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Mossrs, Maedonald. Wilson, and Co., direct tho special altdntion of investors nntl others to a long list of landod properties which they will submit to auction, details of which appear in our auction columns to»dny. Tho sale of tho City Corporation froohold proportion to bo held on thq 6tli March comprise? shops with dwellings, residences, nhd building stctions, situated in Adclnidn-road, Kid- I diford'gtroct, Oxford-street, Hugh-shoot, nnd Knvani-stroet. Three lots havo been uddod, oonjprising two building Mcc'ions in Klddiford-stroel, opposite WiUon«ll"t6l, and adjoining Bflme a soctloii with nil assembly hall cioctod upon it, this rrnkincf a total of thirty properties to bo offtrod. In connection with this sale tho firm insert it special advertisement, from which it will be seen thnt the City Council, in order to m*jt the convenience of j many intending buyers, who mny require lcng terms, hate nlterod tho original torms of salo, which havd boon now rlxocl nt 10 per omit, deposit. 10 per cent, in 3, 6, and 12 months, with tlio bnlnnco of 60 por cont. in 5 years, the interest being j 5 per oont. On Thursday next, at tho Exchange Land Mart, at 2,30 o'clock, tho flim will submit trio farm property in the estate of tho late Mrs. Hannah Field, containing 694 acres, adjoining the original Otfthttinga railway station on tho Wollington and Mnnawatu railway lino, betwoefl Wnikanao nnd Parapanumut j on behalf of Mr. William Hurcomb a threostory building situato in Little Tnrannkistroetj nt Island Bay, fronting Iho Ksplanktlo and adjacent to tho hotel there. a sßven-romed residence on ono floor, land nearly three-quarters of an ncroi at BorhampO«Oi Newtown. the property known ns tho Glen, in the occupation of Mr. Hureomb, comprising ten acres, situato bfctWcen Brltorhaj't'slreot and Duppasheet, with two l'ositlonces erected thoroon, containing seven nnd six rooms ro« spectivoly. Very full details appear. In the estate of the lato Mr, Philip Scott, a freehold property situate opposite the Basin Reserve, aussex-fquaro, comprising two flve-roomed residences, Nos, 14 and 15 | a furnished cottngo rosidonco and two Bcctlons «t Muritai) closo to tho now wharf there j cottage rosidenoe, fivo rooms . on Ofco floor, at Alioetown, Huttj at corhot' of Wnripori-stroat nnd South-road, clodf. to the Athktio Park, throo building spctfons having oaoh a fronlngo of S3ft by ft depth of 99ft. At Island Bay. ndjoining tlie Convent of tho Sacred Heart, a block of land containing noarly ono and three-quarter acres, with frontages to Avon-street and Holloway-road of some 664 f t; «lio at Island Bay, fronting tho son, boaoh, and adjoining the tramway termintw, flvo building sections, with f i outages ranging from 41ft 9in upward*, a Conner soction with very long frontages at the junction of Derwont-stroet and the Esplanade! fronting tho Parade nt Island Bay, throe building sections paitly fenced, with frontages of 47ft 10in by varying depths, also fronting tho Parade, Mersey, nnd Cornwall streots, three sections with ftontages of 48ft lOin. At Polono onestory verandah residence, containing nx rooms, with washhouse, etc. On Wednesday, 14lh March, a new family resldanoo situated Adolnide-rond. A proliminflry advertisement is inserted that the fltm will submit to auction on Tuesday evening, 27th March, 34 villa building sections at Island Bay, having frontages to Dee-street, Derwont-stroel, Rhine street. Soino-street, and Arno-slroct. Plans nltd full dohiils will appear later, The firm also announce that they will submit to auction at nn early dato 40 building sections, comprising tho subdivision of Mr. Thomas RiddTer's well-known property situate at Petcmo, on tho Main Ilutt-road, within two minutes' walk of the railway station.' Full details and plans- will appear later. Tho firm abo insert a rovisod list of properties for priVttto salo, Tho firm's Wellington Landed Property Guide, city and country edition, can bo had on application.

Messn. Haroourt and Co. draw atton« tion to their forthcoming auction snleg, the first tnkinsf plaoo upon Wednesday noxt, the 28th Taut., when they will ofler on behalf of .the Wellington Hospital trustees, the leaso in perpetuity of twenty-six huildtajj iite>, situated in Kevans-stroet. Tlwso sections have frontages varying from ?,0(t to SQJt onch, with ft uniform depth of 100 ft. They h*ve a back approach from (V l&tt right-of-wivy, whilst n (trainngo conneMion is lftkt to the boundary ot one j. On Friday, the Oth March, tho firm will offer flvo centrally situated properties. Lot 1. Is a fouMbomed dwellingf, No. 26, Torystreet, having a frontnflo thereto of 2Bft by 114 ft j Lot 11. Is a corner section, havihtf ft frontage of 69ft to Totjy-stroet by 114/t to Ebor-strect, togolKer with tho 4roomed dwelling, thoroon ; Lot 111. Us nlso A corner site, having a frontage of 26ft to EboV'street, .with a frontage nlio of 80ft to* ft Oft right-of-way Jrom Ebor-stre&t, On lot* 3 and 4 ara erected four-roomed cot tngoa. Further details nro advertised, MoteM. ttaroourt and Co. nnnounoo the sals by nuetlon for Tuesday, tlie 13tn March, of tt rosldontial area upon the tram route, Island B»y. Tho property is in two loU— almost now five-roomed villa residenco and a seotion adjoining. . Messrs. Gflorgo Thomaii and 00. cnll attention to a «alo of btttchcr'n plant on the premises of the Happy Valley Meat Company, corner of Vivian and lYtry Streets^ on Wednesday next, at 2 o'clock, 'Full particulars appear in our auction columns. Aprelimfnnry advertisement is inserted of a ealo of sixty sections, situate In tho hoart of Miramar, and to lako places on Wodnosday, 28th Mnroli, ' Full details artr protnltccl early in tho coming month, . Mossrff. Maedonald. Wilson and Co.^publish full details of the sale of tho household furnishings and upright grand piano ta be held 6n Tuesday hofct (it tho rcsiddned of Mr. W. H. Smith, No. 61, Blliec street, The furniture will bo on view on Monday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock and on morning of sale. On Wednesday tho firm will hold, at their rooms, thoir wcokly flaio of housohold furnishings. t On Friday next, at 2,30 o'clock, at thoir rooms, the firm will oftor six pianos, ai dotailcd. On Thursday next, at 2 o'clock, they will "noil Japanese goods, its detailed in tho advortisemont. Tho auctioneers, Mows. W. If. Turnbull and Co., stato that lithographio plans for tho second Hataitai auction salo nro now In tho hands of tho printers, and will bo available in a fow days. TI)obo desirous of having a pljin can have ono posted by sending along thoir addrositus to 2, Panama-street. Tho sections to bo offered 'on the 28th March aro somo thirty-fivo allotments, having frontages to, tho Mutniroad, about throo minutes' distant from tho tram or patent slip foreshore For details, see our auction columns, whoro torms, oto., aro onumoratod. An unredeemed plcdgo salo of ituununl proportions is to be hold on Saturday ami Monday, 3rd and sth Mnrch, by Mossrs. Lovien, ShalleraDS nnd Co., Wlllls-stroet, on bohalf of Mr, W. Smart, pawnbroker. In our auotion column will bo found detailed list of all expired pledges lo bo sold. Tho full auctioneer!)' lint totals oloso on 706 lines, tho gold and silver watchos alone totalling 230. The new premises scoured by Moisrs, Harrison and ,Jilrln« in Douglas Wallacestreet, near tho Basin Reserve, aro being prepared for opening as the Nowlown and T6 Aro Branch of Iho firm's Oymnn»ln, The nohool, besides being large, lofty, well ventilated, nnd lighten! by clectriclly. Is being fitted with all tho latent phypionl culture appliances and accetmoriun. Tho majority of Monsrs, Harrison and iTuriss's pupils find this location handy to thoir Homos, and it should nho bo within onsy distance for rosidonls of To Kto, Nowtown, Mount Victoria, Wallace-street, Brooklyn, and Kilbirnlo. llcductiotin in claim fees and alterations in lormn ara lining institutod, and Bpccinl further rnlmlos on the syllabus charges nro to 1m allowed for pupils coming from a distance, including Thorndon, Terrace 1 , Island Bay, and Uobonontli, The new gymnasium will bo open for inspection on Friday and Saturday next, and classes commenco on the following Monday, Silt March. This week's Now Zealand Graphic i» oxoollently illustrated, and a most inter. o»tilig nilfribor. Vni-iotln jsllnsen of tho Governor's reoent official visit to Nnpior nrrt' filliy depleted, nlso Lady Plunkot's vi'<lt to Wnnitnnui. Thnre is a cnpitnl hall-pago flnslilight viow of tlio Navy Lpnguo ball in Wellington Town Ilnlf, etc., aiul a fino series ol views in oonnootion with the visit of tho Prlnoo , and Prinoeii of Walei to Indi»,

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 6

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COMING AUCTION SALES. Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 6

COMING AUCTION SALES. Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 6