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(J.U'i: MAMA, 7th Mnrcli. Mokiiiu pa««cd weal nt, 9.^0 a.m. N'AI'IUR, 7tb March. Arrived — Tttluno (12.15 p.m.), from Wellington. LYTTKI.TON. 7th M.iroh. Arrived— Atlmnio (5.10, hum Wclliiij? ton. L-irip 1 stenmer gn\ug ninth pusarrl t!io hends ut fl.iO v. in. lIMIKK, 7tli Muich. Arrived — WulUnrc (8 ii.m.), frnin Mclbotirntnml llohail. I'nMCUKCi-n : Saloon— >Hsae« MiHire (2), Ti.ce.vlvm', MctiUnics Oipcluiid, 11'i.lli-y, Vrcrinuii, I).i!ik». MfMra. Miixwrll, Wllsnh, Oiprbud. l-ci'ii. Uiiilry, Imnglund, Jcf firv, yuln, Miidgc, Yon Sdlfe'llty; iO nltevUK l '- Snilcd — Itlmu. for Cuimilioll Islund«. AUCKLAND. 7tli Mnrcli. Sailfil - MnmilM, lor Kusl Consl, Welling (mi, ljUtcllun, nml Duncilui. Pmncnjtrie fur Wc'llliiKUin — .MiMOS Wclli (2), Iticharila, IMiilhp* ii), Mcmlnmr* Hlclmrdu. Olive, ami I'i'aroe, MoMrn. Otincli, I'ciiicc, Hlinpwn, HurtIniul. Willl.imn, nml lliicklnml. Suilnl— Siivuii (1.15 p.m.). lor Wellliißluii. OSKIR'NHA, 7tli Murrh. Siillnl — Uiunu'A. fur Nt'w l'lymoiitli. I'nsiteiiKiTH : B.ilih.ii-S!lmm C'Hiptr. llmkctli, Ho|>w.iii.l, Adaiin, l'rethcv, Ucy«iiod, Wright, Hill. MrMlimiM White. Wlltun. 8lm», llliliku, \lrynnlilv CoiMclt. DnVe, Wllion mid child, Wllliiinm, Ki'wrll, Cooper, Uniiie, Tiillock, Wiill, Wii(<rhnu(io, Ailjiii^lit l.rntiip. Onjt*nlr> .Vndcr«mii. Mntif, Unpkiiii, Krttlmn, Drakn. lliinkm. II«-\wihk1. White. llntelilßon. Urjnold», White, (inrtior. l,cydnii, l»«rker. Hnrrls, Pc OuJtio, Hum. l't'cln', Wnndinftc, mill i 5 ktri-nigr.

A coucspoiule-nt wrUva asking if he is entitled to hitve his name plaYed on the r.itcjuiyer.V roll atii) have a vote at the. Mayoial tin tion T lie .viys he is a lodger in [i hi-rse, his i c !or a loom conic* to (iwiAiderably nn.!^ ti..ui the minimum fixed by the Act— .',lo .i ye iv for a ratepnuiH 1 ' q'u-.lilii.i'.w"!. Tl'«> que.stion wa« ••nfrtijitled to tJ'o Ti.v ii Cl< ik, who say.s: ""''ho writer cvulcutly mixm the queslii n of a resiilerui.i 1 \otcr nnd n r.i f c pay i. If We, a.s ii lo'lger, cm show m.d t iV ;< declaration that lr "-y.- .in amouii^ lor his louiiiiMprr.iti'ly f' iin his hoaul) of nut less than JGIO* ,i y.Mr. and that he Inis done so fur Ih.'io months last pint, then he it. entitled to have bis namo mvrted on the roll as a jfob-lenant for a te.-iidential vote. If he i<* only a lodger and piys hi.« hoarding r)rngci' as a whole, then he has 'io claim to n <üb-tenancy, ainl cniMoqucntly oaimut < l.ilm a residential qualitication." At tho Hi'loinio lei . il public incrtinir to be given lo (':•• Macdonald iiiul Mrs. A p! nut. this evening, at (lie Courtermy pl.ue Cougi lonil Cliuiob. hliml adihij-se.s will be given by the Clriirinau of Union of New /ea'nnd. by the I'nion Tieaaurer. Mr. W. 11. Lvun, and cithers. The ! v's place at 6 oMoc's, nnd the public meeting at 7.30. Tho dismal her of the past two days vanished dining last night, and today is mimmery with the freshness of spi'ing. Similar deliglilful weather in being experienced practically everywhere, except in Westport, whence paw ing showers weie repnited Jit 9 a.m. The temperatures at that hour weie of ii (•.pringlike coolness, the average being under 60deg. The readings in the four chief centres were : Auckland 64deg, Wellington 64deg. Chrislchureh 54dcg. and Dunedin 63dcg. The rainfall in the city between 9 a.m. yesteid.iy and Ihe fiamc hour today was ju«t over an inch. Theio .ippc.irs to be icuvm to believe there i» something, alter all. in Iho (■(intention of the Miihtertoii Holidays Committee that theie is a Haw in (lie .Shops and Oflii.CK Art which place.-, the alien shopkeeper beyond the i each of <uiy "closing-hour" restrict ions (hat may be imposed under the Ail. It will be remembered — the f.ut 1 . weie »>el out in last Wednesday's Post -thai Clause 21 of the Ait .v.iyh that .i majority of "occupiers" ol shops in a district may leijuisition the Mini.ster of Labour to'lix the closing hour. A sub-seclion of the clause defines "occupier" as lining, tor the puipo&c.s of tho .section, a Uiilish subject. Tho Ma.slerton Committee nht.tiued a legal opinion (o (he elk'cl dial there is no power to close the, .shop of a non-naturalised Chinaman, for instance. Mr. Mackay, nf llie Labour Department, «ns seen on the point, nud said he thought that this uudesired icmill couNI not take place. It nppe.nn. however, fiom an editorial in (he Wair.irupa Daily 'Junes-, that the legal opinion obtained by the Masterton Cinnnuttee is ba.s«'d on .' tonsideiation of Chuises 21 and 32. The fuuuor directs (hat shops nhall be vlomul at a prescribed hour, iiikl the lalter says who shall elate them. "When a duty is, imposed by law," the Times continue?;, "some one must discharge, it, and in 32 it i.s distinctly stated (hat this i.s tho duty of tho occupier. Clauco 21 exempts all alienw as occupiers, so that the duty of closing their shops cannot bo impo.scd upon them." 'lo this il can be icp'.ied that I ho iuteipietation clause ol the Act, which delincs an "occupier" n.s Ihe person occupying the shop (irrespective of his nationality), applied in Clause 32, and the deliuition of "occupier" in Clause 21 applies only -to that .section, and is insert ed only for the purpose* of that section, which is merely ihe prescription of the mode in which the reqttiMtion ahull be mado lo the Minister. The point is a difficult one, anil the Labour Department, so Mi. ALickity find to-day, is taking a legnl i. pinion mi i liti ftubject. in uidvi- lo cleur thjS lUlficultj\

At the meeting of the Trustees, of tho Benevolent Institution this afternoon there were present Mc^sifc. 1). Robertson (, H. AloHies, 11. Cook, A. W. tioga, M.M.It , 0. W. Urown, and Rev. W. A. Evans 'J'wo or three appliciinUi for relief were interviewed, and I heir citsc.s deult with, and the Trustees then went lo the. Home lo make their quarterly inspection. On Monday, 27th Febiuaiy, about 10.30 p.m., a nightwatchnian, while pacing the promihcs of Edwards and Son, boolmakct'H, at llio corner of Luko'.i Lane and Manner.s-.s!ieet, diheovered that il window had been broken on tho Luke's Lane side. He also seems to havo noticed a bag of boots in the back yard. He obseived men in the locality, and informed the police. About two d;.ya (iftenraidn Detective lira berg anoted James Cameron, alias M'Donald. alias Douglas, on a charge of theft of three paii.s of boots, tho proptnty of Edwards and Son. Cuineum stands :cinanded till Fiidny. Last evening Detective Uroberjj arrested llnriy Monihon, aliaK Jfonisey, on a .similar clmrgc, and to-day ucousod was lemandcd by tho Stipeudiaiy Miigislrulo till tho swtne day. " __ A cluiui of £2 16n, for alcoholic liquor supplied, bVought by Oame.s Taylor ajjainsl Isaac anrf Evelino Munis, oecu-pa-cl the Stipcndiiiry Mugiutmte's nttention this morning. Mr. Hiiu'tiiursh wan for plaintiff, Mr. L. Recs for dtfendnut.s, who are husband and «ife. Mi .-I. Mori ix deposed that a bottle of whi.-ky and hoiiiu botlli-.s of boi-r, prico in nil* 15.-, »Mi) never deliveied, and that her husband \v«j< not liable, as hho did all thu buxincw. Him Woifhip decided that a.s lum Kind and wife lirtided ti^'.ethor, plaiutilf wan justified Jn miiijjj ln.ih. Ilifl Woihhip cou'd uol jret awa) iiotii tho iioii\eiy oi'iU-iH hij'.ncd by somecnio in Mi v . Moiii.s's lioufc, and two of \*'i>i( : i M.S. Mor.i« » j UI ylu> .si,:ncl her- •' 1. Judifinent w.r. f.n- p'.'iintili for ,i.l lull arti'cilllit, with coilh jJJ 'Is. Mr. T. !-hie'ds will attend at Te Aro I' ii>.', (.11.1'iiiMW to give fi'ie m."-'uw turn .'1 1 his ml of awhi..nt:ig to k.icjll tluld- .^ .1. Tho ciusc of I'ied. Artluir v. lleniy Si.oll, claim £21 13s 6d, in uhich phuntilf'a greyhound had to be kilhxl nt, a ieMill of being injured by plaint ill", wiu* agnin before the >bigistr.ile's Court today. The Magistrate had previously decided (hat defendant was liab'e, and today ho tiwussud (lie value of the dog. haVing benid expert evidence nil eatli hide, at £16 13s 6d, and gave judgment for (hut amount, with cost.s £4 '(.•<. Mr. lleidman, for defendant, applied for leave lo, which wa« granted on sec u lily of dep(i;)il of an nmoiiit lo cover judgment and costs, plus flid 10a. Mr. Wilford was for plaintiff. A youngish man named Charles Oliver VVebly came up for sentence yesterday before the. Stipendiary Magistrate, for having received and coiivirled to liis own uso a number of articles of jewellery, and watches, the property of his employow, Messrs. Fordo and Co. Theic are nmo chaigea. Chief-Deteclive M'Oruth said pr'^oner was employed at 15s v week und commission on miles. Ho disposed of— pawned <yid converted — £75 worth of articleH at Christchurch and Duucdin. For some items he sent in fictitious ordeiK to cover his thefts. The offences covered a period from Bth December to Ist February. Nothing was known against him previously. The Chief-De-tective wished that un order be mado for restitution of (he articles to Ihe own ors on their paying to the pawnbrokeis the .sums advanced, totalling £23 lt>. Mr. (lcrdiiuiu asked for leniency for prisoner, who had v wife and child. He borno a good character us n life insurance agent, in thu» city, but had got into bad company. His Worship said prisoner must luive known he was inclining. To let him oft* would bo an encouragement to people in such portion.* to get tho idea, into their heads that on the first occasion they would gel oft* for such acts. Prisoner was sent to gaol for mx inonUis. Notice has been received by thu Education Board from tho Department that the necessary grants for the pupil teachers' instruct ion chssses will be continued (hi<> year. The elates will (herefoic begin through Ihu district forthwith. Tho Saturday cluswh fur diawmg will commence ut the Technical Hchools in Masterton and Wellington, and .il the Pahuttiui District High School on 11th March, and the physical instruction (drill) eludes will begin on the same dale. The cooking class for UvifheiM u-ill begin on 11th March at the Terrace School, under Mix Neely. tho couivsa to bo adopted being that of the City and Guilds of London, whete ten practical lessons are necessary befoie a candidate can sit. There i.s accommodation for only twenty students, .md «.<» more (Jt;in douole (hat number mado application, twenty names hud to bo chusen. The other applicants alO to bo informed that another <ouim' will in all piobabahty be held iater on in the year. Mr. Foster's class for scieneo cuininences on 10th insl. Arrangements will be made with the Technical School authorities for the holding of a woodwork class on Saturday morning, if twenty leueheis will attend.

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Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 55, 7 March 1905, Page 6

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BY TELEGRAPH. ' Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 55, 7 March 1905, Page 6

BY TELEGRAPH. ' Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 55, 7 March 1905, Page 6