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A statement of tho financial portion in connection with tho Torraoo OonprrcKntional Church, prepared by tho ActingSecretary (Mr. J, Holt), appears in tlio Outlook of 24th Fcbruniy. Tho statement shows Hint up till tho last, fewdays the debt on tho mnnso wns £345, nnd that towards clearing this off and effecting repairs and improvements (estimated to cost « further £120 nt least) Mrs. M. A, Williams contributed £200, and Mis. Joseph Bump £100, the church undertnking to raise tho balance of tho £465 required, Thpro hns already been generous responso from a number of othor members which has «jßulted in tho original amount of the manse debt being cleared off, and it is confidently hoped that tlio whole debt will bo liquidated very soon, although tho original estimnte for icpairs nnd improvements is likely to be exceedod. Mr. nnd Mrs. A, M, Skcntos, of Aucklnnd, arrived hero on Thursday m their 6 h.p. Odi'racq motor car fvom'New Plymouth. They lenvo hero anoin this afternoon for Napier, and intend travelling across to Taupo and Rolnrun, back to Auckland. So fur on their tour they found iho roads m excellent condition, and nothing has happened beyond two punctures. They expect, to reach Auckland in n week or ten days, Tho total distance of the tour whon completed will bo 820 miles, There are now 30 girls in tho Salvation Army's Homo in Wlice-slrcct, and the ollker in charge (Adjutnut Roi) says that if fiiiitnblo accommodation could bo found the number of Inmates of tho Home could easily bo doubled. The house, which is nt present in occupation, hns for Bomo lime been overtaxed, nnd girls have to bo refused admission daily, For somo time nn endeavour hag been tnndo to get a larger houso, but so far without success. It is hoped that when the. Commissioner of tho Army arrives from Australia (in April) something definite will bo dono to meet the growing needs ot this section of tho Army's work, "Adjutant Roi makes nn nppeal to charitably inclined nnd sympathetic citizens, In conversition with a member of our stall' who said i— "The winter is opproarhiiig, and 1 am low thinking about boots and clothing for our girls, If pcnplo would only conw to our help now by sending us boots and clothing suitablo for the whiter soaaon, it would nave our sninll BtniT In tho Homo mich a lot of trouble, and tho help would be greatly appreciated. You'll mention it in tho Post? Tlm,t is »o thoughtful— thank you, so much j I am sure it will prove veiy helpful." The scnffolding is now removed fiom tho now wnrehouso erected in Victoriastreet for Messrs. E. W. Mills and Co., showing a well-designed and striking edifice of six-stoiles thnt overtops fcvery other building in tho long lino of warehouses along tho street. It is to bo used a-s n machinery, metal, nnd hardware Rtore, Further along the street is tho warehouse In process of erection for Messrs, P. Hnymnn and Co., now completed to Its third storey. When finished it, will contain sovon stories, and be 102 feet in height, which is 6ft higher than Mills nnd Co.'s building. Both havo been eroeted from designs drawn by Mr. W. C. Chatflold, who has in recent years designed twolvo of the large Wftrohousos in tho block between Messrs, Bannatyno nnd Co.'s and Messrs. Briscoo nnd Oo.'s. In connection with tho remarkably successful shooting by P.O. Skilton's detachment of tho Wellington Nnvnls referred to in Thursday's issue, we nro informed thnt tho gunlayors of the detachment were P.O. Griffiths and Gunner Flowers—Grif. flths scoied 4 hits nnd Flowers 5 hits. Gunner M'Leod was gun cnptnln— not gun. lnyer. The Secretary of tho Tourist Department (Mr. T. F,. Donne) has received nn interesting communiontion from Mr. O, Mack Jost, a gentleman who is well known in Wellington na a frequent visitor to this colony, Mr. Jost, who nl timo of writing, wns in > Adelaide, slates that ho is "In tlio envious position of being the emissary of tlio Right Hon. Chnfl. Booth, P. 0., who owns Holmnn Hunt* celebrated picture, 'Tho Light of tho World,' " Mr, Jost goes on to sny thnt ho has been commissioned to carry this picture round the Australian and New Zenknd colonies, and to do his best to hnvo it exhibited in the various State gnlleries in tho chief towns nnd cities, free, wid "solely for tho purpose of patrioliflin, nnd also thnt tho Britishers beyond the seas may hnvo an opportunity of seeing whnt is cnllod by the greatest critics in Iho world the "finest I'cligioiiH picture ever painted," Mr. Jost will probnbly nrr'lvo nl Auckland on 15th April, nnd proposes to exhibit iho picture there, and nt Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedln, In regard to the opening of tho new ovftaii at tho Town Hall, it should be understood that tho Town Clerk nclcd under the instruction of the Council in asking Mr, Maußhan Bnrnpll to open tho organ. Mr. Lemare's first ot'Ron iecitat will bo given on 10th May, Taxation upon imports for tho protection of one class of manufacturers often nets harshly upon manufacturers of another clnss, Henco it is thnt local ninnufncturors nro nt times nt vnrinnco concerning tho protection of different industries. A enso In point, snys tho Melbourne Argus, came before the Tariff Commission. Mr, D, Bnlllnpnll, manufacturing ongincor, complained that somo machines used In bootmnking were ndmittod free of duty. The Chairman 1 (Sir John Quick) pointed out that these wero placed on tho freo list nt the request of the bootmakers, who represented thnt the duty wns a tax upon thjeir industry, Witness could not believe that nil bootmakom would n«k for tho machines to be on the free list, though two or three might havo mado tho request. Ho admittod that Ihcro were some machines used in bootmnking which local manufacturers could not nroke. "But," ho said, "we would be able to do so if wo had protection." Tlio election of a member of the Hull River Board yesterday to replace tho Into Mr. W, A. FlUhorbort, resulted in tho return of Mr, Albert Peter*, who polled 142 votaj. Mr. Henry Baldwin, tho only other candidate, received 94 votes. The fine corner block at the junction of Lambton-quny nnd Panamnmtreot, formerly used as olllcw nnd niictlon marl by Messrs. J. B, Harconrt nnd Co., hn* just undergone a wonderful I rn information nt the builder's hands to lit It up for tho reception ol Mndaino (Vnei'n millinery mid ladies' outfitting business, Madame Cone! has conducted business in ViviaiK«lrcet for the past pighl years, and to meet tho demands of her c\pnnding trade has now removed to tho nioro spacious and central premium in question, 'iho ground lloor hns been fitted up fis a show nnd sUcfli-oom, with otlloea nnd privalo reception room, while up. stairs is devnletf | 0 workrooms. Tho new establishment ha« a frontage of 33ft to Lambton-qnay by 45ft to Panamastreet, nnd l» Jtttctf with every nccesfloiy to innko it thoroughly up-to-date, Tho building Is furnished 'with electric light throughout, Including six powerful me lnmpi outside, and mado n. very (Inn display last night with its tastefully arranged stock of ladles' novelties in millinery and Hiiroi-10. Messrs. Trevor and Son weie contract oih fnr tho sliurturnl iillpintlniis to the building, nnd the plans were supplied by Mr. J. ('. Maddisftn. Mr. Beiniin was* architect fnr tho jnloiior nltcrntiono, ami tho con-■jt-lWltor \v« Mjv liojlftud,, i

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 4