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"FUN ON THE BRISTOL." Absolutely devoid of plot ns it Is, and without merit from nn nrtistio point of view, "Pun on the Bristol" enn always bo rcckonod upon to command a full house in Wellington. This fnct must bo entirely attributed to tho association of Mr. John F, Sheridan's name with that of tho versatile, mueh-niftrrled, and mirth-provoking Widow O'Brien. Dlvefll the picco of tho entertaining widow, and thorn in nothing loft that would retnin tho interest of nn audience for fifteen minutes. All the minor parts wero fairly well filled, but there is nothing In tho ohnrnotcrs tliomsolves to awaken enthu* sinsm or ovon command ntlontlon. As Dora M'Alißtor and Nora, t O'BreO'on, daughters of tho enterprlslna widow, Miss Hobn Barlow nnd 'Miss May lirndley typified tlmt contempt for humblo origin, nnd a roflnement of chnrnctor ana ambition not infrequently found in the welWdowered dnughtors of pnrvenn birth, Tho rolo of the adventurous John Waffles, nlins Count Mannnggio, was eroditnbly filled by Mr. Roborb Noblo. Tho pnrts of Captain Cranbury and his bashful nnd blubbering son Tommy, woro plnyed by Mr. Rupert Julian nnd Mr. Thos, Currnn. Tlio programme t was agreeably filled in by n mimber of in torpointed songs nnd dnncos, which sorvod to givo tlio overtaxed widow n nocded interval and added variety to tho proceedings. Somo pathetic ballads Woro ploasniitly sung by <Miss Minnie Gray and Mi« 9 Rny Jones i a musical sketch wns contributed by Mr. Avalon Collardj Mr, Currnn gnvo a dpscriiitivo song with considerable dramatic effect i nnd voctil items were also given by Miss Barlow and ( Miss Bradley. Fun on the Bristol" will bo roponted until further notioo. theatrTroyal. The company that is playhig at the Theatre Roynl just now Is, without including any noted slnm of tho vaudovillo slngo, ft combination capable of providing a very onjoynblo pvening's nmusompnt. Thero wbb tho oustomnry chnngo of bill on Salurdny night, nnd a full house wns present nnd appreciated the bright programme to tlio extent of almost unduly prolonging it by Ihoiv pnthusinstic recnlU, Tho now nrtisls Rppenring wero Mr. Waller Anderson, a descriptive vocnlist who sings very plons'antly, nnd tho Krnnks, whoso spocinlly is trick cycling) and who showed themselves to bo particularly ngilo ncrobsvls on tho whirling wheel. Amongst tho performers who nro ivlrendy familiar to Wellington audiences, Mr. Cnrl Oolliof and Miss Clara Keating wero especially successful. Mr, Collier's comic Bongß hftvo already ostnblishcd him ns n favourilo, and ho was not permitted to ro» tiro until he had satisfied four clninorous recalls, winding up with a clover reproduction of 'Mr. victor Kelly's eccentric dancing Miss Keating is ono of several clover juvenile performers, but she mnkcn up In dnfth nna finish what she lncks in size, nnd made ft now hit in hor songs alia! dances. The Golden l)uo repented their former swccossob with their graceful dancing and pretty lovo duets, nnd Miss I»hv1li« Fewell, another vaudeville child, wns a bright Horn in tho first part. The Browers scored heavily with (heir noisy coon sketches, nnd Miss l'oarl Lovell had to respond lo many recalls, ahe other members of the company, inoluding M<um Gertie MalsU, Mftlvena Moore, and Ceollie Stephnno, and Morws. Jack Iffignn, HatTy 1)nvls ; ami Clydo Cook, all contributed credit ablo itcm«|, Die prognunmo will bo repcnlod to-mght. At Trent ham on Snturday night Mr, Wilford, M.H.R., wn» ontertnlncd nt n banquet by lii» Mipprlcrs in llval d » trlct. Mr. Jamc* Uorrio occupied tho Tho commltleo oonsistcil of tho Chairman and Messrs. A. M'Curdy and J. W. WllWimw. St. I'otor's ScnoolToom way ue m>« tft-ined for nso for enlorthlnnwnln, concorts, etc., on application lo Mr. lidwnrd Anderson, Willls-«trOot. Tho omployew wid frionds of T«ftnkshear's rstftWlohment held their third annunl picnio on SntiiTdfty last, In tho Oovernmont grounds, Upper IUUI, A vory onjoynblo Urn« boing upwit. Tho catering, in tho lmndii of Godbcr, wns io the (»nli«fnction of nil. Tlio races resulted n« follow*! !— ArtpTNiMWB' RaceIt. Hind 1, R. Lflnksltear 8, h. Olnrk.' 3. Girls' Rflce—V. Sinclair t, h. Camlane 8, M. M'Kinloy 3, Offlco Ibndi. cap—O. I*ohnor 1, A. Taylor 0, -T, Woodward 3. Open Hnndlonp— A. Tnylor 1, Gllilos 2, H. Hlml 3. fihnwm Race— lrfchncr nnd Taylor I, R. 1-nnk-»honr ftnd H, Hind 'I Oucwlng Compotition—Mlw Chinohen 1, Mm Taylor 2,

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 7

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ENTERTAINMENTS, ETC. Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 7

ENTERTAINMENTS, ETC. Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 7