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, 1 „ I ■■■IHlirM— ■■■""■"■■"-■■lllllllllll-"" TT , ■■„-.., ....■.■.imi m mHimffli..L».i.~»i i ..i,..— ,„.»„„„■ „„„.».,..,. „,ui. ..-■■ 'TtfTIM 111 l h |^^, |1 _ .Conditions of Sale*. THE* G'B^E^^.'X* | : Tine Discounts.i , -e^^j ; T. Goods sold at Sde Prices must be paid ! for on or before delivery. Numerous Sale, have been In progress In the City, but there is only one Semiannual Sale-only one Sale Fifteen per cent., or 3/- in the £, lhe bale fnces are tor spor casn omy. for which the womenfolk have been waiting. At 9 o'clock sharp on Wednesday morning, 23th Jan., the doors will Will h allnvpH nff all R 1 <5f \r • n i 2. No goods purchased during Sale can be exchanged or taken back into be thrown open, and there will begin the greatest Bargain Carnival ever known in the City. The scope of NW De &u ™ ea ou d ' ou^ regular atocK in all departments, . stock except those sent in execution of Country Orders. tne bargains is more extensive than at any previous Sale, and we have made greater preparations than with the exception or the above. . hitherto. We observe a fixed rule with regard to our Sales, it is that the whole of the stock in all the T . O i • 5.1,_ o n i ii j a.v m 3. No goods can be sent out on approval during the period of the Sale, departments is discounted, thus you do not merely get odd lots and leavings, but the clean, crisp, new and ' en per cetn » or 4m4 m m £tie *i Wlll be alk ™'ed olt the iol!owxng :— except at the usual regular prices. high-grade goods that have come under your notice every time you have been in the store. It is because of CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS 4. Country Orders will be executed at Sale Prices if accompanied by our ri S |d observance of this rule that our Sales are so popular. BOOTS and SHOES remittances to cover the cost of the goods. Season after season, year after year, the most gratifying success attends our Half- Yearly Sales, and this TAIT OPTNJr , , „ , , . . , .. f . is In itself sufficient testimony that our Sales are genuine bargain events. The opening day of a Sale is an 1 AlLUKll\Lr :5. Any goods sent to Country Customers in execution of orders, if found amazing spectacle. Hundreds gather around the doorways, and as soon as the doors swing open there is a fJnnrte rWnuntPd mnrP than Fifroor, nw unsatisfactory, will be exchanged or taken back into stock, in which rush for bargains. Again and again the doors have had to be closed at intervals to prevent overcrowding. uooub uisLOunieu moie man riTteen per cent. case the money sent in payment for same will be refunded. Goods We expect an unusually large crowd of people to attend this Sale, because the bargains on this occasion WIU have the bale nces marked in Plain Red Figures. Some must be returned in good order and condition, and without delay. are exceptionally good. Wise women will endeavour to be in with the earliest shoppers. of the Special Discounts range from 5/- to 15/- in the £. \ , "• ' *• S r Millinery Department. ' 150 COSTUMES, in flannel, tweed, and cloth, in Eton, fitting, semi ' GOATS AND JACKETS. CREAT CORSET PRICES. sac, and sac shapes, in navy, black, grey, green, claret, fawn, ' FYTRfInRniNfIRY walu'fq -r. , , i -n, MATCHLESS CLEARANCE OF MILLINERY. etc EATKfIUHyiNAKY values. There are some remarkable Corset Bargains to be picked up at THE SEASON'S HATS MUST CO. ' Regular prices 42/6, 49/6, 52/6, 55/6, 59/6, 63/- to Hundreds of these Coats are under marching orders, and they S ,,? a J e ' , f °L the^u a r il many nu "J be J rs offc l red at less than half the 9 guineas must go at the exceptional, prices we quote now. In the lot is regular prices, ihe following will attest the accuracy of our stateObserve how ruthlessly we cut the prices of Millinery; there is Sale prices 34/-, 39/6, 42/-, 44/6, 4S/G, 51/6 to included some of the new style winter coats, which will be well ments: — a reason for it. We have made it a rule never to carry millinery £7/11/6 worth buying. P.D. CORSETS, Nos. 101, 34, 97, 170, in white and grey Coutil and over from one season to another; we force the goods out by making 25 LUSTRE and SICILIAN COSTUMES, in cream, grey, sky blue, 75 LUSTRE DUST COATS, in cream, grey, sky blue, pink, and black Sateen, size 19 only. These are perfect fitting Corsets th,= qal^ nrirp* aHrarhVp and remntini? ancl champagne, also in checks and stripes, smartly trimmed green for slight, long-waisted figures tne saie prices attractive ana rempiing. with fancy silk braid Regular prices 35/6 to 52/6 each Clearing at 25/6 Regular prices 1 1/6 to 15/6 Clearing at 3/6 each 300 MODEL HATS and TOQUES, in all the season s favourite Regular prices 48/6, 52/6, 59/6 18 WASHING LINEN COATS - 40 pairs " MODICITE " CORSETS, in black and grey Sateen, fitted shapes, trimmed flowers and ribbons, and wings and feathers . Sale prices 39/-, 42/-, 48/- Clearing at 2/11 each with real whalebone, suitable for medium figures, size 19 only Clearing at less than half price 30 NAVY BLUE SICILIAN ETON COSTUMES, trimmed with 24 WHITE and CREAM LINEN COATS, in two lots • Regular prices 13/6 to 22/6 Clearing at 3/6 each Regular prices 35,/-, 42/-, 50/-, 69/6 each cream silk and fancy braid Lot I— Worth 14/6 to 21/- each Now 7/11 each " CAVENDO " CORSETS, in grey Coutil, with elastic band and Sale prices 17/6, 21/-, 25/-, 30/- Regular prices 45/6, 49/6, 59/6 Lot 2 — Worth 29/6 to 39/6 each Clearing at 15/6 each buckle, suitable /or medium figures, sizes 19 and 20 only TRIMMED HATS. A very special lot of dyed leghorns, in shades Sale prices 3S/6, 39/6, 48/- FLANNEL and TWEED COATS, in summer weights, and stylish I „ _ , Regular price 14/6 Clearing at 6/6 each of wedgwood, cerise, brown, etc., in the latest cloche shapes, 12 STRIPED FLANNEL COSTUMES, fitting and belted, and Regular prices 22/6, 28/6, 35/6 to 59/6 THE NI ?W CENTURY " CORSETS, quality B, in black and white trimmed ribbon chous and flowers double-breasted, in cream and grey I Sale prices 18/-, 23/-, 28/- to 47/6 Ccvtil, short on hipand 'ong in front, with suspenders attached Sale prices 10/6 and 15/6 each ' Regular price 59/6 Now 43/- 25 BLACK CLOTH and SERGE WINTER COATS, threequarter suitable for medium figures, sizes 19 and 20 FRENCH MODEL BONNETS, in-black, and black and white 3° LIGHT GREY TWEED COSTUMES, coats with -^-length basques length ' „_ _ „ R«§ular price 9/6 Clearing at 3/11 each Regular prices 24/6, 29/6 to 42/- each Regular price 65/6 Now 47/6 Clearing at 17/6 each g L - fcJ - COKbLib, m white Coutil, a good strong Corset for medium Sale prices 10/9, 16/9 to 21/- One BODICE COSTUME and SKIRT, in sky blue basket-cloth; 50 NAVY and CREAM SERGE COATS, 26in. long 1 WAl fe^ c , s c 6/6 Sale price 3/11 each RFADY TO WEAR STRAW HATS trimmed scarf "The Ginsv" bodice tnmmed with silk and lace Regular prices 35/6 to 52/6 each A WAKJNIiKb RUSIiROOI' LOKbhlb, No. 999, a special line in "The Crowed" "The Ascot tnmmed scart ' lhe bips > ' Regular price £6/ 1 6/6 Now 68/3 Clearing at 9/11 each grey Coutil, with suspenders attached, sizes 19 to 26: a splenIfeS ' 4 "' 6 C3Ch ■ °" c " &£^S° ME ' lmed Wlth 51 ' k ' b ° dkC 2 ° COATS " tn^ ed WHh kCe ' etC " SUitaMe f ° r !„ r Z WSM? Sa,e pric c 10/8 each UNTRIMMED Lln'en HATS, /whit,, hoUand, and aU fa.Honab.c One BWUS i^s£^ Sgf&E^K S? white check, '^nST' "^ 5=5 = gUmeaSl '' BUmeaS '° "° ' Ft^J^£S£&\&& colours coat trimmed cream silk, and cream and black passementrie Sale Drices 49/0 57/9. 63/3 to 5 guineas penders attached, sizes 19 to 26, suitable for medium or stout Regular prices 6/£ , 6/1 1 each ■ Regular price Sale price £5/5/- ' RAINCOATS hgrcv navy blue black Veen Sdf"n mixtures i h S ures Regular price 22/6 Sale price 16/8 each Sale prices 3/11, 4/8 , O ne MOLE COLOUR CLOTH COSTUME blouse coat, trimmed U?u^ 84/ miXtUres " S and S " BURLINGTON CORSETS, in white Coutil, beautifully WHITE MUSLIN RIVER HATS, and PLAIN and POMPADOUR crea m cloth and lace, lined silk, throughout Now 20/- 23/6 25/- ■ 27/9 30/3 to 71/6 boned > exten ded hips, suitable for stout figures, sizes 21 to 26 SILK MUSLIN HATS, for maids and children , Regular price £8/18/6 Clearing at 59/6 MACINTOSHES, in white, champagne, grey, and other mixtures Re S ular pricel;/6 Sale price 14/11 each Regular prices, 12/6 and 18/6 each One DRAB CLOTH ETON COAT and SKIRT, lined with silk Usually 42/- 47/6. 49/6 to 94/6 each- ! " OUR OWN SPECIALITE " CORSETS, in white figured Coutil. i^t^t mnnnEwc\/nT™rTv -ii v. ju L • Regular price £6/ 1 6/6 Clearing at 59/6 Now 35/9, 40/6. 42/- ' to 80/3 ! This is a light summer Corset, boned with Greenland whaleMODEL CHILDREN S MILLINERY, silk hats and bonnets, 111 One ELECTRIC BLUE SILK EOLIENNE COATEE and SKIRT, BALANCE of our SUMMER COATS, etc. : bone, extended hips, suitable for medium figures, sizes 20 to 2d dainty styles v trimmed lace and silk Offered at 4/- in the £* dFSoount / ' Regular price 12/6 Sale price 10/8 each Regular prices 8/6, 10/6, 15/6 each Regular price £7/7/- Sale price £5/10/- . OPERA COATS and CAPES, in the latest designs f " C.B. TAILORMADE " CORSETS, specially designed for tailorbavc rATATOA^ATcT 7 i^i, a vi i. One APPLE GREEN COSTUME, bodice and skirt, lined silk, All at 3/- in the £ discount made costumes, in grey and white Coutil, suspenders attached, BOYS GALATEA HATS, bound leather, and with leather strap trimmed lace and velvet suitable for medium figures, sizes 20 to 29 round crown _ Regular price Sale price £5/19/8 o •! Regular pricelo/n Sale price 8/6 each Regular price 3/1 1 Sale price 2/6 each One RESEDA CLOTH COSTUME, lined silk; bodice trimmed moire '• « c - nrf c t OKUT " CORSFTS in txrev nnd white rmiHl rnt lnw 30 MOTOR HATS,, n^u 2 s c_o l o umri%t j s attached to .natch^gc^nUcc Un«erclOtMng Department. ! & K^r 'h^c^^Ss^ t COLOURED STRAW HATS, fashionable shapes, in chip, Manila, Two CREAM SPOT DELAINE COSTUMES, bodice trimmed with WOMEN'S UMDERGLOTHBNG GREATLY UNDERPRICED. j g R^ulSTpnf^6/6 P rice 4 5/3 each and anc y e st ; a a 7a 7 and g/6 each lace, skirt tnmmed folds ' We are moving out a vast quantity of ful Underwearj d « w . Bp| » "NUFORM," and "LA VIDA " CORSETS-We have r>rirp<; <*/iR anrl A/ft ,r- wrm tr rncTrn,n?c • vi l vi c the moving out prices arc very tempting. Ihere arc some specially secured a large quantilv or. the manufacturer s samples, and GIRLS' COLLEGE P STRMV SAILOR HATS, slightly drooped brim ' 5 Xmpag^f ™nfy ti^!^^ ' *"*' cbea " Jte f lha " shoilld " ot ml ' sed Blie^ the chief h *^ are thus able *° oiler ""= lot at 1S cellt - belOW the r i ular RUSTIC STRaTgAR P DEN V " 50 FANCY A bLS&^I^ SlS^S 0^ 8 a ' *"" "" " : UNDERSK.RTS. I All o %Z*st Models in » P.D.," "S. and 5.,» •LA MIGNONNE," rmArAA T £ ce g ula f r P nce 2 J II JJ SS * le P rice each Regular prices 29/6 to 33/6 Clearing at 9/11 50 Black Untearable SILK UNDERSKIRTS, all well made nwS^^rrl ?S^ KROK R0 9 I< J',p JS^ isA?^?i' MADEIi " " OUR CURACOA HATS fpr tennis and boating Six FANCY MUSLIN BLOUSE and SKIRT COSTUMES, in navy Regular price 2^/6 each Sale price 21/9 OWN SP ?S£hn^ f f« Sf * rfSJSSf MODELS „ price 3/3 Sale : price 1/11 each blue, fawn, and green, lined and trimmed with lace; small sizes Coloured SILK UNDERSKIRTS, in heliotrope, grey, brown, mauve, ! . All IGS f A 3 /" m J? 10 * d 't C °" nt CHILDREN'S WHITE EMBROIDERED MUSLIN HATS and Regular price 4 s/6 Clearing at 15/6 pink, eau de nil, prune, and cardinal ODD MAKES and SAMPLE CORSETS, in various sizes •BONNETS, sizes o, 1, 2, 3 Six WHITE FLORAL MUSLIN COSTUMES, lined, and trimmed Usual price 22/6 each Sale price 19/3 each 1 At Half-price v Regular prices 8/1 1, 10/6, 12/6 each lace Regular prices 73/6 to 87/6 Clearing at 15/6 30 only SILK MOIRETTE UNDERSKIRTS, in plaid C x e A r r%T^ ™ AT^ ■ Six CAMBRIC COSTUMES, in navy, pink, and black and white Usual prices 21/-, 26/- each Sale price 10/6 each r« ' 400 pieces FANCY SILK CRINOLINE PLAIT, m all colours; all 12 checks; blouse trimmed cmbroiderv WASHING MERCERISED SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS, in checks and __ „ , . _ .-„.. yards m length Regular price s 5/6 Clearing at 17/6 stripes Usual prices 7/1 1, 8/6 each Sale prices 6/9, 7/3 each Children's Outfitting Department. Regular prices 4/6 to 12/. each Six WHITE MUSLIN BLOOSES and SKIRTS, plain and spotted, White EMBROIDERED UNDERSKIRTS | PHIL DREW"? TLfiTMiNC AT «JALE PRICES Clearing at 1/6 each lined, and trimmed with lace, S.W. sizes Usual price 8/6 each Sale price 7/3 each | CHItURbN d CLOIHiNt, Al bALL PRIUtS. 200 FANCY STRAW PLAIT, in black and colours Regular price 45/6 Clearing at 9/11 Good news for parents who have children to clothe. This Sale Regular prices 5/6 and 7/6 each ' 36 ETON COATS and SKIRTS', in the new striped regatta cloth I UNDERCLOTHING. j opens up great possibilities, for it broadens the buying scope of Clearing at 1/6 each - . in fawn> navY) and butcher blue ° LADIES 1 LONGCLOTH NIGHTDRESSES, daintily trimmed ! ever y. °" c - Wi f U b . e possible to furnish the children with 306 pieces STRAW PLAIT, in all the newest colours, an extraordi- Regular prices 49/6, 63/-, 69/6 ' Usual prices 4/1 1 5/3 5/6, 6/6 8/6 each i complete outfits at relatively small cost. Study our Sale prices and nary bargain Sale prices 31/6, 39/3, 42/6 Sale prices 4/3, */©", 4/8, 5/6, 7/3 each ! act promptly. Regular prices 3/1 1 to 5/6 each c ococ 0 CREAM LINEN SAC COATS and SKIRTS, and striped blouses, LADIES' LONGCLOTH and NAINSOOK CHEMISES, a special line i CHILDREN'S CRASH and HOLLANL REEFERS, 24 left for the Clearing at 10£ d each coats anc i s ki rts Usual price 6/- each Sale price 4/8 each ; Sale Usual prices 5/6 to 8/6 each Sale price 2/11 50 dozen FASHIONABLE STRAW SHAPES, in ail colours Regular prices 32/6 to 45/6 Clearing at 3/11 LADIES' LONGCLOTH COMBINATIONS, well made and nicely | 23 Fawn and Grey CLOTH and TWEED COATS, suitable for girls Regular prices 4/1 1 to 7/6 each The balance of our fashionable stock of COAT arid SKIRT COS- trimmed , . , „ ! from Bto 14 years . Clearing at 1/-, 1/6, 2/6 TUMES Usual prices 5/1 1, 6/0. 7/9, 9/3, 10/6 each ! Usual prices 11/6 to 27/- each Sale price 5/11 FRENCH FLOWERS— 300 dozen sprays of roses, hydrangea, 'At 4/- in the £ discount AnTrri T S^™?r\H?J!^Sl?> 7/11 ' 8/{1 each 25 CHILDREN'S COLOURED CLOTH and SERGE. COATS, 22in, carnations, fruit, berries, and foliage, in the best quality silk ' LADIES' LONGCLOTH kNICKLRS | 24'"c. rmrc 1 P Tei?(Tc O 22/6 cad , Sal^ pn v 3/1 \ a and cambric [ WALKING SKSRTS Usual prices 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6J6 each ] 15 GIRLS COATS and SKIRTS, in navy and cardinal fancy tweed Regular prices 2/6, 3/6, c/ 6 a spray ' Sale prices 3/-, 3/10, 4/8, 5/6 each, \ Usual prices 18/6 to 27/6 Sale price 8/11 Clearing at 6(1 and 1/- At Bargain Prices. LADIES' NAINSOOK CAMISOLES, daintily trimmed with lace ' 18 CHILDREN'S REEFERS, in cloth and serge ItITTTFrr , ,, TT^ T TXT rrrn^ . , „ , „ , Usual prices 3/6, 3/n, 4/1 1, 5/0, 6/6 each Usual prices 6/6 to 10/6 each Sale price 3/11 m WHITE MUSLIN SKIRTS, tnmmed embroidery and wide tucks - c-. ale p^ ices 3^ 3/^ 4/374/11, S/G INFANTS' CREAM BEAVER and NAP CLOTH PELISSES Regular prices 17/6, 18/6, 19/6 each LADIES' NATURAL WOVEN COMBINATIONS, sizes W. and O.S. Usual prices 9/6, 10/6, 12/6, 14/6, 16/6 Costume Department. CREAM sn^^S^llfkA skirts, m fash,on ab ,c LADIES . m ' * h each CHiLD^s^cli^s^^^i^a^ coats COSTUMES, SKIRTS, MANTLES, JACKETS, DRESSING st y les Regular prices 10/11, 24/6 to 38/6 each Usual prices 2/11, 4/3, 4/9, 6/6 each Usual prices 8/6, 10/6, n/6, 14/6, 18/6 GOWNS, Etc. ' Sale P rices 9 / 3 > 20 / 10 t0 32 / 9 Sale prices 2/6, 3/9, 4/-, 5/6 each j Sale prices 6/11, 8/6, 0/6, 11/6, 14/- .. IDD - 010 - ilB , -• „ -„«-,„ M1 « B « WALKING SKIRTS, in stripe and check tweeds LADIES' INDIA GAUZE VESTS ; CHILDREN'S WASHING BLOUSES, in prints and zephyrs AT IRRESISTIBLE BARGAIN PRICES. Regular prices 10/6, 13/6, 15/6, 17/6, 19/6 to 35/6 Usual prices i/-, 1/3 each Sale prices 3d, 1/- each Usually 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, 4/9 each It requires no stretch of imagination to believe that there will Sale P rices 9 /"> 11 / 6 ' 13 / 3 » 15 /"> 16 / 6 to 30 / 3 LADIES' RIBBED COTTON and WOOL VESTS Now 1/11, 2/11 > 3/3, 3/9 each be a great rush for our Show-room bargains. We intend to have a WALKING SKIRTS, in navy serge and cloth Usual prices 1/2, 1/8, 1/10 each ! GIRLS' WASHING PRINT and ZEPHYR BLOUSES big crowd here, and that is why we have made the bargain prices Regular prices 1 1/6 13/6 ,15/6 16/6 17/6 to 55/6 Sale prices 1/-, 1/5 1/7 each ] Usual prices 3/6, 3/n, 4/6, 4/"» 5/6 each so very enticing. There must be a mi«xhtv movement of goods in Sale P nces 9 / 10 ' 11 / 6 » 13 / 3 ' 14 /"» 15 /" to 47 / 3 " THE KANTSHRINK " LADIES' RIBBED WOOL VESTS ! Sale prices 2/10, 3/-, 3/6, 3/11, 4/6 each this department, and bargain seekers should endeavour to be here WALKING SKIRTS, in black cloth and serge Usual price 2/9 each Sale price 2/4 each \ 10 dozen GIRLS' FLANNELETTE BLOUSES early Regular prices 7/1 1, 11/6, 13/6, 15/6, 16/6, 17/6, 18/6, LADIES' WOVEN COTTON SPENCERS, long* sleeves ! Usual price 4/1 1 each Sale price 1/6 each ' COSTUMES. ! 9/ 6 to 6 3/- Usual prices 1/11, 2/3, 2/9, 3/-, 3/6, 3/9 each I CHILDREN'S WASHING PRINT SAILOR DRESSES, 24111, 27m, n-™ * rrr,™ rZI .V Sale prices 6/9, 9/11, 11/6, 13/3, 14/-, 15/-, 16/9, 17/6 Sale prices 1/7, 1/liiV. 2/fi 3/-, 3/3 leach i and 30111. 50 TWEED and CLOTH COSTUMES. These must go to 50/6 SAMPLES of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WOVEN COMBINA- ■■ Usual prices 7/ 11, 8/6 each Sale prices 6/9, 7/3 Regular prices 45/6, 63/- to 94/6 25 CREAM LTNEN WASHING SKIRTS TIONS, SPENCERS, VESTS \ CHILDREN'S RIBBED WOOL VESTS, a job line, sizes 2, 3, and 4 Clearing prices 21/- and 29/6 - Regular price 12/6 each Clearing at 3/11 Very much reduced ?r> prise ; Usual price 1/3 each Sale price 9d each

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 23, 28 January 1908, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 23, 28 January 1908, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 23, 28 January 1908, Page 4