/- each At 2/11 the length Usual price 8/1 1 the robe / I \il yards CURTAINS ' IBM *CMS> INFANTS' SILK and CASHMERE HOODS and HATS, marked B >L ... |. , ' Usual price 2/6, 3/6, 3/1 1 ! E&g®(biS&i&B \ less than half price Gel and 1/.'^'V I- \ir: . Sale price 1/6, 2/3, 2/9 J 100 CREAM and COLOURED SILK BLOUSES. (An oppor- ( BOYS' and GIRLS' SAILOR HATS. 200 to be cleared this I ' *r, ■.. ,i ■•' •':''!, -> 3 yards CURTAINS • ! tunity to get a smart blouscat less than cost : ss a } c ■ • | Just think of buying HANDSOME BLACK TAFFEtA CHIF- ";■' '\.l' ■'■'-'' cT al pHCe ml' i«' «(« ' ? Sale price 5/11, 7/6 } 10/6 . j Usual prices 1/3 to 2/1 1 Now 3d, 6d, and 1/- each I FON SILK at actual cost 1/11 yard to clear = '",' '-' v « - v bale prices 3/li, 4/3, 6/6 \ , ' 1' ' •,■."• ! 100 SMART SHIRT BLOUSES, 1 a good line for the holidays : i ./ '•'".- ,J • ■'■" ' * ya nsual rice 10/6 i/6 I' 6 ■ 3/11 t0 5/11 ' j C/ll^^ a #'©/O^/l/#lO EV6ry SeaS ° n deVel ° PS a fabnC that holds fil ' St plaCe by rea ' V t . '-.'V, I-" ."'■■!>' c S , Ua P . nC fl /44 Jft/o -i-a/e' / ' urAcmvr nT^TTctrc t 1 u*l ie l M son of special character. This season JAPANESE SILKS -•••>■... H-. - „o-i Sale price 8/11, 10/9, 13/8 / ! 200 WASHING BLOUSES, at less than half price _ v T . )T _ TT^ » ■"^ - ; i '-■"*' ' c P ip nr i r pc 1/11 '2/S 9/11 ; We are oftenftg extra good value in LADIES NNTiITE UNDER- have held the lead All our big stocks to be cleared out ■'•»-"' o m mi " c . bKlßlo, smartly trimmed lace and insertion i "' '" '"*■ ■ 1 LinQl@Um&* ' !75 LADIES> HOLLAND and CREAM SERGE JACKETS, this ( Sale ppr i ces 2/5j 2/11, 3/3 ' I From 1/- yard ; a ' ' i season's styles i ; ' ' ) Buy where you find the largest stock, greatest variety of \ Usual prices 10/6 to 19/6 ,; w About 56 pieces of SILKS, in all the best dualities, suitable patterns, lowest prices. Here you will find hundreds of pat- j Sale prices 2/11 and 5/11 j &d#l*ip#a Un&erSkirtS ) for blouses or Irimmings I terns, many of them exclusive designs, and all bed rock ' • , •^ 1; '«' i nrices ' : ' Q fkß& iC fr<®! - ' Choice of about 500 different st3'lcs in LADIES' WHITE I Usual prices 1/6, 2/6, and 2/1 1 •i: : 'l. ' • ' , r „ .., . ' •■" • • ;— i&&kert,i&a , UNDERSKIRTS, some with three or four rows lace inser- .. J . o , ■i; •; I ' s °°,PieCeS, PieCeS L [™i C ; s 3/^; '4/, 1■ , MUSLIN and BATISTE UNDERSKIRTS, in prt tty Coral j tion, with edging to match. We have marked them V **> ™> a " d 1 /« A- I „;„!. Sale prices 2/11/ 3/9, 4/i 4. ■ j designs, less than half, price 2/11,3/11,4/11 j . SP> - s °i C prkes 4/11, 7/11, 10/6 I A big sacrifice in BLACK MERCERISED ITALIAN CLOTH, .-' I 500" pieces OILCLOTH To be cleared pub this Sale, all good a LADIES' BEAUTIFUL SILK UNDERSKIRTS, all pretty [ . ; 54m. wide 68 -^,,,, - I shades , Fit yourself out by taking advantage of these warm wea- \ Ul' 1/11, 2/3, 2/8 yard, . \ Usual price 25/- to Sj/- Now 12/6 to 30/- \ ther specials-— cool Underclothing for the present hot days. j •/" 3' ard to clear Usual price 1/9 ', ' ,\. i : ■ '. , ' I ' ' \ * 1. • ' ' ] ' ,• . , \ ' ' li "- ! '',''" i H •We find we have 1060 Rugs too many, so have determined ' " , ' ' ' ; MsH£&£P& 1 to clear' them out if low prices will do it, all cdlours and There is no taste that cannot be supplied from our vast ; LADIES' CHEMISES Sale price:. 2/v2/3» 2/C s 2/11 ; 9 Off lls&ifßa y I . patterns. > . 'collection of Ribbons, in plain or effective stripes' > . x ' a c • «. 1. v i w c • ■ X j. \ ", 'Usual prices -i/.s, ?/6. 3/1 1, 8/6, 10/6, 20/- „„,...,! Ed y ar d ' LADIES' CALICO KNICKERS : . : A safe investment. Net a summer suit of any acscnp- f - I ■~- • ■ " Sale prices 10£ ci, 1/11, 2/11, 6/6, 10/G, 1&/6 , . V . v c; ale ccs 1 , 7 . 1/a 2/ . 2 y s i™ ' tion must be earned over. It's a rule in this section. | P' •^|:; :fO,^|y WOOL^SKIN HEARTH RUGS, large size?ls/9'-«ach suth Neckwear at the ie tMs }ot of sa les „ ' /-i f? W MEN'S STRONG TWEED SUITS, in the latest senpeo and 1 - .:.;^ (! ;POOR SLIPS, splendid wearmg mats, worth double COLLARETTES and PLASTRONS 'wiII be the quickest HOLLAND COOKING APRONS, large size - mixtures ; ' ' |. ; ; M r:Lr Ou.t they go at 1/6, 1/11, 2/11 1 j . , Usual price 2216, 27/6, so-, 32/6 X J - :P v idcf'TRAVELLERS' SAMPLE-, TABLE COVERS, 50 per cent. ' se * lin g line this Sale - .'- j Sale price /sd,/ s d, Sd, lO^d, 1/- t Sale priceg 17/0j 22/6j 2 5/nj 2 7/3 | " ' '*'• '!'' ' irf»r?firttnri-«on this line '•-' Sale price 3d, 6a, 1/-, 1/6, 1/11 to 3/6 each • ' _. j ... :.".i-J :•;-,,.' **™ c U0 %™™,1%%% to 2QI* ■- ' 1 -" . i CHILDREN'S HOLLAND PINAFORES If you contemplate having a SUIT made, il will interest you i ,',r. v .-V ; |v ,•.„__..*. xt TTT t4 j ,' J-\ e,r v • 'r f t / ' ' •'• ' c 1 pj ,j o . ft . 4A1 j .. • to note our special Sale concessions. We guarantee you % >.-;:. V I ,MARCELLA QUILTS, only a few of these bar gams- left,- . -.*»-» ! ■ Sale prices 6d f 7d, Bdi 9d, 10|d, 1/- a perfect fit ? ,^7r.-;v /r,-.i.v.... -',^lightly shop soiled ■ 1 • , § a 3iyi&%g2Kg&&'4QJhßti&T& i : i * V, Clearing, at 6/6, 8/6, 10/6, 15/6 ' -. . FIWnOTWrWIf WO. ; .For Sale only «/-, 47/0, 52/-, suit complete B U s~* ""--'"I '•••»),' ' '' "*"" '■' / . /,„ '„ -'...' /f^ jl ■ ''■ J^ ie holidays are over, the boys will require a strong \ £-„ '" ' '"'' " ' .'.'''" ' Ladies' , size, made of an excellent quality, in plain hem- \ %&OrSe°l=S » serviceable suit for school wear. Sde our stock, and note i ' £•"_', -. ] ; •■ 1 , ' Sy§AlLs stitched A positive 4/- dozen line Now 6 for 1/- ; - ' prices. , ' | 'fi" ■• '' : -\\- t , ■ , rIV i.l. j4. v • r AnTre. ft\t cimcc r;n>onTnFDrn uAMniTormrrc ! Special line o! P.D. CORSETS, a few sizes only ' ' SAILOR SUITS 3/1 1 to q/6 Marked down to about half-price f; ■-. -. ''<;• Owing to the improved railway facilities, the duty being LADIES' FINE SWISS EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, \ l • . , ' y NORFOLK SUITS 9/ 11 to h/6 Marked down lo about half- I T. ;.r <:'-^: '-^ \ I-,: removed from Cotton and Linen Goods, and 'the large reduc- pretty designs or lace edges 6 for 1/6 j usual price 5/ 11 bale price i/11 ! ps .j oe - | - I tion on parcel post rates, our country clients can rely on ti ' . | 500 SAMPLE CORSETS, all the well-known makes, including \ 500 pairs of TWEED TROUSERS To be cleared out this Sale i - ' getting their goods at city prices. Mail your orders at . once to 100 yards TULLE RUCHING, in all the winter shades ; „ ' „ „ v °/ "»*«. inciuoing Sale prices 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11 I avoid disappointment.. Usual price 2/6 to 3/6' Now 6d and 8d yard | PRIMA DONNA, FITU, Y. and N., etc. Usual prices 5/1 1, 6/1 1, ;/n, 8/1 1 | I . - S Z:r'"\i\ " * Gloves. s °°^l™^ r a^ thisseasonsstock ' mplain^ hemblilched ' | A Few Lines from our |> Me^'s Furnishings. \ •- — " " I ' Recrular orices od i/"* 1/6 na «» i i We are extremely fortunate in being able to announce a ' «» J £ ' | MaffiCh&Stßr D®Bt. The last of ioo dozen TUNIC SHIRTS. A splendid shirt for 1 I most varied and complete showing of Ladies Gloves. t - puces au, »a, 1/ ewb <wtff ff^rff^Wv^S,^^ Z^^^^b buiiness, sot t fronts, and stiff cuffs / 1 *'\ " I ELBOW LENGTH LISLE GLOVES, slate, white, beaver What remains of our FLO RAL HAT SCARVES, pretty floral j Rea d of the low prices, and call and see the thousands of ' Your ch °™^ «/ 6 Usual prices 4/11 to 6/6 | ' I 4-dome BLACK ?RENCH KID GLOVES, only a few sizes designs To be cleared at 1/6 each bargains we arc offering. MEiYS FORKING SHIRTS, untearable, strong as leather i i left, sf , 6, 6^ only rACTrc „, c „ ■, „ | rr Usual prices 3/6 to 4/1 1 Now 2/6 •' I Usual price 4/1 1 Now 2/6 to clear 100 SATEEN TEA COSIES, at half price, a really good line j We will offer at specially low and attractive prices a line of X I ,12-BUTTON-LENGTH WHITE SUEDE GLOVES, sizes sf, 6, Sale price 1/6 each NAINSOOK, 1 yard" wide At 3/11 dozen yards MEN'S TENNIS SHIRTS, in white matt, coloured stripes, any '< i 6£ only A bargain for 2/11 pair size For 2/6 each t \ I 3-dome FRENCH SUEDE GLOVES, black and white only t 200 p i ece s LACE and INSERTION, all widths • ' A well-known brand of WHITE CALICO, soft finish, 36m wide <\ I , T m^t?c. 1 pn i C r^T 6 T nD S #lrc ?I i X A c r 2 AuTTc: •1 1 1, To be cleared out during Sale at 1/., 2/-, 3/- j To be cleared at 3 / 11 dozen >' ards MEN'S CAPS, in all the latest shapes and newest mixtures j I 50 dozen LADIES 1 and CHILDREN S LACE MITTS, in. black , h ' ' ' ' \ Usual prices 1/-, 1/6, 2/6 Now 6d, 9d, 1/- each | I ? and white dozen >' aids A lew rolls only UNBLEACHED SHEETING, double width ' % m 3d pair to clear 5/11 dozen yards The SAMSON BRACE. The most reliable brace for men $ 1 300b pairs LADIES 1 COLONIAL FABRIC GLOVES 6d pair ! - m M a jl" ss* i Usual price 1/- 1/6 W- Nowßd 1/. snHi/1 1 I* 3 R ! A BiQ ACCUmUlaiiOn Of \lt come toannalcutin RUNNERS, coloured borders, only P '''' " 6j V ' and 1/S |f ' : t a few left At 6d each ' MEN'S CASHMERE SOX 1' WMf«Off*WWC?©» • „•.,..„.,..,_,„„ „ , , Usual price 1/3 Now 2 pairs for 1/S I H' _ , . - , . „./,.,. • «t ll*%PVßßeß%&ffßZ.&a ! 70 pieces I-LANNLLEI IE Reduced to 3/11 dozen yards i ■ Desperate bargains are being pffcred in this section. .We j 2 , c j ozcn BLACK LISLE SOX \ ':" I are determined to clear the lot. / During Sale all Remnants of every description will be marked TOILET SETS, in white embroidered SwibS work ° Usual" price ioid pair Now 2 pairs for 1/1 joo LADIES 1 FLORAL SUNSHADES, all this season s goods jj X.ut Irilf usual nriee which will ii elude ;oo Bl Ol'^F i 10J« bet Worth 1/3 ft I Usual prices to 5/6 Out they go at 1/ r , cadi I ax.ut halt usual pnee vnen mciaac ,00 bI.UL.J. S _ . 2000 MEN'S TIES At 3 for 1/- 1 I -co CHILDREN'S SUNSHADES To be cleared at' 1/. each LLiNGI IIS, 111 fancy Mushn», Delaines,, etc. j CAMBRIC PRIMS, all this season's patterns | i2O CHILDREN'S SUNSHADES Sale price SU each At 9d and 1/- bloiibc lcnj;«h | r mm 4/6 dozen yards 1 00 MEN'S and BOYS' STRAW 7 HATS Ai 3d and 6d each 1

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 26, 31 January 1908, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 26, 31 January 1908, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 26, 31 January 1908, Page 4