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Tier* if MM (o iM mor« fllUwmiy k \ >Mrtug»l lh*a in any other country of Kiirojw, _ i It k mtevfatal that tfct London ctolH«6 ly the past tw«We montiw received sa aggregate «urn exceeding £7,000,000. A poor auwr in Bavarit h«« r«cdv«d Jttimation that he fs «ole heir to • forfeme of £^600,000 left by a »Utlv« Is. America. , : Finland b.M a larger percentage of vtottad atdftf'iti compstfwtt With it* total surface, than any other European . Mttntry. It leads with ii,2 pus, cent, j while Great Britain ha» the smallest--Z. 6 p«r orat* ' During t&e jKMVtfircto months about lft,OOo white pine sleepers have been sent fconrOhreytowfl to WoodvUtt' to to «r«o» wted. Th« steepen will b« wed on the tailwiy lime ia various parts oi thodis* Mot, I The TaranakJ County Council's finances •b*w gome improvement, jno legs than £1800 baring been paid .into the bank riuce the Nmr Year, There is now £400 «r £800 available for expenditure m re* faired. A sum of £2446 Q» Uto ouV *t*fldlflg la general rates. The sum of £96,000, whlob represent* • 1 per cent, tax on betting transactions antler the French law between- 16th.Tanuary and Ist December of last year, in available for the Mllol of the poor in ' &*fc wmtty. Tbs London County Council &M agreed to expend £411,610 on the erection ofj. day training; college in Southampton-row; Holborn, £80,050 on the erection of Working-class dwellings in Holborn, and £10,260 in converting the mansion At i 4*ery Bill into « residential training | eofiego for girto, , ' The Midland Hallway, England, of , ■wfiioft Mr, John M^ihmon, «t-Vlctorl»i Railway Cofflmisslotwr, i« * manager, is' experimenting:, at Derby* with wiretese, telegraphy for train*. Tests with trains running up to 40 miles an honr have Been made, with remiwfcaMy tuw««ful lesultg. , ' , Clerical efooles throughout Germlny ere mnoh exercised j*fc the ciemttlon of the Body of s Lutheran pastor,. Or. Drey* rforf, at Lelpiu'g, says the ' Tally Telejfrnph's correepondentr Dr. • Dreydorf left injunction* itt hi* will that his body wn« to be disposed of iff this manner. He k the flw& clergyman jn Germany .who ha* taksft this step. According to an expert engineer, the aext ten. years will bring probably enor* Moo* development of eleotrio traction, iwpeelally .in. supplanting: eteam on mb* «rb*n bfttfiob -railroads and short main fines. The inoancTesoent lamp will be improved, cheapening electric lighting. . possibly to the extent at driving out Ml •ther iHuminants. *• Died last December, at Chico, Call' /oral* (tf.S.Ar), Mr. William 1 Straughan, as old Aflftcraltaa mining man, fie did much mining k Victoria in the »r ly We&tles, and 27 years ago held * pos> tion at Charters Towet* (Queensland), Later on lie worked tt fitheridae, in the Malay Peninsula/ In," Seir' Zealand, and fa Weetralia* He settled in Sydney come sight years ago, and last year" visited! California to inspect Mine mining inter«ste there. : The syndicate whioh runs the saloons «t M*flt*O»rl« pays the Prince of Monaco £50,000 a year for tie privilege, and also h&s to bear the whole cost of main' tabling the PrinripaJttjr, la 1901, when the lease of the gambling: rooms wae re* Bc-wed, it had to site' the Prince an ad« (dltional son of £400,0000/ and two years •bender will have to tsi» its annual pay* neat to £70,000, . , la no other place Is the work of sanitary inspection done so- well as at Yonleers, in Atneriear The inspector k- a woman and & narse, who goe* from house io house, teaching people how to lite «lean, healthy lites. Sue could not do this irorfc alone, bat with the Board of ffeaith behind her all doott flew open. This inspector believes it needs a woman with a humanising inflnenoe tar get near to the mothers *n& children. > -■ „ General Booth) fn his annual message Io his loldlers of the Ualvatfon Amy throughout the world at tho 'beginning ti this year, says j— "l do not know that 1 have been. <muoa better in health for many yean gone by, than 1 find myself ttvdivjr, 1 sail itloK to nw simple diet, . which seems to answer tue parpoie of keeping me going on with my work in wen uninterrupted Vigour and spirit. I have not taken, fish, fowl, nor flesh In any form now for the last seven years, and daring the whole of .that time have dcaroely missed a single publio engage* Bent. Mr heart longs /or a mighty wave «f salvation to sweep over the Ukii That, is the best thing that could happen far the nation." ~ Madam Marzella, who visited New Zealand last rear as i Bird-cnarmer/dV sonrsos on the mtbjeot of birds In the last issue of Ladies' World. Australian birds are the most intelligent on. earth, and the most human of them, is the sul* jpinir'erested ooekatoo, She has birds 20 wear* old, and as good of ever. They, fcave wonderful memories, and are easy (o teach. Her husband, however, dis< atutow her in teaching,' Her Well-known aaaeamr hates women, sad always darts for their feet; she think* it is because Norn* woman must have broaden oh" it' atony year ag« Her birds understand the different words of command .distinctly ) yet she work* on th«m most with her eye, which, they comprehend in, a moment, , „ Ur, E, T, Reed, the humorous artist who draw* for Punch, in a recent lecture *t the Royal Institution (eaye the Liverpool Post) sketched on the blackboard one of hi» cartoons which appeared thirteg the Boer war, It was a representation of Hip Van Kitchener in 1940, followed by «. handful of decrepit soldiers-, Motiving the surrender of tho last of the Boer*, "When I was Up India for the Delhi DutbaTp," went on Mr, Reed, "Lord Kitchener connented to sit to me, , cod while- 1 Was working at his portrait ■ fc'e suddenly onfd^ 'Oh. I have juit re* membered that wretched drawing you did at me. The drawing was bad enough, but you do not know the worst. It was gent in to me by the Boers under « flag oi tracer __ "Despite the recent improvements' in etfr trade/ says Mr, Benjamin Kidd in a letter to the London Timei, 'our rdatfa feorease of export* in tit* fast fat years compares unfavourably wltH'th»t of, most European countries, Ta 1000/ we "ported ufxty millions more than (kvmmj, in 1904 tnly forty millions. .Germany- nearly doubled her foriign trade between Vm and 1003. She, uiffike Or#tt Wfcato, hod no great national resources to mf her, f o her own market' of sixty mlflfoft* the, «dds our own free one ot forty millions— «nd excludes us in rtt«rn,!' Tfie figure* showing h»^nmw^i^i^jom}*^

' Burglars, who lived in luxury, and went out on their nightly raid* in motor cars, h**e been dfctcoveted In Parts, I The United S&^es Commfeslor*r of Pensions reports that tbe total number of pensioners at the close of the lost fiscal year ww 991)441. ,; , Ii is estimated that the be&efioUo&s of wealthy -Americans to initiation* in Ute United States lost ym «no«nted to £21,000,000,_ , The total production of distilled spirits in the United States for the last fiscal year was 163,269,379 gallons, The Panama Railway has added 24 locomotives, six passenger coaohes, and 600 forty-ton box-oars to its equipment d«rIng the last «ix months, says tho Argonout. • To, save the county football ground from building speculators tho Exeter City Council ha* obtained a lease of the ground. ' , .Last rear was a period, of great prosperity for Canada. There was a surplus on the' ordinary account of ; over £i; 400-,-000. . The interest on the debt has decreased from (to lid to 9s Id. Mr, Augustas 0. Prentice, a New York lawyer, has • bieome Incurably insane through anxiety entailed by the manage** rnent of a fortune of £200,000 left him by his father a year ago. There wa« only a slight increase in the, membership- of tho friendly societies throughout the United Kingdom during 1005/ out a large inoseue in the capital. The total membership/ is now 13,414,186, with 'a- reserve capital amounting to. £47,666,119. * There aro- six women in London with' ta<sf, brains, and experience , enough to form. the Government or run any grsat industry 'from the .London and NorthWestern Railway to The Times, namely t L«dy Lugard, < Lady Aberdeen, Mrs. Httniohry W«d, Xady St, Lady Jersey, and Lady Warwick.— -Grand Magazine. - ■ v New York hopes to be the greatest city in the world about the year 1920, A commissioner with a- taste for calculations estimates that in 1920, if the rate observed in the census periods' of recent years be followed, New York will have 9,848,000 inhabitants, and London only 8,040,000, A grave-digger named Wm, Paisley, 46 ye«r» of age; in the employ of the Greenwfch Borough. Council, was digging * gnvs at Chariton Cemetery, when one of the sides collapsed, and< the man ,was buried beneath the debris. When extricated liter by his fellow-workmen,. Paisley wis found to be it&i, St. Tanner, of "fasting" fame, who is seventy-four years of age, has challenged Willcex, who has walked right across the Ametidan continent from, Ajril to the end oi last year, after a prolonged fust, to another fasting. 'contest, in the interest of science. He contends that fasting will cure almost any disease, and says he expects to live to a hundred. Describing thfl Chinese cavalry, the spscial correspondent of 7 The Times belfevet tkat li Is a fact that hories in finer condition do not exist in any army in the world, Indeed, tbe Chinaman is a born horssmaster, who has nolßlng to learn from Europe ir the handling of horses', though heii ignorant of veterinary science* Mr. Fleming, the divining rod expert, , of , Qaeensferrjr, , has been very: successful in locating water in Archie's Creek district, says' the Melbourne Leader. At Mr, It, Lea* farm, Mr. Fleming indicated a place to sink) and * good supply has been obtained. Messrs. Cogblan Bros, 'having sunk a shaft at a spot Indicated by oa, ' Fleming, ' are getting 800 gallons daily. Others' have requisitioned Mr, Flemings serlv'ceg., ; An expert who hag just returned from Refins tells the London correspondent of the Argus that there is no longer doubt that the exceptionally long run of champagne vintage yean will be broken by the record of 1006, The storms and heavy rainfall* that betel' ln the critical months of July and August spoiled' what, up to the commencement of July, wag the promise of an excellent vintage. As matters have turned' out, the champagne of 1906 will b* small it quantity and poor in nuaHty. • v ; ! A British official, described, by the Londoit Daily Mirror as one of the highest authorities on the statistics of crime, has asserted that -"intellectual crimes are on the inorease-tforgeries, highly difHonlfc burglaries, and huge swindles that require - brains, resources, and nerves, (r In a word, the modern oriminal is 'educated, of good parts,' and something of a gentleman. ■ , , Th* steamer Vlttork, which reached Sydney on the I6tb ,in«t, from Ocean Island, brings (he new* that at lost the weather was clearing there, and the islanders were hopeful of a dry spell. Almost Incessant .rain fell at Ocean Island throughout last year, and interfered considerably with the phosphate industry. Mr. Tajbot, the analyst of the Pacific Phosphate Company, in advices received by the Tittoria, states that the quantity of ram r'eslstsred at Ocean Island last year was 160 inches.', , ■ , After the motor-car comes the motor- | boot, Mr Constantini has invented a pair, and has careered on or in them through tbe,»tr«4» of Paris at the late of twentyflveJmll«« an> hbrir. The invention conlists of "tfny motor-car* fitted to Welling, ton boots, fifteen inches long. Each boot ha* fonr wheels. Power is derived from 11 h.p, moiors,' and accumulators are carried In a bejt ooflflfleted by wires with the mototir The c'ojVof a pair of motorboot fs about £20, 'Ther are capable, it it iajd, of a ipesd of thirty-five miles an hour. ' The trade of the United States with the United Kingdom in the' fiscal year 1906 segregated £140,000,000, and formed more top one-fourth Of our total foreign commerce/ Statistics show that the exports from the United states to the' United Kingdom In 1906 * afgrsgated £104,600,000 out of a total of £303,600,000, and thus formed one-Mlrd of our total expo* ti," ) Imports from 'the United Kingdom aggregated £36,200,000, out of a total importation of 22aV400,000, and thag formed one-sixth of our total imports. /i? , story to reported from Karnakf Upper Egypt. A native who had siiepoefco; the existence of anEquities in the plot of land on which Ws house 1 was built, fa^n digging In the hop* somo treasure, *M discovers*, an oid*d*or, wfcHiM back, W» wi/e folWed Wm, but she too /oiled to retwn, Their son and daughter thereupon followed their pawn**, but aim did not oome back. A native who afterwards followed them met with the same fate. The authorities were informed i of the matter, and It wo* found that these five unfortunate people ho 4 been asphyxiated by gas emanating from the o»&,mmi into.wbich Ji«^rji4

A Chatham wedding party chartered a' special tramctw in which bride, bride--groom, and guest* proceeded to and from, tho church, The pepper business in Borneo seems ts be in a. bad way. Sixteen 1 pepper planters have gone into bankruptcy there recently. The Prinze and Princess of Wales during their stay in Lucknow inspected thirty-three survivors of the Mutiny campaign, half of whom had gone through the famoiu li^ge of Lucknow. ■According to the Dunedin Star, since September the young fry liberated from the Portooello Marine Hatchery have ag. grsgatsd 660,000 flounders, 90,000 soles, ana 80,000 prawn* An Egyptian Department 6i Mines has been formed and placed in nhargt of an Inspector-General to control the mineral industry in Egypt, and to further exploration and development work there. .According to a statement in an Admiralty Blue Book lately issued, the pv llelng (if the fisheries of the United Kingdom costs £260,000 a year, the largest proportion of which is on account of the Scottish fisheries, Sir Donald Currie has presented the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary with £260, out of gratitude for the kind attention shown , there to one of his gamekeepers and >to tho *on of a sailor on board his yacht, A Cincinnati florist has just sold a new carnation seedling called the "Ari*toorat" for" £8000. or £2000 more than Mr. Law« ion paid for the "Lawson Pink." The bad, times for distillers in Scotland continue. Orders for next year aro re< ported to be disappointingly small, «J< thotlgh since 1898 the output of Scottish whUky has been reduced by one-third. French bankers assert, London Opinion, that unless Russia caf place a new loan before nefct Marcih, Russia will be touiKrupt,, and a moratorium 'will be declared. The chaos of paper rouble will onoe more be in exi&tenee, and the 'history of past finance of this oharaotsr Js dot encouraging.' ; Mf^wn Roberts, the Welsh revivalist, has been approached by an American deputation with an appeal from eighty Christian missionaries in the Holy Land *i or th . 6 «yangeHstffl assistance at a co* denominational mission in Jerusaleum, should be held on Mount Cftrmel. John,Hawkes, a Cincinnati lumberman, recently returned home from Europe after dossing and reorousing 228 fcimei. 'Be is known among travellers m< "the bid mad of the eea. ir During the last three years Kaffirs, Indians, and Malays in South Africa have taken, hwgely to 'tea drinking. It is also said that the Chinese on the Rand are extensive purohaaers of Natal tea. Two youthful"~bur7lars in a chateau near Varennes (France) were beaeiged for rifles and pito&forks, The thieves gave up after firing 875 cartrl3ges and hitting one gendarme, for tfie last financial year the revenue of Prussia Is estimated at £146,517,220. iiM°fte r ? e *P« ndi ture is estimated at £133.670,038 and the extraordinary expenditure at'£ll,&47,lßZ, totalling; like the revenue, £146,617,220. Mr. Reynolds, of Little Sailing, Sueffl h & Ilf /.[ n the *&me house, in which j **« ffltlier flnd grandfather had lived. . The pejfbd covered bj ,the three tenancies is 146 years. Mr. and Mrs, Reynolds recently celebrated their gold, en wedding, • r 8 A Ditched bnttfe has taken place, says tne Milan correspondent of St. Jamer* Budget of 26th January, near Monte- £>«>» ft Sioify, between the police and Failla Mslone'* band, Two of the former were shot dead, and it would appear that the brigands on the whole had the best of the encounter. It is not often that a twin marries a twin. The coincidence will be brought about, says a Home paper, by the engagement of Captain W. H. Ingilby, Soots, Guards, eider twin son of Mr. William Ingilby, to the Hon. Albarta Vivian, elder twin daughter of the late Lord Swansea. The Plttehurff correspondent of the New York World gives a description of a remarkable game of pool played by several Pittsburg millionaire* nt the Duquesne Club recently. In a game of 300 point* ' one of the player* lost £14,000, and altogether £34,000 changed hand*. ,one bet of £1000 was made on a- single shot, The motor-car seem* to be almost. as. indispensable to the new burglar as the "jemmy" was to the old. , Two men captured near Leicester early last month, after, attaoklnff, it i«', alleged, a safe containing £600, were said to be\mem« b«rs of a- gang whioh travelled to the spot in a car to avoid being seen in the train. Two escaped in the oar. The laet whalingTsTagon was a partloularly good one for English boats, every snip having done muoh more than paid its way. in several instance* the shareholders would receive handsome dividend*. One of the boats, the Snowdrop, is only a fishing lugger, fitted with a motor. But *he captured a whole worth at least £2000. Another obtained #oargo of the value of about *)25,000. Lord Kitchener's popularity 'in the ranks will suffer no diminution through his latest, project. The idea of running a cart with hot beef-tea for the soldiers on the maroh and in the fighting line is one of those thoughtful provision* which Tommy will appreciate to the utmost. And, though ib may seem a ejnall detail, ib is just one of those things whioh may at a given moment make ail the difference in itis effloiincy (says St. James* Budget). Import returns prepared by the German Government Indicate that a much larger quantity of Australian wool is imported into Germany than the Commbnwealth Customs statistic* disclose. The. central Customs officials explain that thi* is chiefly due to tho fact that German manufacturers purchase Australian wool in London. It is shipped to England, and i then, transhipped to Germany. The Customs figures take notice only of the country at export, and not tfie country of final destination, and it In believed that the discrepancy in values may in part be attributed* to tho German department's method* of valuing imports from oversea being different to those whioh rule in the Commonwealth. t7nd«r the guise of a letter to Cardinal yon Stablewski. of Posen, thanking him for his efforts in educating the youth in the Christian faith and loyalty to the Churohjthe Kaiser (*ays the London Daily Telegraph of the 4th January} tbs hope that the Cardinal and his subordinate clergy will not pnly exert themselves in deepening the religious life of their (looks, but will teach them also to be loyal to the State. There Is no sufficient reason to believe that Cardinal Stoblowskl himself In anything but a loyal Prussian, but the tame cannot be said of his Polish clergy, who ore credited with keeping alive Polish Nationals i»n>im«ijM Ainojig thoir pto>

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 12

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NEWS AND NOTES. Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 12

NEWS AND NOTES. Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 12