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W.H. TUIINBULL&OO. 3, PANAMA-STREET. Newtown Brnnoh— l, RIDDIFORD-ST. WRiailT-STREET-rrnclicnlly now 7roomod Houso, in tip-top ordor throughout j land 29 x 136, l'rico £VSO ; ert«y lorms ; must bo gold ; ownor loavihg. 2175 OWEN-HTREET-7 Rooms, nt £775, oa»y terms ; also vacant Land, 264 ft deep, «t £13 10s per foot. NORTHLAND. Main Karori-road— Corner Section 100 x 100 (about), good sroomed liouso, all convonioncos, oloctrio light, largo rooms; Lnnd Transfor Titlo. Price £705 ; £75 cash j balance arranged. 2599 KILBIRNIE, Duncan-lerrace— Land 51 x 115 (about), now 4-rootnod dwelling. Price £575 ; £75 cash ; balaneo arrang. ,°rt- 2590 TRENTIIAM-Good Sections, £45 each. 2583 OWKN-STREF/T— Now House, good viow, 6 rooms ; £75 oa«h ) bnlanco arrnngod, SYDNE Y-STKEET-9 rooms, motloru con. vonionces. £1400 ) terms. 2594 lli ARO— Factory Sito, noarly i-acroj THORiN I DON-36 x 146 and 9-roomod RoBidonco ; splendid garden. Prico £1300. COURTENAY-PLACE-33 x 132 and Building thoioon, now lot nt £3 8s 6d per wcok. Tdo harbour improve, ments in tho locality givo this a Inrgo __j»g«peotivo valuo. Prico £2850. HA S T <fe 111 AS T, LAND AGENTS & AUCTIONEERS? Exchango Buildings, Lamblon-quay, SPECIAL BARGAINS) MT. VIOTORIA.-Wo aro ablo to oftor you this wcok nn oxooptionnlly good opportunity in tho best part of this district. Tho properly is on a porfeotly lovol rosidoulial slto, nnd has a Bploiidid frontage of 50ft, with a vory largo depth, Thero is a well-built two-btory houso of 9 rooms, wijh bath, gas, nucl every convonionco, having a, oautiful viow of Iho harbour. Thoro aro good oulhotißOi, oto. Ample opportunity is given in tho front of tho house for a vory largo and nico gar« den. Concreto paths surround tho pro. porty, and thorn aro two flno Inrgo vornndaht. Tho wholo property i 6 within ono minute ot ponny train section, and can bo purchased on very moderate tnrms. Prioo ami parliou* lai's on application. ORIENTAL BAY.— Wo also offer you a charmingly situated 7-rooinodrcßidoiioo in this vory dosirablo locality. Tho liouso h a two-story one, and hns ovor,y modern convenience attached. It givos a magnificent viow of tho harbour, nnd hn", a vory sunny nRTOot. Tho land hns a good Irontngq, lor a hoiilthy nnd desirnblo locataon, this onnnot bo bcalon. Prioo, £900 ; oasy torms given. J. BANNING & CO., HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS, ROYAL EXCHANGE, OPERA noUSE, Wollinatoli. VIVIAN-STREET (ncar)-i Aero, with Broomed dwolliiig thereon. Prico £1550 1784 ABEL SMITH-STREET-Land 12 porchos, 8-roomcd Houso, lot at >27s week. Prico £875 ; n bargain, 1791 a. ROSENEATH-Protty 5-roomed Villa, with fine viow ; hotis,o almost now, with nil modern conveniences ; Inrgo "section. Prico, £850. 632 EPUNI STREET-Land 33ft x 90ft, 5. roomed Houso, on one floor, bath, shower, oa? stovo, 4«tnchod wnshhouso, otc. Price, £700. ISLAND BAY r Lnnd 30ft x 100 ft, sroomed House built to suit purchaser, Prico, £650 ; term*. £150 cash. 535 HAWKER-STREET-Up-to-dalo 5-roomcd Villa, with nil conveniences, largo section, L.T. titlo. Ownor leaving, must soil at once. Prloo, £875. 536 ORIENTAL BAY (overlooking)— Splondid peotlbn, 83ft frontngo by iri!6f(Ular. depth, flnt, plnlUotl with troes, lOOytls from tram. Price, £700. 3332 WILLIS-STREET (noarl-First-elass rpiitlomnn's Ro^idenco of 8 roomi, with nil oonvcnlpncoS) well laid-out grounds. Prico, £?JOO. 1757 BERIIAMPORE-Now 6r. Houso, Ideal viow. Price, £750. 503 HOUSES and SECTIONS FOR SALE In nil tho suburbs ; for further particular!! apply to J. FANNING AND CO., Land Agonts, Manners-street. %l c Oil £ bo.", 1, PANAMA-STREET. Tolophono 2173. HOUSES. £70 cash will purchaso a good 5-roomed Houso within sovon minutes of G.P.0., nnd adjoining eleotrio tr,iim route, This ifl ftn excellent chfttiuo for Iho homo scokor. RESIDENCE of 10 rooms, islanding in oxlionnivo ground*, and boing vory contrnlly fiiluatod! very suitnblo for businoss man. Pt'ico on application. NORTHLAND—A new 5-roomotl Houso, standing on section 83 x 120, and commanding a vory fino view ; glnss verandah, ovory convenience. Prico £520, NORTHLAND— A splendid Rosidonco of 6 roomn, diningroom 17 x 21. with largo oriol window, I4ft high mouldod ceiling, vorandah, largo hall, all rooms spacious, manlols and intorior fitting!, ot this latost and irtonl cxponsivu design. lloubo built oupoclully for ownor. Wo nro offering thin property on largn lovol sortion for immodlttto salo at £875, at which figuro it is a bargain, NEWTOWN-4 Houses, gdod street, woll built ; throo of 7 rooms, ono of b rooms ; producing 10 per cent, not investment. Tho liousob aro almost new. Prico i 82600, ROSENEATH-6-roomod Homo, bath, room and overy convonionco j largo rooms ; land 30 x 200, Prioo £775. 319 BROOKLYN— Now Houso of 5 rooms, bathroom, otc. ; ono floor , land 34 x 200 ; woll olovatod, and coinrnnndlng a good outlook. Ownor must soil, Will tako nny ronconablo ofl'or 301 ___ „, 0 — 5, Lamblon-quny, nnd Kilbirnio. KILBIRNIE-6 rooms. £700 ISLAND BAY-6 rooms, £750 ROSENEATH-6 rooms, 60 x 100 ft. £760 MEIN-STREET-6 rooms, £000 LOWER HUTT--5 rooms, now. £550 WUNiIIT-HTHEET-6 rooms. £850 KELBURNE-5 rooms, cheap. £650 MARANUI-1 aci-p. £750 BASIN RtiM'JRVE-6 rooms. £750 NORTHLAND-5 rooms, < £705 DANIML-STRKE'L'-o roomn. JC7SO NELSON-STREET--6 room«. £600 Sections, from 40ft, to acres, Kilbirnio, Maranul, Jslnnd Buy, Muritni, Rona Bny, oto, _ _ MKLROSK HOUSE AND GROUNDS. fjnillS wolMtnown Properly Is for snlu, •*« oithor tiff a wholo or in > blocks, Without doubt thero is not a finer subljibnn properly within wnlk of Wollinglon Poet Ofilco. Tho gnrdons and plantations are spacious and In good ordor. Splendid HUfliiff Wnlor kid on lo lioubo nnd padclocks. Over 12,000 ft frontages lo Quonn'a Drive, Sutherland. Tnvinlook, Honipoy. and othor roads, Mngnilloent views In nil directions. Apply to II M. Ilnywnrtl, Molrono Houso, Qnocii's Drive, or corner Farlnh nnd Old Cuiloinhoiuo litrools, or to W. 11. Morrah and Co. jji or iTiTTy'PFFi sale. CHRISTOItUROH, TUAM-STIIKET. Unfiiicumbprod Frpohold Property, compns ng i brick stores nnd collar, carlshctl, ole,, also brlok Blnbhi | 100 fool frontngn (o Tiinm-fitroni, by 82 foci doplli. «. ,. or «' lirl '' 1( ' 1 ' particulars, npply cartl of Jl O jJA ( lL.^J' l 'f''^chur,'h. EASYTERMO. T>Jl''W Villa ■HoßldnncPß f or Salo from m 5 \)?>P mh > I'alftneo by monthly pnymenls— lliormlon, 7 nnd 9 rooms ; Nowlown, 5 and 6 rooms ; Boxhill, 4, G, flnd 7 rooms; Biooklyu, 4 and 0 rooms; ftlniul Bay, 4, 5, nnd 7 room*. Apply O. mid A, Odlln, Timbor Morohnnli, Jorvois. quay.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 7