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A Safe Remedy yon AM. SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. Tf you suffer from nny diwwo due (o i\« impurn ptiito nl llui Hlood, from whnte\i't onmo srising, you klkhiUl (<yt dm tnluo of Olnrko r lMood Mivturo, (ho woiliL fftmed lllond I'niiller nml Ue«(orni 'I'luo modioino hni 10 youts' lepulslmn, nml i» 10-tlny moro r>a|iuli\i Ilinn evei, (he teiimM of tins boing undoubtedly WniiH< (hut wonderful remedy dons \\lih< it |iiofe<>e«i to do— it cures pkin nnd hlood difens« pormnnently. Mixture 18 Tills riNKST iu,oon mmivivn kvku nisoovKßjen It in WRifMited to cleanse tho blood from nil impurities, from whatever cnuno nnwni: For Sorofuln, 1M J.ojrß, Houi'vy, Dlotohes, Kmomn. Spotc, Hlood Poison, iMnckhend*, IJlperg, l'unploß Skin and IMood And Dinenspi, Hoieiol nil klniT* It Ib a »nfo nnd Vormnnnnl Romody It is' tlio only rnnl uppi'ille 101 (!out ni>«l Khoumntio l'.iins, for it lemovei (lie vmu* fi'nm Ilin Wood nnd llonen NO'rj'i •-■'I'liiß mixluin is ploainnl Io (In. Insto nnd wnvrnntod fi'ee fiom nnything injurious to (ho monl. dolirnlo conplituliou of either rpx, fiom iufnnry to old im?i\ nnd Iho l'l'opriolniK nolu'it ruAoioir to un« it t a Irml to lent iU vnluo. Tliouqnnds of wuiidorful oiirps lmvn brew offeclod by it, HKMAMCAW-K CUMK OF ICOZKMA Mrs, ]>\ Hoedle, of R9, Adnmmn-ioiu), LUAlomhoUHo, Violonn Dork, \v riles, undoi tho dnlo of lhlh Deeembor, 1004: "X m now jnsl, oifthtoon yenu ninen my liuslinml flut had n bnd nllnrk of Mri&oinn in tho foul, Honideii Roitiß to threo ho^ntnln nnil tho intlrmaiy, ho Uied nontly nveijihinn for it. but could only get reliof from iho dreadful irritation for a few clnjn, Tha hospital dortow paid they Imd never poi'u such iv bud oaso of oeaoma. My hittbniKl is only a, dock lobouier, mid could nod afford to buy Clarke's Hlood Mixture, but when our son onmo bnck from Iho Oapo ho bought his fßther six botllen, nnd bofoin ho had tnkon threo bottles his foot wmo nearly well, nnd now they nro quite well, I dp not think ho will over hnvo It attain, as it il now twelve months unco ho wns cured. If ncoulo Miflonng fiom Kcaeiiin. would only try Clurko'n Hlood Mixturo, 1 feel »uro It would Hm;n i>» it h«* cured my husband. Yon nre at liberty to make wlmtc\er we you«i»li oi tt,.* Uuer." AUSCESSBS AND HOIUS CURKU. Mr. David Kv»n», of 7, (hrh*rv[ pUc«. Severn-road, C*nton, C»r»lid, vnUi: "l have been mi(f«rint; for <«ro y**t* wul\ nl)R'oMc» and IroiU, lh»r« tmirtg nl on* timo (w niAiif •* !*r«ni)--*!i *Uct+4(* on my thigh. I wa« under tho U*4tmcnl of two doctor* at different timw, but they seemed to do mo no ro.*l, and I l)ps»n tn think 1 should never be cured. At ln*t ono of my friends pomuded mo to trr Clarke's Blood Mixture, snd I am glad to say tluvt after taking three bottles I waa able to got to work nonin. I boliovo 1 took oiglit bottles in all, und ever siiida havo had good health, and not had ovon a pimple about mo, This ii ovor tvvolvn month» ngo, and I wish 1 h«d tried your 33100 d Mixturo beforo.'for it would havft liftvod mo pounds in doctors' bill*, bosidon the pain nnd ngony I ouft'orod." QUICK AND LASTING OUKB OIT A. J)AD I<K(J. Mrs. K. Todhuntor, of 7, Brookhill-road, 800110, Liverpool, writes under Iho data of 10th September, 190* i "In 18fH I iuf. forcd from a very Wl loj j indeed, it had been, bad 1 for Ihroo yonrs, nnd I had trim! Slmort overy rometly without nny volijf. havo been laid up for ns many tw throo weeks ftt a timo, and quito unable to nltond to my household dutiosi whon ono day my husband advised mo to try Clarke's Hlood Mixturo, m at ono time ho bad suf< fcred from sore oyos nnd Iho Mixluro had effected a oomplnto cvno of them, so T, determined to try il, and got a, largo boltlo, nnd beforo a fortnight had passed I perooivod my Ing improving, and at thoond of a, month, I am proud to cay, I wai porfcclly curod, Thai is now ton year* ngo, and my reason for nob sending you 1 this testimonial sooner is, I thought il would some day surely break out again t but I enn boast that thero is no sign oi it doing so, and t havo tho best of health. You aro quito at liberty to mako u*o of this, for the sako of othorn." IMPURITIES InTtH!!! 8r,00D.-"Wo havo soon hosts of letters from nil torts nnd conditions of people, in whioh tha writer* acknowledge the benefit they havo received from Clarke's Blood Mixture, which as a ourativo agent cannot bo too highly estimated, slueo II cleanses and clears iho blood from all immirllios, and restores il to its normal condition," This is a good testimonial from tho Fanvity Doolor, the popular medical wookly, wliiob goes on further to sayi 'It is certainly tho finest blood purifier that iclonon and skill have brought to light, and wo oan with iho utmost oonfldonoo rooommtmd it to onv subscribers and tho publio goner, ally." Sold by ill Chemists and Pt.t»nt Medtcln* Vondors throughout tho World. asiFtor CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, And bowaro of worthless imitations and Bubelilules. The "GILRUTH" Calf Food Contains 90 per rent Fftt, And Is the ONLY Perfect Substitute for wholo milk, The "GILRUTH" Horse Food A Stimulating nnd Nourishing Food for horses of nil ngos. The "GILRUTH" Poultry Condiment, A. Great Egg Producer and Health Maintalncr. Manufactured by THE A. & P. FOOD CO. or licit 7 Fcathorston Street, Wellington. [% *%*%*% %*\ j\ n nriij drink. A 11 n true 'ionic. II I Wolfe j j fl n vSUKH KP.MKDY l\ /I for Irotiblrs of (lie 11 II Sioniiich, Hovels ond \ I V Kidneys. . , . , , V

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 12