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STREKT ('( INSTRUCTION 1 . DUtviol Ronu') Olllce, Cnslomi Huil(lin|f% Wellington, Ihth l'Vli , l!)(l(i fJfIKMIRRM \u! be te,i'i\cd «( (Inn olllcrt JL to Nmin nl M()M)\N, 'Mh Vobiunfy. for Coiistuidion of >S(ice(i in Moiougli of Pel ono Plnni nnd itpcciflpnliniin of Iho woili mny bo peen nnd Jurther iinrticulnvn ohlninml «t tlllH oflU'O. 'I'ondois to bn eiuloxed "»S(iepl CoiinlHlrttioll, Pol one " Tho lowosl ni nny tondoi mny not Ixj Rpooplcd, O. F ROHINHON. PiPtiiel H<i,id I'.iißiiiPor, TO lUJILPKHH. NEW HOSPITAL, BLKNHKIM. TENDERS me invited fov the Ei eel ion ol ii New Ilimpitnl lor tho Wniinu llo«liilnl niul I'hnutnblo Aid Ikiaid, Ulon. hoiin, J'lnns nnd pni'lioulniit inn.v be ihth on implication to Iho Noriolnij lo Ilio. Bonrtl, Hlonhomi, nnd nl linn 011100 TendeVß iniidl be dopnsilod nl I Ins olHen by Noon of Woflluwluj, VAtl Mnieli Iv tho once of Blenheim Icniloic'vi, (olo^iitpbod tendovfl if received by the Aiclulecl liy thn time nml dny nbovo i<non piovideil wvitlon leiulevs m complinnee with oondi lioiifl of conlrnet nin dopnillnl Willi (ln> Hppi'ptnry of thn Bonvd, lUonbnim, by Noon ol Wpdiioddny, ?,Irl Mnroh, vwll bo in llmo fov onliMtleuvtioii, W. C (MIATFIKI.D, Avrhiteet lo tho Ho«ul, Wentmilinlei Chninhcin. 20th Fobninfv, 1006 TO (lONTRAOTORS.( I ONTRAOTORS. fHENIIERH nve invited, to clo*n ou .1. We<livo«ilny, 23tli inMnnl, nl d p.m.. for Iho Fui million of nbout 40 "hniin o{ Mipplr, V.plnllniH, p(o , ni liinvij Hnv, foi tho Lowiy Buy Land Oompnny. Plnnn, Rppnifionlion*, nml nil uUovmnlion to bo cblßiucd nl my oll'i c JL P. lIANIKV, Civil Kligineov nml hieeii'-cd Hnnojor, 11, Binndnu 'li'oel. TO VAINTIIKH. TSNDF.RS mo inviled \ip to noon „f Mondny, slh Mnich, for Vmnluiit, otc, lo Largo Ronldonce nl Thoimlon, Spcoifirfttions nl my ollieon. ,10ilN M. SW\N, , Aichitpol. Kolbnrno Chambers. TO BIIILDKRS. fHENDFiRS nro invilml yip to Noon of X Mondny, IP.lh iMnvoh, for (lie Himlion of invtfiN Bviolt Uo->nlfti»n nl Newtown, PllUin (Mill (")iocillenlloii« nl my ° mCCBt JOHN H. SWAN, Aicliilecl,. Kolbunio Chnmbovß. __ *~~ TO CONTRAIiTORS. npKNDKRH nvp. invited up till noon on X Tuosdny, 2Vlh ii^l.. for the cntHiintlbn of n Conoi'elo OuKovt, 17,'ifi lon>?. with n 4ft nvch, nl Ngnhnurnngn (mmmml onntrncl). For iilnim nnd hpeoifionlionit npnly to (lull Fiiitiinonr. FOXTON BOROUGH COUNCIL. CONOHBTK OULVKWT. TENDERS will bo rcoolvod by Hie nndnrnißnpcl up lo 7 p.m. on MONPAy, 26th February, for Iho Oonnlmolion ol A ( Concroto C'ulvorl neroßa Mnin-stvool. Plans nnd tponifloallonn mny lio «cnn *\ Uio oiTloo of X J. Armstrong, V-nq., Civil Engineer, Palmorslon Norlh, and nl th» Council OHIpo, Foxlon. Tlio lowest or nny tender not necomvily accepted, ALF. FRASKR, Town Clerk, Foxlon, IN THF. ASSIONKD HSTATIS OF A. IiKHLIK AND COMPANY, STORK. KEEPERS, WAIKANAK TKNDKRS will bo roooivod by tho un. dpr«ittnod up lo noon of MONDAY, •6th MARCH, for tho pnrohano of Iho bllKinpssps of Upiinvnl Stflrokoepev now envviod on nt Waikaiino nnd Hikiortngi, R8 Roliig concprns. The Slock Oonslsls of— AT WAIKANAEDrnpory „, »,« >„ 261 Boots and Shoes „« <.. B!) Grooorios ... ..^ ,„ ]05 Tvonmongory ... „, »„ ?,14 Sundrlos ,„ „, ,„ If, Furniluro ... ... ... p. 3 nant ,„ „. „, „, (10 JC7B4 AT RIKIORANGI ►„ »., 05 £070 Btook li»l«, condiiioni of Ipihlpv, nnd full pnrtioulnvs of Ipncoi of both Mores from THK COMMKROrAL AOKNOY, LTD,, A«^tgnoos. Wollington, J?(Hh Fobvunvy, 1006, SALK OF LKANE OF CONililODlona WAREHOUSE AND BUSINESS PRKMISIiS, IN VAIM -STREKT XX. TENSION, CLOHF, 'JO WHAUVKS. In thn mnttpr of THE OILBKRT MA. CHINKRY COMPANY (MMITKD), in Liquidation, WRITTEN TENDERS nro invited by thn undorsißnpil for Iho puivhnso of (ho unevpived veniduo of ft LonßO of lh« Bustiips* rrpmlsos of Tho Uilbovt Mnrhin* ovy Company (l.imiled), siturUo In Cubn-slroot Evlension, Ingpther with tho benefit of nil sublpiiniipioi. Pnvlieulnrs of thn propovly nnd rondl* lioim of win m«y bn liiopeclod at Iho offlcft of the undomlgnoil, on tho sold pvom^os, 4, (Hibn-stvcel Extension, during Ihimiipss lIOUIH, TnndoM olobo on tho Bth Marrh, 1906, nt 4 p m. , NORMAN DALSTON, Liquidivlor, SAi-Vbr leahe ok coMMonunm WAREHOUSE ANP BUSINESS PREMISES IN MERCKR-STRECT, CLOSE TO WHARF. In tho mnttor of WILSON, THOMPSON AND COMPANY, in Liquidation. \yiUTTEN TENDERS nvo invited by tho undproignpd for thn purohnift of tho iinexpiied lemdue of n Lonso of (Im Buslne»s I'vemUes of Wilnon, Thompwn nnd Company, Limited, jltualo in Meloo^ Btveet, Pnvlleulnvs of (ho pvopoity nnd condilions of snlo may bn inopected nt (he oftleo of tho lindevsinned, 4, Cubn-olvool Kxlon> sion, during business horn*. Tpiklovi olono on tho slh March, 190&, nl 4 p m. NORMAN DAUHTON, JUoiuidntor.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 2