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GOOD EVENING! CAST g-~-^~~-ui l_____. m r,,,,xT-. , -Vailß I The "GILRUTH" Calf Food \SJE should hko to meet you personally gf iP&JnB 3] »» nntl tell you all about tho merits \ __. H! Contains 20 per cent Fat, of the IfRIMLEY TOMATO KETGHUI? BIiBBMEI S And is the ONLY Perfect Substitute and ox^lnin to you how this ckhily dd- ieiHilWaß y for whole milk, junot of tap table is made — why and how tsm at 4m fUV ' I for£ ffors S? M Ats BACK The "GILRUTH" Horse Food Jl" ET ffi»r TtL f °L '«F; 5t i^ lls yox l t0 your childhood> s days. What was the 3 A Stimulating and Nourishing Food 2S !STof"«s?ihi 0 tfSJEBt S WSS.* I Sfflf jr t K W Exao * ly for horses of all ages - cent tho Ul TOMATO flavour, nncf you X.^ raedicmo that holds premier 1 riIDIITU " DA..b...D A ..b... will bogin to realise that Breakfw?s, plaCe 1 The GILRUTn POUltry Lunches, and Dinners wore to be contom- fffiifN»lt»iiiß«*%mii*.i«.i— . B n J« plitfid with Edtlsfactibn, provided always HJ@3|raSog^SO B bSS« 1 fjOllUiniGnt, KETCHUP was liandy. Now, just go to (Carrageen) i A Great Egg Producer and Health your grocer and buy a bottle, and if ho ■Em n 4*» n n mm .«*.>_. ~~. B) Maintained ddoi not stock it, worry him until he 119% HFBtt&fii HBlRQfi N does; if ho i 3 obstinato and says ho has HUBBUBS iW\P^9<sS>m ffl Manufactured by some other brand ij list as good, dron us n. • ■, •. n -«-«•»- a on. r nnn *>n. a lino and wo will interview him; Xn"t " mcd in public favour by i THE A. & P. FOOD CO. give up until ho prooures it for you, and stei " lln g worth, and keeps it by the samo I n , rlr . then writo to tho FRIMLEY CANNING unchanged efficiency. You cannot gain- I omici: FACTORY nt. HASTINGS, H. 8., and let *y evidence. All Storekeepers keep 1 7 FeathorStOn Street, WellillCtOn. us know what you think about it. BonNington's, but look oarefully for the 9 ■"«"'*"*»«"•""«"» "cimiawii. GEB.AND COJIPANY, JL/TR. GEORGE (JOE) INNISS, OUR WATOHWORIT^PROGRESSr 3^ 8 ' ,T, w #'nNiaSo r AD W^tttefSilv.fc^atd POTn MTOAT Lrl PFRTreTPA^o < Late H ' B. Kennerley and H. InnißS md more nUifaction. Oui' good 8 have the T of h ,^ v? f «l° ATES - Son) - slam P Q ltalit y hnd Reliability. Wo nr3 fllv fnvitii " V Showrooms w . .. ~ T won't sell An? other kind. Our prlbet tho cordially invited Wedding and Funeral Carriages a Specialty lowest in Wellington. We (?ivo Discount 5^ ... n , Tickets ROBERTS AND SIMS, Ironq^^Toi^mtf TRBm An <Mm s^JSs. Attention - rTT,ni> Ouba - Btreet (4 years witb T - I a P@nny unless Cured 1 ! I From the Boston Herbal and Electric Institute, 1 William and Wluirray Sts. f Perth, W.A. ; Lindsay 1 Chambers, Egan Street, ICalgoorlie ; I 231 a, COLOMiO STSEET, CHRISTCHURGH, M.I. i Begf to inform all Whom it may concern that they have opened a PEK-MAITENT ESTABI tISEH^BITT IW WEW ZfiAfcAMlD, and the Principal can now lie seen personally at our H Rooms— I And will be ploasea to give all particulars and ADVICE FREE to bona fide sufferers 5 concerning our new and special treatment, which has been so successful in curing | THGUSAWDS OP YOUNG, BIIj&DLE-AGED, a>id OLD MEN from CHS.OITIC KERVOUS- | NESS,. BLOOD and SEIH DISEASES, LOS Sof MEMORY, LOW SPIRITS, LOSS of VIGOUR g 2SUSCULAR WEAKNESSES, SIEHTAL aud BODILY PROSTRATION, AFFECTIONS I OF KXDITSTS and BLADDER, ALOPECIA or LOSS OF HAIR, aud other complaints. 6 Slen whose eyes are dulled, whose brains are muddled and waary, whose nervous energy ffl is exhausted from dissipation, overwork, or disobedience, to Nature's laws, who hava lost a the sprightly enjoyment of life, who have sleepless night^i dull, gloomy, despondent days, I . who havo lost courage, ambition, aud the grit which is so evident in perfect manhood ; men M whp have BLOOD aud SEEM" TROUBLES, and other complaints. If you. have failed to I derive any benefit from other treatments, and have wasted ' both time and moaey,* we I offer you a COMPLETE and PERMANENT CURE, which will NOT COST YOU A PEHTWY a UNLESS CURED. If you suffer do not put this aside, and say I will sac to it later on, 1 but at once take advantage of our PHINCtPAL'S SPECIAL VISIT to WELLINGTON. m and have a personal interview. Our Roams are opoii BfiONDAT, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, I FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, front 10 to 1 p.m., 2 to 5 p.m<, nnd 7 to 9 p.m.; M WEDNESDAY* 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; SUNDAY by special appointment oaly. g If you ara living too far away to visit, writo at ondo, in strict confidence, giving ftvU particulars of your I /trouble, and you will receive a plain and distinct statement of what we otwi do for ybu. | We never supply our Eosncdies for Cases they cannot Cnre. We have niado so tJiorouffli aucl oomplete a | study of Diseases and troubles of Men, that failure in almdst impofaalble. TTe do not claim to perform miracleß, I hut Whtvt wt tlo claim is that our Bemeiifea Cure tho BGosfc Obstinate Oases whe* all other means fail. THE STRICTEST CONFIDENCE MAY BE RELIED UPON. 3 We have Koferoztces from every dlstriot in the Ctaldiiies. 9 Heatl thb following- Tostimonialß— they are selected from linndroda received. Almost every post brinirs B uS freßh evidento of dlv- success ; but, remember* uudet no circtimstbnSeß flo wp malto use of letsdra uuloas B wo have aiatinot permission to do co, • | Qtdok IniproTemcat of Dobllity ana Blood Poison daue. Wo diroot special attention to the fillowing' EemarkaWe I , Wmlikgto*. 6tatomontsB Gentlemen,— l feel it my duty, for the benefit of tlidse Suffering as I __ ANTHONY BARRY, Castle Inn, Hand- - 1 I did, to say that your treatment is surely a blessing to me. I was a .jC^fV Icy Street, Adelaide, writes :—" I will be I 8. total Wreck, suflcriug untold a K onv, and weighii.g about <Mlbs.,A\ lien AB glart if you will publish Hie following for the '! I began taking -j-our treatment, which 1 haM! taken about six weeks, W—. . Xi benefit of snfterers. For thb last five years I and I feel like a riew man. Able to work e»ery day, and weigh about »'»«?'" have! been in the West, llavnift Worked from iiqlbp. I feel certaih that if 1 continue your treatment a short time, R V | '• akc IJa»ey to the ilorteshoe llend in 1 shall be a soltnd, well man. The gentlemen that have treated my V?, ifcrfLJ flliirchlfon. Nearly the whole Of the time 1 caie previous, to you are surprised when they meet me, and at,!:, who HitiHWV ' lla * c been a sllfr<!fcr<;r from debility, having lis treating me now? I have tried electric belts, made trips to Sydnsv MiWilfSSk terrible dreams, loss of eittrfey, always mopnhd Melbotirnt, have consulted several specialists, but all in vain 3L ing alone, afraul to Join in any cohversation, uhtll ndw. 1 ha\e been four years seeking my health, and 1 think I " 6ll>es '" Jl " c enr ' i> and 0[ > her B J" n P'o«is too can safely say lam at last successful. You are at liberty to plibll&h Tl YV^Ss*!? rvtS t' umer<J " s io n>crttlon ; in fact, was ft milsthis if dcsired,.in hopes that It Will lead other sufferers to yo'i. "B \\SCSfeXS4 to m>self nml Inates. Irlcd many v - < i in ii -n r tnuMiuAiini' » W^^i^ hilv«rllse(l feinedies without obtaining any Yours truly (Signed) I>. C. UARNAHARDT. W/V^. rcl | pf ; On niy . «./y ta N<!W ftulnea" .ihll P.S.— Of course I shall finish the medicine I ha>c now in hand. liearlhg of so tnaliy from the West oil their ( ' way to other Cdlonies, breaking thiir journey lit Aiitlaide, to obtain' 1 ■ v llf ' jour treatment, I decided to do tliej same I atn glad to srfy 1 now •»„... «w \a e-t. **. **■ ii i «. itr -.11. ftel fit to ctmtlhuc my jourhey wiihnut fcan nnd am sure 1 have 6hty BoniarkaWe Statement from a Y7Cll-]m6wn BTorthttm to take your remedies a little longer to Obtain a thorough cure. lam Eesiclont. i well known in all parts of the West) and write this that my mates Nortiiam. anil otherg riiay khi\v where they can bbtaln a certain cure." UentlerhSn,'— Whin I placed myself under your treatment some - • ■ i . time ago, I did so with little hope of you curing me. Rly case, as you -, . „ „ * ti«-u<h* know, was a bad form of Debility; my mental and physical powers Eemarkable Cliro of DeDility. teemed to Have ihtirily left me, and, being at an age when a man MR. J. W. AITCIIISON, 23 North Street, g should be at his best, my condition naturally caused me no little Adelaide, writes:— "Gentlemen,— l Wish to /«^^V*-«^ j anxiety, 1 had wasted time and money in the so-called cures, all to aJd my testimony to yo'ir e-ctraordmary aild yi*22L[SiiVvsL j rto purpose. This seemed to udd lo my troubles, and, as a last re- most marvellous treatment of one of the ffgW* 1*"1 *" ; I source, I visited you. The first week I felt considerably improved, worst cases Of debility, such as. mine was. »• _]M E and as I went on I felt myself btcoming stronger in every way, c\cry- Since taking your Remedies I can --ay j) >V, j|p '.» IS thing BC"med i brighter— in fact, the change In Iny condition wa-s little lam a btrbiiK Wall oilce niorc, and the dis- ft',"«?; SB £ short of in<mdlous. It is, therefore, not only but of feeling* of trrali- treeing symptoms from which 1 was, tuner- \ V^v~«« 7&\ a tnde to jou that I make this htatcmeut, but aNo to point out to those ing haieall disappeared in ariiost miraculous n. o. %. ty J who arc suffering as I did where a complete and permanent cure may manner. 1 had' J prcvioilsly been under the \(' < $$5i k . y 5 be obtained. 1 shall always recommend the treatment n£ your Insti- care of fuc different nractitioncrb for the V **?'**■ j' J tutcto those I rtieK whom 1 know to be in need of it. 1 cahnot ex- past four years, purchased three dldorent I\. ' | press a^ 1 sliduld like to my indcbtedncsn !o)Ou ( • )>aUdiilc or electriu belts without deriving if\ — "jg? 3L 5 1 thank you, gcntlen en, for ) our kind and skilful attcntioil to my any benefit wlmtsocur. I had clvcn up all <ffl\ V & /ffflN | ca«C, ahd Wish you e\cry iuccets, in the future.— l am, jours grati- hope of eVer being luyself again, when I was raft yffifl»/l ""M I full)'. ANGUS McGILUVUAY. recommended to Dee you. in .two week).' ( '*V f ' I "™^'/' j ' time I began to feel Improvement, nnd your M • l ~^"— ■-—--"—--———-———--—-•— —-"-——-—■———— Remedies did more for me than the whole tour year.-.' treatment wilh H iv nircr i.-v r^^tMot nn-,,1 u«« others. I teel as If I cart never thalikyou cihiurli, and 1 Should like i Jlxfrte*. »L B S •'< TlSd^ ivL nfa 1 hn « r S "? ereM to kA6w wllAt Vollr I"*' 21 RcmedleL have done lor me. IS j^PJ^ft. Adelaide, writes :— I had eivcn up all hopes Make whatever use you like of this. |(H dr^^^^Wk of c»cr being in good health. I viSltsd you _____^ J __, bH ff some four months ago I was only just ablo ' " ' — — ■ i ' ' a I ««. la to walk to your rooms with the aid of my Mn. J. H. WEHR) Farmef, Wiutleys, S.A,, I E I f brother. Mr limbs were swollen fd twice wnlcs s-" I camlot refrain froiii adding my B \ | tliclf natural size, find the flutes on my /^Pk test imohial lo yollr numerous list. Injilstice ra 1 a- *V i / legs almost made ll Inipossißlc to tra\U OS^^^"^^. to sclt/flcc, liuhiaHlly, and j ourselves, 1 Must ffl V sBf&B? I alo>1 B- You then told me 1 won dbe able lo W Ht say your remedies for sorrowful afflictions is ! A \(/jßs£f!k I I go to work ill a fortnlgllt, but I had 80 matiy If <t£s>W p.lst all belief. I'or seven > cars I have been §1 X j« similar prolnlses that neither myself or bro- » V^ 11 U " stifTerer, and four months ago 1 went from S J^^s-siP *^BL ther could believe it. However, you 6oon frA ,r-^ v bad to worse; In fact, lust all hope of e\'cr « <ffik I HBfc convinced u» that we wore wrong, as ih a W J /S^l\ I Wing well again. When I visited you lat M THTv I _^SjHlff fortnight from the time I first saw you I Wa4 H flC'srM V once comilienced a course of treatment en1 T|\nf<ir/ lw shearing at Napenle, ahd finished up thb ty / lirely new to iny«dlf, nnd from the first I was yj A\ / Feasdii sit Uilcivwcll I'aik, feeling as well as /^— |gs?k able to attend t(i nly occupatioli as farmer. 1 SB I did before my trouble began. I m.ike tills jA\ Wft. am happy to state thnt lam now Welt and Ekj statement entirely voluntanly. 1 know of no ' c^S \_J jKgfe better than I have been for years, but shall Bj other way of expressing my gratitude hut through the I'ress, and TOftl '/5kVfW tflkc the Remedies for some time to do aWny fjf there may be some rtthcrs silff'rlng as I was wl o are ignorant how to «^/t /v/ v W |tli all risk I shall always remain Indebted a obtain a curcof a disease which is frequently classed incurable „ (0( 0 y OU ( or m y wonderful cure." All New Zealand Correspondence must be addressed— lExeSia&ge Buildings, LAMBTOH QUAY, WELLIttftTOV. or 231 a COLOMBO STREET, CHUISTCMURCH, H.Z. RfIETALLSC STEEL CEILINGS AMD WALLS, ARTISTIC AND SERVICEABLE. EASILY APPLIED MOST MODBIIATE IN COST. FIREPROOF, Sanitary, and Wonderfully Durable. s COUNTLESS DBSfG-WS TO SELECT PROM. WftITJS FOB OATALOOUKS AND PRICES I'O WELLINGTON, DUNEDIN, AND CERISTCHURCH.

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Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 61, 9 September 1905, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 61, 9 September 1905, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 61, 9 September 1905, Page 15