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Y^HAT a world of pain and misery » " this one word means to thousands of people. Competent authorities estimate that one person in every ton suffers from Rupturo —goes on suffering year in and year out, probably woaring an ill-fitting truss that not only aggravatos tho trouble, but in addition chafes and rubs the skin until the pain is intolerable. ARE YOU ONE OF THESE SUFFERERS? There is no necessity for this. Dr. J. A. Sherman's method will gi\to you* relief in one , minuto and .then settle. down to cure you permanently. This great method has boon tho means of restoring thousands to tho blessing of a sound bedy. ' If you aro within human aid it will enro ybu. I trant you tot "make full enquiries, road tho opinions of'eminent public men, study tho recorded thanks of thousands of sufferers restored to manly vigour. Lot me send you two Booklets on Ruptures. You can have them free fox tho_ asking.. They contain reports of eminent medical men and testimonials all parts of the world. .Hero is a short extract from the*Lancot: —'SThat Dr. Sherman's cures aro bona | fide and thorough tho most reliable testimonials, as well as personal facts, attest; and as in a matter of this kind unquestionable confidence in tho agent or praotitioner w an important consideration, it "will be satisfactory to state that sufficient evidence to convince the most incredulous and despairing sufferer exists to prove that the merits claimed for the doctor's treatment are fully authenticated. Over twenty.fivo years of study and practice havo been spont to bring this groat speciality to its present efficient state, and tS*e perfect mastery which Dr. Sherman aow exercises over tho distressing constitutes him a benefactor of the human race, and I places his method of aure among the most ' valuable discoveries of the century." MR. A. W. MARTIN, Sole Controller of Dr. Sherman's Method I in Australasia, IS NOW AT THE HOTEL CECIL, And may be Consulted up* to the 17th November. ALL CONSULTATIONS ARE FREE. Hours—Daily, from 10 a.m. To 8 p.m. The following testimonials of New Zealand people speak for'ti^mselves. Thoy aro but few taken from' scores that may bo seen at tho Rooms: 49 YEARS OF PAIN AND AGONY. Cured by tha Sherman Method after every kind of truss and treatment that 'money can Buy. , Maeetown, Otago, sth June, 1905. Mr. a. w. Martin. Dear Sir—l feel very grateful indeed to you, sir, for advising me to try your remedies, which I consider with the appliance and curative compound, are the only safo and completo cure in tho world. I still intend to wear the appliance for some time yet, although I have jumped about the floor with the appliance off, and no appearance of the rupture, which I could not do for the past 49 years. The curative power of the compound is most astonishing, particularly in my case, as I was ruptured at s very early age, and I have had that burdfen woighing me down through life. I am now 53 years of age, and I can conscientiously say that tho last 12 months have been a pleasure to me that I havo never experienced before. In my daily labour I can strike with a 161b hammer and lift heavy timber with impunity, as the rupture does not come down, neither do I feel any pain. I say again, Dr. Sherman's method is a great boon to tho lupturetl, no matter how severo or of how long standing. The treatment that could cure me I honestly believe would cure any person. I have tried a lot of remedies in my lifetime, even when I was a lad, but all to no purpose. Therefore, sir, you can ;:.iagine I havo suffered a considerable amount of pain during my life. You are al liberty, to show this letter to any sufferer, particularly if ho has any doubt concerning the curative power of your remedy. —Yours very sincerely, • ' ' A. PARTRIDGE. CURED BY THE SHERMAN METHOD AFTER 36 YEARS OF AGONY. Central Otafeo, 30th January, 1906. MR. A. W. MARTIN. Dear Sir —You will romember me bringing my daughter to you for treatment when you were in Dunedin. Sho hacl then suffered for 16 years, and was so bad that I could not take her for a walk, neither could she do any light housework, as she was always in pain. Now wo h>ve given your treatment a fair trial, aim* I am happy to say sho is cured and feels nothing of her trouble. JSho has ainco got married, and has two children. She is enjoying splendid health, and has not worn the appliance for come time now. I hopo you aro succeeding in your treatment, and I caa^afely say that if your patients only pay^ 'attention to your instructions they will soon effect a euro. I am of opinion that there are hundreds of both sexes suffering from the snme trouble, and if any require a proof, by writing to me or my daughter we will give them every information^ on tha Mib-jt-ct. * "■ My daughter and her husband join with mo in thanking you for what you, have done, and wo hope that you may continue to help suffering humanity.—With very best vrisbes, (Original may bo seen at my rooms.) Mangaonoho, Wellington, 26th January, 1904. MR. A. W. MARTIN. , Dear Sir —l see by tha papers that you are in Wanganui. I havo had no return of my trouble since. I got your treatment. I hay« not worn tire appliance for torao months, and can honestly say I am cured. I am well known in Rangitikei. and you can mako whatever use you liko of this letter. I sincerely hope any person suffering from rupture that Bees your advertisement'will give your system a trial, and I hive 'no feat fof the- result.—'Yours sinCBrey> JOHN LAMBERT. To Awamutu, 3rd April, 1905. MR. A. W. MARTIN. Dear Sir—l have the greatest pleasure ih testifying to the relief I havo obtained from Dr. J. • A. Sherman's mothpd oi treating rupturei and tho mannor in which you treated my c&so when I called on you. I have suffered from a bad rupture on my left pide for 25 years, and tho Hgony I suffered i« only known to those who aro similarly nfflictod. I never folt safo in doing any hotivy work, an the truiw I woro,' although' coKjidorod to be tho belt, \ra» anything but reliable. Two months ago another rupturo appeared on tho right side, causing me additional pain and anxiety of mind. Sneing your advertisement in tho Auckland papers, I made up my mind to sco you. On tho 28th February 1 received your treatment. I can now work or ride with cane, safoly, and comfort, and judging from tho improvement I havo made these few weeks I have- evory confidence that the tretttmant will euro me. I would hot go bjck to the old system of trustee if I was^ offered £50 to do so. ' * I am well known in tho Waikato di«trict) and will bo glad to express my, relief to any iuSferor; but I havo no timo for answering letters. You may ■ use this as you liko. —l am, youm sincerely, WILLIAM VOICE, Blacksmith nnd Wheelwright. A young woman froth .South Dunodin writes: —"l am vnry glad that you camo to Dunedin, as I hacl no hopo of a euro except by an oporAtion. I have had no return of my troublo Hi nee you treated me. I can go about my work now without tho least fatiguo; but before I got Dr. Blierman'B appliance I )V»k not fit for anything after riie least exertion. lAm now convinced * that tmeses aro of ho 'liso for curing thia troublo. Another young woman, ftom Tirnnaki, writos: —"After liryiiig a London treatment for 18 monthx, and finding it' a> uro, I nm glad to bo ablo to write to you to toll you that po nn I know I am pured. I do a lot of heavy work, but is ho appcarnnon of tho rtfpturo, neithor do I fool any pain. I Buffered for nix year* boforo I camo under vouf treat--menW" - ' •' *

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 112, 8 November 1906, Page 2

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RUPTURE. Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 112, 8 November 1906, Page 2

RUPTURE. Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 112, 8 November 1906, Page 2