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& CO. Monoy Advanced to Assist Completion of rurcbaßO upon Roaeonablo Torms. FOR EiALHCITY AND SUBURBAN. 12 V, l^ CENT INVIWI'MENT-MAR-'iIN-HQUARK-2 VnUagM, m flood order) approved tenants, l'rico JJ7OO COROMANDI-,L.STIUiKT-Now btSlll rcl Home. Well finiohrd throughout ; ijiinny poiilion ; land 30R x 00ft. HERALD-STRHKT - Compact 6-roomod Villiv, )>,iy wiiklo«b, ronsonatory, etc.} 401 1 x 132ft, j lovely gnnlrn. mAcf» l »» 1%1 %T fo £ f l" irk Ral ° £&5 0- 5767 TABMAN-STHKKf (on ««!)— 5 Rooms, nico Mow. Only iJ6OO 6654 WEI3P,STiU.;ET-6 y ia,go Room,, in po,. frrl ordoi ; lnnd 41ft x 00ft. l'rico JUJIiSO. 56§5 MOUNT VIOTORIA _ Corner BiiMtioM Sitp, 6 Kooms, ono floor, on largo sec „,, '>"»• Bargain nl £1050. THORN DON (handy to Tiam)-6 Rooms, wit 1 land 34ft x 90ft. Choap nt £550 TENNYSON-STREKT - 7 Rooms, mv, modern appliances. Will Bacriflco for £800; £160 cbrli. 5732 ISLLICE-B'IU].:KT-7 Rooms, woll finishI'd) nleo section. £000. b&65 MAARAMA-CRESL'ENT - Ideal Rob). donee, 7 rooinß, cloctrio Hght, h. nnd 0, water) land 33ft x 140 ft. Prico _, r««>wl to £850. 5683 MMN-SriWET — Commodious one-story Villa, 7 rooms, 2 bay windows ; land TE ARO CENTRA li~Ono.«tory Dwelling, 8 rooms and eoiwoiiioneoss s land { „ ncrp, two fronlago*. Priro £1550. 6698 JOHNSONVILLE (noar Stalionj-Laml. i aero j modern 6-roomed dwolling, 4 , flrpplacos, eto. Prico £620. 6814 £50 CASH will buy House nnd Lnnd Borhampore, Irlrikl Bay, Brooklyn. IIuH, t'ctono, Northland, Karori, nnd Rona Buy, 150 ACRKS, Manawttlu Lino, choice dairy land, well grassed, fenced, 10 paddock* } good 6-roomod houoo nnd largo shod, cowbails, concrete floor, also 3-roomtd collage} stork, 45 milk, mg cows, dry Ptook, calves, horBOR, otc, ; school 2i milos, factory 1 milo. Prico £15 per nero j oasy lorim. 6280 200 ACRES, (.11 in gi'n*s. woll fenced, 9 l^addoolcs, rich valley land, 12 acros in crop j 7-roomcd liouro, all totnra 1 frtrm buildings ; railway, school, and crnamcry I 4 milos. Trico £13 per aero } torms, £800 cosh, 6276 3000 AORKS, all flat, wrtly drained swamp, rich flax lantl, 500 aores in graw, 800 acros roatly to grass this autumn, 1000'ncrcs young flnx nlmost ready to cut ; railway A miles \ no building*) stock, 200 head ontllo. Price £3 pur aero. 6266 30C0 ACRES, 800 ncres English grnsson, 4 milos river boundary. limoßlono bush country, vdl watorod rolling downs s leasehold, 17 years to run, ront £34 por annum, with right of renewal every 21 yenrs at revaluation, or full . oompoiißation , for improvement* : railway 16 miles j now 5-rooniod nouso, Price 1 £2200 1 £700 on«h. 6259 TEA AND LUNCHEON ROOMS, Inrgo town} shop and 4 rooms, beautifully fitted ') ront £3 10a por wook; lease 4 years. Thsro is aUo a, very flno connoctiou with fruit nnd confectionery department ) turnovor £1300 per annum Prlco £450. SO2 BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, good town, ront 255 ; good connection, forgo bread round, Prioo £300, including 2 homos, harness, cart, furniture in tearooms, etc. 297 BOARDINGHOUSE. 0 rooms, rotit 37e 6d por wook, 9 boarders j prico £160 (295), 9 roomx. ront 30s, 12 boarders ; prico £160 (2(10), 7 rooms, ront 35* per worik, 7 bojjrdcrn ,' prico £120 (305), O'StTLLIVAN * CO!] 65, WILLI3-BTREET. HOULOOTT-STREET-A superior Rosidfinco of 6 rooms, fittod with overy possible convenience, btilh, h. ahd 0. water, c. light) land about 42ft t '100 ft. Prico and terms on application. TASMAN STRRET-A Cheap Proporty —House of 6 rooms, o-ll conveniences, gas, an* hoMer fitted in nil rooms) ,nlso 2 toonu tlotnched) land 45ft x 00ft. Prioo £725 ( oa«y torms, HOLLOW AY'ROAD-A flhug 3-roomcd Cottage, well built) land 60il x 60ft. Price £265) fl3o deposit, r BROOMHII.Ii - A substniilially-built 4roomod Coltngoj lnnd 32fl x 100 ft. Prioe £250 1 £60 deposit. ORIENTAL BAY-A Rtylish Rosidenco bf 7 rooms, quilo now, 2 Inrgo bay wintloWß, balcony, vorand&h, h. and 0, Wfltoi 1 , 0, light, diningroom, drawing* room, endi 22ft x 14ft,, motnl coilings in hn.ll nnd prinoipal roome, lift studs, 6 fli'eplnces, all Intcsi conventoncos ) lnnd 36ft 61n % 120 ft. Prlco £1100. MOUNT VIOTORIA - 7-roomert Hot«o, ghfl and gaa-cookor, bath, h. nnd'o, Wfttor, rootiiß largo, lift studs, verandnh and balcony. Prioo only £850. Owner must soil. * DEVON-STREET 0-roomed House, built 6 years, dinhigroom nnd drnwingroom, 18tt x 14ft, 'i, bay windows, h. and c. wator, balcony, good garden, fruit trees, Price £925 1 a bargain. Q-TJALTBR, BYKISS k CO~ Eoathorslon and BraTidon Streets. KARORI-ROAD-4 rooms, £275 HUTT-4 rooms. £400 YORK BAY-4 rooms. £375 MIiIUTAI-4 rooms, furnished. £365 HROADWAY-TKR-S rooms., £520 DORKtNG-ROAD-5. rooms. £620 JOHNSONVtLLE-5 rooms, lj-a. £850 VOGELTOWN-5 rooms. £400 KARORI*-5 rooms, £720 WAI)ES't'6WN~S rooms, (Q6OO ADELAIDE-ROAD-6 n-oms. £720 UIIINK*BT«KKT-6 rooms. £825 KARORI-6 tooms (66ft). £675 OVKRTON-TER-7 rs., workshop. £725 HANKEY-STREET-7 rooms. £1075 QUEWN'S-TER., Thorndon-7r«. £1180 INGESTUE.STREET-8 rooms. £14b0 IIOBSON-STREET-B rooms. ' £3200 BROOK-STREET-9 rooms. £000 MOUNT-!JTRF,IiT-9 rooms, £1650 ADELAIDE-RtlAn— lo rooms. £1200 OTAKI—IO rooms (55 acios). £4000 KARORI-18 rooms. £1900 NORTIILAND-Srction* (£l6 10s). £165 VOGELTOWN-Soctions (£10), £100 KARORI— % nrro (nonrly), £240 FACTORY SITE, \ aero, 8 rooms. £3500 Factory , ,2 stories. £1600 FOR SALE. fTttlE survey of Srctions ndjoining tho J»- Horokiwt School nro now completed. Any 0110 desiring n Suburban Homo near City and Polono havo now a ojianco to soouro one nt reasonable priors, with lerinit to suit. With tho improvoinents lo Hultroad nnd other works tlinl will follow, Ibm land will Rrcnlly iucroaso in vnluo. Sond for Li tho Plan*. For full particulars npply to HUMPHRIES BROS., Builders, Cond actor*, niul Vahißlor*, 148, Adplnldo-rond. Telrphono l6bS. k COT AUCTIONEErtS. VALUERS, LAND AND FARM AGENTS, MANNERS-STRKET, WELLINGTON. And JOHNSONVILLE. NEWTOWN-SppcuTnj' «pll-bulll 6-room-od House, on ono floor, washhouse, work'hop, poncrelo jnlhs, lawn, summm' house, fowliun, him garden, fruit trron, otc. : an idcnl homo in lovn. £&50. ISLAND BAY— 7 roomn, rxtva well filled nnd bnllli lovoly viow, £950. JOIINHONVILI,K--6 rooms, juM finished 1 smnll dnpoiiil, bnlnnco ai ronl ( »oo nl onro, Good. _ FOR~"SAI ,% Tpß»n~rHhi>i) I ""l)wpllii)(j" nml Fni-tory A)>)ily, on tho prrmlscs, II), t iii7iipp- c lii'''l 1""j1OR ' SATiK or Iluo. one liM-clnsi now .* Pile-driving Winch. Apply h. So««ar, Viotoi'ift-itrcot.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 10