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jT OST, last night, on Lamblon-quay, "lU Groenstono Heart, willi gold lottnr li thereon. Roward. Sb, Tinakori<road, WolUngtoi^ ___J LOST, in Lower Hutt a small Black Dog, with four wliito feet. FincW lease velum to N. Kingdon, Wostorn iutt-rood^Jßev/ttrd. LOST, 'a Blnek Purse, "hohvoon Laii". oaster-streol, Kaiori, und Northland, containing papors, photos and bilvor, nbotit 10i. Apply | ...Eycning Post LOST.^lnst Sunday, botivoon Dixon". street and' Karprl, a Gold Brooch, sot with 1 diamond nnd 2 rapphiros ; pin mJwng. Rmvnrdi Apply Mvoning__Poßl. L" QBT, on 13th instant, betwoon New Plymouth and Foilding, Gold Brooch, made from old-fashioned watch-caso, boarIng IT.JS.A.H. Roward on returnf ing- to Hirtnq, OamaNi. LOST, on Friday morning, l J arcol Point Laoo Needlework, containing ilnishocl and unfinished pioocSj eto. Findor rewardod, Qcmventj HiU-streot. fjTbsT, yostorday, Lncly's Sllvor Watch, 'JJ'olosod face, -initials in back, Roward. Apply Evening i'oct. LOST, on Friany afternoon, botwoon Wlghtan's and Hotol Cocil, or in tram botwoon Government Station and .ttovls-jtreet,.' Gold Bar Brooch, sot with eight ttoues'. Finder rowaVdcd ou roturning to jßvenlng 'Post. < fjt ,OST, last Wodttosday, from 0, Jtltmko* ULU Btonn<Btreet, dark groy Skyo Torrior Pup (bitch) ; no oollilr on. Roward cvt 9, Hnwkeatong-atreet. Any one found detaining »amo after this noticA will bo prosoputed. /,m ...'...j LOST, a lot ot Uanarurf by using half ft boltlo of v Parker's -Hair Tonic, 2s 6d ,» bottlo, by pout 3u. Wm, Parker, Ohemigt, Mnnnpri-Btrecii. l LOST, my vigorousuoss and hoalth completely, What is the ba»t tonio for it'l iA«lc -your chomist for Gudorin. It ■ givpfl^troiigth and power.' LOST, 4 10l of vTbration by" riding 8.8.A. Spring-frame Bioyele. 11. Rosenberg and Co., Cyolo Engineers, 80, Mnnnorg'^treot) ■ oppotlto Turkish Baths. T765T,.-.the inconvenience of dofootivo ■XJ eyesight after having been fitted with SpectKclei nt Lloyd'iti S5, Lambton-quay. 1\ LOST, nil worry 1 and tvoitblo^Blnco , tho , wft6 took to using- Gifford Bros.' puro Ceylon Teas. Tho finost drink and tno moßt"jrofi i oßhing. ' " ' ' fjWUJ^D ftgftin ut last, and bftVo rocov« JO ored my full health in taking a. fow bottle* Gudorin Tonic, I can rocommoud If to- 'tUl^'lt 'Is oay^to' take. _ *KX)UfiD, tint Lloyd, Jow'ellor, Lamb"; -i. ton-quay, has -ongagod a qunliflod Optiglnn from Eiiglaud. t ' , 1 IjtOUND, nmongjC tho wreckage of iho • Ell^gamito, that a lot , of trottblo ihight haye beon tovod by using Gift'ord Bros.* oolpprftted Tend. WILL the' lady who lost, a, Sovereign ■ outside of E. Arnold's shop In Wil-lia-strooti please call at Arnold's. WOULD tho i po«on who rooeivod Whito C'ountorpnno in mistnko pleate return nnd rcceivo own. To Aro Btoam Lftundry. ', Tl'wO^ ooniforlnbios . Rooms, witli uso, of couvonloncoo, wanted by married eouplo v/ltii two children. Apply. f £&d*2Ei£* Post.'. : : ; : TFJbSluraiidTJbdgiag' rdguirod f'fof mar* &J> rfad eouplo with' two children*] no other hoarders preferred. Slato terms to JwfiliSli .^"jng'-Pogt. ,y. *!J3dAlVl) oiid !Ro»iclence--ya.oanoieß for JW, j throo gototloMon, < single' " fttiil ■ datlbio 're.OfflVvatett- l^W '«f<snt'beU>lit«Wgro"<Jlhs 10w_WodorfttB^ 11, lCeftilngton-itrdot. .^pAliiJrnndTliiosidonco fdr\two young J JU',- ladies engaged during 'the day. ,For CiW. Ptttriek'* SporiE^-Podooiriahß goo our K3« Running •Bhooa', Entjlish mmdo,',to' ontuffi > %htm)o« and durability. 'Reynolds'* rp"ADY 7S7 S "hS'IF warned, ,immedi«toly, Jp a., for >young mtirrietl, oouplo j gooii norno l »ulttimo yoMng lady of good adenross, State, gjlary,' roforflncou, oto., Box 14, (3,' P.p.- WqUington. • ' , jifc|pAllt) ahd Residence wanted, in prlULJ vdto family, for lady ; by Boa. Stato .terms, which 'must be 'moderate, to N. 0., /Kvuniiig Poit. A LADY startihg hougokeopinV in tho b,eit part of .Wellington, would bo l jflau to hoar of. four >or five- gentlemen j lovely' view and all'ODlivanionoegj. excellont cook "nnd highly rocommomtod. SuPyigKLAY 6l^...?^ 1 ■-. 'i FIRAI Board, -at" Taita; reoofflmdnddd, 1 modern house, privato English family, lnumoal, good .table, 'bus pastes door; guit.oity gont«. Apply 154, Ouba.»tr'oot, mty S) , ." , "y"OUNG" lady 'tleiires' pltieo as "CoinJL panlpnablo Holp s country, preferred. Addresi Oorapaiuon, To Moomodft, Haltings, Jiawkd* My. . i . > , • ' quiot IO i«kl rtleot. "Almorn," 10, MoMray. «treot, top Bowon^trcot. , CJtJjPERIOR" Boord*ondliMidonjjfri-Qon. k3 Uomen will find all honio comfort* niid ov3»-ything in. fl«t.clni3 order at 3, Ifjll'gtroct. ■ » BOOKS. Balanced 1 and Audited, by pro--fo9«ionnl accountant} terms uibdcr. BAOHKLOR, offow ntnrrlodijoiTpio two oi" three Itooms, kllchon, neullory, ovory convonionoo} nominal ront, -APtiiy Beloot, Pa»t Offlee, K ' lb |''"'g l^__2l BIOYOLK.for Halo, a WainTß^A" Dunlop tyros, froo whool, two power* fill brakes,' etc. 1 To bo goon uflVKlnfe'a Chamber*. _. GET .your Guns roady™ oiTTho soasoih Bkiin, i Export llopnclror, , I'oathoN ilon^troet, roar G.P.O. Kqw stocks a gpeciftlty. ' _________ TAN Ho»iory, Corsot*, Underclothing, and Bnby-Unon just arrived, Mb,I J ackor'i, 5, Jlannorg-stroot. , > L"6OKB""repair'ed, "Koy«~flTtod } pronipU , noas and modoralo chnrgct, Ekins, Oun*milh, Foflthorston-slroot, roitr Q.V.O. HIGH-OLASS Board "and"*lie«idonoo^ "Tho Bungalow," first house Grjiieglreot, Oriental B&y,f Ming Jacobs, Mtinagoross. , _ _ ISRAELTn'EGYPT" Soor«»'at "M.""j! , Klng'«' at It, U 6d, and 2s ; Pianos .Tuned 7g ud. >6, Ingcatro-ttraot. „ i . AtiADY reoohlly nrrivod In tho colony - w on'xious to socurp an appofrttmanl ao Ilotieokoeper or in norao other capacity of trust nud uiofulhosg. Addross Mrs, X., Evening Post. ■Qi'Jßif UALrSM-Mrs. Pr^oTfT*cTa¥. k3 voynnto and Trnnoa Medium (Into ol Melbourne) gives sittings dally. 18, Koti. slngtou-stroot^ (off Aliol Smith-street), T" " HBRITI* -no Ton, iinfoiir if bo""Glfffmi Bros', 1 Osylon Tons at Is 6il nnd 2s por lb, that^httsjjxoollonoo and vahto, rjniiNNlS Plnyor* .inspect our eolobratod X Sla2O|igor'it Rnokots. T)all», Not». mul other matorlal, Roynolds'i> Sporls IJopot, 74, WllllMtreol. _ __U COMFORTABLE Homo Tor *bu»inoi» young TJttTy- j must ho musical; good locality. ,Apply 16, CJlyde-qiiay,^ BOOi^KEKPING'bv Doublo Entry.Competent Bookkeeper hns vacancies for throo Pupils. Addross Journal, Ilbx 466, O.P-O^__ YOUNG" Lady is prepared lo do any kind of Sowing for shop nt own AddroM > Homo, Evening Poslj PlANO^FlrsCclang linglish i'lano for Salo, practically now ; ownor will nccopt roaoouablo cadi offer. Addroii Knglish Piano, Evening Post. "OARTNIiRSIIIP oll'ering for a livo M. businoss mini wilh £200. Reply at tmoo to l'artuor. Bvonlna Poit.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 1