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DRESSMAKING AT WAimOCK & ADKIN'S. ,__, > NEW DRKSS MATERIALS NKW SILKS FOR AUTUMN WEAR NOW READY. "WS^ANTED Known— tnvcfliws in Buildvv ing Land should specially .inspect lio iivj mignificent lots at Mand Bay iionlms? tho Bond. Mv \ mljoinuig Uio Jrumway (ermiinm, io bo nuolioiind on J hursday next by Mardonald, Wilson and C/o. i/U'AVfKD7"s"pc'ond MaTo for barqiul . » * Coiii-Unee Crcig. Apply Master on boaid, Railway Wharf. "^S^" ANTED, by capablo, intelligent v » young man with knowlcdgo of boolckoopmg, Position in oflico, wnrohouse, or sloro. Addross n.G., Evening lost. >OK7"ANTED", by young mnn ongngqd »v during dny, Nightwork, nny description. Address Knergotio Worker, Evening Post._ W" A N'fP~Kriow"ii- f rhar~Mncdo,mld, » » Wilson and Co. will nuction en lhurfcdny next flvo of tho finest Building Seel ions to bo obtained at Island Bnv, ficmliiitf Sea Bpoeh aiul adjoining TianV wny tf>rmin\is._Soo notice boards on earno, t^T ANTED, Purchaser "for"" Cily~Brick '» Property; 10 por cent, on each requited, iClftOO ; sound investment willi fuluro appreciation. Address Income, jwomng Po-it, « ANTED 'to Sell, splendid Building Soction, Island Bay, 290 ft to good rond, oloso to tram terminus, good viow, woll ehcllorod from north and south, good homo, very cheap, ownor leaving.. Addross D.<S.T., Evoning, Post. WANTED, on Wodi\o7day~"ncxt, S6th I'cbrujry, every person lo attolui Grocers Picnm at Day's Bay. WANTED,"" £60 for" BoaTdinghouso, now turniiuvo, piano, paying woll. Moms nnd 00 , 16, Colonial Mutual, Buildings, XKTAWTJSDIo Soil," \t LoVo7iuTl7Tv v roomed onn-story Houso, almost I now, h, nnd c. water and all conveniences, largo section: prico JJ66O. Apply Sldoy, Mpech_ nnd_ Co., Mnnnors-sl., Wollinglon. YJT ANTED, nil" dissatUfloil tcnTdrlnkors' 7*,, to oall this ovonlng for n Snmplo of Gifford Bj-os. 1 puro Cbvlon (hill-(?rowh) •leas._ Thoy hnvo no cqwujil tho_prioe. WANTED "' to Boll,""7neve 'T-i'ooinod Hoiifco, Owon-streot, norHi end, nil latest oonvpnienoos. For price nnd parti. oulars apply 70, Danicl-stroet. WANTKD Known-Fivo~Bullding Sections, Island Bay, delightfully situated, with open view of Cook Strait, ndjoining Tramway terminus, will bo auctioned by Mfledonald, Wileon nnd Co. on Thursday noxtj 11TANTED to Sell, Household Furni- »" lure. Carpenters Bench, ?H iron Crump, and Lndy'B JJlko, in good order; ownorJoftyin^^Apply^No. Ih, R.inl< Want'eimo seii, r ßt"iiiow i dT iiftitro"roomod oitc^toiy Houso, almost now, h. and c. water nnd nil convoniences, .lnrgo flcotidii i pWoo £W. Apply Sidoy, MJ.l^^.^'J ?i Rm i c^ I||l -> Wellington. WANTED, two Furnished Bedrooms nnd Sitting-room, with nltcndanoe, Thc-rndon, or nenr Terraoo preforrod; oocupntion on sth Mnrrh. Box 580, W'ANTM)7 1000 people, to nltcWlire (liocols 1 Pienio sVedncsdny next, 28lh J) obrnary, nt Day's Bay. W" """"ANTED Kno\yn-.Bnilding""MaloHal for Snlo, timber, iron, window | framos, mantelpieces, slovo, bricks, oto. ; j fflso, good bay window. Apply Building, Oourlonny-plaoo, noar Rod's. WANTED to* Sell, nl qnoo, owner leaving city, a, aodd Cotlngc Rosidonco of 4 rooms, bathroom, wnnhhouso, and oonvonloncos ; land 341 1 x llOfl, nicoIly dituntod, oloso to Newton n. Tram. Will tako £550 for quick talo. Apply I Princess, Kvoning Post. A 231 WANTKDr Boy"" f or~~doiivory," good wage?. Apply Gifford Broß., Ib 7, 'Lhtnbton-qtiay, ~ANTEirto~Spll, A-aoro Soolion, close lo Trciithain Raoocoursc. Apply W, Rowerby, Hilverslrcam. AM'ED"lo~aoii, K'o7BkTßny,~o'ii"'sofc front, 5-rgomed now Villa, pretty Rardon, lar^o eeelion ; £150, tornti. Morris nnd Co., Colonial Mutual Buildingi. WANTED, a tfood Man for" kitchen" Apply To Aro Dining Rooms, Lower Tnranaki-slrcet. WANTKI), Mothers' lo bring thpir~phiU dron to Grocer's Picnic Wednesday I noxl, 28th .February, at Dny's Biiy, nud I rcrmvo n good Toy. _ WANTKD" to Soil" Nowiown, now Troomed House, nil possible convnniencos, land 35ft x 106 ft, L.T. j real* ,ffood placo ; prico £650. terms arranged. Apply Sidey, Mooch nnd Co., Manncrttal. WANTED, nnolher 500 Customera* to^ ni»IU wore Uu>n lnsl Saturday nighl lo oall upon GiiTord Bros, tho famous Lnmblon-qtiay Ten Meroluutls, WANTKD, Goiitlomaii loaving~rhont7 dou can rooornneiid a comtorlablo homo to nny Rontloinnn Booking good qunrlcrs in Hint locality. Addross English, man, Kvening Post. WANTED Known—liow i,co hnV opci~ od n first -class American Laundry, 22, Ghußiieo-strcot (Ju«l ctt Cubn-Btrool), nnd is propnred to do nil minuter ot laundry work in tip-top stylo, ChnrßCs moderate. WANTED~lo""SolirNowlown7TowTroomed Houso, nil po«»iWo ronvniiionops, land _ 3511 x 106 f t, L.T. ; real Kooil plneo; pi ice £650. terinn nrrnnged. Ap])ly Sidoy, Mrorh nnd Co., Mnnnerf-il, W" AN"'J'KD to Si'ir'on MoxlnVVieliirin niul oloso to Tram, a reßlly llrel - ola^s Residence of 0 room*, witli oAery iHis<iiblo convenience, iplcviuid bnlcony ; land 15ft x 100 ft, littlo hill lo climb; flno viow, Prico nnd cards lo vlow front Macdouald, Wilson nud Co., 04, Lnmbtonquay. _ _ &>24 WANTKD To SelC Now town, only 100 ynrdu from train sheds, modern fhcroomed Itoii'o. Price £\1!)', terms nrrnnged. Fnnulnfr nnd On,, Mannora-slieet WANTKD,"Boys, for labelling. Apply Thomson, liowis and Co , Tory-«t WANTKD to HollT Isluiid Bay, fronting the beooli and perfectly lint, a splendid Soction having a frotitaßo of 66fl X 365 f t; prico £b lb* Her foot Apply Hidny, Mooch and Co , Alnt>uoi'«.ftreol WANTKDV'nvcry oiio to ( t<> to Groeors' Piniio al Pnj'B Hay on Wodni's day next, 28lh February, for n good days outi ntf WANTKD lo Soli, ronlpiits of linerroomed dwclliiiß, theap; option of rnnting; Rood locality. Apply NY. Ipnai 1 , store, Aro-'ll'rot WANTKD to Hell", a good Ri'oon <!«• cm I ; nlmnil new. For nddn-ii, apply K\eiiiuu t'Of.l WANTKD, Dnnm MachiniM": also Wnli>rpioof Mtii'kois Apply chaip, Diew, M'Crorie and Co , l'uh,» Ihtl l'ix(cii'ion WANTKD" to",SHl,"]slflnd \}ny fionliii'< Iho beach ami perfectly lint , a fplondld Met lion himnu a frontage (if 66ft \ 165 ft ; pure £h 1&< per foot Apply Sidoy, Meoch nnd Co.j Mannom>ilreet,

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 1