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Latest advice received from Sydney states that wool freights are now nine-six-teenths of a penny for greasy_ and eleVeu-sixtecnths for scoured. Owing to tho competition amongst New Zealand steamship o\vnors this colony's woolgrowers are getting the benefit of a throe-sixteenth rate. The position iriust strongly favour New Zealand farmers. Prices of wool arc higher than they have been for years and freights have probably never been lower. At the sitting of the Appeal Court this morning, only Mr. Justice Coopdr and Mr. Justice Chapinau were urcssnt. Mr. Justice Cooper lead the judgments of the Chief Justice and his Honour Mr, Justice Edwards. The undermentioned hours will be observed at the Telegraph Office on Friday j 9th inst., King's Birthday; Morning, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ; evening, 7 p.m. to midnight; midnight cable service as Usual. Telephone Exchange open continuously, Tho committee of Kewtown residents doptited to carry on tho movcmeiit in favour of the establishment of a Zoo in Nowtown Park will mcefc the Reserves Committee of the City Council at the Town Hall at 4 6'ciock to-morrow afternoon. In addition to the Wellington Navals, the members of ihe Old Wellington Navals' Association (under Major A« R. Hislop), a, detachment of the Permanent Artillery, and the Garrison Band, attended the funeral of the late Gunner W. Hare yesterday. The firing party was supplied by the Wellington NaVals, the coips to which deceased had belonged for about thirty years. The prizes offered by Messrs. Tuit and Co. for collection of tram tickets are advertised as having been won by E, L. Spencer, Broadway-terrace ; H. Tobmor, Berhampore } and N. JefferSon, Brooklyn. The linn intimate that pending^ result of •their appeal agalh6t the decision of the Magistrate, no further competitions will take place. Mrs. Paulino Myers, an old-age pensioner, about seventy yeais of age, died at her home in Douglas Wallace -street about 5 o'clock last evening. Deceased was a widow, who had been living alone. For some 1 time she had been unwell, and was 1 under treatment by a doctor- ( Hef neighbours, fearing that, something was wrong yesterday when she did not appear, burst open a door and found her dead in bed. Dr. Mackin is prepared t6 certify as to the causo of death, consequently an inquest will not be heid. The importance of -wool classing is fecognised in South Australia/ The Tech* nical College at Adelaide Allows its ■woolclassing st-tidents to go out as rollers and pickers in shefring sheds under the guidance of their instructor, at the regular rates of pay, 25s a week. It is stipulated that they shall nrit be required to do any lagging, pressing, or other manual labour. The pastoralists hiiye shown themselves ready to give facilities to the students to work in their ehedsi Every branch of the pastoral industry, as of every other industry in tho world (says the Pastoralists' 'Review} is becoming more scientific, with specialists in every department, and ib Is necessary to keep pace with the time 33h this rctepect. But it is also important that our college-bred wool-clasiers should have practical experience amongst tho flocks they have got- to class eventually, and have an opportunity of studying their subject on the shogp's back. j Tho mosquito fleet, numbering tin boats of the natbottom tvfe with cCirtre--boards balanced with lead, has been presented with a silver cup trophy by j tho owners of the new auxiliary yacht Ruihi, which is on view in the 'show window of Messi.% Stewart and Co., I Ltd., Courfenay-plaee. The first race for the cup will take place on Situfday afternoon next at 2.50 p.m., weather permitting. The course will be from the entrance to the boat harbour, thence round the following three buoys : off doJk site, man-of-war buoy, Point Jerninghara buoy, and finish a£- starting point, Tha' race will be a sealed handicap. Mr. J. Bringaris has Undertaken tho duties of hflfldieapper and starter. Dr. Hocken has supplied the Otago Daily "Times with an interesting note on the origin of the name Otaeo. He says : Otago shuld be, Strictly, Otukou. The name wrs given to the v^hoie block, but is really confined to a email portion of land within the Heads. Its meaning is "red earth," which refers to the red ochre there found and used by the natives to snieftr their bodies with when prepnrsd with the delightful addition of shark oil. "Otago" is a corruption of! Otakou ' or " Otako "—but we moderns ] sin in good company, for Captain Cook himself gives a portrait of a chief un- | dersigned " Otago," showing how easy it is to substitute the v g" for tho "k" sound. He rtko speaks of "tiki" as 'tigi. ' T n the first, number of the Otngo Neita (13th December, 1848) is «in advertisement, and also a letter from the Now Zealand Cdmpany deciding that UlO name Otago must do used instead of Otakou, because the former appellation has always been teed in the correspondence between the company and the Free Church A&stfcintion, despite the appear' anc© in 'Colonel Wakoiiofd's doed of pur« chas© of Otakou. At tho Police Court this morning Henry Ad6lf Rump was charged witn having, on Ist August, 190 brat Wellington, stolen a watch valued at £12, iho property of Flomrtce Mary StifcHiollb,. On the 1 ftpplicafciort' of Chief Detective^ M'Grath, acctiSdft,' who was arrested in Auckland, was remanded until to-mor-row. Ho was represented by Mr. Toogood. For insobriety, John Crokor was iinod 10s, in default threo days' imbris,onmciit, two first offenders were each lined 10s, in default 4.8 hours' imprisonment, and seven othtjfs wore each convictod fthd discharged. A prohibition order was issued against .Joseph Smith. For haying suffered offensive rubbish to remain on premises nt Ko. 4, Northstreot ( so as to cause nn offensive smell, John Coil was fined 10s, with 18s costs. Ernest Oollingwood and Mary Bell were each fined ss, with ?s costs, for having allowed horses to wander. George Marshal' was similarly with for having neglected to register Eis dog, John Wilson and Cathorino Dorias being convicted and ordered and pay 7s costs for like offences. Joseph and Goo. Sellway, dofonded by Mr. P. Jackson, wero charged with having assnultod James Momrfcy. Tho information was dismissed, each party being ordered to pay its own costs. Tile presiding Justices were Messrs. H. F. Davis and C. C. Ci'uhip. A meeting of the John>onvi!!o Town Board wae.hcld hub nijrht. On the motion of the ohairman (Mr. P. T. Moore), seconded by Mr. Alex. May, it was decided to accept from the Government Life Instrrniico Department a loan for sanitation purposes of iOoOOO at 4| p?r cent, for si. period of thirty years, on the seeufity of a- special rate of Id in the £, do provide interest and a -sinking fund; of 14 per Cent, per atinutn ( and that the neoessary etepa be taken to submit the saatle to a poll of ratepayers for eoh' flnnatl6n. It wiw also resolved that the chairman Visit Palmarstoh, Pahiatua, and MftstdrtOß for the purpose of iusnecling and repta-ting upon the working of thd septao tanks in each of these three centres. The newest in belts, silk ela&tic with handsome gilt buckle, at 5a 6d. Unequalled fop comfoib and smartness Kirkcaldie and St&ittß.-*-Advt. , Meisra. Wylid Bros, in«erb a change li«t fOi-proterties which, thoy.hay6 for. t?".^

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Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 111, 7 November 1906, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 111, 7 November 1906, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 111, 7 November 1906, Page 6