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LOT 14 RESIDENCE OF FIVE ROOMS, etc {sumo nt Lot 12), \o 64, on land having a frontage of 40fl to Riddi-ford-slroet nnd public road by n dnpth of 83ft 6in, pnrt Town Aero No. 091. Premises now in occupation of Mis. Tinney no weekly tenant at ti rental of 20s. LOT 15. HLSIDEN'CK OV HIX ROOMS, No. 66, wilh tlm iiorwfcnry oul building only, erected on land having n fiontnge of 40ft lo Riddifcncl-trcci nnd Iho public road in tho i ear by a depth of 83ft 6in. Contemn 12 3 perches, being part of Town Acre 1)91. Theso premises aro now in llio occupation of tho Pohco l)epartment nl a rental of £52 per annum. Title, Land Transfer. LOT 16. SHOP AND DWELLING of *ix rooms, with bntli, wnphhouse, nnd tho nfiial coiiAenionces, No ?8, erected on land having a frontngo of 31ft to Riddiford-<tiee< by a depth of 82ft lOin. Contents 907 Seichoj, being pnrl of Town Acre o. 993. Tho prcmiso nro now let lo Mr. Lobb as weekly lennnt nt a, weekly rental of 21s, Title, Land Transfer. LOT 17. VACANT BUILDING SECTION, having a frontago of 32ft to Olivor (John) | street, off Adolaido road, by a depth of 02ft 3in. Contents 10.8 perches, being part of Town Aero No. 755. Titlo, Land Trans,icr. LOT 18. VACANT BUILDING SECTION, having a frcnlago to Olivor (John) strool, off Adolaide-rond, ot 32ft by a dopth of 122 ft Oin. Contents 14.4 perchos, boing part of Town Acvo No, 755. Title, Land Tramfor. LOT 19. TWO COTTAGE DWELLINGS, onch hnving fmu 1 rooms and scullery, No«. 117 and 119, orcctod on land having a fron.Uigo of 37ft 5m to Adclnido-road by a doplh of 98ft 4in. Contenti 15.83 porches, boing part of Town Acvo No. 758. Tho premises aro occupied by Messrs. Bnircl nnd Hnlligan na weekly tennnta, Tillo, Land Transfer. LOT 20. SHOP AND DWELLING of four rooms, with bath, woshhouso, conlshod, and usual conveniences, No. 19, oroctod on cornor boo! ion of land having fl. frontage of 20ft to Adclnido • road nnd a frontngo of 79ft to Oollego-lorraoo, boing part of Town Aero No. 742. Prcmlcos aro now occupied by Mr, Wiltshire nt a rental of 21s per week. Tillo, Doods Registration. LOT 21. COTTAGE DWELLING of four " roonnnnd Inrgo ecilllei'y, wilh balh. copper, tubs, etc., No. 21, orcctod on land hnving a froiilngo of 18ft to Adelnido-rond by a depth of 79ft. Tho pri?mis.oß nro occupied by Mr. Lavvrehco at n rontnl of 14» por wook. Title, Deeds Rogldrntlon. LOT 22, SHOP AND DWELLING of oipht rooms, with bath, tettllery, washhouse, nto,, 3-stnll sltiblo and cartshod, No. 23, erected on land having a frontago of 37fl Oin to Ado-Inido-road by a doplh of 77ft lOin. Contents 10.67'perchoH, boing ijnrt of Town Aero No. 742. Premises aro now occupied by MceM's, Bongo Bros, as tenants at a weekly rental of 30s. Title, Dcods Registration. LOT 23. RESIDENCE OF SIX ROOMS, with hath, wnilihonso and umal convcnlOUCOB, No. 33, cuctod on Comer Section of kind having a fiontnge of 35ft to> Adolaidc-road am' a front* ago of 09ft 6in to Hi'iiMn., treel. Conl^nts 3'iß pri'h.s l-i « po\t of Tov, n Ae'o \'o 'i4''. liiml ci nro now oc-vpnrf by Air, Lcclunl at n lenlal ot l&s por vvoctt. Titlo, lJecdo Regiptration. LOT 24. COTTAOK DWELLING OF THREE iIUO.VIS, No. 59, orcctod on land luvviivj ii fronlage of 22ft 6in 10 Adelaide-road by a dqplh of 60ft Gin ContenlH 5 perches, boing part ol Town Aero No. 745. Tho pro* wined nvo now occupied by Mrs. Wiiilor, lit a weekly lennnt, nt a rental of 12s. Title, Dootk Registiatioii. LOT 25. RESIDENCE OF SIX ROOMS, with .cull'.y, bath, wnnhhotuo, olc., No. ili, ( l'lc ed on cornor seolion of lmJ lwvi>« a fronlago of 6lfl 9in to adclnido ■ road and h lio.M!\«e ot 50ft 4m to Ilugh-slrocl Contents 11.07 ])croliQi, being pait ot 'J'own Aero No, 758. Tho pro* micei nro now lot to Mm. .Ferris nt a> rental of 25i per weok. -Title, Docds Upgisd'ation, LOT 26. COTTAOtt DWELLING OF FOUR ROOMS) with Muillory, bathroom, waihiionso, etc, No, 2, erected on land having a froiilngo of 34ft to Jlugh-Ftreot by a depth of 52f1, Contents 6.4 purchcH being pnrt of Town Aoro No. 758. Tho premised uro now occupied by Mr. Dovuio ntt tenant nt a roulal of 15s por wook, Titlo, Doodc Registration. LOT 27. COTTAOB DWELLING OP FOUR BOOMS, with ncullory, bath. wash. hou«o, ote., erected on lnnd having a frontage of 45ft to Kovnim- *)( root by a dopth pi 79ft 6in. Contentfl 13.13 perehos, being pnrt of Town Aero No. 768. The pro* misos aro now occupied by Mr. Blniichford at ti rental of 15s por wook. Titlo, Deeds Registration, \ LOTS 20 AND 20. TWO BUILDING SECTIONS, part of Town Aero No. 057. having frontages of 22fl and 2lfl 4 in refpectivoly lo Riddtiord-(,lreat by irregular doptho from 59ft Oin to 68ft Din, LOT 30. THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY iul joining Lots 28 nnd 20, Inning c iioii'^o of 22fl lo Ruldifortl* street by nn irregular dopth ft'ohi Un d,ii to 7iiit uin, on which is erected nit Amombly Hall, lot nt £150 por annum. Thn Terms of Solo havo boon fixed nl Ton por cent. Deposit ( Ton por cent, in 3, 6, and 12 nioiillis ; Tho bnlnneo of iiixly per colil ill !> yoars. Interest on unpaid purcha«o money nt 5 per cent,. Nolieo Boards will bo found on caoh lot, and tho services of Ihreo members of the aiiclionecrs' BlnlF nm open to intending buyers ne guides, nhoulcl they wish lo inspect Iho Lnml or Buildlngi. This is in overy respect n unique mIo of City Properly, nnd ovnry citizen w inlorostcd in making it n duceess, For fuller dctaili, plnns, condiMons of sale, etc., apply lo Iho Auctioneers, at (ho 'Exchange Land Mart, No. 84, Lnmbtonquay, Wellington. WANTKD Known— l havo sovoral proiiertloi for dlspasnl, including some splendid Building Sections; good position, near tram lino, nnd only 15 minutes from 0.1.0, Full pMtlcuhv's from J. 13. Finlay, "Box 583.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 8