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r— n— i iiimim m— nniiai i t aamamtmmxm»!am IMPOUTANT I (gPEOIAL SHOW OV KKW SEASON'S TRIMMED MILLINKRY LADIKS' COSTUIIKS LADIES' JACKETS Grand Aesorlmcntt Pricos Cheaper than Evorl O. SMITIF, OASII DRAPER, CUBA-STREET. YOUTH WANTTia ■^KTANTED, smart Youth, to lonrn JT prossinß. Apply Bradford Woollon Company, next Stewart DaiVFon's. PROPERTY" SALESMAN WANTED, smart Mnn with somo oxperionoo, fov oulsido work: small galaiy, good commission} roferonoos. Ad dross Box 4G6. TO TAILOTRI!SS~Xi%REN m i I.KS1 .KS WANTED, ApprontiQos, in nil" depart- , fflent* of plolhing Hinntikotiivo. A . l)pl X J? h| Pil cr ' 1 tll ° WMlimjlon Wcollgii Mfg, 00., Ltd., Clothing I'.uj. Uiry, Jei'valß'quay. ,TO DRAPERS. raTANT-fD, \y first-clasa dressmaker, J V Poflitioii. Apply Madaino do Riouzi, Pa}oa,JTaranaki.^ • siX-UOOMED HOU^E^iaJiTSATTir* WANTED ' to Sell, No. SO, Pirio-streol. six rooms, bathroom, rcullory ; l&nil 33 Xi 103 ; roneonablo prico for caEh. Par'tiotilarg on tho premises, i ' WANTED KNOWN!' fi OLDEN JSAGLE Tobacco, Flalco Out, VT in Iho npw 2oi! tins, i 8i 8 a particularly flagrant, mild, and cool t.moko. 1 ' ""y^TAWfib tcTSofl, pi r ivalfll^n~go*d ' '' Hous'b ,i>f English .Furniture j ovory-, thing in porfoct ■ order j quito control ; ' splendid position for nursing homo I or flvst-olasß /bonvdinghouso ; ownor returning tp England nt onco. Apply at onco lo Sacrifice, Evening Post. XNTEDlo~LotTßooms, oTßwitlenre with bpard— single, double, bodsitling, fntnishod, unfurnished— in pri* vato iainillos, eto, ; all pricoa and localities j personally insprctod, Particu- ] lniM of nil houses in city, which can bo recommended. Why experiment when you dan Wt trustworthy information free al the Hamilton Ejdohnngo, 17, Willis-street. 8.30 to G. 30 j evenings 7 lo 9. Furnished Homos to Let. WSpSj'lb good Pick nnd~Bho7o'l, y/y Men. Appry D. Andrews, Wood mid Coal JMorch ant, IPS, Tory-ttreot, ■VarAN'JpbT 'by '"bokor nnd pastrycook, I yv.n, Position, as Second Hand. Ap\\f ANTED, Houw of 10 or moro rooms", I V? all oonvoniohooa i vicinity of Willis or Cuba- streets } would lako for a tovm. ■^^AIWEDi.UvoTAgVnts, lo raiwißs „^P''o vo'lv o'l Appntutus for ounnff Milk I'ov'er; sand^fil for eamplo and ttnrt in;tp,mnko money. Schwartz ntul S°vJ l l2Ljf I J?HSli*i? 6o1 '' Chj'iatoluirch. WANTED, all to^Bimi GonuriuT'PuT , .nonff* Pttali .lat'jro cupplioa Always available , irdm 'lending doalers, no soot, no* cleaning ranges, ideal coal for stimmor, lmn ?VlV*y^toixedjvll;h othorjjoals. WANTED, ybailtt LmUoT"u> siudy „, „ yijlr hoalth and jjood looks, by drinking .Bnhfa- Ooooa-, , Moro roft'oshinif tlthii Joa, __ W'ASSSS 1 / 1 'I«diM to obtain Dr. . uMWs Paililo Troatmont, tho safest \nnd olmplost remody ngninst oporu-' tions, Apply, Mrs. A. Alpha, 4, Bo»onstreet, en Tuosdnyj, Thuridayf,, nnd Salur. dnys, orDoxMll.- Wellington. Tho do. ninnd inoroaooj cinily. ruponpta T »v idoal s.cotil for mmmor use, small flro burns frooly, will not go out, no soot, snvofl cleaning* ranges ) do not burn it mixed with othqr ooals. "WTANWd Known— Reason why Lino- » » afnish must bo used on floors. Put on wilh A brush it eaves timo, labour, and money bnob a year. Is 6d and 2s Gd; RIOOOM, WVN TED." a Oenoral' Servant. Apply Jl V-Jr 11 < * l i»9i^ 10 '' '^' Mwlßrtt-vo-stroot, \jtT ANTKD'To iiotTT 5-rcwuoT HoiuToT ~~ Apply Dwan Bros.) ownors, Williestreet.^ WANTED, by young in'tm, Slluation;' used to gardening, horsos, and cows: references.) Apply Pledge, caro of M^J^Wl^Jtfmwolu, Lower Ilutl. I VjpTAiSTED, for' tho"~country, a" Girl 1 " of soventocn or olghtonn, for hon?owork} no cookinp;, nnd holp with washin[j j good homo. Apply Box 31, J) cnlheraton. "'VJ^ANTKiTtb 1 SeTO'i'-ro'oinoirßonrd" "" Inghouse, bost part, oily, ovory cunvomonco, nlwnys full; no reasonnblo efferjjofwod. Apply Kvoning l'o^l, W'""* ANTED tollirVlnvnlkfKxronsion Wheeled Oliair, A))ply K. Arnold, 1 Baskot_Warohouw, _Willi*-Hlroet. W" Boy« "and"' Oirlo ~lo~drfnk Bnhia Cooon; it givos good honlth nnd lays tho foundation of n |oml old ngo. WANTED to Lol, two larn;o winny Rooms, with flroplnro, unturnlshoci, with use of all conveniences; nlso, ono lnrgo Furnished Room j would suit Ihvoo young ladios nt business} within nmiuuto's walk ot Oubn-slreot. Addrcsi nt EvciiiiiK Post. WANTED~i^Siiil7lilolor "ciir Cnsos", Xx 6 x 6. Scoll Motor nnd Cyolo Co., Ltd., Lowor Oubn-slrool. WANTED~to"purchnsor"«ootr locality 1 , Iloiiiio of 4 to 10 rooms i or vacaul allotmonls fMitnhlo lor buildiiig. Ap£L y -^i'i?' Box 620, (iity, ' TO r ANTE*D, a'iVashorwomun for~Mon- ™" days lyul Tuesdays, must havo roloroncos. Appiy, botwoon 6 nud 7, lo 79, llobsou-Hroet. \^TANTED,'' n Lad^lTolp""'fo7~iho~ooiui* » " try, miibt bo lMiHicnl, light duties, good homo. 'Addro'iß at Evuninj? Pout. WANTED to~"ScltrD^iUiU'»"T J> rnoiii^", Sotilh Cnntorbiii'y, prcßonl annual lurrtoved £1000, wilh btoady ineronso, nvtisfactory reason* for bollmir, Gcomo Bowkor, Timnrti, W*" "ANTKD to Moll, slnKor'n Trmullo Sowing Mnohino, (food condition, aconnl quick snlo £3 10«. Apply 6, Wool-eonibo-Mroot. WANTEDr oTu'irrio nßsisTw"ith" Hrlu. hoitsowork. Apply to Mrs. llowill, Lower Ounonn-torraoe, Kilbirnio. WANTliDrCook'-(Jonm'al,~A'iTply"M"i'fl] (I. Wilßon, 3, ilawkvr-glrcol. ANTED to sTlfrOovTro"tfVn7i7TlS", ohonii. Aho, parliculavß of pavinir drapery and run. Apply A. B, 0., Post Ofilqn, IMinoi'atoii Noi-lh. WANTED, ft sirinrl Junior" for" TirsU olnsi 011100. Apply Bok 260, (jj.l',o, ANTED, Employmoiil in*"Gro?ory Business by youiiK man, with four years' experionco Addrosi Grocer, l''voning Post. _ WANIMip, by yoiitli, Employ menl, (o lonru olcclrlcal nnd nonorul riiginocring. Apply Box 418, (i.'l'.O. WANTED, by" Bricklayer, Work j "expnrlonocd flll branches; chituneyo, coppers, and grates a specially! jobbing, workmanship ituarftntood. Address KxperUjivoiiinjtJVwt^^ WANTKI), n Binarl junior, for ollico, must Kayo had uoivm previous expei'ienco ; fnlnry to commence }jl. Ai'ply by loiter, lo iianipa, Evoniug I'uilU

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 1