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i . THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR > COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, IID CONSUIffPTIOH*' HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis. Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarsen«a» 'am or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Cc i~ba ilie Chest it is invaloable, as it effects a C^mplet :ure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the Voice, and it neither -' * a Cough or Asthma to bacomo chronic, nor Cdnsutnptioj 0 develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs have been properly treated wit is medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken a be beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. i E2£rVA/AOC* OF rtOlir^W^l remew »ber that every disease has its commencement, I DLVvAiiiL KJT uuvvano 8 and consumption sno exception to this rule.

BRONCHITIS. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. I BRONCHIT I SEVERE COUGH-A 5 YEARS CASS 1 South AustraUan storekeeper testifies t« A Commercial Traveller suffering intensely Two Persons la NewZcoianu aycd by One Relieved at onco and completsly cored by the Efficacy of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. cured by Hesrne'« Bronchitis Cure. Bottle of Hesrnc's Bronctfrtts euro. Hcarnc's Bronchitis Cure. A Sufferer 70 Years OU cured by It. ' Has since camped out and travelled much One of them bad been suffering for Twelve Dear Sir,— l suffered from a severe cold A w«li and iiesrtv now without contracting a cold. Months. Jj-c chest, with cough, for five yegrt, and during W/01l and Hearty now. " »«• « «•"«■• . t j I(i , t t ] me „„, trentment f ro , n different sources Mr WC, Hmune Dear Sir -I am a stof- Mr. W. G. Hearne. M , r v Hea [ ne - De , ar Sir,-I had a very badcovfih, bat derived no benefit until I aged your Broil ii W ,\..Sp in thii tmvnshlo Toi the last so Dear Sir,- In' 1896, 'I was for four years pre- *° } bought one bottle ot jour Bronchus Cure, chins Cure, which ftave me relief at once an. teeper, living in tms townsmp 101 me ia« .« v : ous i v i n Queensland travelling rin/n*Vn, =,;„*. aßd use<l about onq-haU of it which cured mr completely cured me. I am de ighted with it 008 o 0 Br O ?lh? l L°far St a Cl num I ber S oi^ rears and ?w TmSeffi houte ."lS f«sft ln tW ° ff thrC6 da > s - M * daughter w£ It i* a really wopderfat ny dicine ; doc* good • lhat »h!<! wiftec ii! the Freest he has had from 'for, could npt eat, or scarcely swallow; in fact, Bronchitis for a number ef >ears, and he wi ? h«s v.sod Ib nearly suflocate a dozen times a day. BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. -Mr. A!«- J. Anderson, of Oak Park, Charleville to return you thanks for your valuable Bron- suffering intensely Guess of my thankfulness, . T Qi-.ccastsnd, write*: • "After suffering from aathmi aitUCtt"e Ho I Ml an.l hearty now. You #"=" Mr. Cu^e brought me a bottle of your A cu (f crcr for years . fir seventeen yeets, and having been under aerea w" quit" ai liberty to publish ihls or any part, of Bropchltis Cute. A few doses actually cured me. J nmny dtorsnf treatments without benefit, Iw nfyou !ihe as It may be of great benefit to other I took another bottle away from the city with Immediate reiief and complete euro by induced to fo Hearne's Medicine for Asthma people suifeing iro:n Bronchitis -Yours truly, - we. »nd 6»»« ' t£ rt of ««> a young gfcl at Souih- Hearno's Bronchitis Cure. Af ' e^ Ml* ts>r . e v* bott(^ Qf tbis medicine I quit r * „ rnrriv t;to^Vr^t-pr P ott . and . lt a S? sla.v??,,,hers 1 a . v ??,,, her ] Ji c - The balance I catridotthe asthma, and since then, which was tto , M. COGLIN. Storekeeper. B avo to Mr. T. McMillan, Tweed River-throe Mr w . G . He . atne %^niu W .of i 84 3 -fifteen years ago ' I S«i not hTi Yunta, South Australia. persons cured by your valuable iiicaieine. Al- Dear Sir.— l icol In duty bound, to express mv the sli S hleit rotul " n o£ 't- The medicine quite our* though I have camped out and travelled about g t atitudo first to you for joar marvcllois Bron- n.e. and 1 have m^h pleasure in recommending it. 1 . 10.000 mi-es since my«« I havo not eon- chul3 and Assbma Cure nMt t0 Mr chc.-.hlre, « wtmfi two years later he states i— "l am keepini BRONCHITIS. tracted a cold sinco—l am, Sir. your best well- chemist, North Brighton, tor having bq vuluahle vei ? weUl hcvet have the gligatest return of u> wisher, THOS RObS, a cur(S ln stock- M - y wlfc beia6 \ ia {i OKI «r asthma." A Pourteen Months' £iiffcrer In Queensland. ' i^auasa, via suva, riji. j. eats j pp U t c i laS ed one bottio of your BronchitlE - — ; — _. .. . —_— Cure. It gave iaiinedlato relief, and eontinuine Cough so diMfeasingly bad, could not get «_- kl « IJI T. le > M^ aotuma it as directed, it effect^ a cptnplrte 1 cure. My GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION. unv rest BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. wife and I recommenocd it to all our acquaintances "' JO. " „ — . . „ . who suffer with the same. You can use this let- Hundreds cared in their own circle. Cured by Menrne's Bronchitis Cure. A Qucenslond Resident cured by Hcarne s tor for publicat.on if you wish.-Yours sincerely, «,..«:, , nM "• Bronchitis Curo. s F. A. CUTTEN The " Scientific Australian" Office, After other treatment hod failed. ' „ , Elsternwirk vtrmria •n - »» *. 169 Queen-street, Melbourne. ." , It made a new man of him. tisternviiCK, wctona. Dear Mr. Hearnp. The silent workers are fr« Mr. W. G. Helrnc. Dear Sir, -I write to add , cl _ 7— „. , • guenfy the most effective and if there is anj r?r y onSs°su re to ft.SSa-2? f£a& "° S t ;° rt? " S 01 - B ; , ""' „ ■ BRONCHIT.S. Xd doc ors to no purpose I4w you^ medldne Australia, and h e re anJ had Pj? id many pounds Bronchitis Cure, expresses appreciation. This gentleman some three yemrs , go was « advertised and sent for a bottle which has away in medicine; but when I 'arrived in Cairns „ w .. — — commended 10 try your Bronchitis Cure by Ml ?ik P n tho cou"h c'cTn away and I feel I different in 1900, from Western Australia, f was induced tp Mr .\ w ;. G * Hearne - Dear Sir,- Accept my testi- Barhaw, accountant, Collins Street and the effse man Yminwv depend on in vmaldn^our wonder- try your BVonchitrs Curs. I 'took five bottles, monr to the auccess of your Bronchitis Cure. I was that it had was so marked that he bao ever sini S modi i« C 1 1 X s"nWt Sot arid it made a now man of me. I could after! very ill last Fenruarv in Melbourne, and wis recom been continually recorainehdlng It to others • ' bottU??o keep by me in case hfe cough may r".rn a wards run a m.le or climb up and down a vertical m W de . d lr b y a n^ c ' end &*7 Dra " c! ? iJlS ?UI? UI i c - )V&) V& «•«*'«»»« at >d this oV testimony to th .ny Vims lam wrltin- (his as lam snro there shalt without any feeling ot shortness of breath. After : three doses. Ife t immense relief, and the value of Hcarne'S moat valuable Bronchitis Curi Jre 1 Seat nuny oeople o .t this way "hat if No medicine for Wonchitls that I have ever taken cough vanished beloro the htst bottle was finished, which has ea»?d tba sufferings of hundreds m Zy 'kn'^ tITSonM eftct of "'thb'mcaWno haslfibrded m- s,,ch relief as your Bronchitis hundreds of peoplo even in oS own cucle ot « l!-.ey wou'd send and procure it at any price.- Cure— Yours a>tbiuUy, d^ful^meSe -Yours falthtuhv "" ualntanCes - n „ , Yours faithfully. J. P. BO YD, RICHARD COLLINS, Mine Manager. N? KILMARTIN Believe us always to be, Contractor, Torrens Creek, North Queensland. Irvinebank, via Cairns, North Queensland. Dariinghurst, Sydney. °PHILI!ipS, OKMONDE & CO


Wjk fiA Kj ' ou wan * a good article at a reasonable figure. We give you this, because we have places all over New Zealand, and so import our raw material — a big saving. TC F^TT Bj Because we have a large staff of skilled workers, each EL fSLi H O man becomes good in his own line, and we put just that man on to just your case. He does it well and ■ ■in— ■!■■! iimi quickly — economy there, because our huge trade enables us to take small profits and still do all right. In our guaranteed work you can be sure of satisfaction. We use the best material and the best skill. Avail yourself of them. You will save enough to pay your fare to town, and can get all the latest improvements. For taking out teeth . . . we use „ ., 1 ' W, D» Pittar's PainSess System And can take out all the teeth at one sitting absolutely without pain. That sounds all right, and we back our claim with Five Pounds, which we will give to you if you feel a single twinge. A Single Set, 3 guineas. A Complete Set from 3to 6 guineas. B jrt| AB JP|^ Wkt The latter is guaranteed to be equal to any* BaiXv HI Uf Bra thing you will pay 10 guineas for. Corner WILLIS S MANNERS STS. DIIISYj&L wan I iMjiMi «■ mm rfi*-. — mm. m B? *V tf^ SCT I I I? b\B T* MODERATE SiJIJIJvIL ■1 O. BKAWDAUER & 00/S, Ltd. ~~~v^~^~7\ ■ Pens neither scratch I B^S^T'llllaV 9 R*)<rbs OT> l fl t »tarf nor spurt. They glide Wll CUiaS VT ** B * fi »'»'Jß^rf^^k over the roughest r"i^-~ .-rtSwS^lvS^lfl P a P er the caße 1 P®ilS 0 mmi^^^^^^^ oiasoftleadpeiK^ Soven ' JsfcmssQli&K&utßP*^ drawn to tboir patent Prix.Modale, jdSSffißffir^ ' Anti " B! °" ing SenCS * • ~ 1 Ask. your Storekeeper for as , Workai aimnlnggh»wi, Ertglawcg. assorted Sample Box. | TROUT FiSHERfifIAN'S OUTFIT vJ^SmL ' No. t — Best 12 feet Hickory Rod with >«|KX^Jn lancewood top, reel, silk line, landySgspMßg^ ing handle and net complete, . fly V»^^^» book, two casts, one trace, one minnow, 1 doz. hooks to gut, i doz. /fflW^^a,. _,_, Pr 'oo 39/.; Postage 2/6. /ffl v /^■•BSSS!!!!!!— No.2— FLY FISHING OUTFIT: 10 feet Greenheart rod, revolving plate reel, landing handle and net, silk line, fly book, J doz. casts, 1 doz. hooks to gut, 2 doz. assorted flies. , Prloo 48/»; Postage 2/6. No. 3 — Strong 12 feet Greenheart fly and general rod with two tops, revolving plate reel, landing handle and net, silk line fly book, $ doz. casts, 1 doz. hooks to gut, and 2 doz. assorted flies. Price 50/-; Postage 2/6. No. 4-7-A good 1 1 ft. Greenheart fly and general rod with r fly and 1 short minnow top, rc^l, silk line, lauding handle and net, £ doz. casts, 1 dor. hooks to gut, 2 traces, 2 minnows, fly book, and 1 doz.' assorted flies. Prloe 80/-; Postage 2/6. No. 6 — Best quality general outfit for fly, bait or minnow fishing, 12 ft. Greenheart rod with fly and minnow top. landing handle and net, silk line, revolving plate reel, fly book, minnow box, £ doz. assorted casts, Jdoz. traces, $ doz. minnows, 1 doz. hooks to gut. "3 doz. assorted flies, and fishing bag. PrJoo 30/-; POSTAGE 3/-. Write for our 50 page ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF FISHING TA CKLE. sent Post Free. Kindly mention this paper when writing. E. REYNOLDS & @®„ LTD. 74 & 76 W9LLIS STREET - - - WELLINGTON. CHRI3TOHUROH A INVERCARQILL *■ " J EVERYWIIEBS :;:^aV

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Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 93, 17 October 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 93, 17 October 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 93, 17 October 1906, Page 4