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Why it cures disorders so seemingly different in oharactor as Rheumatism Bnciigestion Gravel Gout Ansemia Stone Neuralgia Blood Disorders Bladder Troubles Backache Biliousness General Debility Sciatica Jaundice Sick Headache This ia a fairly long list of disorders, but every ono of them is caused by cfefectiva action of the SIDNEYS AND L9VEH. When tho kidneys and livor are working perfectly it is impossible for anyone to suffer from any of the disorders named. In order that this important fact may bo realised, tho following description of tho work performed by thoso vital organs is given : — The Kidneys filter and extract from tho blood about three pints of urino every day. In this _ quantity of urino are dissolved about an ounco of urea, ten to twelve grains in weight of uric acid, together with other animal and mineral matter varying from a third of an ounco to nearly an ounce. When the kidneys aro in health all this solid matter is in solution and is invisible. Directly tho kidneys, through cither weakness or disease, becomo unfit to do their duty properly, a proportion of tho solid matter remains in tho blood, becomes actively poisonous and causes us to suffer from uric disorders such as Rheumatism, Cout Neuralgia, Lumbago, Backache, Sciatica, Gravel, Stone, Bladder Troubles, and Brlght's Disease. A simple test to mako as to tho contiition of tho kidneys is to placo some urine, passed tho first thing in tho morning, in a covered glass, and let it stand until next morning. If is then cloudy, or there is a brick-dust l,iko sediment, or if particles float about in it, or it is of an unnatural colour, tho kidneys aro not healthy, and no time must bo lost in adopting remedial measures, or Bright'a Disease, Diabetes, or some loss serious but moro painful illness will result. The Liver.— ln tho liver various substances aro actually made from the blood. Two or three pounds of bile are thu3 made from the blood every day. Tho liver takes sugar from the blood, converts it into another form, and stores it up so as to be able to again supply ifc to tho blood, gradually, as tho latter requires enrichment. Tho liver changes uric acid, which is insoluble, into urea, which is completely soluble, and tho liver also deals with blood corpuscles which havo lived their life and aro useful no longer. When the liver is inactive or diseased wo EU&or from Indigestion, Biliousness, Ansemia, Sick Headache, and Blood Disorders. The health of tho liver and of the kidneys is so closely connected that it ia almost impossible for the kidneys to bo affected and tho liver to remain healthy, or vice versa. It nearly thirty years since scientific research, directed specially to diseases of , the Tiidneys and Liver, was rewarded by tho discovery of the medicine now known throughout tho world as Warner's Safe Cure. It was realised, at tho outset of tho investigation, that it was necessary to find a curative agent which would act oqually upon tho kidnoys and upon tho liver, theso organs being so immediately as» sooiated in-the work of dealing with the body's waste material, and after many disappointments, tho medicine- which possessed the required action in tho fullest degree was at length discovered.. Warner's Safe Cure cures all diseases of the kidneys and liver, and, by restoring their activity, theso vital organs aro enabled to rid tho body, through tho natural channels, of the urinary and biliary poisons, tho presence of which in tho system aro ,the cause of Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Backache, Sciatica, Blood Disorders, Antcmia, Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Gravel, Stone, Bladder Troubles, and General Debility. Warner's Safe Curo cures all theso disorders simply by removing tho cauTO of tho disorder. This is tho reason why cures effected by Warner's Safe Curo aro permanent cures. A treatise containing full particulars, and accounts of many reliable cures effected, oven when ' hopo of recovery was despaired of, will bo sent post freo by H. H. Warner and Co., Limited, Australasian Branch, Melbourne.— B. HUDSON'S EUMOTTHOS^JITJITBEIr 3 • The Great Antiseptic Remedy for COUGHS I COLDS! INFLUENZA I ffTTffelXLlJjE ■■■■*■ -timi*"**^^^ ' ' SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS. TINS, 1/6 Tlio Practitioner says t— " Useful in tousilitis. pharyngitis, and similar ailments." U'he Australasian Medical Gazette says :— " Of great service iv affeotions of the throaft mil voice " j coleman's £ ?^ Wincarnis protects the body against disease, the • brain against exhaustion, and the nerves against debility ; it creates more force and energy than you can waste, hence its success. It is made from the choicest Wines, Liebig's 1 Extract of Meat, and finest Extract of Malt. ' OVER 8,000 DOCTORS have testified to the wonderful recuperative properties of Win- , carnis. It is absolutely invaluable after an illness and often car- ' . ries a patient safely through a crisis when other remedies fail. \ Agents: THE NEW ZEALAND DRUG CO. i <& . ■ — y * - v Rheumatism is due to an excess of Add in. ''■1^ 'sBbH {• tke blood. Wjifn. this escapes through the porea ,2o^?*^nr»i*'teJaSri! 1 { i of the skin, aa it often does, it produces some /y^d^vS^ff T£z&£m .j form of skin eruption — some itching disease liko // jffisgss&!-5 ««V f "^ "(I Eczema, or Tetter— but when these little tubes or Xafcgg^SfflpS. fflpß~~y sweat glands aro suddenly closed by exposure to ■ Ifif cold, tk«n the poisons very often, by the blood find- j#Uu ivNaP^/J^Sa^ „ ing no outlet, settle in the Membranes, Muscles, Jhsv?j^^S- 3tߣ. .'^la Tissues, and Nerves. Theso parts become greatly \Qii Inflamed, feverish, and hot ; dagger-like, mad- ' " *■■ deniris pains, following quickly in succession, tlie muscles 'become extremely i tender, the nerves brealc down, and the sufferer is soon reduced to a stato '•• of nelptessness and misery. This acid 'poison penetrates the joints, and seems to dry up the natural oils, and tho legs, arms, and fingers become so still and sore than every movemont is attended with excruciating pain. Liniments tnd plasters do but little good, for while their use may civ* temporary ,; ease they cannot be called cures, for the disease returns with every change of the i weather. Rlrc-.miatisin can be cured only by working complete chance in the mood. 11 The acids are neutralised, the circulation purified, and the richer, healthier blood <-ar- • liod to the irritated aching muscles and joints v.hich soothes and h«rtts them. ■ nieetrioity in the shape of r.lccrro-Medicate* Baths eivc absolute relief, especially ■when the disease is b:-oV. <r ht on by the eJJeeiS"c use of Mercury. Anyone interested in a cure bhould f^rrite to the sMuta of THE FJtEEMAN AND WALLACE MLDICAL 4 INSTITUTES, Sydney and Melbourne, who make a specialty of this disease through tho 1 ncency of Electric Bath 3. ,

WRITE. Opium in some form is thp basis of nearly all co-called Rheumatic cures which annul pain, but does jiot eradicate.. Write for our Specialist's 600-pajte ' Medical work, "Clinical Experiences," which treats of Rhcuuia- i tism, and write to our Physicians if you wish any information or ad- ' mco. Wo will be Klad to mail ycu this book FREE, and cliarßC you nothing for our "Jical opinion"!. Our Prinoipil Faculty of Phystciaus, Dr Wallace, bears Registralll/l) j3,-i..s . . *, of Australasia, l£i:;land. and' America, lie is a Specialist ' * Tha Freeman & Wallace FLKCTRO-jrEDICM, and SURCtCAL IXSTItUTE, Corner Elizabeth nrd Uatlnirst streets, Sydney, o-- ' *t Molhourn-. '' v -•<' * ; Director of Institute, Dr. Wallace, M.D., L.U.C.Y., L.F.F.S.ti.M., Principal Frcultj- of Pliyaioinna; Dr. Elizabeth Whito, M.D., Principal Women's Department.

-' A Marvellous Cure of Rheumatism. ' X[r. J. BOULDEX, of Camberwell, Victoria. who suffered from Rheumatism for years, »fter a three-months' course of treatment at the Insti- , tutc. writes the followinc tesimony : < j "For years I suffered from r Rhcumntism, and tiled to obtain relief in many medical quarters 1 failed, and at last tried the Specialists of j our staff, and am now, tliroucli their Electro-Medical methods, entirely cured. You are at liberty to publish this tealimony, also my portrait, in the interest of the public." All our Testimonials arc prenuinc. and are Riven by eminent men, whose names are beyond reproach. Aryone suffcrim? should adopt this treatment if they arc tired of their doctors. They will find it will cure \.hen all other mean 3 have failed- This fact is backed by thousands of testimonies and by abundant capita!.

yjL^^AD EVERYWHER^^jj^/, TiTSFT-OFF CLOTHING. «jk*6ft&!>S*B»»*«. JL. fit and Loft-o^CloflAnff bought'; ' jp!^^sß^§^B^P<W highest price s> vi >n ; letters attended to. E- ST *^^fc»§s!" m. Mrs. Bottorill, 13, Ingcitre-strect. Tele- (f^^f^^^SS^^T'Wp^^rfSS Lbbt-off~clothing. 8 B^« w 11 w^ |k li ilr®j! HIGHEST prices givon for Ladies'. EE^^SSB^ BBl |^r™^Hffi^? Ha! *" Gptitlcmon's, and Ghiidron't> Lett- H>i@ar yyVNiSviC-u 1 CTLBJSffISP off Clothing, Boots, etc. ; ordori promptly <Wff wK\ 8% ltV3B&*^ iHendod to. Mrs. Brace, Sa, Injjestre-nt CURF.X Cream, wonderful cure for ec- QUEEN'S CHAMBERS, opposite G.P.U., zemn, rouph scaly skin, red noso, Wellington. • baibor'B itch, all skin complaints. Price — - 2s nnd 3s, all cnemisU. New Zealand Send for" pamphlet "ADVICE TO INDrue Comuanv, Airents. 1 VENTORS," froo on application.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 72, 22 September 1906, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 72, 22 September 1906, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 72, 22 September 1906, Page 14