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LOST, lady's Silver Watch, between ■ Nowtown-avenue, Newtown Post THE LADIES INSIST UPON HAVING Office, and Cuba-streot. Finder rowarded on returning to Te Aro House. J^ECORD' ' TEA, LOST, between Gnus-street and Hataitai, a Bearskin Boa. Reward on re- pnm - v Bocauso of its turning to R. Wilborfoss, Harriß-stroet. rviu.±x, TOST, in Adelaide^adTGoTd-Ba; STRENGTH, and JL_ Brooch, heart attached. Reward at DELIGHTFUL FLAVOUR, No. 60, Adelaide-road. LOST, severlfwedcs ago, red morocco- '-H™ three qualities necessary in a GOOD bound Autograph Book. Finder re- CUP OF TEA warded by applying to Evening Post. Ij OST 1 ve ?- er ? ay ' between Willis-street Prioes _ 2g __ lod> __ 8d and ___ lb ; -B— ' and Arlington-street, or from thence ' * by tram to Government Railway Station, a Gold Bar Browh, with letter G set in ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. pearls; reward. Enquire Evening Post. T OST, part of a Gold Banglo, set in - J-i stones (keepsake), between Manawatu Stat.on and Thompeon-street Reward returning to 115, Cuba-streets OST (Five Shillings Reward), yesterday, Parcel, fancy work, scissors, and silver thimble; loft in carriage of cable car Invoicing anfl from Kelburno. Findor will roceivo the > V Bookkeeping i> done, above reward if same returned to Tho Elriutt-h'islier iiivoii-ing and Mansions, GhuznoG-street. Bookkeeping Machines will Have LOST, Tuesday, Gold Brooch, between '^20 to £2<iO per y«ar each— Kirkoaldie's and Pipitea-slroot. Re- *"f vo »' *»» tO . & m P« ward at 8, P.pitea-street. eauh - Jllst enqulre ' T OST, Lady's Diamond Ring, Thorndon V erex ' Sf 1 * tUd<)> 1 T l r m ir fi °dor handsomely reward- Opposite 'I own Hall. ' cd. Apply Mrs. Smith, No. 2, Bolton- cc avenue, Tinakori-road. LOST, a lot of Dandruff by using half a bott.o of Parker's Hair Tonic, 2s 6d a. bottle, by post 35." Wm. Parkor, Chemist, Manners-street. i T OST, all bargains in Cycle Sundries if M^Z^V'Tft & *° D JU you do not buy from us. Acetylene i_!: r - a P>i rove^ Fr f f h^ j , C » t 5 r a JKl£?£_K Lamps, 4s 9d; Bells, ls; "Three in One" | e 4 °Sf?^ eB at LOWIiST CURRENT Oil, 9d ; Carbide, 9d Everything roduced. K £ li: ' 1 " Scott Motor and Cycle Co., Manners-street .. Powe f r *° r b°-°™r. to repay any portions 01 fhe loan during term. fTtOUND, in Wadestown, Gordon Setter KENNETH DO'U&LAS. -B- Pup. Owner can havo same by pay- Solicitor, ing expenses to A. Wiffon, Wadeatown. The Chambers, Hunter-street, opX'OUND, a Watch. Owner can hafa posite A.M.P. Buildings. A same by applying to 45, Abol Smith- MONEY TO LEND, street, and paying cost of this notice. RESPECTABLE 'young ""man ~^nTs »TWE NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE Situation, as grocer's assistant; excel- ■*• ASSOCIATION has Money to Lend lent references. Urgent, Evening Post. .uVre^rrateT freehold Property at COMPETENT storeman, barman, 12 3'3 ' *-* years' experience best hotels in the ORTON STEVENS, colony, waiting Engagement; roforences. Manager for Now Zealand, Appiy J. 0., Evening Post. " Customhouse-quay. T ARGE Front Room to Let, unfurnish- " — " — ' -«-— ■ od, or partial Board and Residence ivrrYNn?v ~n TTrwn for two gentlemen, private family; quiet MONEY JTO LEI\D. InCr Th 6 Torrße0 ' APPIy G " EV6n " Q UMS of Mon °y t0 L ° nd Current >J_L_____ O R,te». Apply to A CCOUNTANT is -open to undertako TRAVERS, RUSSELL, AND CAMP- _"_. balancing and keeping tradesmen's BELL, books. Apply Balance, Evoning Post. Barristers and Solicitors, OY wanted for our Smdery. Apply Feathersfcm-streer, Weliing-ton. Factory Manager, Whitcombe and Ibrabs, Limited. BOLTON AND ORGAN. TNTELLIGENT Lad wanted to be ap- Barristers and Solicitors, and Patent •*- prenliced to , Ruling Department ; Agents, good opportunity to learn tho trade. Ap- 37, Featlierston-street Wellington, and ply Factory Manager, Whitcombo and Jackson-street, Petono. Tombs, Limited.' . T ~l ""i >F~ "ffi,/f"O^EY to Lend on approved Freehold V^ o^-^ f ° r T? marr _? d <: 0U P 1b - ,1so;, 1so ; -IVA Securities at Lowest Current Rntes, V 3 Maidßtono House, Kensmgton-street o _ chattel Security . Condition, for (off Abol fcmith-street). rppnjment durinc term can bo arranged. "jOOAIN, comfortable quiet Home; suit -«- four young men -who wid share rooms ; MONEY TO LEND, moderate. No. 1, Rosina-terrace, off Wcl- — r lington-terrace. CHEAPEST MONEY IN THE TQJRIVATE Board and Residence for two - MARKET. JL gentlemen ; hot and cold bath ; piano, , . f „ „ soft washing and mending; terms 18s per WEW E b"b "S _ to inform clients that we .»„!. v f^.«.u« ».....—/>« ntt AV.OI cim.ti, * * can uovt _ena burns of ±>lUU and week. 13, Crosby-terrace, off Abel Smith- rj _ >WA _ IDS at s PER OE _,- r , on Ap . _ _* , 1 proved Freehold Securities in town or ' A DVERTISER wishes to Rent, in about , country. i'-t_. a-Tnonth's-timo, <an--8-" t?r-8 - roomed Easy terms made for payment of prinI .house in sunny position. Send particulars cipal. ! to Home, care of Evening P'oat^ KIRK AND WH SON, PUPONGA Coal has no equal for heat. ; It gives a clear, bright fire ; leaves no Wellington./ Otala. and Petone. ; dirt. Tho best and cheapest Coal. At any MONEY TO LEN_. ' f^ eale "- J /-ju Mortgage over Freehold Properties SUPERIOR Board and Residence, closo KJ 'Apply to proximity to Government Buildings; HALL AND KNIGHT, j central, quiet, select. Almora, 10, Mow- Solicitors, 16, Brandon-st., I bray-street, top Bowon-street. Wellington _~<LIFTON Boardinghouse Establishment, I\J 162, Upper Wiiiiß-street, five minutes JUDO'S, m »a JUJDD'S. from Wharf, G.P.0. ; trams pass door SlSti!s«iSSj every five minutes; good accommodation JUDD'S fc??2«£§s JUPD'S. ! for the travelling public; terms 20s per '. . „ , _..„„__ week; 4s 6d per L£ Mr.. S. Scott, Prornetre3S - , A. Manners-street-a Sale that forces T3IOHARD BROWN AND SON, Willis- tho ttatement that soems paradoxical— XX and Manners streots, for Po3t Cards, Solid Gold Jewellery at loss than the cost View Books, Maori Beauties, Magazines, o f tho bullion. It's a manufacturing Weldon Patterns, newest Stationery, and jeweller's surplus stock, and the loss is Waterman Pens. hif — not ours • ' 1 i "O ARE -opportunity— Wanted to Sell, a \VHY~ GROWTOLIX 7\ Jl6j well-known registered artiolo. Price "ffTtTRITE at onco to ' Rejuvenate," Box £100; a splendid chance for energetic VT 257, G.l' , ant. got information man. Apply by letter, Business, G.P.0., regarding my wo..^crlul flesh food. Wellington. LEFKoW "CLOTHING. r MUSCOVY Duck Settings for Salo (Ist t ADIES' and Gentlemen's superior Misprize, 1905) ; also Minorca Roosters. JLJ fit and Left-off Clothing bought ; Apply A. Ludwig, Pino Grove, Upper highest prico given ; letters attended to. Hutt. MrßM rB - Botterill, 13, Ingeßtre-street^ Tf»AK C* HAND Cameras just arrived nnRY~STEN'JL r AND~CO7s"_OTTLED ±y\JD O at Castle's Pharmacy, 31, , JL ALE AND STOUT, specially brewed Viviau-streot; from 14s to 90s. Mako a f rom m alt' and "hops for private use; ! point of seeing these up-to-date Cameras quarts, 7s ; pints, 4s ; casks, 2s per galat 31, Vivian-street. lon. Central Btewery, Quin-itreet, oti MRS HICKS' S Ointment still on sale- Mhuznoe-.treet. Telephone 571 1 2s, ls 6d, and ls boxes ; post free _^ UDERIN, Blood and Nervo Tonic, for to any address. Can be obtainod at 21, VJ" man and woman; gives lifo and Arthur-street, 4, Caroline-street, and vigour, purifies tho blood, restores oircuGordon and Gotch's Bookstall, Queen's lation. Solo Agent, W. Salek, Sydney Wharf. >Chomist, 17, Willis-street. liRVE, Brain, and Tonic— Blood Sar- jpt UDERIN Tonio builds up wasted tissaparilla for Boite, Pimples, Blotches. VJT sue, cures palpitation, nervousness, Improves the appptite, dispels headache, hysteria, and all weakness; invaluablo for Stomachic and aperient ; 2s 6d. W. Salek, ladies during nursery period. Solo Agent, Sydney Chemist, 17, Willis-street. W. Salck, Sydnoy Cneaiist, 17, WillisPUPONGA Coal is best for the house. 6treel - No dirt, no^ ashes. A dear, bright XTrTELLINGTON CLEANING CO.— fire Ask for Puponga Coal. H Window and House Cleaning, CarTas_S_2__S_.'»l£T a s_S_2__S_.'»l£ tf^A""" Hu °'^ lasting. Anti-corpulency Special Pill for TtTARNISHES. — • Wilkinson, Heywood 6tout people, new remedy, 2s 6d. W. V and Clark's are the best and lowest Salek, Sydney Chomißt, 17, -Willis-street. i n pr ico. W. G. Tußtin, 89, Willis-streot. T7<LETCHER'S Phosphorised Quinine Tel. 134. ; JU and Iron Tonic, a. splondid bracing TTJALE. antemio, and nervous people are tonic and pick-me-up. Post freo 2s 6d and J7 quickly rostored to health by Sorra4s 6d. Fletcher, Chemist, Wellington. vallo'e Tonio (Bark and Iron Tonic). DRAPERYr-Splendid moderatoly-sized Pleasant^ to take. Ask your doctor his Business for Salo, prosporous suburb, opinion. Wellington; new stock; immediato pos- -WTfTHY havo chapped, hard, rough hands session given. Apply Bargain, Evoning yy wnO n Geranium Lotion quickly Post. heals, softens, whitons, and cleanses after V~< t>tt>t'l'TT a t T^M Mm Annio F Mak housework? Is and ls 6d bottle. W. S™rt" &» Salek, Sydnoy Chemist, 17, Willis-st.eet. daily, U till 9. 23a, Kont-terraco. T>HILLIPS'S Perfect Ponoko Cycles, IVTADAME King, American Clairvoyant. £ from£l2 10s with freewheel and 14, Binham-streot, off Ingcstro- a troot. _°^»«_^_£ c : . IFT 1 SJ?S S h cien f Ufie° PaS W*!.^^^^ IYA /et^'f^.^^/'f^Tol™^ Boardinghouses should consult those havstjSss_s2; ttsa"_s-i _jjffjs__- «. -asms ■M-ADAME DENNETTE .cultured Chur -p LETC nER'B Pho.phoriscd Quinine 15JL vc-yanto, Medium, con guide you JH d & -__. tfce c _ ro £ on health, marriage, P\^«H-i-" t_S? weakness and deprossion. 2s 6d and 4s 6d. reading recommend f™™^*™ c^ Fletcher, Pharmacist, Wellington. uplifting, practical. 13, Barker-street, on _ ' — — - Combridgo-torraco. T!lT ALi ttrcad, m ado from the puro Exdence, 39a, Thorndon-quay, daily 11 till y «> ' ,_ „ ii 1*:1 *:? 1 -: r a ;:- ._, A Cold Tablets do; and kill it while its YOUR hands can be mado soft and in h(jad of throat lf) bottl(J WaU white by using Sydal. Haw you { Chemist, Willis-streot. Open' all tried it? Ono application works wonders. W odnesday. ls 6d. Chemists and stores. trriTPATO Mw k m a ' (Bark and Iron M^N.Z.R.N , L^S. DiJS^a^ £3 Wino) is excellent in cases of antemia, Certificated Massouso, has opened a Priaa well a» in cases of conyaloßconco alter v _ tQ Nurgine _jolnoj olno f or Womon only at 5, illness^ Ask your doctor his opinion. Arlington-street The house is situated in tf~i UDERIN is a marvellous Blood (Tonic a quiot locality, but closo to tram lino. VJT Strengthens tho weak, givos bright Terms, ote., on application. healthy complexion, mnkoa good red rich ftrft REWARD Will bo paid to »ny blood. W. Salek, Sydnoy Chemist, 1/, 3jQ\J pergO n who can produce a Suit Willis-stroot. Jl_— to equal in stylo, fit, and quality for tho GOLDEN Eagle and Southern Crois etfmo prico as tho Bradford Woollen Jams are the belt mado. Pure fruit Company, Lambton-quay, uext Stewart «nd sugar only. Aik the groctr, 1 Dhwioh'i. I

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Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 35, 10 August 1905, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 35, 10 August 1905, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 35, 10 August 1905, Page 1