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CLOSING- -DOWN SAL!']! TAILORING DEPARTMENT. PHEPAUA'I'OUY TO MOVING. SPI3OIAL REDUCTION IN PRICES OF GENTLEMEN'S SUITS AND TROUSKItS, MADK TO MKASUUI'J. FJBST.CLASS CUT, STYLIiI, AND FINISH GUAUANTEKD. CLOStNn-DOWN C SA(^ R UPI\S, lo order, (53s "0 ,8H 05h CI.U.MIN i IJUWN uoiININO SIIITB, to ,n.W, Jon. «•>, 03., 10.',, SAL lv lItICLS. ( 'I UOUSKKS, to oitlci'. lbs Gil, 15N, 'i'M 6il, 25^ dl A I.nvgo nnd Vnviod yVesovlmcnt of LATEST UIOU-GllADl!! MATERIALS, Coinprisincf, WEST OF ENQLANIi, SCOI'OH, and NKW /HALAND SUII'LNGS and TROUSKRIN'GS to soloot fiom, 'QENTLKMEN will find this an KXOEPIIONAL OPPOHTUNTTY to eoouro FIJI?T. CLASS MADK.TO.OIiDKK OAJtMIONTS at SPECIALLY REDUCED ,I'WUHS. OLKAIiINU-OUT PRICICS IN GENTLEMEN'S MI3RCBB.Y, HATS, AN!) TRAVELLING REQUISITES, at THK Tli T rs TMMPOUAIIY PRKMISIiiS, LAMBTON-CJUAY. IJOTE,— Pniioy Goods, Perfiimory, Ponps, Silverware, Book-!, Stalionory, Post Cnrdi, AT THF, |*V r / 1 NKW PREMISES, UIIANDON-HTREKT. SPECIAL NOTICE.— D.t.O. Wnichousoa Ot.OSED TO-DAY (f-'aturdny) at 12 noon, in ooiißoquonoo ot tho Winployeos' Annual Pidiiio.

NVf GRAPHIC . MJ • \T For 241 h FKM. Notnblo I'eopln— llliutrnlpd. ROUND THE WORLD PICTURES. Motor Launching nt> Auckland, GOVKRNOII'S _ VISIT TO NAPIKRiArrival ; Official Wolcomo ; Utn'oiling Tho Troonors 1 Momoi'inl Tablet, etc,, etc. NAVY LKAGUK HALL AT WOTN. :- Fino Flaihlight Photo at tho Hall. LEADER of Iho OPPOSITION FKTKD. Wn. Collogo Roys' Visit to H.M.B. Powovful. WITH THE PRINCE IN INDIA6 pngei Beautiful Photo. Illust^ationi. LADY PLUNKET at WANGANUI, etc, mHE WKLLINOTON STEAM FERRY I COMPANY, LTD. DAY'S BAY. DAY'S MY. SUNDAY, 25th FEIffiUARY. Leave Town, 10.15, 11 iun., 2,30, 2.<15 nnd 0 p.m. Leavo Hay, 9, 11, 11 45 a.m., 5 p.m. (CireumStnncpt permitting.) KXCELSIO'R LODOE, No. 11, U.A.O.D. riMll! Quarterly fcktmmonod Mooting will X bo hold on MONDAY EVENING, al 0 p m. F. JENNINGS, Sccrolary. JUPP'S HRAMS BAND JUPP'S HRASS 13AND WILL play nt tho Dotanirnl Gardens TO - MORROW AFTKRNOON. Sunday, 25th (woathor pormitting), and will take up a collection, lay permission of tho City Council, in aid of Mr. Scott nnd family. A Spanish March nnd Cake Walk will no playod which havo novor been played in tho colonies before, """TRINITY COLLEGE OYTIUSIC, LONDON. PRACTtCAL EXAMINATION, 1905. fIiHK Uohl Morlah and Cortincntes X awarded will bo presented by Hia Kxcellenoy (ho Governor (Lord Plunket), Vicp-Presidonl oi tho College, nt St Potop'q Hull, Ghtmiop.<(lfpot, on WEDNKSDAY, Mlh ln<sl., nl 8 p.m. Admission, by programme, obtainable nl Hegg\ ARTHUR J. WICKS, Chief Soc, N.Z. LANKbHEAK'S """ GH.EAT SALE Of STATIONERY AND LKATIIKR (4OODS, Commencing on THURSDAY, 22nd Feb., AT 0 A.M. REDUCTION jjß TO j^QS IN THE JJ» The nbnohUoly gonuino nnli^o of our ANNUAL SALE is fo well known that it is only necessary lo cnll attention to it lo onsuro biiocpfs. Tho wonderful \aluo oliUinablo will slriko ovcry one with astonishment. Noto the following fow examplos of the thoroughgoing naluro of our reductions i — PURSKS— I6s to ss, 5s 6d to 3s, 4s to 2n, 15s 6d to 6s, 5s 6d lo 3s, 17s 6d to 12s 6d, Ma 6d to 8s Gd, 18s 6(1 to 12«, 11r to 5s 6d, 17s 6d to 10s, 7» 6d lo Is, 20s lo 12s 6d, 6s 6d lo 4s, 12s 6d to 6s, 9s 6d to 6«, 8s 6d to 4s, 10s to 4s 6(1, 18s to 10s, 10s 6d lo ss, 15s to Vs 6d, 10s lo 3s 6tl, etc. Also, Music Cnsos. Writing Cases, Dressing Cnscn, Card Cases, Glovo nnd Handkerchief Sot«, Wallets, Desks, Work Doxcb, Pools, Birthdny ltooko, nnd hundreds of other linos too numerous to mention, all brought down to prices that must cfFeot n spoody oloaranco. STATIONERY. Wo nro manufacturers. That menns thnl (l*o heavy duly of 27J per conl. is paved, but in addition to that wo have mado thorough reductions in this department nlso. Subtoinod aro a fow oxnmplog— Splendid Hlocks of Writing Papor m tho woll-known Diamond Hnnk, Shnmrock Rank, Nobtiln Rank, nnd Ocenna qualities, Is, roduood to 9d 5-qniro packets of Nolopnuer in Diamond, Nebula, and Shamrock Ranks, Is 6d, roduontl lo Is Oceana Notepnpor, lurgo and umall, Is to Oenna Hijon Note, 5 quires h, roducod Boxen of Klornl Nol« nnd Envolopes Its vorluccd to 6d Lend Pencils. Is per doiion, roducod to 6d Now Zonlnncl Rough Diaries, roduced onethird Opaquo Foreign Mnvolopos 6d per packet, roducod 3 for Del Rest Hiunrn or oblong Envelopes, 6d por ptuikot, reduced 3 for 9d (ilootl sqtini'ii or oblong Knvelopoi 4d per pntketi reduced lo 4 for Od Cream or Abum Manilla Envelopes 4d per pnckeli roducpd to 4 foi 0d Dootl liminciw Km elopes, 10 pnekets for Is liloeks of 100 shoots Writing Paper, wiih printed heading, Is 6d ench, reduced to In Vmintnln Pens, 3s fid lo ?.s 6<l Fountain Pens, with 14-ct Gold Nibs, 3k 6d ench ; with ordinary pnnp, Is ench. Theim nre but n fow of our ImigniiH Call nnd inspect You will bo well pleased Cottiiliy rosldonla Can depend on being well sor\od by post, Open EVERY EVENING during the ""cioii nl ONE O'CLOCK ON SATURDAYS. LANKSITEAIi'S, OPPOSITE HANK OF N.Z , Wellington. 15 PER CENT. INVESTMENT. WANTED, Unyer for Froohold Property, main business (hoi ough fnro, Nolson i lnnd 40 x 10b, comprising two shop* nnd Inrgp bnll, 40 \ 40 ; good opnning for man wishing to slnrt business in a thriving town with a beautiful clininle. Pi ice £2000: caih required £700. Apply M'Ken nnd Co , 1, Paunmn-slreel TIATAITAT " " \\TK are instructed lo pell sw of Ihe '» bi-fl Sceliolis, HI per foot for mimecllfttft s««, Morris nnd (Jo,, Colonial Mutual DuildhiKi. ,

T HANKS. WE bog to offer our most hpnrtfoll thanks to the mimy friends who bnvo tendered thoir sympathy in our sad berenvoment by tho death of our eldest I ANDREW and MARY IRVINE. 46, Wright-street, Wellington. THE~LATE FIRE~IN WALTER-ST NOTICE OF THANKS. MRS. WKSTON desires to heartily thank all (hoso who ro kindy nwislcd her and family sinco tho ilre, and nt. (ho pamo lime acknowledges with «ra(ituck' XJIB, proceeds of concort, handed to hor by Mi?a Whito, and £8 15a contributed to tho Evening Post Fund. 'IT O L M T. T 0 L E T. 4 rooms, Kilbirnlo 7 do Abol Smith-st 'I do Mnranul v 7 do VVo|.-lorrneo, off 5 do Kilbirnio 7 do l!u*ROll-tor fi do NovthliuuU 8 do Mitoholltown fi do Ailolaldu-rd h do Wol -lorraoo (I do Borliiimporo • 8 do Kont-lorraoo (! do Nnirn-st, 8 do Bouloolt-ftt (! do Vogoltoivn 0 do Foadierston-tor o do Oiionlnl Hay 0 do l)o«ton-tor U do ( 'oroiiiandol-gt 10 <io Tliompsoivet 0 do Mitobolltowu 14 do Paronintu Also Shopt, Oflloos, and Warehouses, In all'parts ol tho city. Apply HARCOURT A CO., 40, l.ivinbton-qnay. fpHindk of Wo[liiigloTriß~SclioieTloid'"s m- Wntchos. Solid silver keylcßß huntpr (ense) Government non-magnetic Lever Watch, 50s j Post Office noii-inagnolio LfVcr VVntob, 20s, with 5 years' gnnrnnteo ; nlso, tho fimoiiH Ansonia Lover Watch, 7s M. Noto nddres» W. R, Hoholpfiold, 36n, Mniineri-«troet, next tb Fioldor's. Country jmlnrs poplago free, BITURINE I THE Blackest, Cheapest, ami Best Black KnnrnnT Holulion in existenco for Stovos, Gralcs, Cooking Utensils, and nil classes of Domestic Ironwork, Shines like tho Sun. Now Zealand Agents : RICHARDSON AND BLAIR, Engineers, Wellington. Local Agents! A. B. POWNALI. AND CO,, 209, Lnmbton-qy., Wellington, TO~SPicUIiATORB. TENDERS uro invited, to closo at noon of Wednesday, for tho Purchnso and Removal of Rosidonco, Park-terraco, off Molosworth-strect, CRICIITON AND M'KAY, Architects. WEDNESDAY, 28th FKBRU~ARY, At 2 o'clock sharp. On the premises, CORNER TORY and VIVIAN STREETS. IMPORTANT UNRESERVED SALE 9 Of BUTCHER'S PLANT AND UTENSILS. GEORGE THOMAS AND CO. havo ro. coivod instructions from Messrs. Clarko and Williams (bj- consent of mortgagee) lo soil by public auction, on Iho promises of iho ilnppy Valley Meat Co., corner of Tory rtnd Vivian stiools, iho whole of Iho plant and cballols, including— 1 roan mnro, 1 bny inaro, 2 parts, 2 sets hnrnoss, hoi so covor, cash rrgi«lor, Rcalon, sleol-yarcl, hooks, mont rails, Iron bars, moat blocks, knivos, snws, chopper*, electric motor, boiler, sausage innehino and llllcr. buckets, barrels, brine tubs, requisites for salt and smoko house, nnd ollico, etc., oto. THE SALE OK THE SKASON I TIIKSALK OK THE HKAHONI THE SALE OF THE .TTwYSON! THE SALE OF THK SKASON I THE SALE OF THE SEASON I i THB HEART OF MIRAMAR LHli HEART OF MIRAMAH THR HEART OF MIRAMAR THJi HEART OF MIRAMAR IN THE MARKET! IN THE MARKEt'I IN THK MARKET I IN THE MARKET! WAIT Am WATCH WAIT AND WATCH WAIT AND WATCIT For ' WEDNESDAY, 28lh MARCH, 1006. WEDNESDAY, 20th MARCH. 1906. WEDNESDAY, 28th MARCH", 1906. Withhold all tempting proposal* for acquisition of i MIRAMAR LAND Until /NEOROK THOMAS AND CO Make thoir Announcement. (»0 MAGNIFICENT SECTIONS! /jrv Bathed in Sunshine from Rosy Morn till Dewy Evo Shortly to bo Environed by n Network of Tramways. WATCH THK PROCLAMATION For WEDNESDAY. 28th MARCH I Wednesday! 28t» maroh i

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 6