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CEYLON TEA! CEYLON TEA! HUME & SON, TEA GROWERS AND TEA DEALERS, 65, WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON. A oable just rooeived from Colombo notif jing that 1500 HALF-CHESTS TEA liavo been shipped to us via Melbourne. From camples roceired, we fin« that tho abore shipment will tarn out better than any Ten we hare yet pit ou tin market. t WICE AS HERETOFORE ... rt „ PER M. HUME & SON, TEA, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, G5, WILLIS-STIiEET, WELLINGTON.

TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES. UNDER ordinary oircumeUncos wo never indulge in Job LutMj War* houso Leavings, and such liko, BUT THESE SAMPLES Wore so Now, Fresh, and Dainty that we purchaied, Thoy consist of FANCY CHINA WARE Suitablo for Tablo and General Decoration, Hare been marked SOME BELOW COST, SOME AT COST, THE REST AT A VERY SLIGHT ADVANCE. Thoy aro only singles— no two alike. PRINGLE'S 69, LAMBTON-QTJA.Y.

W. B.CHUNNELLS, AUCTIONEER AND LAND AGENT, MASTERTON. FOR SALE11,239 ACRES, rich swamp laud, about 1500 ncros been drained, and balanco partly so. This fino block of country is situated about 13 miles from Hamilton, in tho Waikato district, and 10 miles from station, by good road. Tho front portion of the cstalo has all boeu drained, and on bB4 acres no loss than 1500 sheep aro always kopt, 200 acres wero sown with turnips last yoar and yielded tho best crop in tho Waikalo district. There aro somo fino down lands, from 100 to 200 acres in extent, which aro fringed with heavy flax, besides which there is in one part of Iho property a solid block of about 200 acres of rien milling flax, for which a good royalty could bo obtainod. Flax is also throughout tho wholo of tho swampy land. Tho property at ono end adjoins Iho Morrlnsvillo railway line. An adjoining property of 2500 acres was rr.conlly sold for 30s p.a., chiefly swamp land. Price, Us p.a. for the 11,239 acres. Quo-third cash. 1277 722 ACRES first-class land, mostly ploughablo ; splondid flats and sheltered valleys; vory warm naturo, good sandy loam, grows oxcollont crops of potatoes, oats, hiaizo, turnips, otc, 6-roomed lioubo and outbuildings, good orchard, oranges, lemons and other fruits nil ripen to perfcotion, P.O. on properly, school and croamery near. Property is woll grassed and is very suitablo for dairying or mixed fnrming ; ono of tho best farms in tho district ; owuor soiling on account of old ago. Prico 'only £4 5s per aero. Will taSo £500 cash ; balance at 5 por cent. 304 acres adjoining con bo secured if desired. 1344 Land Guide posted on application. A. MELISS STUART, s'harebroker, land and commission agent, 4, Featherslon-streot. Telephones— Offico. 190; House, 384. FOR SALE. HOLLOWAY-ROAD, Mitcholltown — 4 rooms, ono minute from tram. £475 cash. 628 CITY, M'lntyre's-avonue — 6 rooms. £650 ; tornu. 637 KELBURNE — 2 Sections, seven miuutos from electric tram to Aro-street nnd also from Kelburno cablo tram. Prico and particulars on application. 639 KELBURNE— S-roomcd Houso. Prieo and further particulars on application. ClTY— Hankoy-strcet— B rooms, all, convonicncei,< goj aspbalte paths. Lot at 27s 6d weekly. Prico £1000. 591 CITY — Mein-stroot— Up-to-dato 6-roomed House, with all necessary conveniences. Price £875. ; 616 SUBURB — Alicctown-^-5-roomed Houso, concrete foundation, artesian well. Prico £550. 618 ClTY— Thorndon, Soction, £13 per foot. CITY— 3 Valuftblo Building Blocks, fow minutes from Post Offico. Particulars price on application. 610 a ClTY— Tinakori-road, 8 rooms, all couveniencoi. Prico £1300. 553 SEASlDE— Muritai, Rona Bay, Karaka Bay, and Maranui, Sections and Homes. OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. CENTRAL LAND AGENCY. READ BROS., Sland and estate agents, wanganui, BEG to announco that thoy liavo opouod iv Branch of thoir Business in Willisstroet. Wellington (oppo3ito Oriental Hotel). Largo List of City, Suburban, and Country Proportios FOR SALE AND TO LEASE. CALL ON THEM. HEAD BROS., CENTRAL LAND AGENCY, WILLIS - STREET, WELLINGTON. GREAT SALE OF FUR'nItURK. CABINETMAKER'S STOCK-IN-TRADE £800 WORTH OF NEW FURNI- £000 £800 TURE. £800 To Thoso about to Furnish. 20 to 25 Per Cont. Off Original Prices. WF SHORTT has received iustruo- • tions to soil by private treaty, the wholo of a .cabinetmaker's stock-in-trade, consisting of — Fuiniluro of ovory doicription, bedding, blankots, suites in loathor and tapostry, extonsiou dining tnblcs, sideboards, otc, etc. 1 Just arrived, ox Papanui— 6o massive brass-mounted double and single Iron Bedsteads. Tho whole will bo sold at actual landed cost, as thoy must be cleared. Tho wholo of thoeo goods have boon removed lo my rooms, and nro now ou view in my spacious showrooms. Owing to tho imnumsQ amount of stock tho public will be offorod this splendid opportunity of scouring high-class furniture at pructioally thoir own pricos during tho month of February. No reaae-uablo offer refused. Inspection invitod. CHFAP~LXND~iN~PETOm RADFORD AND~CO. havo 16 Sections for Sale, price £75, £100, £125, and £150, £25 deposit only roquirod; also. Sections in Jackson-rtrect from £8 to £30 a foot, great bargaiiiß ; Houses and Sections from £180; easy terms arranged to ; suit clients. j

FOll SALE, IN KABOM. CI. DASENT, Agent, of No. 6, West- • minster ChamDors. Lambton-quay, Wollington, has recoived instructions ftotn K. C. Bulkloy, Esq., to soil tho following Vakiablo Sections adjoining his residence at Karori:— MAIN-ROAD— Ono Section, i-Uotb.; £500 ; corner lot. Ouo ditto, i-aoro, £460 Throo ditto, i-acro each, £300. LANCASTER-STKEET-One Section, i-acro, £250. Oue ditto, j-aoro, £600« corner lot. ' BELL-STKEET-Ono Section, i-acro, -£500. Oho ditto, 1 aero, £625. Ono ditto! 1 aero (nearly). £600. WALLACE-STDEET-Ono Section, |, acre, £265. * Also. HATTON-STREET - Throo Sections, eftch i-acro. £180 oach. . PARKVALE-ROAD— Ono Section, iacro, £170. Four ditto, 1-acre, £120. Tho abo\-o aro all under Land Transfer, aro coutral, and buyett can arrange for any roasouable torms. For particulars, «p P l y to O. I. DASENT, No. 6, Westminster Chambers, Lambtonnuay, (Ovor Commercial Union Aasuranco Cd), City. AUBREY GUALTER, SHAREBROKER. WELLINGTON-TBRRAOE-Site. £950 JIOBSON-STREEI'-Sito. £^00 BROOKLYN-4. rooms. £450 ISLAND BAY-5 rooms. £555 ADELAIDE-ROAD— 5 room*. £520 NORTHLANDS-* rooms. £756 CENTRAL-TERRACE-6 rooms £1300 KELBURNE-7 rooms. 11175 GORING-STREET-6 rooms. ' £1050 REVANS-STREET-7 rooms. £1500 ORIENTAL BAY— 7 rooms. £1750 HOBSON-BT.-8 rooms £2200 ADELAIDE-ROAD-8 rooms £1200 ROXBURGH-STREET-« rooms £1450 BROOK-STREET-9 rooms. ' £900 PETONE— 3 rooms. £325 KARORI— I* rooms, acre. £2400 BOTANICAL-ROAD-8 fino rooms, tct te?' l'?*"^""? laid out £1650 IbLAIsD BAY— 6 rooms, acre, stables, gardpiw, conservatory £1125 HUTT— B rooms, l£-apro, gnrdelis, orchard, sUbics £2000 BIDWELL-STREET-Lovol Sito £500 THORNDON-QIJAY-Lovol Site £743 AUBREY GUALTER, 0. Johnston-street. ARTICULARS OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE BY W. F. EGGERS, 28, Lambton-quay. Off Owou-Btrcct— Comfortable 4.rooiued Houso, with bath, copper and tubs; land 33ft x 102 ft. Prico £430. Vory cheap property. Daniol-Rtroet— Roal good 4-roomod House and Boullery, ovory possiblo modern convomonco; land 39ft x l+2ft. Prico £6?0 \\ orth inspection. j Off Pirio-strect— 6-roomed Houso and 3roomod Houso, modern ConrvcniOUCOS f'land 33 x 25ft frontage by 6b x 84ft., Prioo on application. Call for plan of buildiugg at offico. Rentals £84 por annum. FOR SALE, AS A GOING CONCERN. mHE well-known and old-established -■- Mnohmery Business of Necs nnd Sons, Ghuznco and Marion streets, WoK lington. Established over Twenty Years. Satisfactory reasons for selling out. Lease has four yours to run, aud arrangements can bo mado with Iho owner for a renewal. A raro opportunity for Kn cncrgoUs man. All particulars can bo had on application to NEES AND SONS, Ghucnoo aud Marion streets, Wellington, OR IMMEDIATE SALE, RonMenoo containing 10 rooms, besides accessories, aud over one acre of lain) containing flower, fruit, and vegetable garden, stable, cow byro and fowl yards. Tho houso is built of seasoned heart of ti>tara and rimu, and is in perfect state of preservation. Th« grounds aro sheltered by giant ornamental trees, and has a atroot frontage of 700 ft, which uiakes it admirably adapted for subdivision. An uninterrupted view of oitv, harbour, and surrounding country is oiTtainod from tho house; fivo minute* to tram and twonty minutes to G.P.0. ; an ideal home, which will bo sold cheap. Further particulars and terms may bo obtained from owner. JAB. O'SULLIVAN, Defonoo Stores, Buckle-st. TEA O R S A h E~L HOTEL, near Wangauui ; small capital r* quired. HOTEL, Minawatu Line. HOTEL, Wanganui. HOTEL, Wollington. HOTEL, Nelson. HOTEL, Lower Hutt. HOTKL, Ekctahuna. HOTEL, Stratford. HOTEL, Pieton. HOTEL, Timaru. HOTEL, Blenheim. HOTEL, Marlon. Apply JOHN BRODIE AND CO., King's Chambort.

g^ ROWE AND SONS, LOWER CUBA-STREET, HAVE FOR SALE-SpUt P eM , peßrlp eßrl » Barley, Barloy Meal, "\theat Mesl, Maize j Meal, Crushed Oate, Maiio, Hay, Chaff I otc, wholesale and retail.

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Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 7