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HAS tho inoet delicious flavour of nny Tea on tho markot. Wo don't wish you to tnko our word for this, but provo it for yoursolf by calling and tasting a froo sample cup of toa at any prico you wish. Also a samplo of DAINTY OREMELET (dried milk) BISCUITS. / WAKDELL BROS. & CO., WILLIS.BTREET. |"X" JAMJ |j Is made in Sunny Nelson, D M the Fruit Garden of New | | Zealand. Golden Apricots, | n Luscious Peaches & Plums, i | Delicious Raspberries and 1 I Currants~a wealth of su- | i perfine orchard fruitage at | H our command. We use the | i pure fresh fruit to make | m our famous "X" Jams and I M Conserves, and preserve its | 1 finest flavour unadulterated, i I ASK THE GROCER. I I S. Kirkpatrick & Co., Ltd., 1 I NELSON. I OJKBJKBIiSj A FRIEND TN NEED. ' ■ J).R. KLM.SJAI3 QUALIFIED MEDICAL SPECIALIST. Registered by tho Qovornmcnlß of Groat Britain, Now Zealand, nnd Now fioulli Wnlno No, 13, WELLINGTON-TERRACE, WELLINGTON. fffitllS Ifiglily-qualiflcd Physioinn nnd JL Surgeon from tho I-lospltnls of London nud Paris haß by 25 yours of study and research bocomo nn Export nnd Hncoialist in CHRONIC, NEUVOUB, BLOOD, SKlNund SPECIAL DIBKABKS of Mon nnd Womon, In his or his ftept'osfmlalivo's very successful treatment of the abovo olais or difilcult casos there is "No Experimenting and No Failures." Oonsultfttiona aro free to all, so thnt ft friendly chnt, olther personally or with ,my Ropresdiitatlve, or by lelter, costs nothing, and may save you yonri of rninery, «o none nodd dospnir. Now Hdentiflo Trefttmont and Now Unrailins llemedios of the vory best and purest nro Honestly and Ifaithfully used, Moderato charges, „ , Conmiltalion Hours i -10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7to yOUNGMENI Ifyoual , ogn fptlnff or woftk, or sad, call or wito to Dr ElmMie, or his Ropi'Montativo, No 13, Weilington-t-flrraoo, Wellington, as ho thoroughly imdorstandß. your troubles and their caunos, His skilful lrcntment and Spionlifio llomedios onablo him to OUAItANTEE a Complctd Cure in ovory eiwo underlakon, _or mako no oliargo. Strictly confldontial, Modorato ohargdii. Consulting Hours i— 10 to 12, 2 to 4, V to 0. N.B,— Pationts at a distnnco may ENCLOSE A FEE OP £1 ,in thoir first lottor to onuuro immcdiato altontion aud prompt dospatoh (wlion l"» g eiblo) of remedios noccoanry for their cuso. Wnngftiiul, Ist -luiic, 1004. Dear Dr. lilnnllc— l iecnlve<l ,vom kind in. Icr, lho mcdloirio, nml i the fflrrllo, nml yrnir Itliulni-ys mid litmcllt U mo I olinll never forgot, I luiilly cmmul flntl words Imlt siKllolctit to t'DtiTcy to you tlin nplnion I Imvo ol you, or tlif amount rtl tiinnta I wnuW lllic to plvo you. lint there lo duo tiling I would llko to sny; tlißb in, "It Is i» urcnt inly tlinl them mo nnl m«n'» dflelori llko you."- Your RrntMul pntlent, \V. M'LAUOIILAN, BIJIIJHOTS 01' MOST DRMtiVVI, KXHAUS•riON CtJftKl) AH» MADB HArrY. MT DMAR BOUTOR, -1 lisvc no liMitntlotl wlintfvrr In sn.rlnn " yes " In rrjily t" y»"r Itttei 1 reoelred lo d«y, in wlildi you n»k mo tfliHlw I «m willliijji lo Ift tjlio jmlille know tli« h«n»flk 1 fteelved nt yonr linnun. Wln«ti I »nw upon tlm rpcomnicnclntlun ol Mr. (liltnth (wlir.m jou liftd fit6clAii*ly pompk'tMy oui'cd ni n simlldi 1 AAinpltlnl), 1 I >t)ntc I wns In nij'mt na bad ft ntdto n( misriy nnd deprrsmm in lirtlli mliul nnd iiodv m nny human lio inn rtould be ; In fnc6, I thotntht llfo wns nol, iroi'th lirlriß, nnd my future wn» s blnnk, I wits sn olijnot of misery nnd despilr. You told mo tilslnly at«l linnostly that you ootild mid »rtuld euro rue, so Mint I should no lonwr lie hssliful and stupid In soaiety, nnrt Ciiuld tsko my part and Interest, In tho Amusements nnd sports of otlifis anil hum nn nhibltlon in my Diisiness. At flrit I thountht your jtentniao Wns tno gnnd to ho Inir, 1 nm tlutiWiil to »»y 1 tried your irMlmtmt. I hvitai solemnly I feel a dltlerent mnn to-ilny, 1 hnte pub on llejli snd musolo nnd hnre, nny ninotint of oondilfnoo In mjoelf, 1 (im peiftetly hfalthy nml r[ulip happy, nnd enpublo of enjoyln* myself n» otheis do, mid 1 don't inojic about by myself nnd Blum sMiwte. I rnt nestlr rrcammemi all my fellow sulToirin to put tlicli" eonddfiioo In you, us jour treatment Is perfect und your ehui'gen uro (iimll.-l nm, yours truly, LACULAN OAMEnON.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 5