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J. II BKTHUNK & CO.. AUCTIONEERS AND LAND AGENTS, 33, Fcalhorston-etroet. Tolephono 64. SPECIAL PROPERTIES. BARGAIN'S AT HATAITAI-Two Seelions near Innnel, rneh 49 \ 180 ft, lino view, nearly Mcl, undoubtedly Iho chcapot in lint mini ; £6 per foot : immediale nppiiendon neeesuniy Also, ?. modern 4-roompil Houpi«, let «eek i £000 the two. ADNLAinivROAD (Herhnmpore)- -Fine Corner Hue, 60 x 12511, Ham line. £0 10» fool CHKAP HOUSE, CLIFTON-TERRACE i Inml 3^ft \ l,sbft : rlo'.e Kelburiio linm, 10 rooms, cleetne light, li and c, lino order ; let £105 p a ; mu«t sell immetlinlely nt £1100 ; n real barprain LOWKR HUTT-Levol Block, o\cr U aeies, lons road Ironlagoi, nlwolutcly cheapest inntLm mmket; mntnble clo^e subdivision £2500 ; terms, HAWKKR STRKKT-6 100 ms, one floor, flrsl-class older i lnnd 30 \ Üblt £850 BUILDER'S WORKSHOP nnd Yard, very hnndy, near Bnsin Reienei Hood two-story Workshop, timber Black, elc. £650 lot. CHEAP SECTION, MURITAI, cltwo new wharf, 40 x 132 ft, and n ll^ 0 level. £05: certain increoMi as=urpd. NICE BROOKLYN HOUSE, closo Po<l Olllee, 4 Inrgo room", bcclion 40 x 148 ft Prico £630. TREN'J HAM- Rural Sections,, onoh 10 ncres, noar Racecourse, loiitf roud frontago, level; would subdivided nt small cost, £100 per aero on loim?, H. ERNEST LEIGHTON, AUCTIONEER AND LAND AGENT, 0, Foathorslon, Wellington. OWEN ■ BTREE'IV-Gootl 5-roomcd Rusideuce, overy convenience! land 33ft x OOfl Prico £800. UPPER. WTLLIS-STRKIST -7-roomcd llou«e, every convonionco. Prico £2100. KEKSINUTON- STREET. - 8 ■ roomed House, lnnd 34(1 \ 95ft } up-to-date in o\ery roopppl. ]> r ir 0 £1050, TINA KORI. ROAD -Good 5-roomod House; land 3fafl x 90ft; corner hoc tion Prico £525, VICTORIA-AVENUE -8-roomed Restdonco ; lnnd 33(1 x 106(1 . Price £1350 TARANAKt STREET -Corner Section j splendid factory site ; lnnd 51fl x G9fl. Prieo on npplicnlion, ! ROSENfiATII —Good 6-roomod House j Inml 70ft x liiOlt; every convonionco. I'neo £1250 KILIJIRNIE (Ovprlon-lprrttoo). — Now sroomed Houpp, overy couvonipneo: lnnd 40ft x 200 ft. Price £700. SOUTH KILBIRNIE. - Good 4-roomod Collage, c\eiy convenience! land 26ft x 14bil. Prico £500. Jj O W M 11 U U T T , 25 ACRES choice flat land, highly atlnpt. nblo for Bubdivision. I'rico nnd lurmi 011 application. Woll-buill 6-ROOMED HOUSE, every con\ eniciicp, largo section, l'rico only £775 CHOICE RESIDENCE, conlaining 7 rooms, bnllnoom, pnnlry, nnd every convenience \ bent locality j peelion has 80 feel Ironlago lo flrsl-elass road. Price £1100; toiniß arrniißctl, 44 ACRES, largo road Irontage, highly adaptable for subdivision, adjoiuint{ firsl-class residence, Prico £2000 tho lot. NEWLY-BUILT 7-ROOMF.D HOUSE, bathroom, jianlry, and nil conveniences ; plastered throughout ; orcclod on Inrgo section, Price £800 ; onsy (arms, 73 ACRKS, of which nbmil 30 neros nro rich, flat lnnd, hnvinn lnino road frt)iiln(Tf"<. nml beiir^ highly ndnptnblo for mtbdiviiion, tognlhc* with homeplpad nnd oilier builtlingp; a vary valuable property, I'rleo only £8500; terms nrrangnd. NOTE— Tho above aro only a few of tho very many choice properties plneed in my hands for snlo. Buyers should call or wnlo stating their requirement* to 11. ERNEST LEIGIITON, 0, FEATHKRSTON-ST., Wellingtons or THE HUTT LAND MART. •GENTLEM AN'S RKsTdKNOK. TCTOR HALF,, two of the most comfortJl nblo nnd up-to-tlnte Homes thnt hnvo been offered for a very considprnbln time. Ono houso is situated in tho charming sonsldo suburb of Eastbourne, and wan built by tho owner ns Inn permanent 1 evidence, The hduso wns built, by nn Kiißlipli architect, and i» not two years old. 7 Rooms nnd scullery, pnnlry, nnd bathrcotn (2 floors), poncreto foundation* nud ])ilos, h. nnd c, water, high procure, houso plaslbrpd nntl paperetl tn^tofnily, washtuby wnrdroben, oupbonrdf, gootl Mipd, sheltered property, extensivt- lawns, flower gnrdon i lnnd L.T., 3 nero, hillsiclo with milivp, bush; 84ft, fioiitngp, 140 ft, dopth, balnnco hill, I'rico £1200; teims, AT LOWER HUTT. A rhnrining 9-roomed Residence, a few minutes from tho railway station j this properly is in tho boM, re«itlenlinl quarter; overy convenience, h. nud p. wnler, gns, bnth, nliawor, etp., two ctinservntones, 148 ft fronlftge, 208 ft deep i gftrden tnelo- J fully Inltl out. You fhould inspect theso propertiee nnd sco what R hoinn should no liko For fuilhor particulars npply to X A. HLUNDELL, mmmmmm —. Z 2h LAMIVroN-QUAY. 11 O R SALE. : — Now building nud for Sale al Mirnmnr North— 23 fout-ioomed Collage, wilhbath, cle Each cottngs will br sold with n qunrtorOcln seelion. Pmpp— Spcllon nnd Collage, J3450. Tormf"£2J» dpponit, Inlanrn al 5 per cent., rnpnj'ablo by cn<y weekly inslnlnieiitp. 'J'hesn collages are sitnatetl on Iho flat, ploro to Iho trnm route, niul tho eleetrio oars should bo limning in about twehe 111 vilhs Tho district is sprved at prpspnt by a 'bus pen ice, which runs from Miramar North pn«it thepii Pottages to Nowtovvn «X timei encli wtn>k tlnily, and chargo* n fare of 2d. rnsppclion iinijptl Apily in first iiiMniicn lo R. CRASH MORRIS, Box 132, Wellinglou) Or WM. (t HTF.PIIKXS, 27, Lnmblon-ipiny, Wellington, HABINKTMAKING UUSINKHH,. Ij'Oll HALM, n piospprnu« Pnhinel making HiißinoiM in n Wnirnrnpn town, us a going concern i rltiek nl vnlimlioii ; or thn proprietor Would sell lur inteiesl m n liino ypnri' lense ol the prptnUe< Coinpriiiiiß lnr^e Mell-nrrnnged sliop nnd workrooms, situntetl in n tentinl position. ]''or full pnrliculms npply to (I. A. FAIRRUOTHKR, LTD,, Auetioneeip, Lnml, I'Xnle, nntl Cominis-i-ion Agcn(>*, Cnitciltm K^ OR 6A I, ]?, OIIE AP, 1 8 h.p. Compound Knirino, by Mnrslinll, and 12 h p. Boiler, 1401b pressure. 2 18 It p Multitubular Boiler, 1001b pres. sure; alt its good nn now. W. CRABTREE ANP SONS, City Fmiutlry, Evik-nlvoei, Wellinglon, *" A DKAII SNIP. BIIKKP or CV'ITiTk FARM for Hnle, ,')J milei Irom Mnmilt.iu Rnilnnv >Stn (1011, ?. iihlim from iinlnny line; J!W ncrpi good hilly cniinln, ;>oil m rei 111 nm«, A )indtiocl<« Price X,A '11 dl; £700 pin ,-c. ninin on mmttaue fll t> l"'i eenl , I'nlntiee cn«h. Apply nYRON DROWN, OUki,

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 7