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MEN'S T 0ST > Brown Bag, with purse inside, JLJ containing loose eilvor, 010., also DERBY CUT himukerekiefs, between Hawkoatono and Molosworth streets, this morning. Apply LACE BOOTS ! ®, Grant-road. ,_____. T OST, a Fox Terrier Pup, this morning, WINTER SUBSTANCE. &J in Pirie-street. Reward at 27, Pine-T^Snr^i^-n 1 ?t? tU ii d ?i De P endable T~OSf; i.* evening, in Ti^kcri-roadTa »"71l «ft WIU - S f tanC i tllß 6tomy M JL* Glove. Finder please return to 113 a, well as tho eunny winter days. Tmakori-road. EASY FITTING. T OST, yesterday afternoon, Gold Cable GOOD WEARING. *M Ban £ la . between Courtonay-pkco, LOW PRICED. Cuba, and Vivian streets ; greatly valued ' as koepaakp ' Finder rewarded at 51, Men's Stout-solo Derby Bals, too caps, Hawkor-stroct. leather lined, wiro slugged soles, broad T OST, a Olc-rh Bag containing money— Stting. JLJ one notß> £ Ol( jane(j anc ( B ii Vol . to va [ u0 PRIOE -| -a S r»D. of about £6. Roward on returning to „ , _, -■--*- " Robort Hall and Co., 44, Jorvois-quay. Men s Easy-wearmg Box Calf Derby Bak. -i- 7xir,< — r~ r — r-r» — . — £T~ = r~TT too caps, stout soles, wide fitting. A Tj OST f i. lot ?t? t 3 i '? a ? S JV ing - ha J f useful and desirable boot. ;V a i b^- 6u6 v° f P " ke , r B H & r lo l i vc i 2s tvot,™ „ „ 6d a "ottlo, by port 3s. Wm. Parker, PRICE -j^S gD. Qhemirt, MannerMtrert. 1 X OST, all bargains in Cycle Sundries if BRING YOUR REPAIRS TO US "^ * on do noL bu y ham us - Acetylene WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Ji?, m K' 4A4 A 9 i i J Be n 11 i' '^ "'^«° in , Une " Oil, 9d j Carbide, 96* Everything reduced. • i ' Scott Motor and Cycle Co., Manners-street R. HANNAH & CO., LTD., TARGE Front Room to Let. unfurnishWELLINGTON SHOE STORES, ttS g^nSJ £&■&??$£! 28, CUBA-STREET, home, near The- Terrace. Apply (i., EvenAnd insYoßt. - 79, LAMBTON-QUAY A DVERTISER wishes to Roht, in about -t"^- a mantK's time, an 8 or 9 roomed ■ — ; ; Houso in sunny position. Send particulars to Home, care of Evening Post. mO LET OR, LEASE FOR A TERM, T\RESSMAiaNG7^ Removal Notice. - "*• ' SJ Mrs. M'K»y (late of Molbourno) TWO SHOl'd, in tho best business removed from Ba, Aro-stroet, to 21, Rin- * toul-street, Newtpwn, a few. doors higher, part of -the Borough of Whangarei. Up oppw^Jftnl** MJLeodV LADY just furnished house would like „ , , „„„_, il#i vwuymr ** near °^ f° ur Gentlemen Boarders. Addreaa at Evening Post. , tion about the end of August, 1905. Coal haTno equal for heat. JL It gives a clear, bright fire; leaves no Apply, by letter, to Box 9, Whangarei dlrt - Tka belt * nd cheapest Coal. At any p q dealers.. , SUPERIOR Board* and Residence, oloso proximity to Government Buildings; TO LET central, quiet, select. Almora, 10, Mow- . BASEMENT AND OFFICES, ■' *Ff?: strMt ' top BoweMtreet. In New Building, Hunter-street. Apply to C^^p^flfiSeft^Ss SIR KENNETH DOUGLAS, from Wharf, G.P.0. ; trams pass door Solioitort Hunter-street, every five minutes; good accommodation 1 n -i >un n ■iv f° r l"°l "° travelling publio ; term 3 20s per Opposite A-M.P. Buildings. week; 4s 6d uer * da *. M rs. S. Scott, ProTO WAREHOUSEMEN AND INDENT mHE Co-operative Cleaning Co. clean AU±jiN±G. J. windows, clean houses throughout, TO LET, on First Floor of our Ware- belt carpets, eto. 76, Willis-stroet. Telehouse, Space, 80 x 21; 30cwt lift and phone 2224. electrio light installed. XJRIVATE Board and Residence for two THE GILBERT MACHINERY CO., f\.. Mm «B*P»d during day; also .Bedjyjjj , ' Sittingroom to Let, with or without board. "Jervois-quay. ApplyllU, Tinekorvroad^ Wippwnnsiirxrev T^ nlBBiT1? X> IOHARD BROWN AND SON, WillisuffirfK^JnTOli™^ ■"' "^ Manners streets, for Post Cards, MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. view Bookßj M(wri Beauties, Magazines. TO LET, m Willis-street, splendid Weldon Patterns, newest Stationery, and BRICK BUILDING, containing three Waterman Pens. i flats, each 33 x 68, fitted with electric 1 — — light and other convenience*, including T>ARE opportunity— Wanted to Sell, a use of cart entrance ; rent low. Apply JL *' well-known registered article. Price • < w ui«>ftn " i>100; a splendid chance for energetic ' SiKgSLi. by l6tter ' Business, G.P.0., TO,lT 0 , 1^ 1 -/ MOTOT^. "mtefcbjjr; i QA k a HAND Cameras just arrived X furnished sis-roomed House, with iyos"O »t Castle's Pharmacy, 31, bathroom and oonvenieaces. For rent and yivian-street; from 14s to 90s. Mako a all particuian^ppi^^^ • t « seeing these up-to-date Cameras , *• ___^^_ ~*. .—.. — . iit jii V ivnu-itrfl6t. Trw Tm. 0 ? tIE J' rAI AyA v : n tm, "ItyTRS- HICKS 1 S Ointment still, on sale— O LET,' two' 7-roo»ed Villas, at the M. 2., Is fe., and Is boxes; post free foot of Hay-street, ona m course of tddress. , Can be obtained at 2/, erection-j all .modern convem ences ; one Artnu *. gtroat 4, ' Carolibo^trcet, and, tt minute fro^itram- »topp»fcpUice- a reaoy, q^q^ t, <^ d Goteh'*" Boo!tei»U^ 'Queen'* earhr Septorsber. Apply Btevens, hEr f_ T« V*™ 4^^; "jn «- ~ TVTKRVE, Brain, and Tonic.-B,lood Sar10. LET, small 2-roomed Cottage, con- J^ Mp arSLa f<* Boih, Pimplei, Blotehw. . T . tA?l»..,tult't A? l ».., tult ' l ?S4! lor ' -^ wmv f Improves' the appetite, dispels headache. 1 Louis Chratewn, Tobapcora^ yTiUiwt. stomachic and aper.ent ; 2s 6d. W. Salek, fXIO LET, 6-roomed" House," "best part of Sydney Chemist, 17, Willis-street. j jX • Petoae; also 4-roomed with detached ' E t Millinery, I I bedroom and arge shed, m city. Apply \\ Underclothing, Laces, Scarves,! No. 19, yictma.ptaw,^hu™e-rtr«fe__ G[orts> and c HM ; cr |' at Tcnnet . 8 Ri(;h^ I npO LET, Balmoral-terrace, off Owe»- House, 43, Cubft-etreet. - j X street, good 5-rooiaed Hou«e and in~Children's Toys at even-convenience rent -19s. Apply Taylor fe^Mwf Whitwell's, 68, Cuba-street. I andjlarper, nextjo NBwto_|m_Library._ Brinff your chil( j ren o r Eend them. ShilTO LET, or For Sale, 11-roomed House, ling Toys 6d, Sixpenny Toys 2d. Seeing with '15 acres land, -at Waiwetu is believing." (Lcnrer Hutt), with all necessary outbuild- VjTJPONGA Coal is best for tho house, ings, stable, etc. ; 5 acres orchard, lawn, Jf No dir) . no , ashes A Vc i ca bright etc.; greenhouse and fowlhouses.. For fur- >fi A^ f p Coal ther particulars apply to the Intercolonial r 6 Land and Mercantile Agency ' Company, nPHE O'Conor New Patent Truss; no 20, King's Chambers, Wilßs-stroet. - 1 - iron or tteel; comfortable and ever- — -. TT , m n ,ft „ r — ; — r~ lasting. Anti-corpulency Special Pill for O LET, 2-roomed Cottage Apply to 6tout B peo pi e new rem J e dy, 2s 6d. W. Mrs. O'Shea, opposite Botanical Gar- galok ' Sy[ f ne j, Chemist, 17, Willis-street, dene, Tinakon-road. • - «-'=ir-r.m«i-rT-n.o t,,. • ■" j ~n~~ — ' ,_,_ — ; =-: — t rr — 7 2 B7»LETCHER S Phospnonsed Quinino ■ 0 LET, from 25th August, 6-roomed £• and Iron ToniC) a sp iendid bracing \ Houee; large section, all convem- tonio and Post free 2b 6d and eace«, Guilford-terrace, Hill-streot, Thorn- 4g M Fletcher, Chemist, Wellington, don. For particulars *ppiy 20, Molesworth- -,_.„.„_„_ o , „, , . , .— , it t r rr * i X^RAPERY. — Splendid moderately-sized — ' ; r-= \J Buiine:s for Salo, prosperous suburb, TO LET, comfortable 6-roomed House, Wellington; new* stock; immediate pos- | only three mmute* from tram; rent gejsion, given. Apply Bargain, Evening! 2&8. G. A. Hurley,' 18, King's Chambers. p Oflt \ 8 O LET, lor 5 Room", famished or un- Q<FIRITUALISM.-Mrs. Annie F. Mak, i furmehed. Apply 50, Kent-terraco. Q ii e dium, from Africa. Readings TO LET, Orientnl Bay, to approved daily, 11 till 9. 23a, Kent-terrace. , tenant, 6-roomed House, with con- -HV\TJAME~KTng, AnTencaiTClaii-voyant. ' venie^cee. Apply to a. V. Venables, XI, J^JL yiTld f oreCMl g F marriage, prpapects, , King's Chambers. ] health, etc. ; confidential. Ladies. ■ 2s. No. i mo LET, Officos, fint floor, oentral, 15s 14, Binham-«treot, off Ingestie-atiect. j X and 20e ; Jeo Brick Store and Office, ts «- A DAME- RANEE, the famous Char- i low rent, central.- Apply to A. I. Uato, J^JL ac tor-reader and Scient.fic Palmist, . 24, Lambton-quay. !rom India, sees cliontß daily, 10 a.m. to i 1 nn6 LET, furnished, 6-roomed House, all 10 p.m., Kniggo-avenue, second houso op- j X convenience!, near tram stop, Oriental posito Skating Rink. j Bay; beautiful harbour view ; term 3or t««- A daME DENNETTE, cultured Olair j 5 months ; 50s. Apply to A. 1. Bato, iA, Jy|_ Toyan t o> , Meaium, can guide you ; Lambton-quay. O n health, marriage, prospects. This lady's I rHTO'BE LET, Abel Smith-street, a House reading recommend themselves — earnest, X of six rooms, with all conveniences, uplifting, practical. 13, Barker-street, off Apply No. 6, Abel Smith-'ttreet. Cnmbridgs-torrace. nnO LET, Doublo Front Room, fur- T^ffßS. YATES, Metaphysician, from X nishea, ground floor, fireplace and ItX Melbourne, is prepared to receive conveniences 'Apply 6, Vivian-fitreet Patients daily at 7, Elizabeth-street. Diagate Apply Peace and Plenty, 16, Moles- f iRVSTAL Garing.— Develop your, own worth-street powers. Crystals for Salo, 3s 6d, ss, TOT O four new Rooms and^u™ week Apply F. and W. Forkins, Build- fXIHEY "nip a cold in tho bud." Stop crs, Ghuzuee-streot. X Oeld Tablets do; and kill it while its ,-. Trw _. .— r 7—r~s7 — r~5 j in your head or throat. Is bottle. Wal0 LET, Tutehcn-etreot, five rooms and * chemist, Willis-street. Opon all rooms and ad conveniences ; c.l. Ap- « 7 ri^..j. „ ' piy F. and W. Ferkins, Ghuznce-streot. Wednesday —£—, r^ fi^rt t prri TiT ' ~ n r Z. — IZUI CJERRAVALLO S Tonic (Bark and Iron T° J'fll 3 togedm-tlKeti fe mTie) k cxco n ont in ca6es o f allJß mia, Jt S RoAms, Wnght-stroet ; 6 Rooms, n . onses f conva i oapenco attor Cotoraandol-streot, all convenances. Ap- v A k d t hia p^ nion . ply Harcourt and Co., 48, Lambton-quay. r l r-_i,r -_ i ,- T , T - T „-~„ -~- 1,- - , i,— riVir-- T - T i_— i ■■■ . ,—:, — : — j f^i UDERIN is a marvellous Blood Tonic. mO LET, flne two-storied nincroomed SlrongE h ons lho w0!lk glvos bright X House, 150 a, Cuba-street; all modern , h eO inplexion, makes good rod rich conveniences ; rent two guineas. Apply H d / W- 11 g ss j ek Sydney Chemist, 17, W. G. Somervillo, King s Charrrbers. Willis-stroet. mO BE LET, 6th Septombor, eight- O LDEN Eaglo and Southern Orosa JL roomed Howe, No. 22 Bnller-stroct; Jamg aro - t £ o bost mnde . p uro f r ui t all conven.ences; largo section. Apply Mrs jgu onl Agk Ulo grocor . Isaacs, 15, Kcnnngton-strcct. -— ■ -■■ ■ .- — ; — ■; — rrq ;; — r~ rrifC~TTFv~~7v.~ TT * i Tonic builds up wasted tisTT\O LET, Oriental Bay, oight-roorned cures pa ipi ta tion, nervousness, 'I i ??'v P^ on occ^ ied h % W. hysteria, and all weakness; invaluable for lurnbulJ, Esq. ; all convcnicncos. Apply j / d| duri nur!ery Jjenod> So i o Agollt P. N. Wilkinson, Oriental Bay. w S(llekj Sydney Oneuiist, 17, WillisTO LET, at Karori, Uoiuo, containing street. six rooms, 'bathroom, scullery, hot -a n-nst wfiTP ATT? MKW N A and cold water and electric light ; r^nt 15, MVS; °lSk. vf P £™ a^ weekly Apply T. W. Lewer, Campbell- Uortificated MmßoU sc, has opened a Prigtrcet, Karon. . vft t e Nunting Home for Women only at 5, TO LEI", at South Wellington, ton or Arlington-street The hou»o is situated in fourtcen-roomod Houso. For plaju a quiet locality, but close to tram lino. and partiqu.ars, apply William James, ♦/, Termf, etc., on application. Bintoul-rtieet. j^kVTIiEWARD will bo paid' to any ... ; 3iijJvy ■ person who can produce a Suit KOSENBERG AND CO., t-> emial in stylo, fit, and quality for the BRUSHMAKERS. wme prico as tho Bradford Woollnn Company, Lambton-quay, next Stewart PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. Duwßon's. 1 r, • l v. — 7 -i v n»vTn mRY STENT AND CO.'S BOTTLED Business to be earned on by DAVID T ALE AND STOUT, specially browed MILLAR, to whom all accounts are to bo {rom mall and hop , {or ' pnvate ÜBe . paid, and who will nil claims. t ?B . intß( 4^ . cnska> 2 s per galB. ROSENBERG. lon. Central Bowery, Quin-itreet, off DAVID MiX<LAB. Ghuznoo-itreet. Telephone 671. 1

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Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 36, 11 August 1905, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 36, 11 August 1905, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 36, 11 August 1905, Page 1