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Dress Department— Continued. STRIPED tussore silks, for blouses and costumes 8 Furnishing [Department. § iWßttroN pile samples v- • „„„„ , ,r. T txto , • 1. 1 j Usual prices 3/- and 3/0 a yard Sale prices 1/11, 2/6 j] .», „ „ „ , . . „ . B Usual prices 12/6 is/- each 2500 yards Fancy VOILES and mUSLINS, in stripes, checks, and COLO URED VELVETEENS, our "Imperial," in all cdours I Department^r^7^^fX^^ln^of^tn^K tl I Sale P r?ces7/5i9/ii 5 each floral designs n««*;««. «<- o/r -. ,r-,v^i h department, some or tne gooas cariymg discounts 01 15 to 25 per n npn^QTrT c; caiupt pq tfsualpricpsioid, i/-,i/2 Now clearing at 7*d yard Q « iring at 2/6 a yard I cent. Thus those who buy at this Sale are sure of making savings I BRUSSELS S £™l^- „. ,_ /fi ) Usual prices 1/4, 1/6, 1/9 Now clearing at 11 id yard 6 boxes of Odd Colours m VELVETEEN _ J of 3/- to 5/- in the £ Below we enumerate some of the extra- I KS SK;B v 300 yards EMBROIDERED DRESS LINENS, white grounds, with Usual price 2/1 1 a yard Clearing at 1/6 a yard | ordinary bargains. | rordfrfd Riir§ Ti,t( ' ' a c * • c-a ■ 3 white and coloured spots and deigns ,' . 500 yards PLUSH in. several colours . NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. We have been fortunate in ste^r birder sltn H^T Usual prices 2/3, 2/6, 2/1 1 per Yard Usual price 2/6 a yard Clearing at 6d a yard " I sec uring a dob Line of White and Ecru Lace Curtains, slightly I very handsome Ld^ effeefc^e Rui We havl se c m^ a S All to be sold at 1/- per yarcf SILK VELVETS, our special quality, in every colour I soiled, It a discount of 25 per cent, off English cost. V I Sment of Thes? at less th^n half tSu^a? ri!^ * hrge 2 ; 5 yards CHECK DRESS LINEN, 3 6in wide, in green and white, Usual price 6J6 1 yard Sale price 5/6 a yard I Lot 1- 3 yards long 1 P Usual urice 2?/ to ?o/ eirh sky and white, red and white, and navy and white , BLACK SILK VELVETS, CHIFFON VELVETS in black and colours, | Usual price 2/9, 3/3, 4/3, 4/9, 5/3, 5/9, 6/6 1 Sale price 14/11 and 15/11 each , s T^tJ e^ri^^J^ N ow 9d per yard MILLINERY VELVETS in black and colours i Sale price 2/4, 2/9, 3/2, 2/8, 3/1 1*. 4/6, 4/11, 5/6 I BRUSSELS SOUARES 600 yards FANCY STRIPEIf ZEPHYRS, 30m and 32m wide, all All reduced 15 per cent, or less 3/- irt the £ discount I Lot 2- 3 J yards ling. ' //./«/./ I Sale price £4/9/9 new goods ... . „ , BLACK VOILES, ARMURES, CASHMERES; DELAINES, MEL- g Usual price k/6, 6/3, 7/6, 7/1 1, 8/3, 9/-, 9/9, 10/6 I Size oft. x 12ft. Usual price /q/iq/6 Sale orice £S/3/S Nr al «fd nCe , S 9 i d /^i : ,i PCr ROSE DRAP-DE-ALMA, MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, BIARRITZ, I. , , Sale price 4/8, 5/3, 6/5, 6/9, 7/-, 7/8, 8/3, 8/11 I Size lift. 3 in. x 12ft IJsual price 5 i:6/i7/6 Se price £6/3/9 300 yards ME^fcffi gffipED ZEPHYRS wide and vario.other^^^^^^^ U. 3- 4 y^slong VELvIt Safe price MEBonaJi^l&iC^ with white S&S:^" Duchcsse of a " ~«" "*" * *" S^ rt about half ro^fej^ a^min^er^u^el 6/5/^ Sale pU *™« soofs^!nd ctetS; f foin wide V g A" reduced 15 per cent, or 3/- fn the £ discount I Lot 4 Usual price 27/6 29/6, 32/6, 35/-, 39/6, 42/6, 45/-, Size git. x 10ft. 6m. Usual price £5/17/6 Sale price £5/5/9 P UsSfpric«T/lLd 1/6 per yard 20 BLACK DRESS ROBE LENGTHS, 7 and 8 yards in each I . . 50/ : , 55/-, 65/- « /Q^ 00/n Size 9 ft- x 12ft. Usual price £6/10/6 Sale prfce £5/17/6 Now S§ and 1/- per yard Usual prices ranging from 30/- upwards g Sale P r « e J®/ 6 ' 22/j?i 24 / 6 » 26 / 3 » 29 / 6 » 31/9» 33/9, Size 10ft. 6m. x 12ft. Usual price £7/10/6 Sale price £6/15/6 I2oo^yards FRENCH WAStfING CAMBRIC, in light and dark Clearing at 10/6 I rnRTATMS iw. *r. ,11 c rf a Size 10ft 6m. x 13ft. 6in. Usual price £8/10/6 Sale price grounds, with spots, stripes, and floral designs BLACK FRENCH NOVELTY ROBE LENGTHS, all new this season I "Lh^l^ 6 a SampleS) and are tapf^tw^tapttc Usual prices 1/- and 1/2 per yard Now 8d per yard Usual prices 35/- to 105/- All less 4/- in the £ discount g 1 ftt I g 7 n=?.i * *>*i& „,* „,* „>*,*, , , I c ■ «« g V^VA tt 1,« '■ - ,« 01 550 yard s Goo t^SHING PRINTS, ;n^ t and dark gtoU nd S fi only Handso e EMBROIDERED VOILE ROBE LENGTHS ™ » gSg? fe §£ <!2O yards FRENCH DYED DRlfsS LINENS, 3 6in wide in new and T T , x Us _ P nce^S/JO/- bale, price £3/3/- g 42/6 | Size 10ft. 6m. x 12ft. Usual pnce 62/6 Sale price 55/6 fashionable colourings 30 ROBE LENGTHS, embroidered cloths, curl cloths, zibeline, hop- H In addition to the above special lines, we will allow a discount of 3/- \ Size 12ft. x 12ft. Usual price 69/6 Sale price 62/6 Usual orice 1 /o ocr yard Now, to clear, 1/2 per yard sacks, etc., suitable for winter wear H in the £ off the whole of our regular stock of WHITE, CREAM, I 12ft. x 13ft. 6in. Usual price 75/- Sale price 67/6 66 5O 5 O yards, being tfie balance Ji our celebrated FRENXI? DYED Usual prices range : from 35/- to 85/- and ECRU L^ACE CURTAINS Ju v i ej PLAIN. ART I?ELTS, suitable for floor coverings and surrounds, LINEN only a few colours, 48m wide To be cleared at Half-price , WHITE and ECRU MUSLINS, frilled both sides, 56m. wide | 50m- wide, m green, crimson, blue, and terra cotta art shades ' Usual price 2/1 1 a yard Sale price 2/3 a yard Usual prices 1/6, 1/9, 2/-, 2/3, 2/6 | Usual price 4/1 1 yard Sale price 3/11 ' 1200 yards UNIFORM CLOTH, in good washing stripes and checks REMNANTS. Sale prices 1/3, 1/6, 1/8, 1/11, 2/1 \ JAPANESE MATTINGS, in plain white, blue, green, and crimson Usual price oW a yard Sale price 6jd a yard _ T _ njmvh norccrc i WHITE and ECRU MUSLINS, in com spots and sprigs, a very I designs 480 yards PLAIN V^ASH&G CAMBRICS, light and butcher blue, SILK R S TT > A n < EL T y i ?Jc^ PRTMTq 7FpSvr? mhqt Klt' large shl $ me f ■'„,,*,,,, i a cwptat S ?"?? l/4> - /8 Sale ? nCe V "' 1/4 4 sky, nil, cardinal, and mauve BLACK DRESSES, PRINTS ZEPHYRS t MUSLINS UNI- \ Usual prices 1/-, 1/^l6, 1/9, 2/-, 2/3, 2/6 A SPECIAL LINE m blue crimson, and green art shades - Usual prices lod and i/i* a yard FSJ^vr np?l?r'nnk<? STI S ,'u L^ NENS> BATISTES > Sale prices 9id, 1/-, 1/2£, 1/5, 1/71, 1/91, 2/- Usual price 2/4 yard Sale price 1/2 yard Sale prices 7M and SJd a yard CRLAM DRESS GOODS, and all other Remnants LIBERTY ART MUSLINS, in beautiful floral designs, 50m. wide, * 280 yards MERCERISED MANAMA COTTON, 29m wide, in plain At Half-price splendid for curtains, etc • BEDDmC. navy, pink, cardinal, nil, sky, and white Usual prices 7\d, §\d per yard ' KAPOC BEDS Usual price 1/3 a yard Sale price 9d a yard j ° , Sale price 5/11 dozen yards Size 2ft. 6in. Usual price 12/6 Sale price 9/11 I <o yards PLAIN SATIN-FACED LAWN, in white, sky, and pink, /lf<flr«/*J&nao#jaß* no««WivsAM# CURTAIN NETS, all block printed designs, would make handsome i Size 3ft. Usual price 15/6 Sale price 12/6 29m wide ■ muncnvszir wepanmem. curtains . \ Size 3ft. 6in. Usual price 18/6 Sale price 14/6 Usual price 1/6 a yard Clearing at iO£d a yard FINE QUALITY HOUSEHOLD LINENS AT SHARPLY REDUCED Usual price 1/- yard Sale price 9£d yard Size 4ft. Usual price 21/6 Sale price 16/9 500 yards FANCY COTTON TAFFETAS, in neat and fashionable ) PR9CES. . FRILLED MADRAS MUSLIN Size 4ft. Usual price 24/6 Sale price 19/9 patterns I r» n 1 ut • j h , ,-, , . , Usual prices 2/9, 3/3, 3/6, 3/0, 4/3 1 KAPOC BEDS, buttoned and bordered Usual price 1/8 a yard Sale price IG£d a yard .. On Household Linens and Manchester Goods our special Sale Sale prices 2/4, 2/9, 2/11, 3/2, 3/7 i ! 2ft. 6in. Usual price 14/6 Sale price 12/6 150 yards PLAIN LOUISINE COTTON, in navy, sky, cardinal, and , discount is 15 per cent, or 3/- in the £, but there are many lines We have just opened a nice range of the new BRISE-A-BISE 1 3^- Usual price 17/6 Sale price 14/9 white, 30in wide wbch are discounted by 2O.per cent, to 30 nor oent., and the Sale CURTAIN MATERIALS, in Swiss net and muslins All to be ! 3*. 6in. Usual price 20/6 *Sa!e price 17/. Usual price 1/- a yard Now 7£d a yard P n , c | s , are marked m plain red figures* The red figures are the sold at 15 pei . centlJ or 3 /_ in the £ off usual prices | 44 f t . Usual price 23/6 Sale price 19/9 LINENETTES, BATISTE, and SATEEN LININGS, in black and all net Sale prices. ,„ n„„ I 4ft. 6in. Usual price 26/6 -Sale price 22/colours Usual prices 9W and lod a yard Clearing at 8d yard LINEN SHEETINGS.— We bought these Linen Sheetings at a very JAPANESE GOODS. - | FIBRE BEDS 200 LINEN BOX ROBES, to be sacrificed at prices that make them big discount, and as the goods are now duty free they are JAPANESE CURTAINS. A large assortment; to select from in f 2jft - & n - Usual price 10/6 Sale price 8/6 the greatest bargains of the Sale • ofiered at very exceptional prices. It will be impossible to get beautiful Oriental designs ' f 3^- Usual price 12/6 Sale price 10/6 Regular prices 25/- to 105/- Linen Sheetings any cheaper than our Sale prices 3 yards lono- I 3^- 6in. Usual price 15/- Sale price 12/Clearing at 10/6, 15/-, 21/- 54m. wide Usual prices 2/ 11, 3/6 a yard Sale prices 2/-, 2/3 Usual price 1 1/6 Sale price 8/6 4 ft - Usual price 17/6 Sale price 14/6 10 pieces COLOURED DRESS TWEEDS, in all good colours 72m wide Usual prices 3/ 11, 4/6 a yard Sale prices 2/11, 3/0 ,1 yards lon» 4ft. 6in. Usual price 20/- Sale price 1 7/Usual price 1/11 a yard Sale price 1/3 a yard Bom wide Usual price 4/9 a yard Sale price 3/(3 Usual price 12/6 Sale price 0/6 HAIR BEDS 15 pieces COLOURED DRESS TWEEDS, in light and dark grounds, goin wide Usual price 4/6 a yard Sale price 3/3 4 yarc i s \ on(r 3ft Usual price 50/- Sale price 44/allwool t . PLAIN and TWILL SHEETING . Usual price 18/6 Sale price 13/9 3ft. 6in. Usual price 62/- Sale price 55/Usualpnce 2 /n a. yard Clearing at : 1/11 a yard 54m wide Sale prices lOd, 11^, 1/1, 1/3^ a yard JAPANESE TABLE COVERS 4ft. Usual price 67/- Sale price 58/20 pieces SUITINGS, in grey and white and black and white 63m wide Sale prices WM, 1/-, 1/2, 1/4 a yard ?6in x 36m Usual price 1/3 Sale price Hid i 4ft. 6in. Usual price 72/- Sale price 63/6 stripes, all new goods 72m wide Sale prices 1/1, 1/4, 1/6 a yard 5 4 in. x 54m. Usual price 2/6 Sale price 1/11 I KAPOC PILLOWS Usual price 3/6 a yard Sale price 2/8 a yard : 80m wide Sale prices 1/G, 1/8, 1/11 a yard • Regular prices 2/0, 3/3, 3/0 12 pieces WOOL TAFFEtA and VERA STRIPE VOILE, m new PILLOW CASES rea^ for 4'^ y CRETONNES. Sale prices 2/3, 2%, 3 2 shades Usual prices 2/1 1 and 1/3 a yard Full size Plain PILLOW CASES / n • .i c 1 11 •- a* 1 t r *.' • 11 v. - BEDDING MATERIALS Sale >pnces 1/8 and 1/11 a yard c 't: n H r t7 jwri il/ ! During the Sale our well assorted stock of Cretonnes, in all the ; X N 9 i d lb 20 pieces job lot odd colours in WOOL, CANVAS, and VOILES HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES new , est deigns and colourings will be reduced 25 per cent, or 5/- C Clearing at 1/- a yard • iILMbiUUIEU WLLUW LAbiib , in the fi The following are a few special lines :— , Flork • Now 3iri lb . • ;" 150 WHITE MUSLIN BOX ROBES Sale P nces 1 / 9 and 2 / 6 each I— A gpod range ih floral designs, and the new stripe : r UCK iNOW Ojtt iU ' Ranging in price from 19/6 to 105/- FRILLED PILLOW CASES • Usual price iokl, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6 I LINnLFIIM^ aun FI nnpri otw<s " A reWtlon Of BHn the £ off these prices during the Sale prices 1/4*, 1/6, 1/8, 2/6 each [ Sale price Bd, 9iJ, H^d, 1/1 I U a, „ nwnnimTßn Sale FRILLED and EMBROIDERED PILILOW CASES lot 2— The new Taffeta Design, in all shades and colours H *- L ui^uumtu. 10 pieces NEAT FANCY STRIPED LUSTRES, 42m wide I Sale prices 1/B, 1/11, 2/3, 3/3 each \ P sual P nce l r> x / 4. V 6. ' , Of one thing you can make sure, and that -is of the quality of Usual price 3/- Price now 1/11 per yard \ SHEETS and BEDSPPEADS a * e pnce ® tJj "*!"> I^^' 1^ 3 * ; c S°ods in this Department. We import the best from the best 5 pieces ALL-WOOL STRIPED and CHECK SUITINGS, 48m wide EMBROIDFRED ioP SHEETS unlaundered ' Lot 3— Reversible, in small conventional designs manufacturers, such as Nairn and Co., and the Stains Linoleum Usual price 4/6 per yard Now, to clear, 2/6 a yard Regular price 12/6 Now 6/11 each Usual prices 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 1/11 # : Company. 7 pieces PLAIN COLOURED LUSTRE, in navy, brown, green, and HEMSTITCHED and EMBROIDERED BEDSPREADS , ( , TL Sale prides Hid, 1/1, 1/3*, 1/5-1 • L^Ol EUWIS. grey, 42m wide julivio 1 1 1 l,jcii.u ana Di.usrKC.AJJb . | Lot 4— The new Repp Cretonne, in conventional and floral designs, .. < T „ . ..... Usual price 2/1 1 a yard Sale price 2/3 a yard ' Smgl r e T be ?i S1 T Z w« j„« , m .« A ,n/r S for loose covers, curtains, etc , -i tot I—lr floral and tile designs, 6ft. wide 6 pieces PLAIN BRILLIANT LUSTRE, in navy, brown, and grey, .W 6 and 14/6 each Now 3/9 and 10/G g Usual prices 1/1 1, 2/3, 2/6, 2/9, 3/-, 3/3 ' Lof 9 A Usual price 2/- Sale pnce 1^ square yard 44 in wide »uy. Double bed size „,,,,, Sale prices 1/5, 1/B*, 1/10*, 2/1, 2/3, 2/5* Lot 1^ ran S e in art shades ' and two-tone shades, suitUsual price 3/1 1 a yard Sale price 2/11 a yard S " lIA/r 9' ' Lot 5-A new line of Leatherette Cretonne, reversible, plain colour able for bedrooms . c . . „.„ , 200 different patterns in our specially Selected assortment of ,nTMTrn7rSJ/nc ' ' ' ' j ! one side ' and floral dcsi S n the other , n} , A , Usual pn . ce P S /i e pr ; C ? 1 / 11 Square yard LADIES 1 TAILORING TWEEDS, only one dress to a pattern PRINTED BEDSPREADS I Usual price 2/2 yard Sale price 1/7* Lot 3 ~ A lar^ rai ?g e .m. m tile and floral designs Ranging in price from 6/6 to 15/6 a yard ( Sm g le bed size , I Lot 6— A splendid line of Double Width Cretonne, in good taffeta, . rt . . . Usual price 2/6 Sale price 2/- square yard A discount of 1S par GfiSit, Of 3/- in the £ will be given Regular price 7/6 each Sale prices 4/6 and 5/0 i designs, 50m. wide ] Lot 4 ~ An ex T^ a s P ecial quality all good designs ■ during the Sale ' Double bed size i Usual price 2/6 yard Sale price 1/1 0£ - TIVTT ATT . T TM^\"fn Fc 1C? 3 P 1S f PP i nc f /11 SqUare yard 20 FRENCH NOVELTY DRESS ROBE LENGTHS, all new and • gg c,e ,g ula ' P nc «"/6. l2 Jhj lr each § Lot 7— Double Width Reversible Cretonne, suitable for wardrobes, INLAID LINOLEUMS m floral and tile designs fashionable goods ' > Sale prices 7/11, 10/-, 16/11 1 curtains, etc Lot s^-Usua price 4/6 Sale price 3/9 square yard Clearing at 10/6 the robe length BARGAINS in TABLE LINEN— \ Usual price i/6, 1/10 yard Sale price \\\\ % 1/4^ yard J-°J ?~H SU i pn - Cc X? c 1 pn - Cc t / ?n SqUare yard 30 FRENCH NOVELTY DRESS ROBE LENGTHS, new and White Damask, in all widths Besides the special lines quoted above, we will allow a >dis- \ pnce 6/6 Sale price 5/9 . fashionable W Regular pnces 2/6) S 2/lI) s/6> 4y64 y 6 5/6j 6/6j 8/6 a d count o f 3/- in the & off all Sur TABLE COVERS, CURTAINS, FLO 9S? X)TH ' m a large vanely of d^ ns and 6ft. Usual prices 30/6 to 50/- Clearing at 21/- the robe Sale prices 1/3 oL 2/3, 2/8. 3/6 4/3, 4/11, 6/6 TAPESTRY, and all SOFT FURNISHINGS ; Wlde TT . . /Q c . . . /yII ' SS^uS^i'SS f6f 6 f ooSior the Sa.e ISl^/lo^/lfU', 1 'd/ 5 We m a k e a ,« cia,t y . o£ BHnd Manuf a c tOT in g , and ca rry an f/, 'Si^^Ts I^^* mow reaucca J/ mine *or is per cent, tor the bale A krge pared o f TABLE LINEN, consisting of manufacturer's enormous stock of materials, including the Spring Rollers m all Width 3ft. gin. Usual price 2/6 and 2/ 11 Sale price 2/- and 2/3 ASTOMJSHFNfi SiL V RARPAIMR / rejects; that is, hnens that have very slight faults in weaving. lengths. Estimates given. 1 4 ft. 6in. Usual price 3/6 and 4/6 Sale price 2/11 and 3/6 nziuwioUH-iU B>ILK mAhiUAINb. Th v j f DAMASK CLOTHS and TABLE CURTAIN POLES, polished wood, complete with ends, rings and ■ nri Jt - AnT)rT c - t 1 1 r uj • !. 1 3500 yards FANCY SILKS for Blouses and Costumes, in neat NAPKINS, and will be offered at this Sale at one^lrd off the brackets, sft long CORK CARPETS, suitable for bedroom wear, m conventional and checks and stripes regular prices • I Usual price 2/0 each Sale price 2/2 each !. 11 T oral designs, Ott. wide Worth 2/1 1 and 3/6 a yard Clearing at 1/11 a yard HOI T ?NDS in hrnwn anH rr Pam ' i BAMBOO POLES, complete with ends, rings and brackets go. 2— Usual price 3/11 Sale price 3/6 1700 yards TAFFETA CffIFPON SILKS, in white, cream, black, H J rI^K n^l^f? t /t ,/ a t/^in,^ Usual price 4/ 11 each Sale price 3/11 each . , No. I— Usual price 4/6 Sale price 3/9 and all the leading shades for evening and street wear, 4 oin ?JS Sri iftirf tih M V / PLAIN CORK CARPET, suitable for surrounds, in green, blue, anil and 44 in wide • Sale P nces 2 % cl > W^> 1 /"i 1/1 i . PUSH and CO-CARTS. ' i terra art colourings Usual prices 6J6, 7/r, 7/6, 8/6, 9/6 a yard TOWEL BARGAINS.— Our stock of Towels comprises the most ! * , ranffe of puSH and GO-CARTS aoldine> Usual P rice 2 / ir Sale P rice 2 / 6 square yard Sale prices 5/6, 5/11, 6/3 773 87- a yard serviceable grades, good hard-wearing absorbent Towels- j A lar^ c %Zx] n v\ce22lf i Sale nrice l9% " j Usual P rice 1 19 Sale price 1/6 square yard 320 yards STRIPED and FLORAL MbIRETT^S for Underskirts, in White f URKISfi TOWELS [j^ P 22/6 bate pnce 19/6 j UsuaJ Sale^ price 1/g s^ uare ard white and coloured grounds with stripes and floral designs Regular prices 1/I*, ■ J >/9, In, 2/3, 2/6, 3 /3 cad. Usual price 35/6 Sale price 28/6 ' : COIR MATS ' Usual prices 1/9 and 2/6 a yard Sale nrices IW, 1/-, 1/4*, 1/^, 1/9, 2/-, 2/6 Usual 3ric£ /6 Sale 35 / 8 Size 27m. x 16m. Usua price 3/0 Sale price 3/3 , on varfle; cSfeS?fi TCq t f f1 ■ w RelSar Drices ill $6 i/S °^/ 2/. each ART TABLE COVERS. These were a special purchase made Size 3 oin. x ißin. Usual price tfg Sale price 4/3 200 yards STRIPED BRIHSH SILKS, only a few fashionable j - Regular prices 1/4, I/O, i/o, 2/- 2/3 each our Mf Teasdal who bou ht them in London at less than half Size 33m. x 20m. Usual price 5/6 Sale price 5/3 stripes left bale prices i/«, l/d, 1/0, l/B, 1/10 ugual icess b j Size 36m. x 22m. Usual price 6/9 Sale price 6/,n nnr, „a o," ?a?a i^§ q/ qtf w lear ?? at - 1 '" a 1 , , White BATH § HE ETS, extra good value . 3(sin x 36in^i n beautiful oral and conventional designs Size 39m. x 24m. Usual price '7/9 Sale price 7710,000 yards 27m JAP ANESE SILK, in white, ivory, black, and Regular prices 11/- and 15/6 a pair 5 ° Special Sale prices 2/3 and 3/3 Size 42m. x 26m. Usual price 8/9 Sale price 7/11 over 200 different shades of various colours, 27m wide Sale prices 8/6 and 12/- l r 1 1 Size x 2§in> Usual price 9/9 Sale price 8/11 »™ „a ^ RD?rrc/f T]^lc d nDi7 cti tr j -j c j t CHECK DUSTERS, 84 dozen - i CARPETS. - Size 48m. x 3 oin. Usual price 10/9 Sale price 9/11 700 yards BRITISH TUSSORE SILK, one yard wide, for dust c a i P ' -J* 0/11 a A n7Pn i mTR MATTTNG bp<^f nnalitv coats, costumes, and blouses _.„..„. , Sa ', " 2/11 a dd ° Zen The whole of our regular and superior stock of Axminster and C ° W^Vh 2 7ui UsfaSe^/. Sale mice 1/11 Worth 3/6 a yard Clearing at 1/11 a yard BAR & A ? NS cUIc U1 .Q U J LT^- „ „ , , Brussels Carpets will be offered during the Sale at a discount of 2/- ™S *££ VSi /? qgalq a le P nrir P 2/8 COLOURED MOIRETTES, for linings and underskirts, 24111 wide, White Satm, Grecian, and Honeycomb Quilts in the £j and in addition we submit the following special lines:— j $£}£ . 3^* Tj«! ia i n ?S J/" Sail nS^ 3/3 in black and all colours . ',4, 4 ,2/6 «/6 each Now 8/6 10/- 12/ AXMINSTER CARPETS. A special job line (body only) W«£ t^ Us'Sd?^ 3^ IfeWfti Usual price 1/9 a yard Sale price 1/5 a yard _ Usually I O/o, 1 2/0, 1 5/0 each l\ow tf/e, lU/-, ll« I Usual Drice 8/6 Sale price 5/11 yard \v-At-t \ hZ\r, TTcal nnV,» <?/ «^ni^ r,riV*» K/-? COLOURED SILK &Olßshi for underskirts, Wwide, in all Double bed size AXMINSTER CARPETS, Si new to match ■ Wldth ?2m ' UsUal pnCC 6/ " Sde pnCe 5/3 ' colours Usual price 29 a yard Sale pnce.2/3 a yard Usu ally l2/6 J sft 18/6, 25/-, 30/- each Usual ice^. Body 8/ f, Sale price 7/11 BEDSTEADS. 1000 yards COLOURED GLACE SILK, job Tot or odd colours, suit- Now 10/-, 12/-, 14/9, 21/-, 25/- Usual price Border-*/" Sale price 6/11 _ . f , Q . . . f -, , . , .. . .. , v „ able for dress linmgs, blouses, etc. EIDERDOWN QUILTS— $ BRUSSELS CARPETS a few odd patterns During the Sale our stock of Bedsteads will be sold at 15 per , fe aIPPct? ?J 6 . to ft/" a y ard , Charing at 1/6 a yard In printed Cambric, for single and three-quarter beds § Usual price 6/6 Sale price 4/3 csnt - or 3 /- in th Jr £ discount. 3000 yards of bLALL SILK, m aU new and fashionable shades, our Sale prices 12/6, 14/-, 15/-, 19/- each BRUSSELS CARPETS, with borders to match FRENCH BEDSTEADS, enamelled in black and gold, lin. tubing regular stock ,«,.,' In printed Cambrics, for double beds Usual price— Body 6/6 Sale price 5/9 Size 3ft. Usual price 28/6 Sale price 24/6 j r™™& x ££ a Jhi?Ss 3/3 n fyara Sale price 2/S a yard Sale prices 12/6, 15/-, 19/- each Usual price— Border 6/- Sale price 5/5 Size 3 ft. 6m. Usual price 29/6 Sale price 25/6 s °ooJsl° 00 Jsli S kf ?xVi?c UkED ML R YS>LOUISINES, PAfLLETt ES, and In printed Sateen, frilled, double W size AXMINSTER STAIR CARPETS P Size 4ft. Usual price 30/6 Sale price 26/MEbbALIWEb, in every shade Sale prices 29/Q, 33/-, 35/-, 40/- 5 45/- ' 22iin. Usual price 8/6 Sale price 7/6 Size 4ft. 6in. Usual price 31/6 Sale price 27/- • Usual I?"ces 2/6, 3/-, 3/3. 3/6, 4/; a yard I n prm ted Sateen, frilled, full size BRUSSELS STAIR CARPETS ! FRENCH BEDSTEADS, with brass rails j TjS n cn\S"'. 'ft 2'2 ' 8 V 2 ' 9 '« n .? T a Sale prices 35/-, 40/-, 50/-, 55/- 22* in. Usual price 5/ 11 Sale price 4/11 4ft. 6in. Usual price 45/- Sale price 37/6 3000 yards BLACK SILKS m Message PaJette and l Merv. MUSLINS AND OTHER COTTON GOODS.-These goods are sub- 2?Jin. Usual price 6/6 Sale price 5/11 FRENCH BEDSTEADS, ijin. pillars with brass rail and knobs c 1%, * %, l n' l J' tt l l £i7i' lr ?'Z' l J?' y , stantialiv reduced in nrirp hpran^p wp hnvp n rnn<;i'rlprnhlp : ?6in. Usual price 1 1/6 Sale price 10/3 ; 4ft. 6m. Usual price 57/6 Sale price 47/6 rninimi^^^l^^TS^^^^A ■ a a ou^^" 1 UM h&W * OT^ Crable ODD 3 BORDERS. PAP A lot of Axminsfer and Brussels Carpets, suit- \ FRENCH BEDSTEA&, peSl spindle |nd front, i|in. pillars COLOURED FRENCH SHANTUNG SILKS, 32m wide, m deep and tapantttqt? prttpf tt atuq rlf v • able for stairs, runners, etc. All to be cleared at Half-price 4ft. 6in. Usual price £3/19/6 Sale price £3/7/6 light vieux rose, wine, and champagne J AI ANLbh. LRLl'fc. a very useful fabric CARPET REMNANTS. Special attention is called to the low price FRENCH BEDSTEADS, 1 Jin. pillars, brass rails and knobs Usual price 4/3 a yard Sale price 2/11 a yard Clearing at B^tt and 10 5 d a yard . of these Carpet Remnants. They are by far the largest and 4ft. 6in. Usual price £4/2/6 Sale price £3/10/COLOURED SURAH SILKS, in nil, electric, wedgwood, cerise, ' PANDORA," a nice GALATEA CLOTH, in stripes and checks best assortment we have ever shown, being manufacturer's FRENCH BEDSTEADS, 2in. pillars cardinal, violet, and turquoise ' Worth gAd a yard Sale price 12 yards for 7/9 sample pieces/ ih yards to 2 yards long. Splendid for hearth 4ft. 6in. Usual price £4/5/- Sale price £3/12/6 Usual price 3/6 a yard Clearing at 1/- a yard REMNANTS All Remnants of TABLE DAMASK, SHEETINGS, or bedside rugs." : Usual price £5/5/- Sale price £4/9/STRIPED SATINS, for linings, in dark grounds, with white and CALICOES, LONGCLOTH, FLANNELETTES, MUSLINS, TAPESTRY CARPET SAMPLES ; '■■ HOSPITAL BEDSTEADS, very strong; in 3 parts fancy stnpes GALATEAS, DRILLS, PIQUE, etc., etc. Usual prices 4/11, 6/6, 6/1 1 each 2ft. 6in. Usual price 30/- Sale price 26/6 Usual price 2/9 a yard Sale price 3/3 a yard At Special Bargain Prices Sale prices 3/11, 476, 4/9 each ' 3ft. Usual prices 32/6 Sale price 27/6

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 23, 28 January 1908, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 23, 28 January 1908, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 23, 28 January 1908, Page 11