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Tfie ihtrf. — '■' » " i. [Br Loouhl.] RACINttiFiXTe.RES. „■ , Fsbruary '28 'and March I— RotoMia Jockoy dub, ";' "' Aiwcfr.-'l, and 2— Wangflnui Autmnn ateetidgv M*rch S— floutli Atickltwvd Haoittg Club Ma« 'i 17 > and - 19-^Ohineiauvi "Jockey dub. _' ' .' ->■ ~.u - M«roh 24— Thames Jockey^ Club. \ • March, 28-iWttlpa, Racing JOlub,J Olub, ; , Mftrch ;'3l and , April., 4-rAvoiidalß Jockey Club,. : }< , > kyt\Y\\ r \(i t and It— Auckland Racing Club, '■","? '"''.!,.■:>; -■" "• April 26 and '28— Wollington Baeliig Club. ' ' ' ' x Jirno 2, 6, and 9— Auckland Itachrg dob. The weight* for tha ( Wanganui 'Cup Ittfft Awakened uMt>Dg»\s sporting men, and Already three leading fay- , ««rit6o have been ' installcd—Savoliry ,(7.12), Parltuttt (8.6), «nd Jfonette (7.11). A local metulllcian. hat Installed Lotherin tint favourite. It is quite true, that letherlu by his defeat o{/tt hlgh-qutvlity though *mall field In - the • Wellington Riioing Club Handicap* proved himself to be 6f more thu'u 6J^laury Merit, and #howed that hid lon^ list of previous Mures were dus to hk having been (as a hack) of necessity meed over distances that were too short for him. Those who have backed Mim /will probably ' get- a. good run for theirr money, but it, may, tie thaPoae mile and 'threfl-quftrter* fl*lil be as much too lpngvfoi' 'nim as, clx,' •oven, And eight fivrlongu were too short./ Paritutu's weight .will pi'obably prove & •tettdier. for^ him, 'but if „. Savoury race* up to his, ManaWAtu Cup. form, he may lave & dbJince. ( A hoiv^e whow handidup weight iivesldm & good 'chance on paper is Multffid (7.12), . 'He .'ra& a 'good rtice when h?tt°tf;'thd< Auckland Derby,. andi the Impost , he i» now; asked. to bear' M 41b Urn thaa he carried to victory la the northern city, Ife may, like mrtny another excellent nferfotmer, in wekhu loMtge rftcefs, -faiX'to^ rtprtfduoe &tw when a«ked to run in handicap; etf«nt« r but failing this' contingency, --Uss should be hwet'to'beat at Waiiganui; • tie ha« given pibof, of hitf cajadty to gallop, «sd on score of breemng^he lit good enough !ov dnythlnji'/ Mandlock («,6), wbo«e recent running- has been*eonsls'tenfc and goid-gettingy Also ■ reads ' well In the weighfts,' though the rfxtnv quar-♦er-mik v*f trouble him whert the wltlp/j are out. Ota .patter NqnetMS. (7.o)i;also. reads well, btit'nio mdeti ■ recent, raeeo dincodfit hi» ohanfle*/ and/the^'me, m'tiy be •aid of M»h'utongtt. -H«rolsb.. (7.0), ' who defeatetr;M' lat*;tho'Gi*borne Bumaier, Meeting, and. *ho won the big racoon eaoh d«vy, j« such an "odd'dayft hoiiS^tßat; bftok[ng.».him is peculiarly MbtJ^ffltoMe;, 111 .^OUItU, 1 X reiweiabar^^lw^ep,^ thdt ■ h«vha» ■ t tin li« best raCM-o^.the Waflgttfiu{.,o6tir»e r and that te ha*/been. ! plac«a in HM,^ sgamd Cup already. * A horss little-ctfh-' •klered by the aporting. .public if Boris 0.1). hia stable tnate, Qhoorka (also 7,), being preferred to him.. Boris, however, has b* 'his niuiiing this ttea*ofl ehown his ability to gallop fur a. mile And one mile and a- quarter, uind there is no-stoety .that the: extra.. distance will atop Mm, ;Bopa (7.6) is another nkelyhandicapped horse. Solution, ' ' Botirrasqoe, Qtemade, and M«r(i«n are oth«rf that Mem to this writer to have a winning chance. To reduce tfao preliminary list tit Bftlf a. dozefl, 1 eeleot ivfultlfld, Landlock, Lctherin/Borio, Heroism, and fiolntion. Ballarae. • Bt, Clalmer, Aohllles, Ktmoor, and Lady Annie seem' a likely §uifltett« to contctfn tho winner of- the lying Race (six furlongs). of L»dy Waltdce, who egtiiblflwedift, .world's, record by, running sine jf^rlohgs <in lmin 60|sco -at' - Mel' bounwlfwt Saturday, ia yet another tei* tiflionjftto the excellence of the old Musket stfjilfl. Lady Wallace, is' by Wallace by Cftfblne by Mwket, ana «n« is one <A mtl&y illustrations of how tU wn of A brilliant sirer begets brilliant Btook f ihoogit himself falling to approaoh tho gTefttrdoedii'jof Ills ttrioeHtdfr To. 'carry. iJw parallel further, it may be recalled that brilliant Carbine was the son of • notoriously unsuccessful sire who war once lived from destructiofi at tho plev of hi* to Mu«ket> 'irate, ducal Apropos of Lady Wallace** fine reeordf *Iti) writer d&irai to. print his protest ' #g»Jfl«t ( th« language in whioh the Sydney Frees Association agent cabled over the result. We were given the statement that the race 1 resolved itself into "a terrific struggle" between Gludaothff «nd lAdy Wallace for the lost two fur~ ' latm. ii he hod said "an exciting and tailing struggle" -there would have born, •otiiißa t& comprafn' about, bat the idea? «f oMttMng that the race vnf, terrlffe to flforfr*. The phrwe reminds me of fhe tout who breathes bad tobacco and fcrm««"<rf yeirterday's beer all over yoti«Be Be Inform* you that '™roped. fc lookfeff terrible well," and that "Held* feck krlowible flt." w „ .- t ± „! . Hft in reported from the Manawatu fhat JAIf Wieafsby ha» the Johnston trio (Ma- »«, Moscow, and' Aorangi) looking in tfood condition, JTAfflen and A«raflß« £ay« been recently, physicked, Te KaimA rtlo-lateafc flcfdltiou to Bhe«nbjr'i itableu, whteh arc- now quite full. ■ - him in once flgaln p at the Hatt, ' She look! well after' her spell, and is likely to be seen nnder silk within the ne««.'six weeks or «o. Complaint in aiade by «ome local own« m that it -is, impossible to secure deslr* able trxyelltog fncilltlfls for racehorse* m the Wellington provincial suctions -of the Milway. It in a««rted that the nte ion. t*% Itopft and Kohunui were not token to Egmont (after being accepted for) wa» that the authorities tafnufa to lake them on the express train, and that . ihe Bowes' trainer thought the long trip «b » sW-running goods-train wottld tire ihem oat. no that they would be unfit %tt do ,themselve« justice in the rft«e«. Some recent betting quotations and tacking- experience* 'in Wellington sag. gttt that some exceptionally. «tre-ng bridles Save be*n given once round th^ course at •onw tip-czmntry -meeting* held in this ■province during the pas* fortnight, The Egfflont and Woodvllle flu<stingfl wero opeclal cases in point ' The death it annotineed from ,New floath Wal«s of Mr. IVtthard Rouie, ' Of Otffltowang, aged 66. Thero are three famlliei of .Rouses around Mudgee; and, bttwetn them the three brothers and their famlliefl possessed reputations as horse, cattle, andt sheep breedew thnfc were farxeaohing, ' The deceased gentleman was intimately conueoted with the Blriganbil stud farm, which' produced many famous Mcem Amongst them was the aptly named Marvel,' probably the most brilliant mile rocef Australasia h«i ever'teen. Reviver, Cerise- and Blue, and Little Beiy tile were other prominent pMormmmm the same' farm. The decease of Mr, Rich. ard Rouse will be widely lamented, for l>s had endeared himielf to'tv widespread eirde by a kiadly natufe and many acts of benevolence. ' ■ ' Noctuiform has been nominated. for the Ascot Gold Cup, an Important race to be run in June next. The distance it two idled arid a half, weight for Age,. That eaAy dot© giv«i sm«n thne Ibt the cX« Kew Xefllaiider to Womo acclimatised In, md pi'nlers who meditate backing otir ■Wllkflt exjjortfttJoa .would perbaj}« do,

well to wait for races later in the season. " Mr, G« p. Donnelly 1 hadrthemlsforfcuiie last week to lose a full slater to Olngo. She was a yearling fllly by Torpedo~ Cdmo, Another Hawkes Boy owner who experienced similar bad luck was Mr. 0. L. Mackersey, who lost a fllly (by Adi vnnc&— Ng/iio) whiehtyns purchased on his behalf at the recent, sale of Te Mahanga yearlings. Both fislaware and Savoury are- likely to start in the Wangun'ui Cup on Mr, Stead's behalf, but Wit Is not likelyto m«k« the northern trip, though she te making satisfactory, progress: towards;, fe<. cowry from the injury? she received t« ( oha' ,of her feet' -while- racing >lri* the 1 Middle Park Stakes at Christchurch lately. 1 . ' The Melbourne Argus' cabltsman kno^n more nbot'tt Wtir than he does about horses. He received a.' cablegram announcing; tha^ Machine Ghtn had rcttcWd Sydney,, '>bli^ when he had done Ills work on lbth« cablegram read as follows i--Sydney, Wcdno«day.~A machine-gun, for the defence forces, arrived by tfie Mnhciio from New Zealand to-day. Nightfall, who has been shipped to Australia by order of her recent purchaser, id understood to be destined for ludfa. >U the, chestnut mare, is really intended • tyr the land of Ind' slur' will prppably, make the populace of, that overpopulated und underfed country wipe its collective eye when' she ''gets going" at the,, business end»of'.A:two-inile race.. 'The tottilfsntor is -popular "In South Africa; and especially so at Johannesburg,, Ifc will bo mjiny' years before a New Zealand club "achieved the record But up at the Jo'burg on Christmas and few Year Meeting, when in threo days * total of £89,00(f;,WR8hpttt through' the machines. Complaint Ms made" .that failure to handle t £100,000 was > caused* through lack of sufficient machines to put through oil the money offering. l( C«, Pritohard'litts'iioVlnfhls stable fa thrde-yas^'didjColt by Mausef— Foreshore,' which was recently purchased bjrMr.'J.' Bttdotitch for 200 guineas. ' ; a No doubt influenced' trf some extent by -P.- D, Jones's good fortune fa seouHns'tin English engagement, L. H. Hewitt is now casting his .eyes in the same dlreo tion, writes "Frits" in the Otagd Witnqsi.; If ifc were ''not 'for the fact that* ,be w retained by Mr. Stead, I. fancy he would already Betaking 1 preparations fk his. ; departure;/, i He- Is, however, .1 t'ldd down for a month or two yet. In tho mettntiiho ho will have a, chance of completing his arrangements for shifting his .quarters, if he- is still anxious for the change. That Hewitt would hold' his awn among the best horsemen In England I feel quite confident, '• In America' tending -Jockeys get even more/ employment than in England, and last year Nicol headed the list of successful riders^ with 221, wins. 143 seconds, and 136 thirds oat of ,'Bs7' mounts, ;. Ws' Knapp, homier, g&fg an exchange;, wW in the saddle ,of tenor than Nicol, being 1 up 1021 times, scoring- 186 wins, "158 seconds, and 139 thirds, Radtke was third, with 177 wing, 129 second*;' arid 97 thirds out of 693 mounts, 'The .Inskmehtfoned jockey is only * midget, and made his first appearance about eighteen months ago, so that he has 1 made rapid strides, towafds' the front. Although only a' ■youngster, he is a bit of a bounce," aqd' at a meeting a few weeks ago was Hned ,* couple of times, and finally suspended for, his language ,to,the' other Jookeys it, the stattlng-post. ' , > -■' L « " Attlroyp* ot the Sydney Mall, writJs lit strong tarns of catidmnatitm repeating -the handicapping of Airloch and Maniopoto in the ' Newmarket Handicap. What remedy have ,the^ owners ; of Air* loch and Maniapoto against the V.R.C, harldieai>pert he ■ asks; ' None, except Bcratcfri' The* good^money; they paid is gone, and their horses "boomed" in the, estimation of other handi'cappers. If Gladsome, Maniapoto, Airloch, and Maohfrie Gun met in a six-furona race at, there woufd be no trouble to find' a favourite, providing the condition was nil right. Gladsome, would occupy thrtt position, and at very, short odds 'td, 'for only Machine \GunL"woold be backedagainst her. The other two wduld be en* Alrely "without", friends, arid with fgood. rwjson, too/ for they wduld have no pos-, sib« chance— outside «n <flccident-««of beating >the. mare/y et the handicapper. who* sßotild know that Gladsome is the hstb animal of the quartette named, has plao'e'd her on ' almost/ level terms, with Airiooh'and Maniapoto, and put Machine Gun 201b above her, Wha Nsw Zealand bred horse MensehiIron has arrived at Citulfleld, and ' is an inin\to of West's stable. Recently his teeth received Home attention ' front /Veterinary Surge6H,A O, Wood, Tho new' owner of .Menaca ik&ff is Mr 1 . Harvey Patterson. A', writer in the Otago Witness remarks that Vladimir's defeat in the Wellington Cop meant -more than' the loss of lustfo from tin raputflll6ft as a. racehorse. as his race at Trentham started an old trouble in one oi his forelegs, with the, result that Suttledge h&« not baen able to gallop him since Tuesday last. ' Vkdf. mir, who was in particularly fine , order nt the time of his going amiss, has since bsen treated to, swimming exercises, and that, may enable him to Kb to the post for the Cup. in which he, would hav.e' beejs very difficult to beat' had he, kept sound. The same writer states that the' well-known hurdler Scottish Minstrel has. abqut as dicky looking a pair of forelegs as one could find in a day's 1 march/and what materially helps to Keep him going is that when at home he' is walked along a- watercourse after ho does his work. . Landlock, who has not been seen out tinder silk since he, captured tho Grandstand Handicap at Ellerstie on the 2nd ult., is carrying himself In capital style,, and judging from his condition the prediction can (writes "Phaeton" In the New Zealand Herald) be safely offered that he is likely to run well whenever his owner calls on him. Landlook has ft right to be included amonjgst the cound* cat hones in training at Ellerslie. ; /

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 14

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SPORT AND PASTIME. Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 14

SPORT AND PASTIME. Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 14