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PORT OF WELLINGTON. PHASES OF THE MOOX FOR SOVEMBER. (Calculated for Ktw Zealand Mean Time.) D. H. SI. Full raoon —,►..„ 1 4 16 p.m. Last quarter _ _ 9 9 15 p.m. Sew moon _< „ _ 16 8 o p.m. Ifirst quarter „ _ 2J 0 a p.m. UIGH WATER. To-day — 9h 20m a.m. ; 9h 41m p.m. To-morrbv — lOh a.m. ; IQh 25m p.m. SGX. Bets to-day— oh 39m p.m. Rises to-morrow — 5h 23m a.m. ; 6eta &a 40m p.m. • ARRIVALS). Xovember 7 — Himrtangi, es, 323 tons, Manley, from East Coast. Sovcraber B—Waikare,8 — Waikare, 6s, 3071 tons, Rolls, from Sjdncy. Passengers: Saloon — 31i£ees Western, Graves, Strethen, Baker, Stenn, Stark, M'Keehnie (2), Herbert, U'Donald,, und Dowses, Mesdames il'Donald (<2). Wagstaff, BaddiSe, Each« and infant, Gully, Barton, Todd and child, Mazoudier, Bradley, Barber, H*K.ednue, Wright, Cady, Ecoles, Wake, Hume, Sewton and 2 clnldreu, Dr. Pindlay, Dr. Kress, Cap Sain Cameron, Messrs. Wright, BirchxU, Herbert, Cad\ , Jackson, Tborlej, Richards, Wake-, Parkinson, Hume, Lewis, Bird, Fotcy, JJerarton, Radcliffe, Houston, Wqst, ttully, Collier, trail, Dowlfng, Bull, Jl'Eweu, Bryth, Ifcyktr, Mason, Olscu, Thane, Watson, «ud Captain Todd; 63 steerage. November B—Kaptti,8 — Kaptti, ss, 2M tons, Westrup, from Pateu. Jfoveniber B— lndradevi, es, 5683 tons, Firth, Ironi London via Australian ports, Auckland, and Kapj«r. / November B—Botomahana,8 — Botomahana, ss, 1777 tons, Collins, from Lyttctton. l'aaseugtrs : Saloon — Misses Halliarrr, Matthews, ilcsdames Jorgcoseu, ilurphy, M'KiniKin, Johnston, M'Donald. Barnett, Hannigan, Batley, Mathows, Beck, Boyle, Leaxmont, Henry, Hon. 31'Gowan, Messrs. Jones. Chuug Hung, Liuibrick, Nicol (2), Morgan, JDockril], Ever lit, Jeans, Martin, Hutton, Douglas, Maddison, x Hadlcy/ Whitebouse, Smith, Corrigan, Parramure, 'pngey, Donne, Mack.iy, Donovam, Bergh, Canarvon, Baker, Jorgenson. Johnston, M'J?oiiald, Turnbull. M-MUlar. Crabb. Sluart. O'Netll, HanniKaxi, O'Ccmxxell, -\llen, Xumer, 3Xatliews, Salhduy, -Stevens, Henry, Brandon, Sutherland. Brarulstatch, M'Gill, Whitta, Goodman; £0 st«erage. November B—Manuka,8 — Manuka, ss, 4505 tons, Phillips, from Dimediu and Lyttelton. Passengers : Saloon — Misses Holmes, Blankhorne, Barker, Robinson, Broad, Fraser, 'Thomas, Mesdtuncs Maxwell, Tan 'Ascli, -Grant, Young-, tee, Mitchell, Schuefer, Whale, Cultai, Kibley, Webb, Kesbit, STDonaM, Dison, Messrs. Bffnnett, Goldie, Uulcock, Lee, Palmer, Holniwood, Biss, Schafer, Boyce. Bedwell, Zachariab. Whale, Witoou, Mmr (2), Kibley, Webb, Mitchelson, Mendricy Hayes, Moorehouse, Dison, Mitchell, Preston ; 36 steerage. November 8-^Huia, es, \£l tons, Sowell, from Wangamn. DEPARTURES. November 7 — Tksman, 155,179 tons, Johnston, tor Nelson and' Motueka. November 7— Tutanekai, ss 881 tons, Post, for Lyttelton. November 7 — Warerley, ss, 157 tons, Wildman, for Nelson and West Wanganui. November 7 — Pakaki, es, 1444 tans, Caaeron, for Westport. ' Novembei 7— Blenheim, 53, 120 tons, Watson, for Picton. November B—Opawa,8 — Opawa, ss, 110 tons, Shaw, for Blenheim. * November B— Kini, ss, 1122 tons, Renaut, for Westport. » EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Manaroa, Motueka, oiii Huia, Wanganui, Bth, Baden Powell, Foxton, Bth Arahura, West Coast and Nelson, 9th Mararoa, Lyttelton, 9th Penguin, Nelson and Picton, 9th Moeraki, Melbourne, Hobart, Sou€h, 9th Eotoiti, Onehunga/and New Plymouth, 9th Victoria, Sydney, Auckland, Qisborne, and Bapier, 9th Blenheim, Picton. 9th Tutanekai, Lmtteltcm, 10th Jlapourita, \f«>i Coast and Nelson, 11th, Poherua, Southern ports, 11th Warrimoo, Sydney, 14th Qceaa-guine ateaiiHra. Raiaia, left London- Bth September, via < Capetown, Hobart, and Auckland; due about 12th November. Delphic, left London 13th September via Auckland; due about 12th November. Como, left New York 16th September, via Austral'sn ports and Auckland; due about 18th Noveiuber. Dorset, left Liverpool loth September, via Australian ports and Auckland ; due about 20th November. Niwaru, left London 18th September, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier; due about 20th November. | Matatua, left London 30th September, via Auckland; due. about 20ch November. Paparoa, lefi Plymouth 6th October, via Capetown and Hobart ; due about the 24th November." - - Sussex, left Liverpool sth October, via Auckland; due about Ist December. Corinthic, left Plymouth 20th October, ri« Capetown and Hobart ; dae about 4th December. OTari, left Liverpool 16th October, via Auckland ; dne about 9th December. Ruapchu, left London Ist November via Capeto-sni and Hobart ; due about the 19th December. Everton Grange, left Liverpool 12th October via Australian 'ports and Auckland; due about 20th 'December. • Star of Japan, left London 22nd October via Australia dud Auckland; due about the 25th December. Bromley, Icit New York 12th October,- via Auckland, ~ " " ■ Sailing Teneli. Apollo, left Liverpool 20th September. Olivia, left Edithburg 20th October. PH"JECTKi> i>EPARTI>RES. Waikare, South, Hobart, Melbourne, Bth Manuka, Napier, Gisbome, Auckland, andgydney, Bth lonic, London, Bth Wimbledon, Lyttelton, Bth Rotomabjna, Lyttelton, Bth Rippmghaci Giange, Lyttelton, Bth Sformbird, Wanganui, 6th Mana, Patea, Bth Kini, .Westport, Bth Aorere, Patea, Bth \ Moeraki, Sydney, 9th Penguin, Picton and Nelson, 9th Mararoa, Lytteiton, 9tU Opawa ( Blenheim, 9th Rotoiti, Lyttelton, 9th Queen of the South, Foxton, 10th Wakotu, Lytteltcn via coast, 10th Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, 10th Victoria, Lyttelton and Dunedin. 10th. Waini, Blenheim, 10th Kahu, Eo£t Coast, 10th Kennedy, Nelson and Wesi Coast, 10th, Hnia, Wanganui. 10th Munaroa, Motueka, 10th Blenheim, Picton, 10th . Athenic, Lyttelton, 12th Pohtrua, Westport and Greymouth, 12th TaSßian, Xelsori and Mptueka, 13th BY iqSLEGEAPH. j SYDNEY,' 7th November. j Sailed— Mokoia, for Auckland. Ihe AoroEgi's passengers for Wellington lie:— Messrs. Carolan, Coghill, Morrison, Nairn, liilmer, Jouumai, Learner and wife, Dr. Washburn, Misses Carolon (3). For Auckland— Meisrs. Ware, Rose, Jlackay, Reiltz and wife, Stodden, wife, and 2 children. For iiyttelwn— Mr. Hamilton and wife. For i'ayier — Mr. Dunctn and wife. MELBOURNE, 7th November. Sailed— Monowai, for Hnbart and Bluff. KAIPARA, 7th November. Arrived — Oben, barque, from Melbourne. AUCKLAND, 7th November. Arrived— -Navua (4.20 p.m.), from the I«ONEHI'XGA, 7th November Sailed— Rotoiti, for New Plymouth. Pasoengers — Mi£3cs Stainton, Allen, Travis, Gray, Houlihan, Honi.iliaii, Me-wJames Hartley, i children, and infant. Cooper aud 3 children, Stainton, Dearcv, Mcrscn, Me*srs. Turnct, Duncan, Ahlfeld, Hislop, Heaton, Anderson, Cqv, Hartler, Cuoper. NAPIER, Bth November. Arrived^ — Haupiri (9.15 a.m.), from Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH, 7th November. Sailed— Harawa (B.£o p.m.); 'fur Onehunga. Bth November. Arrived — Rotoiti (3.30 a.m.), frnm Onehunga. Arrived — Takapur.a (11 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed— Rotoiti (12.20 p.m.), for Wellington. WAXGANUI, Bth November. Sailed— Huia. (1.5 a.m.), for Wellington. KOXTON, 7th November. Arrived — Queen of the South (1 p.m.), from Wellington. I'ICTON, 7th November. Arrived — Penguin (6.10 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed— Penguin (11 p.m.), for Nelson. Bth November. Arrived— Blenheim (7.15 a.m.), from Wellington. BLENHEIM, Bth November. Arrived— Opawa. and Wa'.nl (11.45 a.m.), from Wellington. NELSON, 7th November. Arrived— Mapourika (10.10 p.m.), from Wellington. Bth November. Arrived — Penguin (10 a.m.), from Picton. Arrived— Wavcrley and Tasman (11.35 a.m.), £rom Wellington. Sailed— Penguin (noon), for Picton. LYTTKIVrON, BUi November. Arrived — Mararufi (9,5 a.m.), from Wcllinjrton. Arrived— Tutanekai (11 a.m.), from Wellinglion. To sail— Mararoa (6.15 p.m.), for Wellington. OAMAKU, Bth November. Arrived — Jorun (6 a.m.), from Wellington. TORT CHALMERS, 7th November. Sailed— Courtfleld (4.35 p.m.), for New Caleflonia.' ArriT«d— Dredge 350 (9 p.m.), from Glasgow. WAIKARE, FROM SYDNEY. Tho Onion Company's e/comcr Waikare arrived in the rticam at 1.10 lh!« rooming, anrt berthed nt Jtrvule-quay at 8.10. Tlio vessel left Sydney nt O.JO «.a gaturduy n-ght, and bad Farewell Spit abeam at 2.20 p.m. yesterday. Strong westerly vrlnds and tnodcrtte aeatf w«re experienced throughout the *)wwgc. The cjfjfi for Wellin2t<;ij include<!

2680 casts fruit, 910 bags potatoes, and transhipments ex Pnnz Sigismund, Falls of Hallodale, Guthrie, Australian, Cliungsha, Llcten, Mooitan, Flensberg, Euryalus, and Ottensen. The Government steamer Hinemon, now at Wcstport, will remain there until advised that she cm succeeeOiUy work Kahuraugi Point. After thut she is to come oil to Wellington via Xelgon. The Tutanekai is expected to leave Lytteltou for Wellington to-morrow night with the Governor's household on board. During the run of the, Waikare from Sydney a concert was held in aid of the Shipwreck Relief Sooietv. Captain Cunieron, Marine Superintendent of the Union Compauv, occup.scl the chair. A sum of £4 13s 9d was collected- for the society. Captain A. H. Vino is now in command of the Xew Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Itnkaia in ptucu of Captain Smith. The Tyscr Lino steamer St.T of Scotland arrived &S Port Said on the 31st October. Tlio vessel left Sydney for the Continent on 12nd September. Sydney advices state that the Buteshire grounded at Adelaide on Fndiy liut. Tlie vessel was inward bound from ' Melbourne to load wool.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 112, 8 November 1906, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 112, 8 November 1906, Page 6

SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 112, 8 November 1906, Page 6