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I^S^ISKd I T-NI^N STEAM SHIP CO. « "BTTUDDA-KT, PAHKfcllt and . . ' ft' 1 mm ' ' > -jum=>-' ' *< , TTTQ'P ARPTVITI j^m^sj&^i^s^-^ (Weathor nnd oh-ctnnataucos permitting.) ful Stenmships—^ THE TTSER LINE, LIMITED. <~^ « , Z^^pW^- T , , '^^ i^^^^&, TNOQBATORS I.YTTKLTON. ' iF^Pj VVIMMKBA," 3022 Tons Reg. 0 _ 777 STR . TTA pn _ AI BT /O j9ff J4O\ Si /* ' l\ " ANOTHER LARGE SHIPMENT OP l^^^tfe- -kvC--^ " «— SS^^^^^^^P £=uig%: 158 I-: ff^l ISBffiu. BJ ffi BE as - s ™ °I>sS A ™' ™« ll££MA®JLel.. • [ISa ALUMINIUM' ' . . DDNRDIN. VIA..Lrn KIiTOJN ZEAr.ANDiA. Friday I^-ept 1| 4 p.m. take delivery of their cargo. I y^^S^^Sy^Wi^^iZi^Siwkcx^ "— '„ -^«eg IS wfi-^s^^^^^B^^^^' '• ""•^•S ' WLKLUuUItNIfi, Vu'SxTVJif.ToN, DUN- 5? „ ' "~ '..,.,' '.q"' ii — 7 I' 4' m expense. Cargo landed in a damaged con- Auoldand, No. Uor No. 1— 561b Bag, 12s iw ' 'M^t'^^^^^M^ F*JP \SSSszk mm, nn.Tnm™,™ _ KDTN, BI.[TFF. AND HOBAIi!. WIMMBItA I Hmrs. [Sept 7| 4pm. dition must Se oxaminod and clafm set- Auckland, No. 2-561b Bag, lls 9d O^W^i^^^^^^ HBulwnL' m'timSfiSM M^ THE PRAIRIE STATE. VVarriinoo Thursday, Aug 17 4 p.m hOlt NAPIIOII, GLSHOftNE, AUCKIiANI) tied prior to its removal. No claim will -A- FRIEND IN NEED. nSK' pstJtiihbKbSS'*^ Sr-^^w'nffi^^f jsmwm^ C' KAPJKtJ, GlßliuUM'i, AND AUuKfiiVND. AND SgDSRY. bo recognised after tho removal of cargo. ATT7IA7" «3TiI?TXrTNrn 15T? TTATI7S2 TT^HIS Highly-qualified Physician aud a^<T'fe'fy l »g^ r -~ |l W^^Pl»i^ &v .f'?" dd * y - Au S M fp.m. Victoria. | Than. I Aug 24 1 4 p.m. W. M. BANNATYNE AND CO., LTD., ■!>■&" BlJiYVllNlar 1I1UJNJ1&, i Surgeon f 10m the Hospitals of Lon- CjPseaagli^SMp^ J§CBs~^_A 'fiSPßfffll .Bffiy«. vJ u fek^ g G^Bute; '"""^.JgSr^y 4P ' m< ' A - S Pe ~ d S l Si3?'M^ y^A >t ffi •. srBONG, DURABLE, CLEANLY inallsi Zß s, 0W SYIH-fSf " 4P^ *™»±_J»±ljL*>*»i *^ KBHOSJDNB. l^^^ 101^™^ A OF THE' MANY ADYANtIgIT-OF USING ALUMINA COOKING From 50 to 400 Bgg capacity. Iffl^^^SHl Moeraki Satnr.lay, Amr' 12 3p m Cargo must ba alongside steamer one 'pHK WANKA.NUI KIVEK-NBW3EA- ISOdeff Test-Per case", 7s ; per tin, 3s 6d i n his very successful treatment of the UTENSILS:- 1 W]W l ']f^^fc~S^^iß^H ftßff"-'"^E;r j ;i 1 S""!±i '"""SrSV^^'^oe w™««^£^&lHS*- B ™ BR • £^i" i «»Ks r S.»" 1 " N ° toO^ffi.' J^. il ? lll T?*'^ ta - > *-- - I u-rt'^^ta^STi Uotuih* Sun>Uy, Aitg 13 Gp m °™ T , <"*„£?s&>& A fl $ Wap ? nnu,-Pipiriki-Dop., Tues Tlmr S .,vSat. JJUIIJiK,. Consultations aro " freo to all, so that a JTrnit, Vegetables, &0., cooked and left m the Vessel for an indefinite time will be 1 mortgage. Use iSSSS^SSS: iSfg Js : s : ffa.l.aJ^ES-^t^Sta^ 1 -- 1 "- r i bl iid wZ^ltS!!^**^ P] w MTTjTjSI nroMlimmnng : P&le^ .iSn^oaU^i 7 lp!m: "^^l-N^l-d-Q™-.. fcS^l^teJS™ ~ § &SS7'O&St i aaS' i & I JS '^vSU m b ° - Pl ' oVed b^ CtttalUSe ' ftSt^ We^- k^^P-tical,y **. W . XtX JL JU U O I^-^.IS-^^^ maw PLYMOUTH AMU fwiamTMOA Chambers, WELLD, GTON. day. A HATKrcK & CO., I/I //I /J // / Remedies of the very best and purest are everlasting.. - , l «^^|Wto«^^«»c«pot . JfOU AUCKLAND. QHAW, QAVILL AND A. LBIOxN • Or COOK &■ SON. V U (A/Y^i kJULt% Honestly and Faithfully used. Moderate . AND CO., % v\°t e f^lM^^ o T6^bt^\ Lonnectiny at New Plymouth with through ie) fJ ■ ~ ' — *" " w v ft. *^^^ jr charges. M 'Buildinrt EcoAomy," tolls all about 1 traiif from Wellington on Wedueadaya COMPANY (LTD.). If^^rwrnV^'^^a^MtatKira^Bxr^saPKrxs&B „,„.. nii/Am-inci Consultation Hours:— lo to 12, 2to 4, „,. -. -„, „,., sso******^ o******o******0 ****** ] j _mßT^!ll_ r=g^ ' ■ a iaexpe-^ 1 "' bniv— Tf-froe to you. I \ and Saturdays. THE DIRECT LINE OF STEAMERS . I . " ~™"4 GAS 11 CrliOCJiliS, 7to 8. /^^^^WM^^S. v #lfe-t r vW-w L k ?i»^ JPEVOIS OUAY WELLINGTON M _ I:From1 :From all storekeepers. iTakupuna JbViduy, Ang 11 5 p.m. FOR PLYMOUTH AND LONDON, - . <•% Jl ' _«_« _ « • I vrmnvntvwp DR, FLMSLIE !sHSI OTVOB QUAY, tiulllnbiob. Kotoiti Tuesday. Aul 15 5 p.m. VIA RIO DE JANEIRO OR MONTE SFa^!^ St&W GL WJLLIs-SIRLET. AJI%, I,_UI\L^XjJL^ \$ r - ■— -— wwar WKSiPpfiT, UREY. .AND HOKlillO.. VIDEO -AND TENERUTFE 1 O , . QUALIFIED MEDICAL SPECIALIST, >^^^^S^ \^ &ZfStiiß<*~'' " ■ ■ - . „. VIA NELSON. SPLENDID UP-TO-DATE PASSENGER ■ „.., „-«.«„„- ' Registered by tho b.oyernments of Ureat . itißßb^*^ t» T^ T> C! TIT HH 1 I^W C< . Wainni't Satnrday, Ang 13 noon ACCOMMODATION. ' -,-. JSSI YEARS EXPERIENCE Britain, New and New » «!■■ - _ - JL>JCjJLPoXJiii\.JLP^t Wapourika Tuesday. Aug 15 7 p.m. ROOMY CABINS AND SPACIOUS . Hi OCld J^ T^^ SSt^ tB ¥' B^ a^Bß9^i xt i^ WELLINGTON TFRRACE lAMAr fTVTTrnTTT LH C d^if\ tt^^ " ' . \?^B^?U B j2?Zo^ Sailing, (oircum^S pennittin., •- ' M *' wSS™' JOHN DUIHIE & CO., LIMITED, ; w^TPoin^^ogmANi, — '— ■ . ForSMFANTS, 1 iNmM^ YOUNG MEN ! I£youareßu , WJLLIS-STREET. . we have ready itor inspection the latest designs in •fft^^^A,»oh l/&«ifiB:l /&«ifiß: INVALIDS, tte aged SJb^f^^^l EIIENOH, ITALIAN^ PERSIAN, AND PARISIAN '■"^JS^dH^™:^' ! isrJ»S»s oM^Huirt^mtm. NATIONAL GAS EJMGiJME BEDSTEADS, . ,av n i/ Wl Tu^ 2a ■ : — »7' * BENGER'S FOOD iS quite distinct 55, LAMBTO S UAY, S LLIN GTONG TON gj. OUARANT^a A^^ *mXXU\U ', BL.CIC AND BRASS, ALL BKASS,' AND ART COLOUR . RAROTONGA AND TAHITI, FROM \__\ I \ from any other. It possesses the P atents Designs, Trade-marks and Copy- J-g^no ehargo. S^ctly conMential. • COMPANY, LIMITED. - We have also a conscience when you ask the price. ixt l vtr*'t - '<=-,•. Vi'wlnborew. remarlfable property Of Ten- nghts applied for, obtained and registered ?nf^ r i2 0t047 to 8 V/V-T-LJJLJL nil A, J-oJoy. Hauroto .Tuesday. .ept a th !^^S ti Z^^Z dering milk with which it is a^dJscrfe N°B S^gk-. - MAKERS OF REST J_ N pBAOKp BAOK ' ' ' SHORTEST KOUTETO^UCKLAND, Win mixed when used , quite of $*-»£&»- an invention is pro. «^A «J« |1 NATIONAL » GAS ENGIN3S L*±*^U r connecting f h thWgh train fro* * Qr digestion by Infants and Invalids. 88888888 »dSSS^»^ IML JNAIIUJNAL b-Ab^JNtrlJNi, The ' Stewart Timlifir Cx\n*Z ntld U. S .S.Co.' sS teameAve New Plymouth W?SA°TIS^3?* CO. BengeSs Food is sold in tins | 1 Dear Dr nm^?Z^Vo™A. AND ■ IHC 111110^, UIdSS dllU as under (weather permitting) :— MURRAY. ROBERTS & CO. ' by Chemists, &C, everywhere. H g ter the medicine, and the girdle, and your rAC p-Rn-nTTnTKrn TST AVm •|ttr^«at.lsSßK: n- ----- com.- U-^^^^^J I so ME THiNG te&ggjgsgt • _ga™duoi*g plant. Hardware Co., Limited, • SSSBT m£sb. ft IS p!m. ROYAL STEAMERS TIJ£PI Al5 £ 1 GOOD I E'SSS*^ r'S.iTSJllS'^T &. A GAS PLANT of this description, working by tho suction of the «gb* " 9 oiiVe^rin/ti^ SSS FOR l^^^'^^^^'ur ' .either ' , eOCRTENHY PLfIGE. Kafid* Bteamer to " M Very Superior Accommodation for W I '"" Uent> W. MLalchl.vk gTEAH BOILER nor GAS HOLDER, ====================^^ fluoniana. Passengers. |« the BEST COOKIMG RANGE El uflUTra SUBJECTS OF MOST DREADFUL EXHAUS- ' VTA>jnnn TH? R pop T E Steamer,. *» To Sail VtolSSS™" 0 I WINTER m/^a^^So^^ notation -' And provides cheap po.e, . ,-., »^ THB OELBBEATBI yANCOUV^R P.OUTE. r^T C ° OkS WHh I6SS fU "' 3nd m ° re I USE. ." GAS-PRODUCING PLANTS supplied for 20 h.p.Bpwra S . ' MlP^ CANAD S A ?! TR L^nd R ° YAL B£W ■ |°o We - 8t ° n^ -P^'y than any range made I r tr^ . ' f^Ptf - CANADIAN-PACIFIC RAILWAY ™ ik ° lt "« = S| Is the latest pattern and mo S 1 | Ufi 5/ JJ -^^^^iJrS^S^^ i^©^ TiTl - ri . TT^ l . Up-tO-date range SOld. . X Wk w oure d of a similar complaint), I fhinlc I was . r „ . _, n T r J no . i ' X ttit V I jilt , Through some of the Greatest SCENIC • *Twin Screw f t. v j * ■■ > tS "^ • i in about as bad a stnte ol misery and dcprei- in t«as Jingme malung. j . » ±.\ JLU V XJ %J VJ» WONDERS of thQ World, to all parts of For freight or passage aoolv to TO be had from allironmongers X J ,lou m both mind and body as any human be- - . . SLE AGENT* --_ . N .ssr&vvssw.'vz -^m. a. *a. ™- the globe, i pie FRUITS. » =££aaK l Si3 ■ THE . w - LITTLEJOHN A ™ <f^y and Japan Lines. — — * \ B «ratd take my part and interest in the amuse- f^ ■ ■ b^ ma b»m« BUI Jt I 11^1 ■■■ I^%# ■ ■ ■ ' \_V TnW rqm TjArnwci irn ATT -pnTMTcs CANADA ligjianii nijiiujwiiiiujiiiiji jiiMiuii ilia .itttti I 3 ""ents and isports ol others and have an ambi- f— I I RkW T |v| ftl ti H I l\l F" R V 1.11 I Ttt RHTJ JT V^ LOWEST RATES TO ALL POINTS. \\^ I 3 tion in my business. At fiist I thought your VI 1!■O& i» I IWI JT\ V/ ■■ IIMEh ■» I >^V/i« la I* U ■ • OUXN. f \f Tho MaimiScent Steamet *^ i^TKivrn. ' S 1 repai'6tt Wlta the Utmost 9 promise was too good to bu true. lam ltie Alagnmcent s>teamet . AMERICA, 1« 'X,,,W1 r,,,f f^f I thankful to B ay I tried your treatment. I TV/T A OTTr NTXUJAT TM DfCD T.I7 D O AATPk WUTOTTTmTMn „. _ M . M .-^^ MIOWERA, . • , A, P , r^ ... I parfl frnm ohoiVfl Rfllp^P,? swear solemnly I feel n different man today. MAOH.IJNEIIY IMPORTERS AND CONSULTING" . ■ Leaves SYDNEY 4th SEPTEMBER- — 3':urope. On the ribs of Death." I care norn caoice seiectea i have put on neeh and musole and have any , A TTQ'I 1 !^ A I TA \T MriTTTAT S p E ciAL WINTRREXCURSIONS -Henry VIII. f Nelson fruit , ■ «^^.-W ENGINEERS, AUfoIIiAL.IAJ\-MUIUA:L( Passengers from New Zealand have the SFJiOIAk WJMII.K JiAA,UKSsJ.UMi» | j.iuh.B. of enjoying myself ns others do, and I don't ' Vixi / \ %TT I X B7^ TVTrri O/-V/ST'T7»>ri--Xr Zte^ynr&ZZ ; _ - S=SS^S£H Jervois-quay, Wellington. - PROVIDENT SOCIETY KA SS^«,d iifSfonn.Uonfc&i FAVOURITE 6000 TON STEAMERS, Mild a» milk. Ik Gallon Tins. At all STOn E s. j perfected your chsige. are small. -I am, HOLDS A WORLD-WIDE RECORD FOR union s.s. Co. of n.z. (Ltd.), vknxuba .„ ... 4th august. Mellow as oil. I — t LACHtAN cameron. A TEA TO YOUR TASTE 1 BONUSES, STABILITY, LIBERALITY, ECONOMY. Managing Agents. _ • X ti ——■—«.—— , northern stb'amship co. ltd! ik , rka - •- •• .-f 25th august. _____ |s. Kirkpafrick & Co., Ltd., i k'V *a!U r* a EUNBS OVER ' -PPO flftH -■nMA&ii&uss i*t*i m^-~xj to** ;Be sure . NEL3ON . - 1 . ggfigb^tA f* A lea with a Guarantee -^ ANNIJAL iNCOIIEi NCOIIE dvee :: • • SwSoo S^T'LHlfer'm .« S »?r e " «»»"»'"*?"»»»«"• '! , L—^—^^. I ' A money-baok-itaot-Batltfed guarantee a!way S denotes. POLICIES IN FORCE ASS-taO OTBB . £«i 5 ' 817*000 v<rjse»vT3s New Plymouth " for Orrehumra YOSE.MITE VALLKJ,, the Wonder Gar- I ' ou ß el ' r feje^fl^WW^wiw-w-^w^^ 4 . the Vendor's confidence in his product. I 1 . , f *»U)OI|jVUU MONDAY and THURSDAY, connecting deu of tj.o World, is situated in tho heart | ' ~ — ' I r ' ' ' S J INCLUDING OVER .£11,500,000 BONUS ADDITIONS. with through train from Wellington, and .of the. sSietra Nevada Monntains, bouthern ! , g^ ITO OA\l A 9 9 itf\' i^ J >s!M^P^ S // /^ fTT^ A T^. TWv /T^. V Thri ••' *Tr< w^ i D ' leaves Onehunga for New Plymouth - ■ U*lifonua. \A* its eiiLranoa ia the iMUIPAiUP Ik BlCtiiaW^llil^ I '* I ANIB-181 I ' TpA 1 BONUS CERTIFICATES FOR 1904 HAVE NO"W BEEN ISSUED. SUNDAYS and WEDNESDAYS, Matiposa Grove of Bis ''ree*. IsAMiVllnJ \ >Bi Hllini/ILLv O 8 **J 1 /». i 1-X "~ V 7JI JL JL*XJL n connecting with through tain to Wellington MONXKKfcY JPKL MONTE).-Notable ! l//\tf\fOUnO _„ . „-. i^ KNTS' HAIB BRUSHES AND CASE 1 b .»M on th«t nnd.r.faindina ' I PEOJ7IT DIVIDED FOJi ONE TEAR, £624211. DHor Ur st e am k |L a r nllablßn llablB o^ rm^ n among resorts of the world, situated on TH X O G" BRUSHES AND CASE, .B sold on that understand^. g LARGEST AMOUNT DIVIDIOD IN ANY ONE YBAB . U,ionStea mS h ip Co mp any. sterner. lf M J^ 8 IUI \ O Fro mL 9s 6d to 31a. , You tr y it for three days, then if you don't like it return to R. Wilson • W THE HISTORY OF THK SOCIETY. Pwengen can .ecure berth, on applica- '*' w^T" *%*"*- *>-*■* f\l\ ,»«k. ,»,TT^ "~ and Co., Dunedin, in. original tin as you bought it, and they will refund • LEVIN &CO (LTD) Agent. YOSKMITE and Uetarn-F.rst Class, £12 XfrWhtT 2 % llilN (BARK and IRON WINE). These are Exceptionally Good Qaality nnd your money. . » TOTAL PROFITS DIVID ISD AMONGST , — — — undermentioneaateamLr. M ' )NTEItRir "d B»1»wi-«wt Claaa, £65 | B -|% B|lJ| |IP 1 rA n PnVFRTY OF Rl (\M\ — ' r How can they do it? Well, they Know where their Tea comes from, I PHT TPVTTnT Ti lORQ OVT?R .on' KAA nnA ißffife ' i/ffl iTi ii mm .? Apply for Berths and (?ai.le Books to H ■-■« I-VIIVM T l\\\ rUVCKIT Ur DLUUU Call and Inspect at 'B *«» We«i««. how el«i» is the handling, and therefore that you cannot help | rUIiIOX JlOiiUliJib, OVJbiJK, ... .;, '£11500,000 Th . ...^mgxAKGi. «e£; AtM^ 3TEAMEEBtO ! WtllW. 1 lUH, GENERAL DEBILITY mmrM MUimAanm . L— *» w^— i- -»— J • -m-.~m-.--n MARSEILLES, PLYMOO'IH, and LON- j . | luuimßATrc tuc Wum c MANNERS-ST., WELLINGTON. ■ v i ■ ■ .THE'INDUSTKIAL DEPARTMENT IS NOW IN PULL WORKING ORDER. FOR KAIKOURA, PORT ROBINSON, DON (Connecting at Port Said with the g IWVIUUKATESs THE WHOLE 'IVWlinnn 4.11! ' " ' '"' "' ' ' " PVPRT nF^IRABLP WOR&T OP POTTOV T^TTPn -RT-TWT? RHPTWTV AND LYTTELTON, Via COAST. 20-knot Express steamers ISIS and B QVQTFM iolephone. 41U. ]gIM , , „. „ , n _ .. 1. ■ m EVJiIIY DJi.SIK.MJLI!, UOKH OP POLICY ISSUED BY IHE SOCIEIY, The s.s. WAKATU. ■ OSIRIS for Brindisi), leaves on the sub- I I OIOICIVI. __ 1 . . FROM £5 TO THIS DAY, 7 p.m. joined dates, and' calling at tho usual r- • ;f.; f . • «„,,„„_ 1 Agreeable to tako. "TO li W"«SS5 B saP r W UNEQUALLED For ' .ports.- Main Line Steamera have pormis. Exquisite in flavour.^ I Perfect Digestibility and Assimilation. IO^I^JSsH vntsuvnuusuv * _ __„ . X , DIRECTORS OF THE NEW ZIC ALAND BRANCH : tm. «CUSv?^ T }??i; r,«.T r, • sion to call at Bripdisi. Perfection On all points, a Invaluable during Convalescence.' aTT . /-, T7 - r S\/-HT7'9C* ' HIGH QUALITxi Tho Hon. Chas. John Johnston, M.L.0., Chairman; A' 1 Die Bathb Brandon, Esq., ne 'on^M^^oi 017^ SEC T na S tX N | O M^! a ! __ ASK your PHYSICIAN. SHACKLOOK'S ; EXQUISITE FLAVOUR C? DIGESTIBILITY. ■ B^ tf ta a i^u^, a«.» *, A FOR BLENHEIM. Mncedouia 10500 Un« J9A..g 22 - I , fi®° OBTAINABLE OF ALL CHEMISTS /^^ Wtjk dfflk ®^ - . r~ ' ! T— . «gL r ~r> t NEW ZEALAND BRANCH, * EDWnA^R > cB W !ont's W retary OnIATmiDA™ P .m. St Z u*b |Sgt ilg^t ij ! A wholesome beverage. 8 \ |I|§| 1| g| ' CC^ CUSTOMHQUSE QPAY, WELLINGTON. '"J-^IJ^V'SSVI nt Sot ::H^HE a? A cheerful companion. . ||K| || j| . ' "^^^^ ,- ~1 WELLINGTON AND WANGANUI LONDON) inoluding Passage to Sidney)- OE&flllftftflfly I^IIEIS j^^P Vffl Sg&r , ,^t^ 6 *^ W M ' x • STEAM PACKET COMPANY. SINGLE TICKETS-J343 to £80. _, Otmliimß W WWilli •*-% A %T/N Tff-^ i-^ • W^ iT M M I?ATTTTA"Rr 1? TTCI? A' CC ITl? A IVT/^TTI T he fol^stea^nioe .B^Tg^ "aS Baby's Skin Troubles Vanish DtlWfUillll MM "» RANGES. ' ¥ M S ' I ABLI^ LIFE ASSURANCE •'^^ftK^^ltS!!? Jte- T8"T 8 " iSS) UNB ' ' Whß " THE BESIV KNOWN REMEDY FOR _ W A* % QOPT I? r I^V 0P TT \TTT l?-n« <^T ATI? Q '"iSJggS? 1 ?;?" 111 - 81 0 11^ 11 " 1 twhlt dSStch' of T rt !n;«T rt J« rt *on»,^n ' All Ironmongers. ■■■■j^'V'iri jr%,W*b* tifitik ' - feUOllij I V the U.JNI i Jii Ufel Al Jjjfe. JOhS^ol'a^ CO. (LTD.), Agent,. HRBr -° LA g l^ 0 D ggJ}! l£M T0 | filSlC 1 OSISI fOWO^i COUGHS AND COLDS. . »"T| I■| g^ JT% ' For J^| AOTI - Th « «°**™ huia, M^ mer .. LIST Is Regularly Used. " .^^^P^ ' " A iW.l^^Vii " FINANCIAL POSITION, DECEMBER 31, 1904 • LEVIN AND CO. (LTD.). A g ent«. *»£ = = «§»• «■ HolUj,^ BENJAMIN GUM ~Jfc *-^^ "l ' THE PATKA SHffWKG COMPANY. ?^.^ Z5 n! F^S No baby will suffer with any skin clears the Tube« and Saye 8 the Lung,. f ( (SJKV^ i^^^ - ' '• A PPTTTWTTT A mT?"n T?TTtt!TI* , . — v~ r«. u » IAIirED - mdraiem* „ _ 10.000 j. Firth trouble if Talsic Toilet Powder • 1 «Mfx^C->«3v^ l^S£) .-F/ 6^ iffi^B^S ><«gsSßeftw >tfSC^K JsgSßStk. vtfQSE^ ACCUMULATED FUNDS •" •- Onv «^s,rjWE i.». - Indraghiri „ .. 8,000 A E Hoilmeiworth woui "c n lALbit iuiljsi towubk It is Safo, Persistent, and Sure. SN^XV^^-ftSl^fi )P'P M fIM *&*& M&?^&. &&/&& i^^"^. 4E^«m *Ot#jVf U 4 jO±O jjjmu * MANA lndradevi ..,ooo t. Trotter be dusted on after every change *se sK^A aV jSX'a- ffl wm ™T la §ffl «» » «*P jSH • T»r\ATTTci TrrrvT-rv n+ /^k-^. Will »«.il ■ Star oi Hew Zealand.. 8,000 E. D. Beck . J b WJ^ JjhssM?&rl%d &$7 • ffiSgSw K^ iffl fi^ M BONUS FUND - "• 4?1 f> l^ft^ ftT^ For PATEA-MOND4Y 3 urn Star of Australia '.. 10,000 K. W. Ulyatt of clothing. TALSIC . ToiLET ' llllSfered Wfasmmr 'liL»*«!£ "SIL— «fiF ' FOR wlitara^T^tipLt it^cY'Sna ". jS?S.Sf. i.^ST Powuer keeps baby's skin in a BENJAMIN GUM. ' TOCt IW V\/# - %^L POLICIES IN FORCE ,£307 384 064 *• THOMPSON Blfos LIA^E Tho »boy« f teoaor. wero bU tailt Bpoci- constantly healthy condition, no \W ' - . *OV/,OOii,UO« •SUSSES-"- 1 TAKAKA, COLLING- factory condition in which their frozen Powder is a new, improved, and WOTCN TI-TfKK fi-TiASSIIIS ? JZ£S~tt-^ *■ X ».u I Hm ™ L JomliAL :- BEING <?-| J\A i /jQQ GREATER THAN THE NIS W BUSINESS WOOD and JVUPUSUA meat cargoes aro being delivered. , „ , . nnn ,A nr ' " WUltiM lIJ Uo I'j Va-Jjfi-OOJIiO r (Mfe&SS&S&s,^ « None of the numerous Cocoas have «8 yet AfQl ,4Bjt> 1/ .Weather and other c"rcum,unce. Tho Company is prepared to carry wool pwfect skin dubliug powder— chemists and Storef. ml^W^ equalled Yon Houten- 8 In solubility, agreejrtlt .oWijVXipuw . pe«itt"gi. and produco of every .description. Lowe»t better t h an the old-fashioned TTERE is an important quoatioa for you. , WjSM^JL taßt0 ' ft " " propertlos."-tf£-lir«. . FOB THE SAME PERIOD OF 190 i. TSIS"bAT??tm. w! rmr M nt BANNATYNE 6 AND CO. (LTD.) ' powders that .were often gritty, A glas3 too , becomos a dotri . > S^^^M& R^Q^TT^ ITABTHIT^T jjrnn. car.o «d p MS9 n K , s « ««, M «^« a jgji™™^^; 7 " "^X^-"*. «. of g i ass o 8 BEST g GOES FARTHEST. |, DEpOSITED WITH THE puBLIC TRUSTEE 0F NEW ZEALANDf W. U BAWWATVNK AND CO., LTD., pAIH. -Steam "^ ,df 65M STS TaLSICI OILET fOWDBR regularly long after tIW have coased to benefit. IJs^^^^CiT ' ' i SSSJ . fIRA AAA. Agent.. poalal contrac t wit li the Frouch govern- *ad baby will never be troubled It > s ca , y aml wiso to havo nn nccU rat o rrr— . WKHT COAST STEAMERS. ment, calling; *t AIELBOURNE, ADji- w j,ij g^jj, i lr ifcations that make r.rm^ t intTT-r. n • lamination of your eyes onco every two ' ! ' J * I.AIDK, FKBUVNTLE, COLOMBO, WHO SKin nnwuons mat m«iKO PORTUAITUIIE ! ,«rs or oftener, \k it should bo done. f«ft ngll «SBW BH HI >*3fe, ESKBi EJ PVCPI I FRIT •53* * NC'HOIt\E OF STEAM BOMBAY, SUEZ, and POUT aAlu, him cry and fret. lalsic loilet Wktim W^ M I 1 A.\^t Ul.B. Nl S^fe^ I'ACJvliTs, «ra appointed ' wilTboJeap.tohed monthly, as follows:— p OWDER j s antiseptic, soothing, FRAMELESS SPECS I AND EYE- M 1 lIX % QUALITY. NEW ZEALAND DIRECTORS (with power to issue Policies and Pay Claims)-; f.. .^;r*^*l. «m. _^'^_;^L T^ r^ 'C00l.n« and healing and is regu- j H AVE please in nnnouncin. th.t I Made up in MidSJ^fefil Gold, and Gold iWafe&fflisßWil Vg± m Og^gl * "H^BELL, Esq. (Messrs. Belf, Gully, Bell and Myers), DE. A. X, ■:*l££llitrJi&S&i?m.'' fc M {^ '"^ 7^ by , C ; i rf Ul ?° th ? ' W^uf*B^O^ANTBIKN?Uh; ALFItBD LIOT, MODERATE • a DR. ALBERT MARTIN, Chief Medical Officer. -, UUKl.i.o KD'.y->RD, on AlO.\ ?i'S!SI« nSSI* »oTM Si jj | eveiy where. So|il by chemists . Xool uieir NEGATIVES, and .m now CONSUI TNG OPTICIAN, ORB^IP I fcSiW I lWwi» • «?AY, ■ ; Yiilo-.le-.,,.Ciofaa'N<,v 0 .Nov 9 -.v IJ I j n pc UetS, on«: Shilling each. < prepared to supply copies to original sitters. 39 I^mbton-qusy, "Wellington. ITrJI^IC. **** "» «■>«»' ■»■ • . - 'MOKliATi^pj. " UjJrff 1 1° ff 'A /• , «y* N pi ,iv • I "xi,, ,„ r, i ill hn mirrfinri in tlm T " D - MOBRIBOK - Mnnnger - FRANCIS HENDRICKS, tho Superintendent of tho Insurance Department ' . ; i: \™:A (^_ B; aS*?MEj!-3 ■ i „»s?sw^m l- WSiisil I'M but I dont feel good 1 & s , '*'••»: uM-wmontm^c nenmact spoken on boord. For further psrticu aw, nKKALANDIA S'KIVA'IE MOrEL, Annointmenls may bo mado nt any time NERVO ÜBM *4 ©&» f . *▼» WW * * *^VJL^I a A JU»A-»JW XJ» V wa^ v n informed a? to lts con ditioii .to unhesitatingly state that it « -rV'' 1? ' ' v.ll 1.-nve tcircuuwtancot ap< ly to /j Clyde-quay, We.lii.gion. Ai poinlments may do maao ai any umo. 3 a f nNß3(iy aßd BTKBHO!P 0. t hkTr - | . rßn .....,■,....■ . ■ ;■.■■..' -rr-r^^ financially sound, and that all its contracts to Pohcyholders ore fully-and safely ~\ »../r..ittin X l », follow*.- LE\IN AND CO.. LID.. Woiliiurton. ', Absolutely tho mobl ti. -10-dalo in tl.o iclo).nono «ao. , BEMOH dei.H and DBWLB7. f 'NOI tf> « guaranteed." ii <„„,., iUrUtnm and KAS'I V H C ~' ,co or.y. Nou buddmif of 45 moms,. roptote • obstaclo ! * Onattanan having tWed '" ov » r y t.«■ "« * j Wo wifih to avoid praising Br. Crossland's Great oiMST-ib, ««. KAfll) on MO.v A- »>, b |ny ilh nvery comfort. Accomir.ouat.on for Dull ueather no oostaoio. ' S^a^ bibTm' 1M«H8 of B«t» * Rfif^lZ 1 Remedy, NOXOL, more than it deserves, wo do not wish H. C. FRfCK, Chairman of Committee specially appointed to examine the In0.4 V, 4 p ra, MOUDDKUTfCHKR LLOYD. 1 tourMs, the traveUing public, ana pur- J ooria. win fomard the saws, fw« ot : J3>IIL/lt\. It tuiyone to buy this medicine and bo disappointed. Yet vestments of tho Society, reports :— "Tho Society's condition of perfect solvency, I" • ■> -SGUNGURU, '/-I j maneiit boarduM. liMy occoss to trains, •. j ehat6t to won-. '»*"•■*•*•''__, E r>~-~d/ aro very positive that for Constipation. Indigestion, and as shown in its Annual Report, is in no way impaired. . Tho Assets/of tho SoSVi UKDAY, ? p.m. i^uY'i 1 M^\ SS l L>amerß ?f? f th l' ?° m - nLT'ieSo Sv °.SL LS 7 T«T T^ A A O«5 US^feft^S^..l*s ?r%?£?&J . Livor disorders no remedy gives more certain and curative ciety arc in its possession-they aro absolutely sound, and tho integrity of over, *'" Jd'^i^^^^ 00 " 1^: ,■J' N ' "^ ___ Wthis:-" - results. oj, w *m ' one of tho Society's contracts ,s absolutely un.mpaued. _ ... liUA, MUiND.LSf, 3 p.m. TON, ANTWERP, and BHIiMBN, vn Known— Provide ahelti-r for « mTT^ T « „.»,vt..«« -^<ST^->. ' _-~- ' Havlns tvica nil meftira and mctlioiU of euro for Imligoation nnd LWor complaint for ft comUlcro^ . • . «, „,. JOHNSTON ANU Co., LTD., COLOMBO, ADBN, SUhZ, PORT SAID, VV your homeb and fordone— Eleagnuu VICTORIA STUDIO, MANNERS-bi. /J!«PB*|St>v /^\ X^^^SS i mo , 1 was ina.icod to try Dr. Ciosslnu.l's Noiol, nud Inm pleased to sny with tplcmlW results, it havint ; Aae _ n i!L_ W^ B aa ASS.3tvl°'J lUihW ft &T , (T^ Pat r a) 11 1 tsl3'r',™t sl 3 'r',™ H^B^K \^^^> -"»P'^ c » rl:dinoofU ' MOCOIDpllllllt! - I o»° *ontfy recommoud it to .11 *nff» T- Moßms : ' The Now Zealand Directors invite Policyholders ''and' Assurers \vUo".desir« WAN'I ED, Property Owner, to Know V FOCKE A Mn u Ak » St l £, BZ; : A^^/ X^^Z — " U1 TZT further information to communicate wiUi the Head Office of the Society, in W«lw« have at tho pr M ent time a large .t° 2 0s l^ear 5s Pines i-JSa? s^ Ty'ear 15 BPCIETT FQIO'HE PREVENTION OP r^« 1 iW n io-« BBpUft^r^Cl, 11 . 11 Chese Teßtimonialß are from living people who reside in our midst, and thej H ton whon Slltisfactory ov idence of the strength of the Society vrillVp munenumber of purchasers for xarge and small AUS'IiIALASIAN LINE. W A' m lffl M'ntl * CRUELTY TO' ANIMALS. CCHOLEFIELD S Speetaolos at People v are all genuine and BPontaneoue. diately furnished. . ••:" howea, and aro «ellin X numorous propor- /^RACIE, BEAZLET AND CO., to 265. All per 100. Uest piants.-J). , , O Prices — Crystals from Is, Pebblos 6 I uiaieiy iunusiitu. E. TREVOR GOULD/ Resident Sec'rctarv ties. Pcwon* wi.hing to toll aro requeued VX Of H, Wator-stroet, Liverpool, Cooi or, 50, Mannerg-streot. r p HE bIi(J aro Mrncat i y rGqUß , t od to from 3s 6d, Rolled Gold Frames from ss. WO x«t, Dr Cropland's 2/- Chemists and Stores Everywhere. '> • • . ,»»^ lor *« to communicato with us at onco. No e»lu Dcgpotch Iron Vcssrl* of tho highest class TJ3OIII Soxos— Writo for free books of JL kindly communicates any act of Your «'B»t tested nnd spectacles fittcll. BO * WU ' "*' VL "»a»*»«* °» "i ■"" . , -• . • i no charge. We pay our own advertising, from Liverpool to Wellington and Dunodin X* vital intprcst about yourselves. Post cruelty to animals that maj como under Lonsos ground, Spectaelei repaired. Noto iinncitAirc rHKMITAI TO I TF> r)linpriin - '„'.'' Vvrxn Bros., Wilhsstrcet, opposite Empire at regular intervals. free. Writo' Henri DuvaU "0, Bourko- tlipir nouco to the Inspector, Box 193, Address W. K..SOHOLMIELD, 36n, |V|lOleSale irOIU ■ MAKSHALLb tnEJUItAL LM. LIU.. UUIICUUI. . n jn?TPF iron NEW ZEAI \ND •1 T AMRTrtNT CITJ^vV tUPTTWorWr HotoL JOIfNSTON AND CO., LTD., Agent*. etrcot, Melbourne. G.P.0.. WoUinjjton. Mauaens-strceU next shop to fielder's. ". N jLAD OFFICE II 11I 1 OR NfcW /ihALAJNU. 3, LAMBIONOP^ , WELLINGTON,

THIS Highly-qualified Physician aud Surgeon fiom tho Hospitals of London and Paris has by 25 years of study and research become an Expert and Specialist in CHRONIC, NERVOUS, BLOOD, SKIN and SPECIAL DISEASES of Men and Women. In his very successful treatment of the above class of difficult cases there is "No Experimenting and No Failures." Consultations aro'freo to all, so that ft friendly chat, either personally or by letter, costs nothing, and may save you years of misery, so none need despair. New Sciontifio Treatment and New Unfailing Remedies of the very best and purest are Honestly and Faithfully used. Moderate charges. Consultation Hours:— lo to 12, 2to i, !7! 7t ° 8 ' DE, ELMSLIE, QUALIFIED MEDICAL SPECIALIST, Registered by tho Governments of Great Britain, New Zealand, and New South Wales No. 13. WELLINGTON-TERRACE, WELLINGTON. YOUNG MEN! I£youareßU , fering or weak, or cad, call or write to Dr. Elmslio, No. 13, Wollinp;ton-terrace, Wellington, a3 ho thoroughly understands your troubles and their causes. His Skilful Treatment and Scientific Remedies enable him to GUARANTEE a Complete Curo in every case undertaken, or he will make no chargo. Strictly confidential. Moderate charges. Consulting Hours: — 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. N B — Patients at a distance may " ENCLOSE A FEE OF £1 in thoir first letter to ensure immediate attention and prompt despatch (when possiblo) of remedies necessary for thoir case. Wnngonui, Ist June, 1904. Dear Dr. Elmslie.— l received your kind let. ter tho medicine, and the girdle, and your luntlncss and benefit to me I shall never forget. I really cannot find word 3 half sufficient to oonvev to you the opinion I have of you, or the amount of thanks I would like to give you. But there is one thing I would like to say; that is, "It is a great pity that there are not more doctors like you."— Your grateful patient, W. M'LAUCHLAN. SUBJECTS OF MOST DREADFUL EXHAUSTION CORED AND HADE HAPVT. JIY DEAR DOCTOR,--! have no hesitation whatever in saying " Y« " in reply to your letter received to day, in which you nßk me whether 'I am willing to let the public know tho benefit I received at your hands. When 1 saw you upon the recommendation of Mr. Giiffith (whom 50U had pi piously 'completely cured of a similar complaint), I fhinlc I wan in about as bad a state of misery and depreislon in both mind and body as any human being could be; In fact, 1 thought life waß not worth living, and my future was a blank. I was an object of misery and .dcapair. You told me plainly and honestly that j'ou oould and would cure me, so that I should no longer be bashful and stupid in society, and could take my part and interest in the amusements and isports of others and have an ambition in my business. At fiist I thought your promise was too good to be true. I am thankful to say I tried your treatment. I swear solemnly I feel a different man to-day. I have put on flesh and musole and have any amount of confidence in myself. I am perfectly healthy and quite happy, and capable of enjoying myself as others do, and I don't mope about by myself and shun Bociety. I earnestly rpcpmmend all my fellow-sullerers to put their confidence In 'you, as your ticatment ii perfect and your charges are small. —l am, yours truly, LACHMN CAMERON. r^i KNTS' HAIR BRUSHES AND CASE, FromL93 6d to 31a. Those are Exceptionally Good Qaality and Vuluo. Call and Inspect at I H. M. STEPHENS, Wholesale and lietail PORTMANTKACJ MANUFACTURER, MANNERS-ST., WELLINGTON. Tolephone. 410. ; SHACKLOCK'S RANGES. All Ironmongers. HOW LONG HAVE YOU WOIIN THOSK GLASSES ? TTERE is an important question for you. A glass .worn too long becomos a detriment lalhor than n help. Many pcoplo conliuuo tho uso of glasses long after they have coased to benefit. It's easy and wise to havo an accurate lamination of your oyes onco every two ,cars or oftoner, as it should bo dono. FRAMELESS SPECS AND EYEGLASSES Mado up in Nickel, Rolled Gold, and Gold. ALFIUtt)" LttVl, CONSULTING OPTICIAN, 39, Lambton-quay, Wellington. T. H. MORRISON. Mannser. MAAJA4AAAAAAA** * *^* ai "* ilAl *****>ii**»» »*** "^(l Fnbritousm'esjs.l : I LOSS et nNB3OY and QTRSHOTH. fc ! I UESSOHaEL.Cy and DEBILITY. t t X Oootlcman having tried In vain ovary ; ! advonliod remedy, tnd nt lart dls- j 3 oov'-od a Bimrtn wkakq of But* „ 3 CUKE, islH forward the aaiaa, frsa of ~ ■a obnrdek to *nyoiv» intiraitaa: • t SCHOLEFIELD'S Spectaolou at People'u Prices — Crystals from Is, Pebblos from 3s 6d, Rolled Gold Frames from ss. Tour tight tested nnd spectacles fitted. Lonsos ground, Spectacles repaired. Noto Addross W. It. .SOHOLEFIELD, 36n, M.auaers-«trcet» next «hop to fielder's.

THE TTSER LINE, LBHTED. S.S. STAR OF AUSTRALIA, FROM LONDON. THE above steamer having arrived, will commence to discharge forthwith. Consignees aro requested to present bills of landing, pay freight (if any), and I tako delivery of their cargo. All cargo is at consignees' risk after leaving ship's tackles, and if not promptly removed will be stored at thoir risk and expense. Cargo landed in a damaged condition must be oxaminod and claim settled prior to its removal. No claim will bo recognised after tho removal of cargo. "W. M. BANNATYNE AND CO., LTD., Agents Captain Ulyatt will not be rosponsiblo for^anyjlebts contracted by his crew. rpuk WANttANUi kivf7k^ne\vzeaI LAND'S OUIKAT SCENIC RIYEIt. TOmtlST STKAMER TfJIK-TABLIO .— Wansrnnui-Pipiriki— Dop., Tnes Thura., Sat. Pipu-iki-\Viin<riumi— Dop.. Mon., Wod., Fri. TAUaiAUCTNCII SUEVICti— Pipiriki-Tiimnaninni— Wed., arr. Thura. Taumnrunui-Pipiriki— Sat , ayr Pipiriki same day. A. HATIUCK & CO., Or COOK & SON. TD& ** v **& 9 ° For BNFANTS, INVALIDS, and the AGED DeUciousMiiriiija, Digestible. Benger's Food is quite distinct from any other. It possesses the remarkable property of rendering milk with which it is mixed when used, quite easy of digestion by Infants and Invalids. Benger's Food is sold in tins ' by Chemists, &c, everywhere. Is the BEST COOKING RANGE on the market. Cooks with less fuel and more rapidly than any range made Is the latest pattern and most up-to-date range sold. To be had from all ironmongers Be sure to ask for THE GLOBE. 11 'Twill put fat On the ribs of Death." —Henry VIII. Mild a» milk. Mellow as oil. „ Be sure You get DAWSON'S ' WHISKY. '[ Exquisite in flavour. I Perfection on all points, a A wholesome beverage. | A cheerful companion. | Baby's Skin Troubles Vanish ■ When Talsic Toilet Powder Is Regularly Used. No baby will suffer with any skin trouble if Talsic Toilet Powder be dusted on after every change of clothing. Talsic . Toilet Powder keeps baby's skin in a constantly healthy condition, no soreness, no redness, no chafing, no smarting. Talsic Toilet Powder is a new, improved, and perfect skin dusting powder — better than the old-fashioned powders that .were often gritty, lumpy; and unwholesome. Use Talsic Toilut Powder regularly and baby will never be troubled with skin ilrifcations that make him cry and fret. Talsic Toilet Powder is antiseptic, soothing, - cooling and healing, and is regui larly used by c.ueful mothers > j eveiy where. Sold by chemists,. . ! in pvekcts, on»: shilling each. (i. .'.' HEA.N, Cheuint, Wanganui, j Sole Jkliiuuf k ui.ur*i . 159 ZEAfiANDiA I'KIVA'IE ""HOTEL, Clyde-quay, Wo.lll.gion. , Absolutely tho mobl n. -10-tlnlo in tho ,co ony. jS'oh building of 45 rnoius, rcplote j with every comfort. Accommodation for i lo«ri»U, tho travelling public, and pur- ! maneiit boardurri. Easy ttccnss to trams, ' shipping, and trains. Moderato taiiff. Told phono 1656.. Civility, nttoution, comfort, tho Jiealandia Private . liotol. t ANTKO X uowii— Provide shelter for your homeb and gardens— Eleagnuu 20j, Coprosma (Tan pat a) 15b to 30a, Ako Ako Silver 15s to 20s, Laurels 20a, Lnurostinas Giant 20a to 30a, Macrocarpa, 2-year 20s, 1-year ss, Pincß, 1-year Ss, 2-yoar 15s to 253. All iicr 100. Best plants.— if. Cooi or, 30, Mannere-streot. 0111 Soxc*— Writo for free books of vital intprcst about yourselves. Post free. Writo' Henri DuvaU "0, BourkoEtrcct, Melbourne. j

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Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 36, 11 August 1905, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 36, 11 August 1905, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 36, 11 August 1905, Page 3