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FREEZING SHEEP AND LAMBS. GOOD EVENING J "^yE should like to meet you personally npHE WELLINGTON MEAT EXPORT ?nd th LS I HHl l^^tf S 00MPANT (Lm) h prepwed t0 PDR - CALCIUM CARBIDE !, junct of the table is made— why and how CHASE FAT SHEEP and LAMBS by it differs from all tho other old-faehioned KtTOHui^peauffor'S; ttTSK^ "*** °' * W " A CKTYLENE GAS USERS wiU protoo muTVV^thin 1 , 0 "- The °° m^ * U ° ° Be " OTery teet themselves from' poniblo life* cent the real TOMATO flavour, and you f ac iu ty for freerinff on their own account. will begin to realise that Breakfasts, laClUty lOf lreermg on lnelr own ttccoul "- y^ . purchM i ng their CARBIDE ottly X^y^^llirA^^l W " b6 obUln6d ° n aPpH °* iiOD from the your grocer and buy a bottle, and if ho m,. Bu _ era in the countr y does not stock it worry him until he «ie Buyers in the country. ACETYLENE GAS LIGHTING some 5 o'fhe'r 6 braft'justastooTd^p^ DILNOT S^DEN, then write to the FRIMLEY CANNING .... FACTORY at HASTINGS, H. 8., and let -rrjrr CABLE AND 00., us know.. what you think about it. YV • Waterloo-quay, KING'S CHAMBERS, WELLINGTON, WELLINGTON, N.Z., '^J-.??- 1 ■■ " I' ii i.. Manufacturers of MARINE and LAND -. *> ENGINES and BOILERS, MINING, ' And jfr^knfjyjy^ r^A' HYDRAULIC, DREDGING, and aJt3Ld£rJrjoZ<&^e4a Jt3Ld£rJrjoZ<&^e4 wool -drying machinery. 4/S&C MANURE MANUFACTURING and BROAD-STREET, PALMERSTON N *Sg^^ ■■I'Ll'lMnmiwi FLAX-DRESSING PLANTS. Pt^-ntttttvtt? Cttttcso IJtt rr MACHINERY AND SHDPS' REPAIRS VtENUINE bWISS MII^K A Speoiality. CHOCOLATE Agents for ZYNKARA, the Best Boiler WRITE TO-DAY FORPRE, SAMPLE, CAMERON^ STEAM^UMPS. .__ and particulars of our _______^__- ,„,,,,,„ , , , ..1 Emw* aw !E& Eft E ""H B» aouTn British f~^e and Xt 1 I FII/r MARINE LN ~ BANCii C °" gOOTHHW CROSS BISOUTT COM-?iw»eTi-rinii 22S^"BtaA_™d Z£l9!&Z £1 9!& pany. limited, wanganui, ©©ISfIPETB T SOTo Insurances of c.very kind Without doubt far surpass any other makers eAILLER>S,M uI u Q lL,foEuildin X , *t verr lowest r»te». ..,.,.- Martin Place BYDWEV. OHAS W BENBOW, Manager. wllfl ii ' ely famous °**-"' Lambt — Wellingt0 °- OREAM CEACKERS, ' PH'NrvSTTMI-'TTnW 1V :EW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO. OONbUMI IIOJN . N FmE AND marine. MEA]j WAFEIiS , EVERY year 600 people die in New Zea- p^d un Capitaland Reßervea £I'oo1 ' 000 ' 000 «^t fr ° m °r Un^°?hWriiht b fui lincluWUndivld MftSSJ £601,519 SHORTBREAD. Si^^r^&"S&. tl gr S»SS Netßevenueforim ... £455,303 _ stages of the disease, are reaping the bisne- Fire and Marine Risks of every deßonpfit, and Show their belief and gratitude in tio* accepted. Ask your Grocer for them, the most effectual way by proclaiming the Wellington Branch— Corner of Grey. , clad tidings. Please note this fact, that street and Lambion-quav. twelve ox-Sanatoria Patients are using C. A. EWEN, Manager. g KIRKPATHICK &CO SACCO with most beneficial results. A ' — v v *» " gentleman now at Rotorua, after four rBTHE VICTOEIa. INSURANCE -b<atjtcstt <stri,«i?'p months of Saceo treatment before leaving i COMPANY, LTD. JsAiUfaU-SjlKlMkl, South Africa has comploted a perfect cure, Fire, Marine, and Fidelity Guarantee. and been onabled to insure his life. Tes. Established 18W. WHOLESALE AGENTS. timonials are now being gathered for Fire, MariHe, and Fidelity Guarantee publication . Risks accepted at Lowest Current Rates. . Sacoo— Sole Agency for all New Zea- LEVIN AND CO., LTD., — land ~ 36, The King's Chambers, A«ents_ BBITANNIA HOTEL, Wellington. j^^ NORTH BRITISH AND MER- WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON. jalSg^* s~v»=^»,-ti 750 'pm, arrive Foxton" 9.30 p.m. The Fire R^err* 2,135,57* eTery comfort and attention, t&o propriedieapSiT'and quickest route to P and from MURRAY, ROBERTS AND CO., tor having conducted «ome of «w b«tWelHngton. • Agents. known hotels in tho South Island. In- " g - . tending visitors, by sending letter or telegram to "Proprietor BRITANNIA ■1 ■ ■ ■ i»i ■■>»«Muy« Ml iwiMmmiinmM»aHmHmii!W^w^^w HOTEL, Willie-street, Wellington," will ahmmeiii mum m ■wwuwmi g n^ a ioom ready, however crowded the Ck ii w a ffl / i_® m/ B^^ M xLi fk. steamer, likewise, make straight for tho qUire ' G. B. MACKAY, FOIIOW thO lOatl Of (Late CriSn!°AW). thousands of others — _ 'by using M££&B£\i\¥ 9£9 £ PAPA A c omme:roial hotel, OLDiiyy X 5 IJUIjUA. . BOTTLE STOBE. A warming and Invigorating Ml Case per drlnK at all timeS. Colonial Ale and Stout, lOd por bottle . * Large Flapka Whisky, Brandy, or Gin, MIIftfiI)(WfItrra»»TM»«gBa^agaBBBMB)I<WM>MMBaBIBBigBBBBMBHqi^^aMMWBWMMBW gs 6d J small ditto, Is 6d. jYOI^Y WOKK! ' ohwoajTioiop^ - """"""""" "■ Tel. 1186. Night-porter in attendance. TOTE are showing a fine selection of the above, finished ready for working, MASONIC HOTT^, CUBA-STREET, " ' M. J. (TED) DONNELLY, Proprietor. MATS, Is and 2b 6d ; TABLE COVERS, 6s 3d ; N.D. BAGS, 4s 6d ; CUSHION (Late of Defence Department, WelSQUARES, 4b 6d; TOILET SETS, 3b 6d; RUNNERS and CENTRES, 3s lington, and Railway Hotel, Bketaand 6s. , - huna.) - 1 \ : fTlHip hotel is now thoroughly complete, Aleo, a fine assortment of FINISHED IVORY GOODS, ready for use at the X and is one of the beit-appointecf ' following prices: — houses in the city. Every room eleotricMATS, Is Bd, 2s, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 4s; N.D. BAGS, Ss and 5» 6d; GLOVE and oU 4 li ?. h H - an £ •u 6wl 4 f ?i?il he< L j HANDKERCHIEF CASES, 2b 9d each ; TABLE COVERS, 9s " 6d; and t%z° iel " bnd - , 8 W 3 rt » n(f RUNNERS, 8s H, 10s 6d, and 12s 6d each. iSaf^^S^wSTTfii^ , oommodation for -tourists and f amities. 1 - Hot and cold plunge and shower baths. COUNTRY ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. , L ?^ e ™ and tek&r* 11 * punctually at. tended to. J ' Liberal' Cuisine. Tariff— 7g per diem, ok 35s per week. PBBtn nil 4% a BDd^ - ' Porter meets. all trains and steamers. 19? i! SMI Si* 1 E '^ PPly? ly tbe choicest brands of winei, bHu BB« h H B_ B_ ■■ spirits, etc., stocked. "■■■■wtaßta Telegraphio Addre«-"MASONIO," Wel- . DIRECT IMPORTERS, .69, LAMBTON-QTJAY. ]i> ? gt6tt - . . AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT . SOOD3TY. , H^^ (^ MONEY TO LEND. bC> nsk SC^ HOill 9 riIHIS Sooiety ii prepared to Lead B" 1 JU& Wrvk Vixßß B" •*■ Money on First-class FREEHOLD BBS B aS« Sm CITY and COUNTRY BECTJRITD3B at Lowett Current Rttei. Oar new Mortgage eRWSSk iCSSX Ob, S3 >^a6i HB El BMSB ■O^ 40^. 0 ■ Ml^ B*i Deed contains a comdition allowing bor. HUr 9 KB KWB B* ffl TT 9'S H* ffl IH^ C^ rowori the Rnwlege of repayißg up to 29 Bffi %m& I&tM vS*£? kirn a a m &^? wUv Bb I^m p " cent< . thß lo * n ° utill ! an ? yew m Va '•qgr H 'Vi '^^ BUB H IM& vmr U Amm notice or Payment of any fine. THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR > LEGAL^SeNSeI A^^PTIONALLY LOW COUGHS, BKONOHITIS, ASTHMA, AND o£?w*^£M %*%' t "& M w- n -r~.«*- n a-tr<. ra «^ A -«v Sooiety'* District Offices. CONSUMPTION, EDWARD W. LOWE, _ „. Resident Secretary. JHAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE Wellington, lit September. 1902. IN THE WORLD. MONEY TO LEND. mHE NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFH Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence ••*■ ASSOCIATION has Money to Lena Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness {?" mm t OT ts ?* e of freehold property at Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief ; and to Apply those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete c ORTON STEVENS Cure. Ifcv is most comforting in allay incf irritation in the threat and giving Manager for New Zealand strength to the voice, >nd it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic Customhouße-qua«. nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never boen known to exist where - ■ ■ . , "Coughs" havo been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be x/rnNrpv n>n rvan without it, as, taken at tho bogiuning, a dose is, generally sufficient, and a Complete' J»u«ii x jio LEND. Cure is certain. , . QtJMS of Money to Lend at Current 1 *-> Rates. Apply to BEWAM OF. COITOHS! • *™ KD W, m camp. Barristers and Solicitors, REMEMBER THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, AND Featherston-Ureet, Wellingtokt CONSUMPTION IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. _^ HEARSTE'S BRONCHITIS CURE- Bam, SS^sSiSoSfSd* Went Small Size, 2s 6d. ; Large Size, 4s 6a. 37> F-rthwth JSs!V d ß ß^ m , and Jackeon-street, Petone. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by tke Proprietor, _ _ nVT:i^. . T ,—, — ,-. ... J . TMTONEY to Lend on approved Freehold Wfl BJIP" A B"SJ Vk& IT f* UJ C BUI I T" Securities at Lowest Current Jftates, . Q. HEARRiE, CHEMIST, t a n SySSs d for GEELOS^O, VICTORBA. money _to lend. CHEAPEST MONEY IN THE ' Porwarded ]>y Post to any Address when not obtainable Locally.- _ ' TI7E beg to inform clients that we New Zealand Branch Office - No. H f First Floor, u™SSs"S S^PelTent^o? g HUME'S BUILDINGS, WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON. Pr°™<> Freehold Seouritiei in town -or ' , country. — ; : Easy termi made for payment of prinO. BRANDAUER & ©o.'s, Ltd. p «*. of | **** AND wn ffi tori , -_ _ _ --.■«■ Pons nelther scratch Wellington. Otaki. and Petone. Csr©ySar Pointecl l --j^^^ !^ tpl 2; T SSS money to ™,. — ~ nr^» papeV with the ease Morteago over Freehold Properties Ei €&B"i€la J^^M^^ of a soft lead pencll> Apply to • J^SS^m^^^^^^ AHenlion is also HALL AND KNIGHT, Seven j^^^^^^fi^^ drawn to their patent Solicitors, 16, Brandon-st., Prixo wicdals, jm^S&mr^^ Anti-Bloltmg Series. W.lWton.

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Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 34, 9 August 1905, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 34, 9 August 1905, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXX, Issue 34, 9 August 1905, Page 2