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< FORTNIGHTLY MEETING. The foitnightly meeting of the Wellington City Council was held' last evening. Piesent — His V/orship tho Mayor (the Hon. T. W. Hislop) and Councillors Godber, Murdoch, Morrah, M'Laren, Hindmarsh, Bisa, Trevor, Cohen, Winder, Ballinger, and Gibbs. Apologies were received for tho absence of Councillors Izard, Carmichael. and Fro&t. LEASEHOLD CONVERSIONS. The Legislation and Leaseholds Committee recommended, that Messrs. Wright and Carman be granted a new lease of their section, No. 106, Lambton Reclaimed Land, at an increased rental of 100 per cent., new building to he erected within five yeara from dale. Councillor Godbsr (Chairman of the commjttee) stated that the building Avas valued a year ago by the City Valuer at £200. 'The piesent rental was £30 a year, and the now rental would be £60. The building would be worth .nothing in ten years, and, as against that, the Council would get over £300 increased rent capitalised. Councillor Hindmarsh objected to the building term, and moved an amendment reducing it to two years. Councillpr Godber was understood to. state that the rebuilding was affected by a sublease. Councillor Morrah said the land was worth £4000, and to let it at a rental of £60 was giving the city's property away. Councillor Godber : We get £300 for giving permanence of leaso, and in ten years there will bo revaluation. Councillor Biss considered that the value of the building at the end of the balance of term of lease {nine years) would not be worth more than £100. As against that £100 falling in to the Council in nine years, theie was the 100 per cent, increase in rent. The Mayor reprretted the principle of the leaso conversions was that a, bad tenant with bad buildings got his new lease at less rental than a good tenant with good buildings. There should have been a rent specified in each case, according to its' circumstances. On Councillor Murdoch's motion, the matter was adjourned. CITY RESERVES. _ j The Baths and City Reserves Committee recommended — Thit tho application of Messrg. - Staples and Co. for w renewal of their lease of water from the Grantroad spring bs not acceded to. and that the City Engineer bo insliucted to carry out any necessary lepairs required at the spring. That the Cily Solicitor be instructed to prosecute persons responsible j for the painting of advertisements on roads and fences at reserves. Adopted. BYLAWS AND STREET BLINDS. The Bylaws, Fire Brigade, and Lighting Committee recommended — That the plumbing regulations of the city be extended to include the Melrose Ward. That tho Melrose bylaws be included in tho proposed consolidation of the city bylaws. That pvra blinds be allowed in the city provided they do not hang nearer than 7ft to the footpath and that ~no adver(jsemenfs be allowed, all blinds to be to the approval of the Corporation 4 officers. The Mayor was satisfied that the last recommendation should not bo allowed ; it was entirely unhealthy. He moved as an amendment that it be struck out. Councillor M'Ltren seconded. Tho blinds, through flapping, 1 were dangerous. Councillor Murdoch defended the blinds. Without them . shopkeepers could not show delicate goods in their windows. The Mayor was of opinion it was not competent for The Council to pass such a resolution. He considered it against the bylaws, and ruled the recommendation out of order. The Council could, if it wished, reverse his ruling afterwards. The report was adopted, lera the recommendation overruled. FINANCE REPORT. The Finance- Committee recommended — 1. That the Star Boating Club be granted a rebate of _2 8s in their water account for the months of February, March, and April. 2. That the Government be informed that the Corporation will be willing to remote tho main at Korokoro stream on condition that they pay half tho cost thereof. 3. Thab accounts amounting to £17,744 18s 8d be passed for payment. The report -was adopted. PUBLIC WORKS. The Public Works Committee recommended: — That the offer of Me^sis. J. Odlin and Company, Limited, lo contribute the sum of £25 towards culvei'ting tho watercourse in front of their property at Island Bay bo accepted. That tho main road at Eeiburne from the power-house to tho boundary of tho borough be formed to the full width of 66ft, on the conditions set out in the letter from the Upland Estate Company, dated the 2nd August, 1905, the work to be carried out by contract to tho satisfaction of the City Engineer, the company contributing half t]ie cost of same. That the report of the City Engineer dealing with the -width of tires byla>v he referred to the Bylaws Com- | mittee for a report. That a breastwork be placed along the front of Mr. Wise's property, Coromandel-street, at an. estimated cost of £10, conditionally upon Mr. Wise paying half tho cost thereof. That the drainage area from Glasgowstreet to Moxhairi-avenue, Kolburne, be protected by fixing posts at the entrance to prevent cattle straying thereon. That the report of the City Solicitor with reference to fixing charges for tho carriage of luggage on tromcara be referred lo the Tramways Committee for consideration. That Aro-streefc and Vivian-streeb be. re-numbered as recommended by the Chief Sanitary Inspector. That the Horowhenua County Council be informed that the Council is unable to take any action with refefenco to their suggestion that a deputation should wait upon the Government to protest against the present system of contributing to the Hospital and Charitable Aid rate. That consideration of the proposal of the Public Health Department to call npon owneis of property at Brooklyn to construct "soak pits" at their properties he postponed until the question of the extension of tho drainage system is dealt wilh. The report was adopted. TENDERS. The tender of J. Mnrphy was accepted for the purchase of scrap cast iron, his quotation being £2 17s fid per ton. Other tenders were S. Luke and Co. £2 12s, and W. -Hildreth and Son £2 15s. STAFF MATTERS. The fallowing recommendations were submitted by the Statf Committee : — 1. That the application of the Corporation labourers to be, allowed to coase work al 12 o'clock on Sutuidays be granted. 2. That a leplv be forwarded to the Farriers ant} Blacksmiths' Union in tcrnns of tho City Engineer's report. 3. That the Mayor ba empowered io meet the Secretary of the Engine Drivers' Union with a view to obtaining t]ie exemption of tho Corporation from the t«nns of the award j and thut, failing n satisfactory arrangement being come to, some person bo employed to represent the Corporation at Iho silting of tho Court. The Mayor, in moving tho adoption of the report, explained with reference to cl-iu.xd 2 that the Council had been aukod to di»mi«i a man becanra lie was not aqualified blacksmith. The report of tho Engineer w«s that tho man was qualified to do 'the woik he -was doing, und I hut- thero was neither a breach of the agreement nor award being committed. The motion was seconded by Councillor 1 M'Laien, and carried*

ARTISTIC SIDE OP TELEGRAPH POSTS. Councillor Biss asked if the Council has power to prevent the disfigurement of the city "through the erection of huge wooden telegraph poles, such, as have just Ueen erected at the corner of Hunter and Featheistoii streets and opposite to Martin's Fountain, the tidiness of which ia aggravated llnough the posts being erected at un angle of nearly 4odcg., and, if in the event of the Council not having power to stop the erection of such clumsy posts,' the Council will be given an oppoitunity of considering the question of defraying the difference in cost (if any) between these wooden poles and ornamental iron posts? The Mayor in leply said the Commissioner had power to prevent tho alleged disfigurement, and said if it was the wish of the Council to ask the Government or tho Commissioner, it could easily be aono by a. motion. This course was subsequently adopted on the motion of Councillor Biss. GOLF. THE NAPIERi TOURNAMENT. [by telegraph. — rncss association.] ' NAPIER, 24th August This afternoon a stroke handicap match was played. Tile following arc the handicaps and net scores : — Miss De Monekton (Waiiarapa), handicap 18, net 96; Mis-s Brandon (Wellington), 18—96; Miss E. C. Pierce (Auckland), 9—97 ; MissF. Bidwill (Wairarapa), 16—98; Miss L. Brandon (Wellington), 14—99 ; Miss, Buckland (Auckland), 12—100; Miss Fannjn 18—100; Mrs. Saundeis (Featherston), 7—100; Mrs. Tweed (Wairarapa), 18—101 ; MissTorrance (Auckland), 18—102; Mrs. Bloomfield (Auckland), 9— 102; Miss Scott (Dunedin), 3—102; Miss Jackson (Wanganui), 10—102; Mrs. Bidwill (Wairarapa), scr — 103 ; Miss Harcourt (Wellington), 12—104 ; Miss Stevenson (Now Plymouth), 2—104; Mrs. Collins (Wellington), 3—104; Mrs. Hewlings (Napier), 7—104;7 — 104; Miss Qorrio (Auckland), 9—104 ; Miss Sweet (Gisborne), 9—104 ; Miss M. L. Cotter (Auckland), 16—104: Miss Lewis (Auckland), scr— lo7 ; Miss James (Wellington), 3-107; Miss N. Rutledge (Gisboine), 9— 107; Miss Beatson (Hastings), 6—107 ; Miss Symcs (Christchuch), 15—107; Miss C. Williams (Hastings), 17—108; Mrs. K. Tureha (Napier), 8—108;8 — 108; Miss Campbell (Christchurch), 3—109; Miss L. Fitzroy (Hastings), 17—110; Miss Gould (North Otago), 8—110; Miss Balfour (Napier), 13—110 ; Miss Hammy (Wairarapa), 10— 111; Miss Bennett "(Napier), 16—112; Miss M J. Piereo (Auckland), 18—113 ; Miss W. L. Cotter (Auckland), 16—114 ; Miss Harley (Clnistchurch), 15 — 115; Miss Rutledge (Gisborne), 7—115; Mrs. A. A. Kennedy (Napier), 18—117 ; Mrs. Johnston (Hutt), 1—118; Mles Wilspn (Christchurch), 7—119; Miss Rhodes (Wairarapa), 15—120; Mis. C. H. Cato (Napier), 13—121; Miss Earle (Wanganui) 18—121 ; Miss, Cooper (Wellington), 18—121 ; Miss Hindmorsh (Napi«r), 18— 124; Miss Brattliiraite (Hastings), 13 — 129; Mrs. H. A. King (Gisborne), 13— 130; Miss Bunny (Wairarapa), 18—150; Mrs. Elsar (Wellington), 15—131; Miss Wood (Napier), 18—134. In connection with tho above match was an inter-club contest, the positions at tho finish being as follows : — Auckland No. 1 (Miss Lewis, Mrs. Bloomfield, Miss E. Pierce, Miss Gorrie), 437; Wellington (Miss Harcourt, Miss James, Mrs. Collins, Miss, L. Brandon), 445; Wairarapa (Mrs. Bidwill, Mrs. Tweed, Miss Hannay, Miss De Monekton), 456; Auckland No. 2 (Miss W. L. Cotter, Miss M. L. Cotter, Miss Buckland, Miss Torrance), 482; Napier No. 1 (Miss Hewlings, Miss Balfour, Mrs. O. H. Cato, Mrs. K. Tnroha), j 484; Gisbome (Miss Rutledac, Miss N Ruiledse, Miss Sweet, Mrs. H. A. King), 487; Chi istcnurch , (Miss .Wilson, Miss Campbell, Miss Symei, Miss Harley), 490 ; Hastings (Miss Beatnon, Miss C. Williams. Miss K. Bra;thwaite, Miss FitzRoy), 507 ; Napier No. 2 (Miss Hindmarsh, Miss Fannin, Mrs. Kennedy, Miss Bennett), 525. CATHOLIC YOUNG MW.S GLU3. ANNUAL BANQUET. The annual banquet of tho Catholic Young Men's Club was Jield in its clubrooms, Boulcott-stieot, last evening. His Grace Archbishop Redwood presided, and wa<3 supported by tho Very Rev. Father Le^is, Rev. Father Kimbell, and Mr. M. Kennedy, After the excellent repast, supervised by Mr. G- Mawson, the largo body of members present were the auditors to some interesting after-dinner speeches. In proposing the health of the "Popo and King," His Grace said it was customary to formally propose this toast, but in the two great heads at the present time he recognised a need fpr some eulogy. Passing from the King to tho Pope he (His Grace) gave a brief sketch of Popo Pius in his' household, as peisonally seen by His Graco in Europe recently. His Grace said that he seemed to como down from his exalted position, he was so affable, in fact so much so that one felt embarrassed in his presence. He was kindness itself, and as an example Hjs instanced tho signing of twenty petitions to the Maoris with a scparato test in Latin in each case. In responding to. the toast of "Our Patron," proposed by Mr. A. H. Casey, His Grace, in remarking about the Catholic Clubs, said it must not be thought tho Catholics of Now Zealand wero behind the sister States of Australia in matters appertaining to the Church. Whereas in Australia they, have handsome edifices erected to the glory of God, it must bo bonus in mind that they (Catholics) are 1 to 3 of the population, wheroas in New Zealand they live only 1 to 7. -Australia had the Catholic population; it had 'the wealth und the surroundings. His Graco said that on careful analysis it would be found, on the basis of population, that New Zealand had done more than her cousiu across tho sea. > Mr. E. J. Lcydon proposed the health of tha "VicerPresidents." Very Rev. Father Lewis and Mr. M. Kennedy suitably replied. In proposing the toast of (he evening, "The Catholic Young Mini's Club,' 1 Mr. M. Kcnnedj (Jwelt on tho necessity for such an organisation. He was glad to cub it had federated with ihe other Catholic Clubs in the colony, and, as union ;s; s strength, he was s.nre it would disabuse the iuinds of those who wero prejudicially or iguorantly-diaposed in matter's of religion. Ho recognised the want of proper Catholic clubrooms, and ho said that the time was not far distant when tho inumbaiship \iould exceed tho accommodation of the piesent building. Hu recognised that in tho metropolitan city of tho colony it should have a, tlubroom befitting it. After cai«ful corsidoralion of the matter, nnd recognising the necsfesity, he decided to give £500 towaids the building. (This announcement was greeted with loud cheers). Tho loatl ot the Club was responded to by Mr. J. M'Gowan (Hon. Secietary). A number of other toasts wero honoured. The gathering, which was a pleasant and enjoyable oiu, was inlorapevFed with musical Kemp, t(ic following contributing : tiongs, Mews. D. Twnhill, C. S. Cluonutt, T. F. Lcihy, T. Lawless, P. J. M'Govcin, J. Flonaglun, und an oration by Mr. H, M'lyeown-

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Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 48, 25 August 1905, Page 2

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CITY COUNCIL. Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 48, 25 August 1905, Page 2

CITY COUNCIL. Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 48, 25 August 1905, Page 2