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f CLOTHING DEPT. £3^^ MANTLE DEPT. BLOUSE DEPT. Remnants silks: § H MEN'S TWEED SUITS Men's Suits to Measure Our limited space in this department This season we have made up our 8^ 4 EVERY DEPARTMENT A BARGAIN ! Eight pieces BLACK || MS Usual price 30/- to 4«j/- j „ „„ . , o , , „ , . , , „,, . . , bURAH SILK to be cleared out §11 18/6 22/6 27/6 Special Prices for Sale has compelled us to clear out all tnis mmas not to carry over a single blouse "PQ g£ "\/Q yard ma H ' ' 45/-, 49/-, 52/6 seasonls stock to make room for new To do this we are simply giving away - PLAIN and FANCY BLOUSE SILKS 11 H MEN'S TROUSERS 200 patterns to BOYS' TWO-GARMENT SUITS goods our goodSj as priceg will show ' CLEARED OUT Usual price 2/6 Sale price 9d yard M B& seleccfrom 3/11,4/11,5/11,6/11 4/11, 0/ 11, O/11, /y I I TWEED CIOTH COSTUMES 600 yards FANCY BLOUSE SILKS Hi m BOYS' BLOUSES and KNICKERS Usual price -o/- 63/- SILK BLOUSES All this season's REGARDLESS OF COST Small checks Usual price 2/6 M |8 ' Made in New Zealand 1/3,1/6,1/9,1/11 Sale price 15/9, 21/-, 40/- . stock Usual price io/- ( 12/6 , For the Sale only 1/- yard ll I KAIAPOI NORFOLK SUITS SADDLE-TWEED TROUSERS A soecial line of CREAM SERGE Sale price 5/11 ReOlOantS 1 * be marked at 1 M 10/6,14/6,16/6 SUMMER VESTS 3/11,4/11 COSTUMES 25/-, 30/-, 35/- Every Blouse in this department is re- Halt price |g « - HMM ,- MMM . MM _ HKM .i MM _ B=->«»~B =->«»~- LADIES' WHITE SILK DRESS duced to bedrock price, as these " M m lili'TTS r*TT\\T I\r'Ffc'T Nothing in the city to compare with S Cry KW 19/11 figures will show M M VIrKLrKY lirPi S° od value and lOW P rices in this WHITE TTNFN DRFSS SKFrVs 1/n,2/6,2/H,3.'6 OTl>\FlClJf\Tr I\CDT This department cannot be 9 « ITJ.JL</JL\V>jLrA\ 1 l/JL/JL X« department. W ,t?, llb L / • DKhbb bKIKIb I^l IC 111 1 1^ H I IYIt IlnF I equalled, for it contains strong M m q™.n- a i wnf MFN'c; mpriwo mwv'Qqov Ti • f i/ The usual price of these goods is 15/6 A special line of LADIES' BLACK A"U AlllllU'llAl^A 1 1111U'11A1^ \i JL/JwA &• money-saving inducements. II M P SINGLETS MERINO MEN S SOX Three pairs for 1/- Now 5/1 1,8/6 SILK BLOUSES Usual price 12/9, ... , 8 &£ aiHULtio TENNIS SHIRTS Silk strinp Usual PFATTTIFTTT QTT 1^ TTXTDFR iz/n Rprlurprl tn 7/fi R'll in/Q You are still in time to buy our MUSLINS Madras, plain and frilled SH m At clean sweep prices 1/6 Sllk stri P c Usual Less lan Llf pdee 5/9 Reduced to 7/6, 8;11, 10/9 SAMPLE CURTAINS, in "white 1/-, 1/3, 1/9 'I ■ MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS . Sale price 2/6, 2/1 1 15/9. 19/11, 25/-, 30/- 600 CHILDREN'S BLOUSES All and cream 1/9 pair ?0 CARPET SQUARES Usual price B m Usual price 3/6 Now 2/6 BLUE DRILL SHIRTS For the Special line CRAVENETTE COATS sizes Usual price 5/6, 7/6 Now 1/6 We have only 400 CURTAIN ENDS 35/-, 40/- Now 25/- 1 M 200 WHITE SWEATERS In per- working man . 19/6, 25/-, 27/6 400 FEATHER BOAS In white grey left out of our huge stock Out they CARPET ENDS To be cleared 1/9 M m feet condition, all wool, roll collar .- Reduced to 1/11, 2/6, 2/11 .' ,-CRASri COSTUMES natural black 5/11 7/8 10/6 I*^6 " g° ' 9d, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6 wnm 'a/tatc v aa . v H. ■•"■ ' 2/11,3/6 -MEN'S and ¥OYS« STRAW HATS 5/11,7/11,10/6,12/6 natural, black 5/11, 7/6, 10/6, 15/6 WOO. L MATS Hundreds to choose f H ,mn rPNTt;> tik<; ah ™t« « All sizes ' 1/-, 1/6, 2/-, 2/11 TUSSORE SKIRTS 42/- COLOURED UNDERSKIRTS TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES Table * 3/ ' IMI I 4000 GENTS TIES All ootou«. To be cleared at IQ/9 yu Covers 4/6 HEARTH RUGS y _ | M ALL GOODS IN THIS DEPARTMENT TO BE CLEARED OUT AT CHILDREN'S MUSLIN COATS and A HUGE QUANTITY OF BLANKETS AND QUILTS AT | m 75 per Cent. Reduction. For the sale, 15/6, 19/6, 25/- PELISSES 4/11,5/11,6/11,7/6 BARGAIN PRICES || I Dress Dept. Manchester Dept. Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Ribbons. Ladies' outfitting. Millinery. I M Values that eclipse any we have ever Great sale of Household Linens is ETC. Everything in this department has rli)?!^ S??! 1 " wf Don't put it off any longer This is M cornmsnuinff the CcLcrcr attention, or j it uc_pcirLiiicnc Quring tnc octic vv c a.rG hnS S- heard of Nowhere else in the city can hundreds of housewives by reason of the Don't put off until the las,t week or been reduced to the lowest ebb We overstocked, so are making a clean your last chance A further reduction l|g m| you get such bargains low prices in standard linens of proved the last day to make your selection want room, and must have it sweep ■ j n Millinery |§B H A „ . att w/^r.T W ° rth Prices are low and you have a large SILK TIES LADIES' CALICO NIGHTDRESSES LADIES' TRIMMED HATS All M Wi A fRFY C TwM !eC Usil hJri^?/?, L s °° ™ LL ? D PILLOW-SLIPS A stoc k to select from To be cleared at 6d, 1/-, 1/6 TA _ T1?CI n , Tinr , r2/6,2«,r 2/6,2«, 2/1 1 this season's models ■ m GREY TWEED Usual price 2/ u real bargain to clear 1/- each LACE INSERTIONS In Paris/white, LADIES' CALICO CHEMISES 5/11 8/11,10/6 9 M 3/3 Given away at 1/3 yard HONEYCOMB TOILET COVERS This season's SUNSHADES to be and cream For the Sale only 1/9, 2/-, 2/3 Usual Srice 15/- to 4 0/. 3 m We have still a few shades in ALL- cnmAl To clear BJd, 10id cleared out 1/-, 1/6, 1/11 1 /- per dozen yards LADIES' CALICO KNICKERS Tempting prices in TRIMMfeD 1 I WOOL WILE DouWe wiSth M % Long White and Cream NET GLOVES LACE INSERTIONS P Usual P ri?eod, LADTpc;)rAT Tro mJ^k^nVl BONNET? . 5/11, 8/11, 10/6 I M 6d per yard HSIm ?Sav n firJ^^ v U « ual P rice 1 1 l l Sale P rice V- J / 6 We are nOw letting them go for . LADIES CALICO COMBINATIONS Original price 15/- to 35/- 1 rSB y J LINUN 1 KAY LLO I HS, 7id each t-»ot7ivt>c? /-t rwrrrc ah t 3d Der'vard 2/11,3/11,4/11 rHTT nRFN'S HATS in jyr^af vari#>Hr «l W A splendid line of EMBROIDERED * UNBLEACHED SHEETING, 6 4 in. CH IJMgSN'S GLOVES All colours lß . inch ALL . OVE R LACE fn white 200 WHI TE SKIRTS^ to be cleared CHILDREN bHAI bin great variety | Vm DFT AINFS Dnnhipwidth Guaran- 6d yard an t.izes ou pair cream, and black SaleDricel/- 1/fi out at less than half price ROYQ J HAT ATFA HATS »•»/•• im I teed ftst^ Stou? UsuS price 3/6 UNBLEACHED TABLE DAm/sK LADIES' HOSE Plain or ribbed . SILK rAiLLINERYWbON 17 'V 6 T AnfWC , 1/1 1^ 2/11, 1/1 1.4/1 11,5/11 BOYS GALATEA H^S iy , | 1 Slaughtered at 1/6 yard ...... „.._ 10^d yard ppriAT 10^d pair OTT Tr „„ T T Four yards for 1/- LAD An?c W ° V ? 9/ii°S I 1« All this season's surplus stock 0/ UN H iGi SPECIAL LINE— SPECIAL— SILK MILLINERY RIBBON TIONS 2/-, 2/1 1 , 3/1 1 , 4/6 TRIMMED STRAWS & TOOUFS si IS The whole of our SUMMER TWEEDS D'OYLEYS Half - dozen for 7id Long Grey and Beaver LISLE Three yards for 1/- CHILDREN'S CALICO NIGHT- A becleaTed out regardless of cist 1 H will be cleared out at 5/11 the dress GLOVES -Sale price 1/3 SILK MILLINERY " RISSoN ' DRESSES, special line 7d, Bd. 9d *) SILLINERY^^ FLOWERS Ld 1 1 ,0 pieces Black and White Check EVERYTHING AT CLEAN and Tan "SLE Two yards for 1/. CHILDREITS CA"gO KNI^EM I II S T>S??S MATFRIAT m inS SWEEP PRICES. GLOVES 6d pair These Ribbons are 4 inches to 6 inches r Ar>TF«?' WHTTF A&ROnTS at 3d, 6d, and 1/- 1 « 2^ Fnr^hpSaS^/iith^drJssof LADIES' CYCLING GLOVES . wide in all the latest shades A really LADIES WHITE f/ 1/1 1/3 1/fi CHILDREN'S SILK HATS ' 1 |H wide for the bale, o/l I tne aress or To clear 6d pair good line o d » lUSa, I/-, l/l, I/O, I/O -. -,-- _.__ „* .. 8» IB six y ards 60 BOX BLOUSES Usual price 8/6 LADIES' BLACK LACE HOSE LACE MITTS 1/- P air Special value HOLLAND APRONS CHILDREN'S SILkSoNNETS must I H Navy Serge DRESS LENGTHS 700 yards PINK FLANNELETTE^ 7 " P&^ Everything Reduced DOROTHY PINAFORES^'Novv 2 6 be cleared out 1/-, 1/11,2/6 | Eg Original price 12/6 Now 5/11 the dress ' * Sold at BJd Now 4d CHILDREN'S SUNSHADES All tverymtng Keaucea A huge qnantity of GIRLS' CORSETS . nRFN ,c 1 I H A W w l,Ki w RnRF LENGTHS SPECIAL— colours Usual price 1/1 1,3/6 800 LACE COLLARETTES Every 6d pair to clear , tMILUKtNb WAbHINb HAlb .|| H In silk and wool S2>oHne 600 dozen TOWELS To be cleared Now 9d, 1/3, 1/6 shape and make is here represented 7 LADIES' and MAIDS CORSETS , RATTSTF Vf aY^ V6 'c? 6 1 MS In silk and wool cHJpoline four ]ess than h ,, f _ Nqw . h . b ur SUN _ >6d 1/6) 2 / 8) 3/6 1 LA D IES BATISTE HAIS Clear M m 8/11 the robe SHADES All our stock has to go MADE-UP VEILS 6d knd 1/- SPECIAL P.D. CORSETS for 2/11 j the lot for 1/-, 2/11 g m CREPOLINE DRESS All colours 2000 yards MUSLIN All colours Usual price 5/6 to 25/. CHIFFON and NET RUFFLES To Usual price 5/" „,,.., I A huge quantity STRAW PLAIT All $§ i| 5/1 1 the dress 3d per yard Out they go for 2/6, 3/6 be cleared out 1/11, 2/1 1,4/11, 5/1 1 COTTON VESTS Three for 1/- I colours Twelve yards for 1/- ||

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Evening Post, Volume LXXIII, Issue 27, 1 February 1907, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXIII, Issue 27, 1 February 1907, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXIII, Issue 27, 1 February 1907, Page 8